Obama’s pressure to backfire
Eytan Gilboa
Published: 25.03.10, 16:42
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74 Talkbacks for this article
Arn. ,   SWEDEN.   (03.27.10)
Obama would like to enter history as the man who promoted and achieved a comprehensive solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, and who brought about reconciliation between America and the Muslim world. OBAM WILL NOT ACHIEVE ANYTHING OF THIS, HIS VISION GIVEN HIM, COMES FROM THE ONE WHO USES HIM AS AN USEFUL IDIOT. GOD BEVERE !!!. Arn.
62. Looney Tunes
Lavalon ,   Toronto, Canada   (03.27.10)
The comments here are getting very loony. All this made-up garbage about Obama being Moslem, being Israel's enemy; that his Cairo speech made him weak in the eyes of Arabs/Moslems etc. This venom directed at Obama in the US and in Israel was manufactured while he was running for office and has zero credibility. Obama is a brave guy to confront Israeli intransigence with regards to the building of settlements and also the building of apartments in Jerusalem and thereby suffering the demonization and abuse being directed towards him by a lot of Israelis. Israelis are deluded if they think that they can continue to disregard the Palestinian claim to an independent state and maintain the belief that the West Bank and Jerusalem belong entirely to Israel. Es vet gurnisht helfen. Israel is in danger of making itself a pariah state that could care less what the rest of the world thinks. Israel's long term survival depends on it working with existing allies like the US and Canada, cultivating new allies and dealing wisely with the Palestinians and not by giving the world the finger.
63. Obama
Ben   (03.27.10)
Moses said to Ramses "Let my people go" and we recite it every year, this year I will ad "Obama let my people be"
64. Obama
Gaile McLean ,   Cairns Australia   (03.27.10)
Do not trust him. He is evil as I saw photos of him before his makeover and believe me he is a true muslim and a very dangerous man to Israel and the rest of of the western world. I can't believe that the average American could not see this. You will prevail Israel. Clinton is being a puppet but hopefully will see the light and get out
65. Settle Down All You Christians & Muslims!
Donald L. ,   Toronto, Canada   (03.27.10)
First, the land of Canaan belongs to the Israelites, the covenant is that G-d liberated them from bondage in Egypt and promised they would flourish in the land of milk & honey in return the Israelites were expected to obey G-d's laws. It's all the foreigners, especially the Christians & Muslims that made war on the Jews then kicked them out and built their own religious houses of worship. Jerusalem is divided up only as the direct result of foreign invaders and their temporary reigns of occupation. Now that the Jews have come home and have reclaimed their inheritance, Israel flourishes as a direct result of the conditions of their covenant with G-d. Yet these foreigners who no longer have governorship of the land still expect the Jews to keep the city of Jerusalem divided up in sections based on these foreigners' religions! I say screw all you non-Jews for insisting that Jews who now have liberated their land from you foreign occupiers have the right to live anywhere they choose in Israel! When anti-Semites accuse Israel as being an apartheid regime, they are the only ones trying to enforce the age-old quarter sections of Jerusalem! There is no such place anymore as an Arab only East Jerusalem and Jews have every right to not respect the former Jordanian occupation laws! It's ironic that Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize because all he's doing is chastising the Jews for not abiding by the former Jordanian occupation laws that created an Arab only East Jerusalem! Now that's hypocritical, a black U.S. president trying to put force on Israel to respect the previous laws of a foreign occupier's apartheid housing laws on Jews!
66. NR 65.
Arn. ,   SWEDEN.   (03.27.10)
67. What health care plan???
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (03.28.10)
Obama offered 100 billion dollars a year for 10 years of health care for 33 million Americans?? Divide 100 billion by 33 million. It equals $3,300.00 dollars. My insurance for lousy Health care costs over a thousand dollars a month. Obama promised health coverage, but low balled the cost of it. What an accomplishment. It costs $3,300.00 dollars a night for a hospital bed in the United States. Obama is a hard headed mule. It's his way or the highway no matter what the consequences. He will destroy Israel just to get what he deems necessary to accomplish his goals. He is Not Israels friend. He will promote peace for land?????Who came up with that concept? Dearborn Michigan has plenty of Palestinians living there. Has that promoted peace for Israel???? Europe has loads of Palestinians living there. Has that promoted peace for Israel???? Lebanon has plenty of Palestinians as well as Jordan. Has that provided peace for Israel???? .......................................... ..................................................................So we are to believe....with Palestinians living in all the corners of the earth and inhabiting homes there.......that a little piece of land in Israel will make them peaceful with the Jews????? I'd think with Europe and the United States as their new conquests....they would be living in the decade of the 60's and practicing free love and a peaceful co-existence. This land for peace fairy tail....is just that....a fairy tale.
68. #4 WRONG. Appeasement , grovelling to muslims and fanatics
is the WORLD'S greatest threat . Obama is an idiot and will fail.
69. Netanyahu visit to U.S.
L Hamilton ,   Lubbock,Tx   (03.28.10)
Please do not think that the Obama administration has the backing of the American people in his current dealings with Israel. Many, many of us were horrified at the treatment of B. Netanyahu while visiting the U.S.
70. Can Israel really afford the hardline status quo?
ekda ,   USA   (03.28.10)
"Jews are a growing majority in our land" said quote number 2. If that is the case I guess a bi-national state would be fine. But there is no way Israel can keep the West Bank and Gaza under occupations without allowing them to have the same rights as Israelis! So that is the choice Israel must make. Two States bi-national or possible apartheid!
71. On target, plus...
R ,   Israel   (03.28.10)
"This timetable was determined according to the time frame of the US political system and not according to the existing conditions in the region. " says it all, almost. The part missing is that Obama has something personal against Netanyahu and is letting it cloud his judgement.
72. #70 Ekda, Israel can afford the status quo
Angry Zionist ,   Fairfax, USA   (03.28.10)
You say there are only three choices, two states or one state with full citizenship for palestinians or apartheid. But there is a fourth choice. Nobody in the world wants the Palestiniians, nobody really cares about them. They only cause trouble. If Israel got rid of them then the problem would be solved. Antisemites would blame Israel for that, but it is the only practical solution. And Israel didn't create the problem. Palestinians created the problem. It's entirely their own fault and their own responsibility. If they don't want to be killed they shouldn't get in the way of the Chosen People.
73. Mr. Gilboa, there is a problem here
J Thomas ,   Fairfax, USA   (03.28.10)
"He set a timetable of two to three years for reaching a solution and establishing an independent Palestinian state. This timetable was determined according to the time frame of the US political system and not according to the existing conditions in the region." How can you have a timetable that takes more than 3 years? Only one of the last six Israeli PMs has lasted more than 3 years, namely Sharon. If a PM falls, either from the stress of negotiation or otherwise, won't the next one insist that talks start from zero? If "existing conditions" require that peace talks continue that long, there will be no peace. So far, "existing conditions" have required peace talks that have lasted how many years? With no peace? Is that what you want?
74. left and right wing
Alan ,   ITaly   (03.28.10)
I am a supporter of Israel since I can think. Questioning Israel's gov decisions does not make me a leftist liberal moron. Well here's the thing : I have supported Israel when Arrafat said no to Barak and Clinton and I was sure Arafat's death will bring change in people's minds (which I think it really did, its awful to say this, but I'm glad he's dead, a major obstacle to peace is no more). I supported Israel during the intifada the horrific sucide bombings in pizzerias and public transportation vehicles, clubs and bars, during the Lebanon war in 2006 and during the Gaza war. Me, questioning Bibi's decisions lateley does not make me an anti-semit. I follow Ynetnews JP and Haaretz for many years now and it scares me how radically unbalanced your talkback-ers have became during the past years. It seems to me that most right wing talkback-ers have decided to judge all liberals (christian westerners, ) as being "almost" muslim-alike, and as such anti-semites(?!). Funny thing really! Verry smart (?!). I have news for you; Obama is widely respected in western european countries, W. Bush wasn't (at least not in the end of his 8 years in the -WH). W. Bush and Cheney brought nothing but a huge debt to the U.S. citizens and the future of their children. Such radical views as his have pushed the U.S. into decline, many don't even realize. (not to mention the lies about Iraq's nukes, the huge numbers of dead and the financial crisis). Not only the U.S. was happy to get rid of that religious fanatic W. Bush but in fact most of the people on planet Earth as well. Obama is now 1 year in charge and the hatred many of you talkback-ers amazes me. In fact it scares me, it makes me think some of you guys are "lost", completely, as in ... its no use to talk or listen to you in the first place. Israel needs as many friends as possible, from european countries as from the U.S. as well. A word of advice : STOP calling all of us ANTI-SEMITES, you are alienating your very own friends; you're gonna need them! Allow your friends, fans and supporters to question Israels gov. decisions, nothing wrong with that. All politicians can err, jewish, christian muslim hindu ... you name it, ALL politicians can err, some are bad ass motherfuckers some are a bit better. Obama has remarcable support in western Europe. He's now 1 year in office. Give the man a chance, he might fail, he might succeed, at least it seems he's trying something "different". Last week some huge military supplies/arms-deal/contract was signed between the U.S. and Israel, proving those, calling him an "enemy of Israel", wrong. So again : stop calling all of us, questioning a few politicians in Italy France Germany the U.K. the U.S Spain Netherlands etc etc "anti-semites". Its really stupid! happy passover!
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