Obama is pro-Israel
Alon Pinkas
Published: 29.03.10, 14:00
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61. #55 Oslo pleased everyone who wants Israel to disappear.
Chaim ,   Israel   (03.30.10)
Beyond belief is correct, Rafi. It is beyond belief that your ilk still feels the early 1990s Oslo Disaster was a good thing. Are you not aware of the tens of thousands of maimed and murdered Jews Oslo caused? And the Oslo War? Thankfully, the majority of people who used to think like you have acquired some wisdom. MK Steinitz, for instance, is a former leftist who changed his mind when he realized the left is wrong ALL the time! In your delusional world, Obama is a great friend of Israel and standing up for Israel is a bad thing. Sick thinking.
62. Even Obama Would Laugh At Pinkas' Article
Dan ,   USA   (03.30.10)
63. Obama,s Pessach geetings
Isaac Shladovsky ,   East Windsor, USA   (03.29.10)
It looks that the tea-beggars and all their venom aimed at President Obama have made ALIYAH to Israel and that Ynet has become, inadvertently become a place where they display their ignorance and spread their poison. HOW REGRETABLE TO SAY THELEAST.
64. Alon Pinkas
Rick S. ,   FL, USA   (03.30.10)
I just lost all my respect to Mr. Pinkas. I can not believe the garbage that's coming out of his mouth. Oybama has never been pro Israel. His associations with the most radical elements in this country do not reflect any sympathy for Israel. I cringe when I hear my fellow Jews saying that Hussein Obama likes Israel. Who is kidding who?
65. Rafi #55
Brod ,   USA   (03.29.10)
You got it wrong. It is the Obama AntiSemite administration that is burning bridges at Israel. Obama has declared this openly by cowing to Islam in his Cairo speech, and by him bowing to the Saudi Wahhabhist Chieftain, at a meeting in Rome, oblivious to the fact that Saudi Wahhabhist terrorists attacked America and murdered 3000 Americans in cold blood on 9/11, and whose country is the Chief Sponsor of Islamist-Jihadist terrorism around the world.
66. Pinkas is "dead-on"
RL ,   South Orange, NJ, US   (03.30.10)
Obama has the guts to bring Israel and the Palestinians to the table and impose 'peace" if they can't do so themselves. With Rabin gone, there is no credible Israeli leader who has the credibility or interest to do what the majority of Israelis, Palestinians and Americans want -- implement a two state solution.
67. Alon Pinkas it is time to take your medicines
mma man   (03.30.10)
right now !
68. ,,,and the Pharaon was also a friend...
Ariel   (03.30.10)
Mr Pinkas compares USA-Israel alliance to the USA-France relationship demonstrating a lack of basic knowledge and logic. If Mr Pinkas is right Mr Obama should begin by giving respect to the Israeli people's decision to build in their own capital city.
69. Feeling a little pain in that arm
Rebecca ,   Fort Mill, USA   (03.30.10)
that's twisted behing your back, Mr. Pinkas? Or are you now a member of that Democratic PR machine?
70. The author could have fooled me with his statement: "Obama i
Mark ,   Minneapolis, MN   (03.30.10)
pro-Israel"! The man has exhibited total lack of knowledge and understanding of the long term affinity to and continuous existence in the Jewish people's homeland. The man has been humiliating one of Israel's most important symbol of sovereignty, its democratically elected Prime Minister. The man has demanded of the Jews of Israel, or for that matter any other Jews, not to reside in certain neighborhoods of town (I am reminded of dark days in America!). Should we continue further in illustrating the fact that this man has neither respect nor interest in the well being of the Jewish people and its national homeland of Israel.
71. alon bALONey, and the policy hasn't changed since that other
Kerwood Derby ,   Frostbite Falls, MN   (03.30.10)
peace prizee winner cordel hull who fomented dept of hate rage against yehudim way back then to keep you form living in the land of your own name if only as a refuge. You hating yourself is one thing by being kind to the cruel, but to cause others like you to die, be deligitimized and erase generations makes you pure evil.
72. So many NUTS.
Ray ,   USA   (03.30.10)
The issue is not if Obama care about Isreal , I think we already know that he does but the question can Isreal take constructive criticzim from an ally?. I think this proves they can not ,because already they are calling him anit semites. Obama is not asking Isreal unreasonable agenda , he just asking them to follow whey they already signed in Oslo and follow through and respect international law.
73. Stupid talkbacks!
noa ,   israel   (03.30.10)
All of you have the attention span of a flea and many of you are just plain bigots. First off, Obama is not an Arab. His father, who abandoned him at 2, was from Kenya, and Israel has good relations with Kenya. Second, you all forget that Clinton and Bush's first intentions as new presidents were not to get involved in the Middle East. President Bush himself did not visit Israel until the very last year of his administration. Obama has vowed to make this a priority. Me thinks it's your ignorant, childish point of view that prevails, and I, as a Jew, am embarrassed by it.
74. Obama is our friend in lying words
Fred ,   The Negev, Israel   (03.30.10)
It's very appropriate for American Jews to say "Never Again" but so long as no one leads a movement with a 99% resemblance to Hitler and using a swastika symbol they will say it's a false alarm. It's very convienent for a Jew of intense faith to say look at the "Egyptians, Assyrians, Romans, all gone" as if having 14 million+ Jews in this world is something to brag about. Both expressions are meaningless and for make belief Zionists unaware that a "Nuclear Holocaust" could achieve the same results as Hitler did but last only seconds. What has changed today, as oppossed to challenges of the past, is the fact that a islamic country like Iran, working to build a bomb, is protected from crippling sanctions from a US congress because of Obama. Where have our requests for military upgrades got us at this pressing time? Greater Jerusalem though annexed was never accepted by the US because of oil interests, but this President chose to cross the red line and is he not inches close from telling us in effect to forget about our Kotel? Jews, like Pinkas, may mistaken read the signs wrong that just because America may like us every President of America must in turn do the same. It's a fools misguided belief and shows us Jews in Israel can be as blind as anybody and whereas Sadaam Hussein could be seen as a tyrant worth stopping by the world, times have changed and now a similar tyrant in Ahmadnejad has the world stopping us. It's the theatre of the insane and the UN will vote us out with no one running to our defense one day. We our under attack in the world community, not so much with guns and rockets, and it's left our IDF powerless to fight back. Instead of giving praise to Obama you should realize that we should work to influence what American Jews that aren't really "liberal" by religion to become Republican, because it serves our interests to put democratic politicians in America on notice that Jews are not happy with the turn of events. This simple seemingly meaningless act of switching voter affiliation and speaking out loudly by American Jews can influence politicians and hopefully Obama will see the writing on the wall and not take American Jewish votes for granted. it's a small act of courage but it employees the democratic practice and could have an influence. If that doesn't work, dark days lie ahead & our time table is not the US re-election time but countdown til Iran marches nuclear missiles down their streets. We should be prepared to strike out alone with whatever we got & take our one shot making sure we cripple Iran financially so their comeback is questionable or prolonged. Open yr eyes Pinkas, Obama is our friend in lying words but our enemy in deeds. Wake up...
75. The man is an idiot...
Chris Rettenmoser ,   Bayerisch Gmain Germ   (03.30.10)
He should be promoted immediately to the Guinness Book of records, as the most stupid person roaming the planet...
76. Obama: a pro at throwing Israel under the bus.
aaron ,   bat yam   (03.30.10)
what Obama thinks, means and says: the jews are to blame for all the troubles in the middle east and all the troubles in the world
77. Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and al-Qaeda share a ...
Ron B. ,   Lod   (03.30.10)
Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and al-Qaeda share a religious hatred of the United States. "Official" as well as unofficial Palestinian groups remain sworn enemies of the United States. All Palestinian terror groups, including the American-supported Fatah "government" of the Palestinian Authority, are quietly but very determinably expanding ties to al-Qaeda. There is no doubt about this. Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and al-Qaeda all share a deep ideological and religious hatred of the United States. Operationalizing this common antipathy, these kindred foes have now gone beyond a mere conceptual affinity to active field cooperation. Indeed, with growing commitments to shared weaponry and information as well as to the joint establishment of safe houses and crucial tactical resources, such ties could soon produce nuclear and/or biological mass-destruction attacks against major American cities. More at : http://xrl.us/bjfox
78. obama
ed ,   reno,us   (03.30.10)
if pinkas really believes that obama is pro Israel then i am very sorry for him.
79. April Fools!!!!!!
Daniel ,   USA   (03.30.10)
This has got to be a joke!!!! If it is'nt and their are people who truly believe Obama is pro-Israel they must be truly delusional. Obama is very pro-Arab, his first mid-east speech is in CAIRO!!!!. He BOWS to every arab he sees!!! But with Israel, he demands concessions, pro-Israel.......NOT!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!
80. peace to israel
rani ,   israel   (03.30.10)
Obama is the only leader in the world who can bring peace to israel like it or not. Other leaders dont care if israeli live in peace or not they only use us for more un called for wars
81. Pinkas is clueless
John P ,   Boston, USA   (03.30.10)
This article is so clueless that I scarcely know where to begin. Pinkas might want to re-read the Cairo speech. In it Obama equates the Jews' securing a homeland with the so-called Palestinian people's "pursuit of a homeland." It is an odd "pursuit." Every time a "homeland" is offered to the "Palestinian people," they run in the opposite direction. This is what Obama's "even-handedness" leads to: a false, sentimentalized view of the facts. Obama is NOT pro-Israel.
82. Obama's background
John P ,   Boston, USA   (03.30.10)
For 20 years--before he was a national politician and needed American Jewish votes and financial support--Obama sat in a church where Israel was called "that dirty word" by the minister. I have 2 of the church's newsletters. In one there is an article by a Palestinian claiming that the Israelis have invented an ethnic bomb that kills only Palestinians. In another is an article by a Palestinian retailing the usual lies about supposed Israeli crimes. (In one of these newsletters Obama is on the cover and there is an laudatory profile of him that starts immediately after the pro-"Palestinian" article. Think Obama knew about that issue?) This is the pro-"Palestinian" milieu Obama comes from and was happy to remain in, without complaint, for 20 years.
83. #39, #55
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (03.30.10)
A Talkback is too short for a detailed discussion of Pinkas. You want factual mistakes? There is a complete Jewish construction freeze in Judea and Samaria. The US isn't "friendly" with Israel for 62 years but at best since 1973. Distortions? That Judea and Samaria aren't important for Israeli defense is not a fact but Pinkas' opinion shared by 4% of Israelis. 96% think otherwise. As for Obama. Let's say you agree with Pinkas and think that the final agreement should be Israeli withdrawal to 1948 cease fire lines. Is that where Obama is pushing? No, Obama is pushing for Israeli retreat to 1948 lines before negotiations start. Since Obama isn't stupid, he knows that this will mean the end of Israel. That is why he is anti-Israel.
84. #73 & Obama lovers. Do puerile insults make you feel clever?
Chaim ,   Israel   (03.30.10)
#73 Like several other pro-Obama Talkbackers, you offer absolutely no rational arguments to back your delusional view that Obama is pro-Israel. You merely call the rest of us, who tell the plain truth, "stupid", "childish" etc. Do puerile insults make you feel clever? How do you respond to posters who cite Obama's 20 plus years of membership in a blatantly Jew hating church? Or his bowing before Moslems while demonizing Israel? Or his disgusting "shoe" treatment of Bibi? And on and on.
85. Dismaying to see....
Joshua ,   Jersey City, USA   (03.30.10)
...so many hateful and ignorant talkbacks. Obama's policy on Israel has been to continue the strong relationship between the 2 countries. The aid package remains, the U.S. still stands up at the UN, the U.S. has quashed any action on Goldstone, and the countries continue to cooperate. Biden, who has supported Israel for decades, was humiliated, so the administration had to say something. There have been testy words on both sides, but nothing out of the ordinary. It is unfortunate that there are so many talkbackers whose commitment to Israel is dwarfed by their commitment to right-wing politics, and that they choose to try and poison the relationship.
86. #85 Joshua, Jersey City
Albrecht Klein ,   Germany   (03.30.10)
Have there been any demands from Barack "The One" Obama to the Palestinians?
87. a bit of balance here...
Rafi ,   US   (03.31.10)
...despite what they claim, most of these extremist Talkbacks represent neither a majority of Israelis nor even close to a majority of Jews around the world... Regarding Oslo and Obama... the extremists deliberately distort these issues simply to justify their own extreme views and actions. # 61, Chaim refers to "tens of thousands of casualties" caused by Oslo. Not to diminish any loss but Israel never had close to such losses in any action since 1948-49 War. This is pure exaggerated tripe. From 1993 - 2000, most terror attacks on Israel (during "Oslo period") were actually sponsored by Syria and Iran - bitter opponents of Oslo, Camp David and the PLO and Egypt at that time. More significantly - what is always conveniently overlooked by the right-wing - was the unrestrained settlement-construction that took place during Netanyahu and Barak govts during the 1990s - all in viloation of Oslo Agreements. By 2000, seeing they were getting little for the "Oslo peace" but more settlements, the Palestinians exploded. The Palestinian violence was further guaranteed by Barak's abrupt withdrawal from Lebanon "under fire" by Hizbollah. The peace camps on both sides were finished in their credibility... Virtually all capable analysts predicted the outcome at the time. So again the conscious decision was made by successive Israeli governments since Rabin, z"l, that settlements were more important than peace with the Arab states and broader realtions with the rest of the world. Iran and Syria were only too willing to finish off the job. The rest is history...
88. Obama Pro-Israel?
Kathy ,   Glendale, CA, USA   (03.31.10)
You're a good diplomat, Mr. Pinkas, but as an American concerned about America's national security interests in the Middle East, I can only say: GIVE ME A BREAK!
89. Spinning bad into good
Reality Check ,   Florida, USA   (03.31.10)
Obama policies (do your research here) show a decidedly anti Israel administration, from livid outrage at Jews building homes in Jerusalem (silence to Iran) to arms embargos (but not for Dayton's legions). Many people can see actions speaking for themselves. Alon cannot spin gold from cloth.
90. Obama is pro-Israel
Leon Rogson ,   Los Angeles   (03.31.10)
Alon Pinkas takes into account neither Obama's background nor his diplomacy so far. The president is comfortable genuflecting in front of tyrants and kings, he has few words against strong men and has fervent wishes that America reform its ways. His leftist background, his demonstrated propensity to feel for the underdog, and his definition of the underdog as the oppresse palestinians, gives the lie to Pinkases rather forced interpretations. If the president were even handed, there would be daily briefings about the Hamas attrocities, the missiles, the tunnels, and the thousand other ways that organization is trying to wear Israel down in the south. If he were even handed, there would be a concentrated push to resume direct talks, as was the normal diplomatic channel over the years. Lastly, if he were even handed, he would demand that Palestinians not build a single building in East Jerusalem or Hebron, since these are disputed areas. The president has clearly shown his cards. He will push Israel, and extort as many sacrifices as possible without asking the Palestinians for anything. It is an even handed policy. He hits you with the right, then with the left. Leon
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