Thank you, Mr. President
Dan Calic
Published: 11.04.10, 11:07
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82 Talkbacks for this article
61. I gave up on the Democrats when I realized that Obam's
Ben ,   South Palm Beach, Fl   (04.11.10)
mentor was Rev. Wright, his close friend was Min. Farakhan and a persosn he enjoyed socializing with were Edwar Said and Rashid Khalidi. No, I didn't vote for Obama and I am proud of myself to have noticed who the man was with regard to the Jewish people and the state of Israel. And, I am a Democrat.
62. To Michael Hess: Obama helps make my case.
Raymond in DC ,   Washington, USA   (04.11.10)
Hess (#52) writes, "Every liberal I have ever come across will readily change their opinions when presented with cold hard facts. Implying that an entire modern school of thought is frozen in time and never questioned or evolving is childishly stupid." I'm not using "liberal" in the traditional sense - Truman, Kennedy and (Henry) Jackson were tough minded liberals. But when Obama, after listening to Paul Ryan's "cold hard facts" at the health care summit, responded that he "didn't want to get wrapped up in (budget) numbers", clearly he didn't let facts get in the way of his political beliefs. And when "liberals" choose to demonize rather than argue the merits or the facts, or ignore evidence that counters their beliefs, yes they are being "cultist". You may think my arguments "childishly stupid", but I've got two degrees focusing on international politics, and a lot of years following these issues. But I let my arguments stand for themselves.
63. Supporters of Israel: Wake Up to Hussein Obama's Threats
Dan S ,   Hartford, USA   (04.11.10)
Obama threatens Israel's vital interests in several ways. First, by not acting effectively against Iran and attempting to restrain Israel from removing Iran's nuclear threat, he has placed Israel in mortal danger. Second, by allowing his nuclear summit to degenerate into Arab demands that Israel surrender her defensive nuclear capability, he threatens to destroy Israel's ability to deter nuclear and other attacks. Third, he has undermined a fair and free negotiating process with the Palestinian Arabs and has impliedly threaten to impose on Israel an unjust and insecure peace. His so-called solution could easily lead to creation of another terrorist state and further conflict which would only destabilize the region and undermine the security not only of Israel, but also of the United States and her allies. It's time that supporters of Israel and our own security wake up to B. Hussein Obama.
64. #4 and other proud liberal Jews
Craig ,   L.A., USA   (04.11.10)
Well congratulations...nice to see that you have momentarily come to your senses. Unfortunately, the damage has been done and will continue to be done for years to come...your ilk don't really care about the damage that 'your' liberal buddies have wrought in America - but now that the liberal left begins to sew its wretched seed in a way that isn't advantageous to Israel, well now you regret your part in enabling it. Hey, but keep your head in the sand -stay that proud liberal Jew that you have apparently always been, it won't matter cause the damage is done now. When will you pathetic liberals, Jews or otherwise, wake up and admit that you have been wrong all along - not just this time with Obama.
65. Jews should abandon Democrats as Italian Americans have.
Chaim ,   Israel   (04.11.10)
Until about three decades ago, Italian Americans, in their vast majority, voted Democrat. However, with the relentless leftward drift of the Democratic Party, Italian Americans found their staunch pro-family and pro-freedom values increasingly betrayed by Democrats. Most Italian Americans decamped to the Republicans. Jews should follow suit. It might be nice to pretend Obama is the only problem with Democrats. However, he's merely a symptom of a party most of whose members have no idea what America stands for. And worse, couldn't care less.
66. The Jews in America are fooling themselves if they think
Al   (04.11.10)
that they are on safe ground. Look at the demographics. America is turning into a brown black yellow nation with nay a spot for the Jew. America is set to become the next South Africa with nay a spot for the Jew. Read history to understand where America is heading. The supreme court is going to turn to the radical left with nay a spot for the Jew. Obama will win the next election because he understands he only has to fool some of the people(Jews) all of the time. The Jews, the fools that they are will continue funding him, irrespective what he does to Israel. Sure there are more shuls and lullavs in America this year then in the past 80 years but that does not make America a safe place for the Jew. Those who see the forest for the trees understand this, those who dont will end up walking the last walk to their own demise. America has become a has been nation. She has lost its industrial might, its scolastic capability and very soon its wealthy and upwardly mobile. Look at Detroit, New Orleans and you will see where America is heading.
67. Please keep speaking out, Mr. Calic!
Sue ,   Los Angeles   (04.11.10)
Obama has lost only 20 percent of the Jews who voted for him. There are another 20 percent who are not quite convinced that Obama is anti-Israel - but they're getting close. The remainder of Jewish voters are hopeless: die-hard leftists, Democrat loyalists and people without a clue as to what is going on.
68. Tell me something
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (04.12.10)
Why is it that when an American President sneezes or farts the entire human race is suddenly obliged to listen to him and heed his words as if he is some kind of royal highness or dictator? Isn't USA a democracy? How can one single man be so powerful that the entire American nation fears him? Is there something that I have missed? As far as I know, this Moslem Communist cannot impose any policy without resistance from the US Congress and the Supreme Court - right?
69. #44
yehoshua ,   usa   (04.12.10)
Who are these Muslim colonists that came together with the British. Can you figure out who they are and how many. How can you get them to move????
70. Thank you Mr. President
Hart N. Hasten ,   Indianapolis IN-USA   (04.12.10)
Mr. Calic claims that : If elections were held today Obama would receive half of the Jewish votes he received in '08. I wish it were true; but it is not. My Liberal Jewish friends tell me that they beleive Obama is doing a good job and if elections were held today, theywould vote for him again.
71. Thank you, Mr. Calic. Very good article!
Liberty Lover ,   USA   (04.12.10)
72. #64 Why would you write such things?
Liberty Lover ,   USA   (04.12.10)
Can you not see how Mr. Obama has made such a negative impact on these people? Words like yours will only help encourage these people to return to Obama. You must be a bitter man. It is time for all of America's good citizens to stand together. It is time to help one another. America' political system is poisoned right now. Democrat or Republican... it doesn't seem to matter who holds the Oval Office... Both parties have made terrible mistakes! It is time to ignore the extremists of the left AND the right. It is time for all sensible Americans to stand together for the good of our nation. One statesman who has been demonized by the left and the right for his common sense approach to government is Dr. Ron Paul, Rep. from Corpus Christi, Texas. Please don't pass judgment on him until you take the time to read his speeches. Study his attitude for good governance. He wants us to return to the limited government that is guaranteed to us by the U.S. Constitution. There is a man we can all support.
73. #72..Ron Paul is my hero...and bitter?
Craig ,   L.A., USA   (04.12.10)
I call em the way I see them...bitter?, well you could say that. When I see what those of the liberal persuasion have wrought in America - and this has nothing to do with being Jewish per se, I don't see how anyone could not be bitter, or angry, or disgusted. Then I read the only regret of some is because Obama has turned on Israel - yeah it really ticks me off. What did these foolish 'lifelong liberals' expect from someone of Obama's upbringing and extreme leftist bent? Are these people just stupid that they would now express surprise(?) - what has happened to wisdom and discernment among otherwise apparently decent human beings? But granted, clueless "liberal" republicans like Bush haven't been much better for America. May God Bless Israel in the coming times - Israel will desperately need it.
74. Obama is on Iran's side. His agenda is to help Iran.
Chaim ,   Israel   (04.12.10)
It is ludicrous that some people, Jews and non-Jews, still believe Obama will do anything serious to stop Iran from building nuclear bombs. Obama is on Iran's side. His agenda is to help Iran. What is Obama's ultimate game plan? Quite likely to help Iran destroy Israel and deliver America to the Moslems. There is no other logical explanation for Obama's actions. Israel MUST promptly destroy Iran's nukes and ally with the increasing majority of Americans who oppose Obama.
75. Aqivah #19
David Zimbalist ,   Marlboro NJ USA   (04.13.10)
Dan is one of the most beautiful places in the world, G-d bless you Aqivah
76. Obama, Carter, and votes for change...
Joe K ,   Silcion Valley, USA   (04.13.10)
Empty suits, hifalutin rhetoric, meteoric rise from obscurity driven by viral marketing campaigns. Carter revisited: remember the peanut farmer's 'sincere' confrontation with the American Public as the Iranians took American hostages.....There is an evil spirit descending upon this great land....so much stuff!!!! Sound the Great Gong of Sanity, drag this empty suit and his minions him off center stage, and relegate him to the dust heap of history before he does irreversible damage to America. This guy is an ElitoFascist. Time to coin a word for well educated empty suits who would impose solutions based upon their enlightenment upon freedom loving people. Obama is destroying America. Carter tried. Now we have this guy.
77. you canot vote for obama and be jewish
mira ,   israel   (04.13.10)
they are all fake jews. anat kamm type.
78. #74...Agreed
Craig ,   L.A., USA   (04.13.10)
79. Obama
takis sozou ,   greater London UK   (04.13.10)
i think the views expresed are unfair there Can be peace in the Middle east between jews n arabs there is No real reason Not to If Obama is more even handed this does Not make him anti israeli i do believe jews have the right to live in what we all concidered their birthplace Jesus was born there but they do Not have the right to keep expanding day by day even i understand their concerns about security who wouldn't after 2000 years withut a country of their own? israle has to understand that they are Now well established as a country n no one can take their country away from them so they should stop taking palestine from the palestinians n am Not anti anything i believe strongly all ppl have a right to live in peace in their own country the whole world was happywhen israel was extablished specially after the terrible sufferings of WW2 But Live n let live if u balot ppl u will find only a small percentage from either side are the extremist most have same hope apprirations an education a job a family its all Most ppl on earth want Very few fanatics want war
80. Thanks Mr.Obama for the best policy ever for Israels sake
Adam ,   TelAviv   (04.13.10)
It´s time to realize that also the diaspora has to choose if they are friends of Israel o friends of the settlers. Obamas administration, Jstreet and others clerly show that the inconstructive way of supporting every militant move by Isarel can be challenged. Israel can not only survive whitout the territories. Israel will florish and finally be seen as a worthy democracu whitout the burden of the ockupation. Supporting the settler and extremist agandas is counterproductve for Israel. Way to go Mr. president, you give us hope !!
81. to #9 Fred you are as dumb as dirt!
jason white ,   afula,israel   (04.14.10)
Bibi was not P.M. during the second lebanese war. It was a bumbling coward called olmert who was P.M. Remember this ,Israel has the best army and air force in the world,bar none. The U.S. has constantly snatched victory from our hands or helped tie our hands behind our backs. Perhaps the next time, we will go for total victory and totally destroy our enemies and their countries. And we will do it in two-three weeks, not years. The arabs will not be able to hide behind b.o.'s robes or have the anti Israel,anti U.S. state department to protect them.
82. re: #71
Dan Calic   (04.15.10)
Thank you
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