The new Lebanon battlefield
Alex Fishman
Published: 14.05.10, 15:09
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31. to no. 25 Chris Rettenmoser (maybe obama can help)?
if a large scale war breaks out involving israel, iran and hezbollah, then iran would certainly suffer a lot of damage, but i do not believe that the americans would let israel use nuclear weapons. however, israelis would suffer the first really bad attacks on their home territory ever. tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of missiles would hit israel. what if dimona were damaged? apart from the infrastructure and human damage, what would be the effect on israelis morale? they would be given the worst shock in the history of the state. FINALLY, AN EXISTENTIAL WAR. in that situation, i believe that many israelis would head off on the first available boat (ben gurion would be closed). how many israelis have more than one passport? is it 40 per cent or more? would the israeli leadership risk this war which they seem to be talking up? probably, because they know that the longer they leave it, the stronger iran's missile forces will become. there really is no nuclear threat from iran and the israelis know it. what they fear is the missile threat and strategic equality. what other choice have they? only to make peace with the palestinians, but that would involve civil war with the settlers. perhaps obama can shepherd the israeli through to real security. hameed aboughaze, iranian
32. What everyone is missing!
Tom W. ,   Windsor, Canada   (05.15.10)
In the build-up to the 1967 war, Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol seemed to be the essence of a weak leader, he even stuttered in a national radio speech in May 28, 1967. Remember too, this was at a time when Israel did not have the U.S. backing it nor did the Americans sell Israel weapons. Israel's main weapon supplier believe or not was the French! Those stunning IDF aerial raids on the Egyptian and Syrian airfields and planes, the Israelis used French warplanes such as the Mirage. The point that everyone is missing is that it doesn't matter who the current Israeli Prime Minister is or who supplies the IDF with weapons, it's G-d who decides the victor! The point everyone seems to be missing is to attack Israel is essentially the same as attacking G-d! G-d made a covenant with Israel and his descendants, thus to attack Israel and attempt to erase it, means you're attacking G-d and HIS plans! Think about it!!
33. Citizens of Israel shouldn’t be surprised…
k1w1 ,   NZ   (05.15.10)
...about the danger they face from Iran’s proxy when Israel’s leaders make no secret of the fact they want the current Iranian regime wiped off the map. Since the mullahs haven‘t just been sitting around waiting to be attacked while hanging homosexuals and drug addicts and oppressing freedom, and since Israel is hell-bent on seeing Iran attacked and the US wont do it for them and wont allow Israel to strike Iran directly themselves (which would draw the US into the conflict, close Hormuz, and cause oil to instantly soar to $250/bbl at a time when the world economy can least afford it), there almost certainly will be another war in Lebanon. And the US is happy to let it happen because Hezbollah missiles killing innocent Jews in Israel will greatly distract the American sheeple from the fact the US has a $1.6trillion deficit this year alone and Uncle Sam is effectively bankrupt while wasting treasure and lives in Iraq and Afghanistan ($1.05trillion so far, not including the extra $33billion recently approved), with no end in sight (no draw-down in Iraq, as planned, a mini-surge of 850 additional US military trainers dispatched to Afghanistan). I pity the innocent men, women, and children in Israel and Lebanon who will soon be sacrificed because of ugly politics and state aggression.
34. #26. Might be Mossad, they're known for it...
k1w1 ,   NZ   (05.15.10)
35. Israelis Slow On The Uptake
Dan ,   new york   (05.15.10)
"Israelis don’t fully realize scope of military threat posed by Hezbollah" They will. It's only a matter of time,
36. Making the other guy blink... A marines creed
publius ,   USofA   (05.15.10)
My heart is heavy for God knows I am just a man with both feet in this world. Everyday words like faith and spirit mean little to me outwardly and yet every thing to my soul. Would I die for these words, I choose yes, yet when it comes to dying to prove the point I say no,for that's is another mans verdict on me. For God knows I am just a man with two feet in this world facing a enemy miles wide, yet if I am to die, I died to show it is only two feet deep, and I thought my murders should know. For God knows, I'll see ya on the other side two feet strong and miles deep, to say there was no need for me and you to die. So you say words like faith and soul have meaning for which you died, look over my shoulder it runs miles apon miles deep, what are you going to murder me again. For God knows there is no need for me to die, and now my heart lifts up, filled with the spirit that others have all ready paid the price to stand up to you on the other side. And when I die I can choose to join the end of a long line. can you say the same thing about the strength of your faith. for those are words which you choose to die. My heart is heavy for paradise has no virgins in this line, and ahead of you is nothing but those that want to know, did you die for faith or just to keep both feet alive. answer correctly and you ready to join this noble line, other wise Ammit awaits.
37. it seems to me that everybody is sleeping in here!!!
joe ,   kfar saba israel   (05.15.10)
but if we fail next war the fault will be of all our politicians that for them is much better to keep every month into the pocket a sallary of nis 60000 (12 or 15 times the minimun sallary 3900nis)than taking care about the civil population like it happens in every country where corruption is worsening BY WHICH CENTURY ARE YOU GONNA DELIVER GAS MASKS................
38. thick-headed israel leftists get what they elected
rob fouppell ,   switzerland   (05.15.10)
if they are too stupid to elect the noble among them - they will have scum like barak and peretz yms and will be destroyed. Like the donkeys in america with commie obamie and the eurabia - look at those losers .....
39. ## 32 what you are missing?
Chris   (05.15.10)
War is evil even if it was declared because of Golden Calf. Think about it!!
40. Say what, Chaim at #21?
Cameron ,   USA   (05.15.10)
The years the IDF was bogged down in S. Lebanon trying to create a "security zone" was a key factor in the rise of Hezbollah, and why they are as implacable as Hamas in having any real dealings with Israel. No, the Israelis been there, done that, and wound up with an even worse scenario to wrestle with. They may be forced to turn that portion of Lebanon into a parking lot if Hezbollah were raw stupid enough to launch those missiles, but that buffer or security zone concept has vanished forever.
41. #6 there *are* none
Catcher 22   (05.15.10)
Not in Israel, nor UK, nor US, nor essentially -any- nation, particularly those under the auspices of the IMF. Globalist leaders are opposed to national governments, because nations tend to think of resources as their own. This is inconvenient for those individuals with more personal wealth than entire nations, who seek to exploit those resources, but find themselves hindered by law. Removing national borders will eliminate these obstacles to exploitation, increase their wealth and tyranny, while simultaneously maximizing subjugation and slavery of us all. The thrust over the last 20 years has been towards the dissolution of national governments. The rapidly increasing incompetence you are witnessing is 100% intentional. WHY do you think Obama is working so hard to destroy the US? It is intentional. It is not stupidity. It is not like he is acting of his own accord anyway. This is a set and specific timetable. The US went first with the "meltdowns", Greece is following suit. Spain and UK to follow soon. You can expect to see each nation do the same until all national economies are looted by these globalists. After this, the IMF/World Bank/G20/EU will "solve" the problem with a new currency and global legislation. If anyone resists, they will find their country suddenly at war, with true bankruptcy to follow. I suggest a good backpack and some wilderness survival skills.
42. #31 Suspected false post.
43. #29. Sarah B: About Obama.
k1w1 ,   NZ   (05.15.10)
You say Obama is low in US opinion polls, that the Dems. will show poorly in the mid-terms, and that Obama is “flirting” with impeachment. In actual fact, as on May 14, Obama’s job approval is 50% (52% approve and 41% disapprove) with 82% approval from his own party. Bush’s rating at the same period of his first term was 77%, though Bush’s approval was on a steady decline after the giddy heights immediately following 9/11 whereas Obama seems to be trending at about the average presidential approval rate after dropping from his initial giddy heights. In the Congress (where job approval is 21%) Democrat and Republican candidates are polling evenly among registered voters at 46% each, and it has been similar for the past two months. Americans rate immigration and unemployment as the top two problems, rather than “Islamofascist states” and the well-being of Israel, as you seem to imply. Obama is in no more danger of being impeached (unfortunately) than G. W. Bush and Dick Cheney (unfortunately) were. Although Obama might not be as popular today in the US as he was at the start of his term, worldwide approval for the US has markedly improved since he was elected and Americans are viewed in a better light, so the world abroad is generally a safer place for US citizens than it was two years ago.
44. To: Sarah at No. 29
Chris Rettenmoser ,   Bayerisch Gmain Germ   (05.15.10)
Once again Your words sound like music in my ears... You believe, Hussein Obumma (I had just to write this idiotic word) has lost the majority of the American voters... this is my hope also... The polls look good, but not as good, as one should hope... (By the way, I missed the buildup in South Korea - I would prefer a complete withdrawal from the peninsula, the Koreans hate America and should better care for themselves alone...) America stands behind Israel, but people like John McCain (I just loved his interpretation of the Beegees) must finally find a much clearer voice against Iran and must be clearer in their unconditional support of Israel... Outstanding as always is John Bolton... he should be the American President. I also love Your picture with the staircase and the banana peel, it resembles the ancient picture of Fortuna on the wheel of luck. Hopefully the luck of Hussein O. will run out very fast... (What´s the story of his birth certificate?? This sounds really crazy...)
45. To: Kiwi at No. 43
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.15.10)
Honey bunny, you have to look at the total picture. 52% approval rating? Wow. Been on a steady decline since his initial 92% approval rating. It really is all about the numbers. Personally -- I voted for the war hero. Can't go wrong with a war hero. But, back to the topic at hand -- yes, Obama is flirting with impeachment. We'll all be a lot wiser come the mid-term November elections. It doesn't look good for Obama and for that, frankly, I am extraordinarily grateful.
46. What is realy war.
Avi ,   Beer-Sheva   (05.15.10)
Dear Alex Fishman, You are tarribaly mistaken or you just dont realize what is real war, if lebanon and hizballa will declare war on Israel , Israeli Air force will distroy all Lebanon infrastructor in 2 hours. Then next war will be as croel as WW2 there will be no mercy to anyone. Again just like a real war!. No one will cancel an oparation just because a kindergarden is next to a hizballa facility. Israel will attack full power and with no mircy at all, Arabs terrorist will be on there knees.
47. #45. Sarah B.
k1w1 ,   NZ   (05.15.10)
If you think there will be any sort of significant change after the November mid-terms, regardless of the outcome, for either the vast majority of Americans, Israel, or the rest of the world at large then you are as deluded as everyone was two years ago who believed Obama when he said there would be change. I used to laugh in people’s faces when they tried to tell me that things were going to get better now that Bush was gone and Obama was POTUS, too cynical to believe Obama was anything more a grubby, self-serving talking head who will say anything and make any promise to get his filthy hands on the prize - a politician, in short. For the vast majority of Americans it doesn’t matter who they vote for, or which party has more or less influence, because they’ll still have to go to work each day to pay tax to the government, mortgage to the banks, and put food on the plate, and there will be no change in their lives that wouldn’t have happened anyway. And the same applies to Israel and the rest of the world s far as the POTUS is concerned Your vote will make no difference, and maybe you will think about that when casting yours in November along with the other 40% or so of registered voters who will be bothered to make the effort. That’s the picture.
48. Sarah
Cameron ,   USA   (05.15.10)
I swear, no one gets their devotees & blood-enemies both stirred up like you do. I get the biggest kick out of watching this phenomena in play. As always, carry on.
49. Sarah and senility
rob ,   orangevale USA   (05.15.10)
Sarah says...................... "But (sic)the way the United States armed forces are spread thin in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Waziristan, and the huge number of troops that have very quietly been deploying to South Korea .... there isn't much left. It's an all volunteer military and, frankly, the quality is just not that good". "Sarah B." Neither are your goofy analysis of the way the American presidential impeachment process works. There must be "high crimes or misdemeanors" in order to begin an impeachment, not just Sarah's 'intuition'. I'm sure the troops that are risking their lives for Sarah's high opinion of them , would rather see her get the hell out of the US and talk shit from afar. Some mornings she really needs her meds. This appears to be one of them. "Honey bunny' ? Let the foul patronization go Sarah.
50. #44 and Sarah B
George ,   Canada   (05.15.10)
Your thoughts is your invisible prison. Challenge your beliefs,thoughts, and free your obscure minds, go out and look to the sun take a deep breath and free your hearts from hatred and racism.
51. #44 Chris Rettenmoser
Albrecht Klein ,   Germany   (05.15.10)
It's the Beach Boys ("Barbara Ann"), not the Beegees. But John McGain performed very well, anyway.
52. My sense is that Hezbollah will prevail in any war to come
Salma ,   Palestine   (05.15.10)
Make Peace Not War in which only innocent civilians pay the high price ?! Why not try this seriously? for you and for all
53. #33, Mr. Kiwi
Chris Rettenmoser ,   Bayerisch Gmain Germ   (05.15.10)
You pity the innocent Israelis who may die in a future war, You hypocrite !!! You missed my analysis last time, here it comes. You pretend, not to be an Antisemite - I can only laugh. In Your own words You said, that Israel "wants the current Iranian regime wiped off the map". This is obscene, because we all know, that the Iranian lunatics want Israel wiped of the map. They have just said so, loud and clear... You take the language of the Holocaust deniers and turn it against Israel, come on, this is the standard procedure of the Antisemites all over the world. You are just a bit more clever than Peter from Austria, also he has recognized You very quickly as one of his own. I clearly will not dicuss Your most silly argument, that a future Middle East war will serve as a distraction from Americas fiscal deficit. This "argument" serves only as a smokescreen for the projection of Your Antisemitism. I will tell You my secret, I have a detector built-in, which recognizes an Antisemite even when he is located on the end of the world. Stop Your false pretention of pity towards the Israeli people and spare it for yourself, because You are by far not so clever as You may think .
54. You could nuke Lebanon until it glowed
Noodles ,   Coney Island   (05.15.10)
and not a single cockaroach was left, and the muslim numbskulls would still claim victory, and run off to file claim at International Court Of Justice.
55. To: No. 30
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.15.10)
I'm sorry. You're telling me this because ... Keep in mind that Israel can slam dunk your ass any old time. Jamming? Cell phone towers? Oh, get a grip. If you people cannot get rid of Hezbollah, Israel will do it for you. A "thank you" would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath.
56. No.51, Albrecht Klein
Chris Rettenmoser ,   Bayerisch Gmain Germ   (05.15.10)
Thank You for Your correction.
57. Sarah b why are you
Abbey ,   UK   (05.15.10)
so full of hate for your fellow man? What excuse do you have for such racism?
58. #42 yep!
Michael ,   bonn, Germany   (05.15.10)
yeah you are right, i dont believe anything hameed posts anymore...
59. Do not worry
Chaim Ben Kahan ,   Efrat. Israel   (05.15.10)
Yes Ehud Barak made a historical mistake by withdrawing from Lebanon and abandoning our SLA allies. This caused the PLO terror war as did the failed OSLO accords and later the failed Gaza withdrawal. These acts to move peace forward have only encouraged Israel's enemies to attack more and make more terror. Israel must not be soft during the next Lebanon conflict and must level the Hizbollah in the first day with the entire Israeli arsenal. We must set the South ablaze and send our tanks in immediately and behind the Litani and head to Beirut to route Hizbollah there.
60. #40 Cameron. Israel should NEVER have left South Lebanon.
Chaim ,   Israel   (05.15.10)
#40 Cameron. While Israel retained our South Lebanon security zone, rockets from Lebanon never fell on Israel in any significant number. Israel's security situation was infinitely better. Hizbullah posed no real threat to Israel. Had Israel stayed in South Lebanon, our last Lebanon War would never have occurred. It was after Israel's mad flight from South Lebanon that the real problems began. Israel should NEVER have left South Lebanon. EVERY single Israeli retreat is a total disaster. Israel must abandon the sick policy of retreat forever.
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