Legalists slam haredi parents' defiance
Aviad Glickman
Published: 16.06.10, 00:35
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31. To # 1, the American
joe   (06.16.10)
Why don't you continue to live in the US..Please do indulge in having rice 3 times a day, so you will have a Pessah daily. Keep your Obama and add (for a change), popcorn to your diet..This is Israel. We have laws and they must be obeyed. You don't like the school system?, build your own and stop begging, be a Schnorrer and refuse to take money from the Govt.Then you can 'build' your children to your own image (nothing to brag about),in your own schools.
32. Live and Let Live
Reuven Brauner ,   Raanana, Israel   (06.16.10)
What the non-Hareidi world does not understand is that a fundamental in the Hareidi thought process is that they really want to be left alone. "You don't tell me what to do, and I won't tell you what to do" is the motto. The premise that since we all live in the same country and share the same resources and fate and, therefore, we should all live by the same principles with equal obligations, simply, is not a premise that is accepted by the Hareidi world. Any attempt to impose outside ideals or lifestyles or attitudes or ideologies is peceived as a threat to their independence. Far wiser would it be for the State and its institutions to adopt the "live and let live" approach to Hareidim. What? Afterall they are moral and ethical people who are doing their best at observing the Torah. Just leave them alone.
33. # 32 Brauner
Raptor   (06.16.10)
1) They are far from being moral and ethical people as you state, In fact living off other people's earnings is the hight of immorality. 2) They wish to be left alone you say, live and let live. Wow ! And I suppose you will now contend that that is their approach to others. They not only impose their will on others, they do it on a grand scale and by any means possible, including violence.
34. Just Another Case of Anarchy by the Haredi
Dav Lev ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (06.16.10)
Send them to the schools in Rockland, County New York in the Monsey school district. They can then fight with the locals, which include some Jews, and various municipalities. For decades, the Satmar have been fighting the system, always failing. Why should Israel be different? But then again, hows bout sending them to Germany,or Poland, where they will really get a warm welcome. Bottom line: just another move towards anarchy in the Jewish state. A famous German said during WW2, the Jews cannot govern themselves. Did he know something I ask?
35. #29 has just summed it up
david ,   uk   (06.16.10)
36. Can someone explain to me...
David Olesker ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (06.16.10) the new Chasiddi school can be called racist against Sephardim when one third of it's students are Sephardi?
Arn. ,   SWEDEN.   (06.16.10)
38. # 32
Sagi   (06.16.10)
At least you made me laugh early in the morning.
39. Jew discriminating against Jew
Sagi   (06.16.10)
means that we are no different from all other nations and people on this earth. Not a "chosen people", just the same. We fought against those who discriminated and persecuted and deported us. We fought against "numerus clausus" and now we are doing the same thing to ourselves.
40. :: Robert - #13
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (06.16.10)
Obviously you are ignoring some basic facts here. 1) In a democratic secular society (which Israel claims to be) such discrimination is illegal (as per the Israeli court ruling). 2) Israeli citizens (regardless of their religious beliefs) who break the law should be punished not given a free pass because they are ‘different’ and do not accept secular law. 3) The social divisions within Israel, if allowed to fester, will destroy Israel far sooner than any ‘Muslim threat’. Sadly you think that by ‘accommodating’ Judaic religious racism among Jews/Israeli will result in social unity. Alas this will never happen, such backward practices as making women sit at the back of a segregated Egg bus will *never* be accepted by forward thinking secular Israelis. The Israeli Gov will not cave in to the religious demands a few hundred ultra-Orthodox slackers just because they riot and set dumpsters on fire. Religious racism and intolerance should never be excused and accepted under any circumstances as it actually fosters social division. Or to put it another way: How does religious segregation among men and women and children in schools help defeat an ‘external threat’ to Israel?
41. High Court is a dictatorship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David ,   Jerusalem   (06.16.10)
In the past 60 years, 51 judges of the High Court were Ashkenazi(RADICAL SOCIALIST LEFTIST ELITE) and only 4 were Sephardic. Its about time for a the High Court to take a look in the mirror!
42. The government has NO right to tell a parent where to send
brl ,   Israel   (06.16.10)
their child to school!!!! I dont particularly like or agree with these Chasidim's lifestyle, but seriously - talk about racism on the governments part.
43. Reuven, you make a bad case for the
Robert Haymond ,   Israel/Canada   (06.16.10)
Charedim, too simplistic, too narcissistic. In fact, you convince me that the case for the Charedim is astonishingly poor. You gave Sagi a chuckle at breakfast but I, on the other hand, am horrified because of what you Charedim are doing to the State.
44. sell them to jail!
nadav ,   tlv   (06.16.10)
there is no room for racist, seditious, anti-zionist, and anti-State groups within israel. Whether Arab or Haredi, they must be punished by the full extent of the law!
45. 36 , David , yes racists !
Charles ,   Petach Tiklva   (06.16.10)
Racist because : a] wall separating Sephardi from Ashkenazi in play ground . b ] separate entrances to the school .
46. #29 power of the supreme court can force your kids to reli
Lemmings Hotline ,   sd usa   (06.16.10)
to religious school. Its not about charaidim . Its about the power of the supreme court to take away personal freedom. what will you say when they force you to send your kids to religious schooll
47. The State has the Right to interfere
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.16.10)
in education in State funded schools . The State has the RIGHT to condemn RACISM as it is in this case . If it was NO racism , why separate entrances or divided play ground ? This has nothing to do with different religious behaviour or interpretation . This ruling i9s NOT anti Jewish , the Sefaradim there are certainly as observant as those Ashkenasim , otherwise they would not send their girls to a very Orthodox school .
48. #40 "Matty": On rereading my post, I
Robert Haymond ,   Canada/Israel   (06.16.10)
realize my writing was not clear. Thank you for your reprimand. I meant, of course, that it is a violation of our ethics to discriminate between people, that the differences between the Ashkenazi religious in Israel and Sephardim are, in fact, quite small when viewed globally and that the person I was chastizing who was in favour of this discrimination resided in the USA and did not comprehend the situation as it exists in our country. And my apologies to anyone else who misunderstood my intentions due to my less than transparent writing.
49. #45 The separate playgrounds was certainly wrong.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (06.16.10)
Don't know about separate entrances, though. Either way, this is still absurd. the "Hassidic" school had a large Sephardic minority in and by itself. The separation was over religious observance levels and social values, not over racism. And while the state has a say in state-funded schools, the state in this case also prevented the folks in Emmanuel from setting up a fully private, non state funded school. The Supreme Court basically said that they *must* be in one school which they can supervise, and that's the problem. The only legal option left for the Emmanuel parents is to leave the town altogether and move to a place that already has a fully private school, or to compromise on the education of their children. The fact that the Hassidim among them have the Slonim Rebbe publicly stating that he will go to jail with them should it come to that has further turned this into a struggle of purely religious concerns. And the Haredim won't bow on that front, not when it comes to the religious and social character of their children's education and environment. If they believe that the Supreme Court is attempting to take away their control of their children's education and well-being, they will fight it.
50. #47 An interesting yet flawed theory.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (06.16.10)
You see, Emmanuel simply doesn't have all that many options in the religious schools department in the first place. In a larger town or city, there would have been different schools for them in the first place. And again, "Hassidic" school had a large Sephardi minority. If it was racism, then why did they let them in? Why not keep then in the other, supposedly "Sephardi-only" section?
51. Now we see...
A Jerusalemite ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (06.16.10)
"The legal sources...could not remember such a ... "blatant and scathing violation" of a High Court ruling in the history of the State of Israel." Now we see the result of catering to all of their demands, of letting them riot and paying for the damage out of our (NOT their) taxes, of not arresting them at riots, or only detaining them for a few hours and then releasing them, of letting segregate buses and even streets, of..., of... How much longer before Israel becomes a Jewish Iran?
52. :: Robert - #48
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (06.16.10)
In that case I retract my post/comments.
53. Haredis prove that we're not ready for Moshiach
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (06.16.10)
Never have I heard such astoundingly stupid excuses as from the people supported Jewish racism against other Jews. This is a very, very simply and straightforward case of sinat hinam - and the haredim are doing more hilul Hashem just like when they riot in Jerusalem - destroying public property and physically attacking other Jews (the police). And never have so many allegedly smart people come up with such stupid reasons to support their hatred of fellow Jews. I just heard a tape of Rav Shach from 20 years ago saying that it was halacha that sephardim and ashkenazim cannot learn together. Halacha? Not in the Torah from Sinai that I know and love. Send the parents to jail. Send their rabbis with them. And send the money grubbing hardi MKs with them as well. Tell them they can get out of jail free if they do army service or a year of sherut leumi. It's time to put an end political haredi Judaism - where the goal is to milk the government for as much money as possible while spitting in the faces of all of us other Jews. My kids learn in religious schools - where ashkenaz and sephard and Ethiopians sit side by side and the teachers are from every background. They teach and learn Torah from Sinai where the words "ashkenaz" and "sefard" do not appear. There is NO halacha saying the two are forbidden from learning together. Stupid, hateful, Jews will bring destruction on the entire house of Israel.
54. Roman , WRONG
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.16.10)
If it was a religious reason , why a divided playground , or separate entrances a spome tbers wrote ? Not much choice in Emmasnuel ? If those Sefardi parents send their girls to this school , not one but many , it was because of their religious feelings , who are certainly very Orthodox . A school accepts pupils also for financial reasons , more pupils , more money . And then their "colour" is'nt important .
55. 50 , disguised truth !
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.16.10)
Emanuel is a mostly Orthodox town . So most likely , those Sefaradi families are charidi too . So they send their girls to this school , no need for "many options" as you wrote . But yes , you try , with WRONG and false arguments to be right , your regular behaviour .
56. #54 As I said, the split playgrounds certainly looked bad.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (06.16.10)
From what I gathered, though, at that point the school had tried to split into two separate managed entities entirely - so they split everything. Two schools in the same territory. The first thing they did when this whole thing started though was to remove the wall in the enclosed playground. The managers of both separated schools agreed that it was basically going too far. As I haven't heard about the separate entrances, I can't comment on that. Anyhow, I don't thing you understood what I meant about the large Sephardi minority in the supposedly Hassidic-only school. I'm talking about *after* the split into two schools - the court claims that the school was separated down Sephardi/Ashkenazi lines, but in all actuality the supposed Ashkenazi-only section still had a sizable Sephardi minority. This supports the claim of the parents that the division into two schools was only about spiritual and social concerns. And there are different levels of religious observance, Charles. It's not all the same. The Hassidic group are Haredim, and they're the older community of Emmanuel. The newer Sephardic community aren't all Haredim - some are Ba'alei Tshuva, some are just in religious but not in the more extreme observance levels of ultra-Orthodox... It varies. But they all wanted their children to have a religious education, yes - but that doesn't change the fact that their observance varies, the community standards of behavior vary. It's not all the same. And that's the whole point, really. They're not all just Haredim with ethnicity being the difference.
57. 56 , you don't want to know , sop not exists
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.16.10)
No reason for different levels of obedience to separate them . Regarding two entrances , for you they don't erxist , but NOBODY here has opposed those who talked about it . You again show what you are by ignoring this . And it's the first time that6 someone tell's what you do , they split the school . I don't know if a school , a State funded one , can divide herself into two , with two directions [ this for a small school ! ]
58. racisme
Thinkagain ,   jerusalem israel   (06.16.10)
Let us pray that tomorrow the highcourt will not decide in name of racisme to put in jail all jews who do not want to marry non jews.
59. Again?! Charedim, please re-analyze your understanding...
Scott ,   Chicago, IL, USA   (06.16.10)
...of simple Torah concepts. As far as I'm concerned, only one concept needs to be addressed for this specific case, Dina D’Malchuta Dina, but I can't stop there. How about Sinat Chinam? You know, that pesky little problem that has caused so much bloodshed and tragedy for the Jews? I have not seen a single halachic reason mentioned why Ashkenazim and Sephardim can't learn together in the same schools. Separate davening? Maybe, if need be, because it may present a halachic issue, I don't know. Until I see any halachic reasoning, I'm inclined to believe that yet again, the Charedim are spreading baseless hatred under the banner of living according to Torah law, without any mention of the Torah laws they are claiming to be upholding.
60. What discrimination?
sls ,   Baltimore, MD   (06.16.10)
I don't understand how a school that is over 1/3 Sephardi can be considered to be discriminating against Sephardim. My understanding is that no student who agrees to abide by the religious standard has been rejected. If the same requirements apply to both Ashkenazin and Sephardim, why is it considered to be discriminatory?
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