Legalists slam haredi parents' defiance
Aviad Glickman
Published: 16.06.10, 00:35
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73 Talkbacks for this article
61. #57 No reason for separation based on different observace?
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (06.16.10)
I'm sorry, did you miss the point of religious schools at some point? Or why there are different ones with differences in curriculum? Allow me to explain - religious observance *is exactly* what religious schools are about. There is nothing *other* than differences in religious observance that should separate people into different religious schools. That the whole *point* of them in the first place! As for separate entrances, perhaps you don't understand basic English. In no news report that I have read, listened to, or saw did I note a mention of separate entrances. Thus, I have no formed opinion on this issue, though I could spend the rest of this comment theorizing on how I would consider such a matter. This would be pointless, though. Just like it would be pointless to discuss this matter with you any further, when you even fail to realize what religious schools are for in the first place.
62. Typical Chareidi Behavior
Michael ,   Israel   (06.16.10)
God forbid they should compromise! This isn't about what's best for their children, it's about a pissing match with the government. Like little children the Chareidim need instant gratification of their extremist positions. They could have gone through normal channels, set up a new school, and there would have been no issue. Even now, for a mere 2 weeks they can send their kids back to school and then have the summer to work out a solution.
63. To 61 , well it's again your behaviour
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.16.10)
You , a sinister ba'al tschuva , who don't know how Jews , true ones live , you dare to try to tell it to me . No news reportsd of separate entrances ? it was reported by TB'ers , and not denied by True Jews . You flee when you can't answer anymore . Thjat's your mentality , sad that you pretend to call yourself Jewish
64. #61 There's this thing about reports and talkbacks, Charles.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (06.16.10)
Like you, I can choose to demand proof first and concern myself with it later. So bring me proof. Talkbacks are a dime a dozen, so why don't you go and jump through hoops of having to look up and prove information that you claim is common knowledge - after all, I've done it time and time again due to your petty approach to anything that doesn't quite mesh with your world view. Well, I've had it. Go, prove it. Or shut your mouth. I'm tired of you taking up small points and turning them into whole arguments, utterly sidetrakcing the original issue altogether. I'm tired of having to spend ages looking up information to counter your arrogant and dismissive responses. And I'm sick and tired of being personally insulted all the way. So go on, you've read talkbacks. You've used a non-argument by claiming that lack of denial is proof that said talkbacks is true. You now turn it into an overblown argument to avoid addressing the actual issues mentioned previously and in this article. Go find proof, then I'll bother with this downward spiral further.
65. My previous reply should be to #63, not #61.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (06.16.10)
66. true jews
thinkagain ,   jerusalem israel   (06.16.10)
to#63 What is your definition of true jews?
67. To roman
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.17.10)
You always are the same one , evading true things . The separation wall is only "bad" for you , not racism . This wall has'nt anythinhg to do with differences in obedience . It is pure RACISM . This you don't want to understand . The same when you only wanted rightsw for you and your alikes . Regarding those stipends some days ago , you did'nt sere my last tb ? If you are ill, take some pills . You are'nt worth the time i wasrte with you .
68. to 66
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.17.10)
First of all , to give a full time Jewish education to their children [ ABROAD , begalut as i did ] this in order to let them know somethinmg about Judaism , avoid out marriage and make Alyah . Then of course , many generations of Jewish ancestors . And be Jewish , not necessary religious , from head to toe . Ok ?
69. #67 So you avoid both the issue and the facts now?
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (06.18.10)
So when both Sephardim and Ashkenazim attend a separate, more religious section of a school, that separation based on racism? And me demanding that you set yourself to the same standard you constantly demand of me is avoiding the issue? Neither of us needs pills, as far as I know, but you certainly could use a lesson in proper debate and manners. When you demand higher standards of your opponent than you do of yourself, and when you consistently resort to personal insults, you lose a debate. And yet, instead of rescuing some dignity by keeping silent when you just failed to show that you set yourself to the same standard you demand of others, you continue on the same course. By all means, keep going.
70. Note the Jpost article:
(06.18.10) Or some select quotes: " Earlier Thursday, demonstrators in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak heard prayers from rabbis and speeches from the parents, while many demonstrators carried signs saying "I am a Sephardi haredi too."" "One of the parents, a Sephardi, addressed the rally in Jerusalem saying, "Yesterday my little boy told my daughter that because of her dad is going to prison. I picked him up, kissed him and said that not because of the girl but thanks to the girl I am going to prison. It is our opportunity to sanctify the name of heaven." Is it still a matter of racism, folks? Some of those Sephardi Haredim are now going to prison. The Supreme Court ruled that these Sephardi Jews are racists because they don't want to study with other *Sephardi Jews* who are less observant than they are! Get the absurdity of it yet?
71. #70 Was from me.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (06.18.10)
72. Top someone without any self respect
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.18.10)
Who wrote : i don't want to discuss with you anymore , but now begs that i answer him . Someone who does NOT understand what it means : You are unworthy that i waste my time with you . You have'nt any self respect nor self esteem . With reason .
73. prepare the proper table... then all can eat
yoheved ,   north miami beach   (06.19.10)
my son is in Israel at a yeshiva and he was at the demonstration... he marched hand in hand with a Yemenite yeshiva bochur. they both attend the same yeshiva... it has nothing to do with ashkenazi vs. sephardi... it has to do with this: would the Ram Bam, Yosef Caro, and the Chazon Ish be able to eat in the cafeteria of this school? Would the Ram Bam, the Chazon Ish and Yosef Caro be able to send their daughters to this school? the level of kashrus and tznius, among other things (my son said that the actual school does not toivel it's kitchen equipment...and they don't buy food that separates terumah and maaser...... how would the Ram Bam be able to eat there?)... If the school elevates its own standards to the level where these great Sephardic giants would be able to eat in the cafeteria... then the Hareidi would be able to send their girls to the school... its involves halacha, not geneological heritage...
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