Gaza flotilla organizer: We'll sue Israel at ICJ
Aviel Magnezi
Published: 23.06.10, 21:13
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61. doobie, the internation law is
peter baumgartner ,   bern   (06.24.10)
a "little" more complex than your copy paste text ;-) as i stated - i work for the government. im sure i know a "little" more than you about that incident. we work closely with the israeli embassy and we got to see "other (compelling) evidence" that clear all your wrong interpretations of the video footages. these "other videos" will be examined and processed by pros first, then step by step passed to the media. i don't know who you are, but you seem rather a hobby wanna be lawyer than a real one. trust me i've been around and i've seen the real things. don't embarrass yourself now, so later you can scratch your forehead. now replying to your post nr 37: i dont know about any "kitchen knifes" you were refering to, are we talking about a different ship? well, this was on the marmara: and there are more videos to be published soon with other lethal materials (weapons) that will be evidence enough for the intentions of those "peace activists". of course the text that you copy pasted is right, but sit down and think for a moment. any ship could say that its a humanitarian aid ship and smuggle drugs weapons and other illegal products this way. israel and any other country is allowed to doubt the preliminary search of the vessel in turkey. they are allowed to doubt it and re-examine the vessel themselves. let me ask you a question, since you are so sure these were peace activists: what were a dozen world known terrorists doing on the marmara? did they change their minds suddently? from terror activities to peace activities? come on, any sane brain would see the connection here. if you don't, well then god help you :-) good luck.
62. @33, sounds good to me
Slam ,   Toronto, Canada   (06.24.10)
That definition of the blockade makes the Gaza blockade legal. Israel lets in essentials, and clearly had strong political objectives rather than just cruelty against a civilian population. Also, the goods on the ships were far from 'essential', and whether it qualifies as a 'relief or rescue' mission is dependant on the situation on the ground.
63. Does International law still matter?
Ron B. ,   Lod   (06.24.10)
There are realpolitik considerations resulting from the ascendancy of the Islamic world and the increased clout of oil-producing countries at a time when securing energy has become the national priority for most nations. This, together with the growing empowerment of radical Islamic immigrant groups throughout Europe, has resulted in many countries siding against Israel rather than confronting the rage and violence of the jihadists within their own borders. It is in this context that Israel remains the only country in the world whose very right to exist is challenged. More at :
64. Are you kidding?
Tony ,   Indianapolis, USA   (06.24.10)
The actions of Israel have been found illegal or inhumane by Amnesty International, The Red Cross & The World Health Organization. Their intention was to deliver aid. Israel's intention was to murder.
65. these avidences r not submisible in court
ghostq   (06.24.10)
:) the first reason is the ship wasn't sealed area9and the staines could have added later), AND photos can be editing, in other words unless they can prove it wasn't IDF blood (in the scene there is also IDF soldier blood) with videos to back their claim the alleged avidences worth nothing.
66. to #36 or to file law suit against HHI
ghostq   (06.24.10)
who is assosiated with AL Qaeda. you see matty it can back fire because an internationa terror expert from the UN allready anounced ALqaeda and HHI as orgs who support terror, if they want to go to trile it will be good idee, beacause they might find themselves behind bars.
67. Reply to international law...
HV ,   Vancouver, Canada   (06.24.10)
Pay for what, defending your country? Pay for what, defending democracy? defending their right to exist... You must be justifying your existence to choose the side of the perceived underdog. At least Israelis are not sending their kids to terorist school only to later be called "martyrs", makes me sick!
68. What a Joke
Mark ,   Jerusalem   (06.24.10)
Its Israel who should be sueing passengers on the Flotilla. I don't know any country who would let a ship into their costal waters without being checked. These people were warned but decided to break the blockade, what did they want a kiss on the cheek, no they got what they wanted good PR on their side because the world wears blinkers when it comes to Israel and thinks that the poor people of Gaze should be helped. Well if you want to help then first get rid of of Hamas because under Hamas their lives are not worth living. So people of the Flotilla your sueing the wrong people, sue Hamas because if they were not there there would be no need for a blockade, ah but I forgot the Flotilla is supported by Hamas, silly me.
69. To: Tony #64--No, are you kidding?
Tom W. ,   Windsor, Canada   (06.24.10)
Or are you insane like all good anti-Semites that love to charge Israel will blood libelous accusations! In terms of suing in court, I could sue you for your libel against the State of Israel! You say Israel's intention was to murder, well in a court of law that means you would need to prove the State of Israel had malice aforethought with a premeditated plan to kill passengers on that ship! This also means finding 'the smoking gun' - a secret plan were by the IDF preplanned to have soldiers drop down via helicopter with paintball guns as a pretext to relax the passengers on the ship. Then the next phase was to have heavily armed back-up immediately dropped down and then start mowing down everyone with machine guns! Wow-that's some wild imagination you have there! But in all honesty I could sue you for intentional libel and easily win, want to take me on tough guy?
70. Israel and IDF should sue Audrey Bomse
Cynthia ,   USA   (06.24.10)
For sending known terrorists to attack Israeli soldiers under the guise of carrying humanitarian aid. These soldiers were stabbed, beaten and nearly lynched while idiots from Free Gaza are concerned about their computers. A bunch of bored whiners provoking Israel for media attention and frivolous lawsuits. Notice how these organizations with names like "Free Gaza" never really help the Palestinians.
71. Greeks need to focus more on own economic
Leylaine P ,   France   (06.24.10)
These so called menace to society should concentrate on building its own residents. Utilise time to get its government and people out of Debt and having to plead to my government to bail them out. Israel has the right to defend its citizen from fanatical banana benders looking for trouble.
72. absurd
Doobie ,   New York   (06.24.10)
I don't know why I even argue with you guys. It's comical. I'm accused of being biased? And you ynet guys couldn't possibly be biased in favor of Israel, right? Fact: The cargo of coriander, wheelchairs, and cement are not weapons. The ship's cargo consisted of 100% aid and no weapons. Fact: the only guns on board were the guns used by IDF forces. As any Israeli well knows, individuals have the "right to defend themselves", however disproportionate their defensive response may be. And yes, rappelling onto one's ship under cover of darkness from helicopters while carrying what appear to be automatic rifles DOES constitute a threatening attack. They used kitchen knives and whatever blunt objects were available. Yes, any knife or blunt object can be a lethal weapon. But it is also impossible to sail a ship without any blunt objects on board, or to cook without knives in one's kitchen. But the actions of the crew in the defense of their ship are irrelevant. If they'd had more potent weapons, they would have been well within their rights to use them to defend their ship. And I'm not even sure why anyone thinks that the 5 tiny ships' decision not to resist their attackers after seeing the massive mavi marmara stormed in a hail of bullets has any relevance to this issue at all. Except that I forgot the most important detail! Fact: Israel is ALWAYS right.
73. Nothing to add
John ,   Herzliya, Israel   (06.24.10)
The previous commentators shed the light on the issue from all the angles and there is nothing to add. Just that, finally, some sane spirit prevailed and that today's news is that Lebanon and Iran were warned not to send any more flotillas and that for the moment, they are canceled. It was about time.
74. Israel to send
food aid to Greece and may be some cash to help the Greek economy
75. Can I sue the Greeks for stealing my money?
76. to #7 Hi,
pedro ,   Esp   (06.24.10)
you dumb cake, welcome to the reality! Nobody likes israelis, even the kurds and armenians don't do. They are using you. Your only community with these poor people (like you) are the strong Turkish Nation as enemy. I prefer to say, at least 1 monkey opened his eyes. Gratz!
77. nr. 45- captain zen
sjoerd van der velde ,   hoorn-the netherland   (06.24.10)
you were absolutely right, i thought.
78. To: #72 Doobie--I'll refute your 'absurd' post
Tom W. ,   Windsor, Canada   (06.25.10)
This entire flotilla was manufactured by Turkish Islamic sympathizers to Hamas with a handful of Western ideological fellow travelers thrown in to provide some sort of half-assed legitimacy (i.e. for the Western press to cover this as a media event). First, in terms of cargo, Hamas refused to take it! Don't believe me, here's the story from a UK newspaper--I didn't want to provide an Israeli source because you would probably outright dismiss it as propaganda: The reason why the Israelis didn't deliver the cement was that it has a duel use, one for civilian construction and the other for Hamas to build fortifications to store weapons and also to create bunkers which terrorists could safely retreat to after launching rockets to Israel! Also it's nonsense that you justify passengers bringing on board weapons to defend themselves, take a look at the weapons you speak of: These passengers were a mix of peaceful useful idiots who didn't come packing weapons and of organized extremist Muslims who were the people that brought with weapons, did not have any I.D. on them and all had the same about of cash on them! Read: You began your post by saying that it was comical how a great number of people posting their opinions accuse you of being biased towards Hamas. Now that I've refuted your statement with the facts, I find it sad that I need to expose yet another fellow traveler whom points his finger of blame at the State of Israel via repeating Islamic propaganda! This situation isn't comical, it's pathetic and so are you!!!
79. For money,
Walt K ,   Sherbrooke, Canada   (06.25.10)
Grece should tax sweedish women who used to travel there for having sex with real men. Anyway,manhood is the only natural ressource of this almost third world country.
80. 78 gullible canadian
Doobie ,   New York   (06.25.10)
The weapons article you linked was really a great article. "a deadly angle-grinder, which is an ideal weapon against soldiers when carried into battle along with a generator. As the Israeli foreign ministry points out, the angle-grinder weapon was also used for cutting bits off the ship to attack the peace-loving soldiers." I almost fell out of my chair when i read "peace-loving" soldiers. Slingshots, fire axes, and power tools... improvised odds and ends. Please explain to me how any of these would be superior to wielding a GUN, which they could've easily brought on board, but chose not to. As for the ID, when I am kidnapped by pirates who've just killed my friends, do you think I am going to be cooperative to their requests to sign papers and show them my ID? No, they'll get a one finger salute from me. And the cash in their pockets... yes, Israel kidnapped these people and then stole their pocket money too, and even counted it. Typical pirate behavior, yes, but how exactly does that support your argument? Also, the cement issue is part of what makes this blockade illegal. Housing is essential to survival, and Israel is preventing housing construction after leveling most of gaza 3 years ago. One cannot build a weapon out of cement. You just can't. You can build a house, or at the VERY worst a bunker to defend against Israeli brutality. But it is impossible to attack or harm an Israeli with cement in any way, and the prohibition of cement is one of the things that continues to make the blockade an illegal punishment of the civilian population. But what really makes your "refutation" irrelevant is that my most important point is left unanswered, that their weapons and actions are immaterial once the unlawful attack had begun. If they'd had ak-47's or bazookas, they'd have been well within their rights of self-defense to use them. The issue revolves around whether storming the ship in international waters is legal, and the answer to that question completely determines whether the ship's crew or the Israeli military are responsible for the resulting violence. And yes, it was illegal since the blockade is illegal, but even if i agree that the blockade is legal, the attack was still illegal because you can never attack a humanitarian aid vessel in international waters under any circumstances.
81. one more thing mr canadian
Doobie ,   New York   (06.25.10)
You DO realize that the weapon article you linked was a parody, right? Because it sounds like you thought it was a serious article supporting your viewpoint. Look where they show the fire axes and comment "Anyway, who ever heard of fire axes on a ship? Let’s get real. I know international laws insist on ships carrying axes, but who obeys international laws?" And then says "Apart from that, the rioters had offensive Islamic, peace-hating pepper spray, quite unlike the calming, soothing tear-gas carried by the soldiers. As a further act of aggression, the terrorists provocatively left the spray cans in their wrappers, forcing the Israeli soldiers to shoot them." All that I can say to you sir is that I hope your ability to discern news from satire isn't a reflection of your ability to tell fact from fiction.
82. My final reply to the Doobies of this world
Tom W. ,   Windsor, Canada   (06.26.10)
You are psychologically sick, I'd rather not place a specific diagnostic label on you because you'll just look it up and debate the symptoms point by point explaining in detail how wrong I am! However the Doobies of this world have some sort of anti-social behavioral mechanism whereby distorted stories, hearsay, twisted lies and libelous accusations are this person's truth. When such a person is confronted with the facts, he/she is unable to even allow what he/she just heard to trickle down into his/her level of conscience thought. Rather this type of person just immediately reacts with even more of an unreasonable response via lashing out verbally and/or physically at any party that had attempted to prove to this person that he/she was wrong. All I can do is provide them with facts, I refuse to engage with the Doobies of the world after that because they will predictably attack me! For all the anti-Semitic anti-social Doobies of the world, your behavior of Internet stalking of Jews via spewing your skewed filthy mind at on-line Israeli newspapers, epitomizes the exact sort symptom that demonstrates your anti-social mindset! The true irony is that being unaware of your behavior towards others and having a lack of insight are why so many people are turned off by you! There is a reason why you get the same types of responses to your words and actions because socially you're repugnant! So get lost because we as a society don't want to hear from you and we--Jews are sick of you!
83. i'll kinda have to agree with tom here
peter baumgartner ,   bern   (06.30.10)
doobie, you don't seem like a sane person. you continously ignored our answers to you, even fact that the israeli navy was saying it clearly over radio and megaphone who they were and that they wanted to search the vessel. this whole flotilla story was only a provocation. and you know what? you will see that in the end, every single charge will be dropped because the evidence was too compelling, that those people aboard were looking for a confrontation and nothing else. it was never about sending any aid dummy, but rather for bad propaganda against israel, and it worked! now due to this incident, the UN will have to send ships to stop the next flotillas from entering the blockade in the future. im sorry but if you choose to be blind, suit yourself.
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