Jewish Scene
Rabbi Yosef: Don't attend Ashkenazi schools
Kobi Nahshoni
Published: 27.06.10, 09:03
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31. The Inside View
observer   (06.27.10)
Why the obsession of the zionist entity with mixing flavours? As if they would give away their highest positions to Sefardim! Don't claim that they don't realise that after 2000 years there aren't different but equally valid traditions. When the Sefardim were brought en-masse to Israel, they were told that they can stop their religious observance because that belonged to Galuth. That policy has never been rescinded; it has simply assumed a different veneer. Like all totalitarian regimes, the State sees anything that pledges obedience to anything except itself as a threat. Thus it wants to abolish all traditions and create their own, with the end view of destroying everything that does not pledge total obedience to the State.
32. 12 Tribes, 12 different traditions based on one
Maimon ,   Rosh HaAyin   (06.27.10)
What Edmond Levi and his collegues want to say is that we are all stamped out of one mold, no allowing for differences, redheads and blondes must dye their hair to conform, short people need to be stretched and tall people need amputations, fat people put on diets, thin people fattened up. Yekkes and Dutch must wait 6 hours to eat milk after meat, all must wear uniform clothing The list can go on ad nauseum BTW how many Ashkenazim are there in El HaMaayan schools and Sfardi Yeshivas? How many Ashkenazim seek to be Mistapred as opposed to Sfardim who are Mishtachnez? How many Askenazim change their name from Rabinovitz to Ben Hamou as opposed to Sfardim who change their names to Ashkenazi names????
33. 24 Where did you get the idea you're qualified to help?
Go to an Orthodox rabbi and learn Judaism first. What are you, a secular? Karaite? Christian? What do you base your "offerings" on?
34. No love in the House of Israel
Rich ,   Toronto, Canada   (06.27.10)
Ashkenazim are so supreme, they can't even sit and study together with the Sephardim. Sounds like a sickness to me.
35. #20
Naftush ,   Israel   (06.27.10)
It was supposedly Bialik who said that.
36. Not impressed with Askenazi Haredim Jews
Holier than thou Jews.
37. Pursue excellence whatever its source
If one goes back to its heyday, Sephardic scholarship put that of the Ashkenazim to shame. With rare exception (like Rashi and his circle), it was Sephardi scholars from Spain to Baghdad that led the way, not just in Torah scholarship but in "madah", as they were expected to be versant also in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, logic, etc. Sephardim never had a problem with "core subjects". Sephardim lost that preeminence, first due to events (increasing strictures under Muslim rule, the expulsion from Spain, the move toward mysticism), then to demographics. Sephardim, once the clear majority of world Jewry, became a minority with the growth in Europe. Yes, the state's dominance by an Ashkenazi elite manifested in popular culture against Sephardim (as my some family members can attest). But Sephardim also failed for years to create schools of excellence - something Yosef attempted to correct. It does pain me to see Sephardim abandon the Maimonidean "middle way" in favor of black-hat strictures. I also don't want to see Sephardim abandoning the traditions of self-reliance and tolerance, the love of - and service to - Zion.
38. he's right to be frightened. he'll loose his power base.
ralph   (06.27.10)
39. #29 How convenient of you
Nour ,   Palestine   (06.27.10)
to shelf me on the same shelf as the Wahhabis or worse the Taliban. You are probably an Ashkenazi yourself, believing you are superior to everyone else and that being a Khazar convert gives you the right to displace the Palestinian people and not expect any resistance in return. Your lot is so predictable: racist to the core. You can't even accept or tolerate the Sephardim because "they remind you of Arabs" as the famous terrorist Ben Grun (from Poland) once said. Did we really expect any different from a sick and racist society such as yours? I once heard that blood donated by Ethiopians in Israel was swiftly trashed. Terry, I love to break it to you: your world view is wrong and plain racist. It is unacceptable to discriminate against anyone on the basis of their ethnicity or religion. As I said earlier, it looks like you people are doing a wonderful job self-destructing even from within. I'll sit back and enjoy the show, of course with being back HOME in mind :)
40. They're hasidim, STOP using the term ashkenazim.
david ,   manchester   (06.27.10)
They don't even daven in the nusach ashkenaz
41. ALL Netzarim DISbelieve ALL uniquely Christian doctrines!
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.27.10)
21? Increasingly, off-topic Mike (30) is seeing me--delusionally--in other peoples' posts. Orthodox rabbis and Jews know that Christians, by definition, accept and believe uniquely Christian doctrines; any one of which inescapably disqualifies EVERY Christian from Orthodox Judaism. The term Netzarim had not been mentioned in the literature since 135 C.E. until ha-Sheim showed me to restore it in the early 1970s. The same is true of the term "Paqid." Christians have always thought they are Hellenist episkopos (bishops, popes). Christians who call themselves Netzarim or Paqid plagiarize these terms from me and are blatant frauds. I was the first Netzarim accepted to entire the Orthodox Jewish community since 135 C.E. It's a matter of Orthodox-documented record. It is for these reasons, because ha-Sheim opened these doors for me, that I am the sole spokesman for all Netzarim world-wide: NO Netzarim accepts ANY uniquely Christian doctrines. (There are Christian charlatans fraudulently calling themselves Netzarim, but they are not Netzarim.) No Christian is accepted by the Netzarim. We require that Christians abandon and renounce Christianity, all uniquely Christian doctrines and the Christian Ieisous=Jesus=Yesh"u. The Ribi Yehoshua we view as an outstanding Torah teacher and Mashiakh was strictly a human Jew and Ribi, neither divine nor Christian. It is because the Netzarim accept NO Christian doctrines that the Orthodox rabbis did not, and do not, exclude the Netzarim from the Orthodox Jewish community. We welcome FORMER Christians, who have renounced Christian doctrines and the Christian Jesus to follow Torah according to Orthodox, Teimani, Baladi, Dor Dai Halakhah. These are not any "personal version" of mine!! We do NOT accept current Christians. "Mike, israel (formerly usa" is quite simply insanely envious of, and obsessed with, me and the Netzarim because the Netzarim are accepted in Orthodox Judaism but Christians still aren't--and can never be. That upsets the Christians' entire world and understanding of prophecy, "salvation," Christians' own eternal fate as part of the goyim, the successful future of Torah Jews and Israel without accepting their Jzeus PLUS the shocking--niqamah--discovery that ALL Christians are followers NOT of the historical Pharisee Torah teacher they thought, but a post-135 C.E. Hellenist and idolatrous, Roman-fabricated, "antichrist"!!! By fabricating their Hellenist Roman idol in the image of their Zeus, Christians have cloaded a Torah-teaching first-century Pharisee Ribi in the feculent garb of Christian idolatry (Zekharyah 3.1-3). The Netzarim are cleaning up the reputation of that Torah-teaching first-century Pharisee Ribi, who is innocent of the Christian defilements (Zekharyah 3.4ff). Many Orthodox rabbis also know that the HISTORICAL Jew, Ribi Yehoshua, was a Torah-teaching rabbi and NEVER became a Christian, NOR did ANY of his pre-135 C.E. Jewish followers. Historians of all the major universities of the world corroborate it and many Orthodox rabbis and Jews accept it. These are all well established principles of Orthodox Halakhah and history; neither "personal" nor "Netzarim" teachings. See, inter alia, Orthodox Rav Skobac's book on the Jews for Judaism website, Oxford historian James Parkes (The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue), etc. Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Torah-reverer (Teimani, Baladi, Dor Daim, Orthodox Jew) Advocate for Logic as Hermeneutic Halakhic Authority Welcoming All Torah-reverers (Jews & non-Jew geirim)
42. Rabbi Ovadia-Thank You
Nehama ,   Los Angeles   (06.27.10)
I am Sephardic from both parents and my father has dedicated his life to enriching Sephardic education and preservation. I have always been proud of Sephardic education but know it is hard to preserve and maintain Sephardic traditions since Ashkenazi schools are more influentiial. However, since Sephardic and Ashkenazi ways are different and it causes friction I think Rav Ovadiah is right to suggest that Sephardi youth take more pride in their culture and not become lost in Ashkenazi ways which will destroy the beauty of Sephardic tradition. If more Sephardi students attend Sephardi schools and yeshivot the tradition will survive. IF we do not make this switch now eventually it will be lost forever. Here in Los Angeles Rabbi Gabay has just opened a Sephardic school and he is doing quite well and it has brought pride to Sephardim. Sephardim need to stop chasing glueing themselves in such numbers to Ashkenazi schools. Where is our honor and pride? I attended Ashkenazi high school and had good experience but was very aware of lack of Sephardi schools. The Sephardim need to work harder on preserving their culture. The Rambam, Ramban, Judah Halevi, Rav Karo (shulcan Arcuh-codified halachah), Yissa Bracha, and Ibn Gabirol and many others are great Sephardic leaders and we need to preserve our songs/traditions and history better.
43. 40 Living in UK perhaps you don't know
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.27.10)
The arrogant attitude of Ashkenazi supremacy that regards the "kushim" as inferior "primitives" extends far beyond the modern "khasidim," though to a more concealed and sophisticated extent, into much (not all) of the wider Orthodox Ashkenazim AND, to a far greater extent, MOST among the secular Ashkenazim. Who do you think cut off the peiyot of the Teimanim when they arrived here? Took their babies away? The list is long. Furthermore, there are Khasidim (e.g., Khab"d) who demonstrate exactly the opposite: complete acceptance and tolerance of all Jews who seek a closer relationship to Torah. This racism derives from the worst elements (not all elements) of Ashkenazi assimilation to Europeanism. It is European supremism. Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Torah-reverer (Teimani, Baladi, Dor Daim, Orthodox Jew) Advocate for Logic as Hermeneutic Halakhic Authority Welcoming All Torah-reverers (Jews & non-Jew geirim)
44. anybody could explain me the sudden growth
avi   (06.27.10)
in ashkenazim jews in eastern europe with facts ???
45. #39 Nour. I hate to break it to you, but ....
Terry ,   Eilat - Israel   (06.27.10)
I'm 1/2 Ashkenazi, 1/2 Sephardi & I spent most of my life in an Arab country. And, if you want to hear about racism, I'd gladly tell you all about the racism, xenophobia, intolerence, religious fanaticism, that I experienced there, what I saw with my own eyes. I think I tolerate Sephardim pretty well, actually, since all my relatives on my mother's side are Sephardi, many still speak our version of Spanish. As to our self-destructing - don't worry your head about it. I suggest you look at the Sudan, at Iran, at Lebanon, at your own situation with Hamas & Fatah, that's what I would call self-destructive.
46. 45&39 Beyond that numerous batei k'nesset Teimani, each w/
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.27.10)
numerous members, ALL of whose older members can attest to the degrading treatment they suffered under Arab-Muslim domination as Terry was describing--and worse.
47. 41 - like they say, "not jewish until proven otherwise"
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (06.27.10)
are your teachings orthodox? it has been established that they are not. so the question remains: how can one call themselves "jewish" or even "orthodox" when they profess to believe foreign things neither jewish nor orthodox? (the question's answer is implicit, fyi.)
48. the temptation
cristian ,   arg   (06.27.10)
the act that looks appealing to an individual it is usually used to describe acts with negative connotations and as such tends to lead a person to regret such actions for various reasons legal social phychological(including feeling guilt) health economic etc temptation also describes the coaxing or inducing a person into committing such an act by manipulation or otherwise of curiosity desire or fear of loss starting with the dark bereshit of adan and eve and the serpent´s temptation.
49. 47 Xn who doesn't comprehend Halakhah or Torah
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.27.10)
My teachings are within the constraints of Orthodox halakhah; something you clearly don't comprehend and adamantly refuse to deal with because it shatters your Xn world-view. We adopted Orthodox, Teimani, Baladi, Dor Dai Halakhah. Contrary to slander, none of these well-known Orthodox traditions are either "foreign" or any "personal version" of mine! That's your delusion, not mine. Orthodox rabbis and Jews know that Christians, by definition, embrace their NT with its uniquely Christian doctrines; any one of which inescapably disqualifies EVERY Christian from Orthodox Judaism. If I or the Netzarim believed in the NT or any Christian doctrines we wouldn't be in the Orthodox Jewish community (much less more than 2 decades very high profile). We do not. By contrast, Mike believes in the NT and its Christian doctrines and, accordingly, cannot be in the Orthodox Jewish community. There are Christian charlatans, like Mike, who have fraudulently claimed to be Netzarim, but they are not. No Christian is accepted (or tolerated) in the Netzarim. We require Christians to abandon and renounce Christianity, all uniquely Christian doctrines and the Christian Ιησους (Ieisous)=Jesus=Jzeus=Yesh"u in order to become a Netzarim. Christians who use a Judaic name to refer to their supposedly divine Christian Christ deceive themselves as well as others. Historians corroborate our view of Ribi Yehoshua as a strictly human Pharisee Jew and Ribi (teacher of Torah), a Mashiakh Ben-Yoseiph who was neither divine nor Christian and, contrary to the slanderers, Netzarim neither worship nor pray to him. Because Netzarim accept NO Christian doctrines, Orthodox rabbis have not excluded the Netzarim from the Orthodox Jewish community, despite more than two, high-profile, decades in the Orthodox Jewish community. That the Netzarim are accepted in Orthodox Judaism but Christians, like Mike, still aren't--and can never be--has shattered the Christians' entire NT world-view and understanding of prophecy, "salvation," Christians' own eternal fate as part of the goyim, the successful future of Torah Jews and Israel without accepting their Jzeus PLUS the shocking--prophesied niqamah--discovery that ALL Christians are followers NOT of the historical Pharisee Torah teacher they've been misled to believe, but a post-135 C.E. Hellenist and idolatrous, Roman-fabricated, "antichrist"!!! By fabricating their Hellenist Roman idol in the image of their Zeus, Christians have cloaked a Torah-teaching first-century Pharisee Ribi in the feculent garb of Christian idolatry (Zekharyah 3.1-3). The Netzarim are cleaning up the reputation of that Torah-teaching first-century Pharisee Ribi, who is innocent of the Christian defilements (Zekharyah 3.4ff). Many Orthodox rabbis also know that the HISTORICAL Jew, Ribi Yehoshua, was a Torah-teaching rabbi and NEVER became a Christian, NOR did ANY of his pre-135 C.E. Jewish followers. See Orthodox Rav Skobac's book, The Genesis of Christianity, on the Jews for Judaism website. Historians of all the major universities of the world corroborate it and many Orthodox rabbis and Jews accept it (e.g., Oxford historian James Parkes, The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue). Orthodox rabbis don't agree with our choice (or Khab"d's) of Mashiakh. Nor, we see daily, do Orthodox rabbis always agree with each other. That doesn't make Khab"d, the Netzarim or any of the Orthodox rabbis fakes or "self-proclaimed." Your question has nothing to do with me or the Netzarim. It's you who is a Xn alien and irrelevant to Orthodox Judaism; and so are your assumptions and questions. Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Torah-reverer (Teimani, Baladi, Dor Daim, Orthodox Jew) Advocate for Logic as Hermeneutic Halakhic Authority Welcoming All Torah-reverers (Jews & non-Jew geirim)
50. #7 on bigamy
observer   (06.27.10)
The list of faithful men of old who had multiple wives is virtually endless - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and many, many more. In addition to taking multiple wives, most of these men also took concubines, which are basically mistresses.
51. Will the REAL Jew please stand up !
joe   (06.27.10)
I wasn't aware that Jews have ayatollahs also. rebbe ovadia, when will you learn that only ONE jewish people exists, period. It's probably too late for you to change and realise that this almighty, if accurate, blessed ALL Jews.
52. I don't entirely agree with the tone, but I do agree.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (06.27.10)
Part of what plagued the religious preservation, as well as the post-Mapai religious revival of Sephardi Jews in Israel, is that the only religious infrastructure that existed was Ashkenazi - be it Litai or Hassidi. Having been largely directed to becoming a "working class" by Ben-Gurion's somewhat nationalist (and somewhat racist) approach to the Sephardi aliyah, Sephardim were losing their religious and cultural heritage regardless of where they turned. The state ignored it both officially and unofficially, and the undertones of that view are felt to this day. Part of Rabbi Ovadia Youssef's core approach to the Sephardi branch of Judaism was both to unite the disparate groups under a more or less single banner, and to create an infrastructure of schools to allow for a restoration of what was lost during the secularization of the 50's and 60's. And yet, to this day, the best Yeshivas are almost entirely Ashkenazi, even though none can say that Sephardi Torah students and scholars are in any way lesser. This is a situation that continues as a force of habit, one feels, as the more religious Sephardi families send their children to Ashkenazi yeshivas, numerous among them with their hidden quotas for Sephardi students. That should change. I don't see why Sephardi students should abandon their traditions, the specific Halakhic rulings of their Rabbis, their forms of prayer... all for what, to beg their way into Ashkenazi Yeshivas, some of them racist and aloof, thus essentially reinforcing the stereotype that Ashkenazi teaching is somehow inherently better? Set up your own Yeshivas, Sephardim. Preserve your heritage.
53. I don't entirely agree with the tone, but I do agree.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (06.27.10)
Part of what plagued the religious preservation, as well as the post-Mapai religious revival of Sephardi Jews in Israel, is that the only religious infrastructure that existed was Ashkenazi - be it Litai or Hassidi. Having been largely directed to becoming a "working class" by Ben-Gurion's somewhat nationalist (and somewhat racist) approach to the Sephardi aliyah, Sephardim were losing their religious and cultural heritage regardless of where they turned. The state ignored it both officially and unofficially, and the undertones of that view are felt to this day. Part of Rabbi Ovadia Youssef's core approach to the Sephardi branch of Judaism was both to unite the disparate groups under a more or less single banner, and to create an infrastructure of schools to allow for a restoration of what was lost during the secularization of the 50's and 60's. And yet, to this day, the best Yeshivas are almost entirely Ashkenazi, even though none can say that Sephardi Torah students and scholars are in any way lesser. This is a situation that continues as a force of habit, one feels, as the more religious Sephardi families send their children to Ashkenazi yeshivas, many with their quotas for Sephardi students - some
cristian ,   arg   (06.28.10)
of having known that i was your blue prince i had to go out to kill dragoons for you to live postponing my accomplishment and to resign myself your goals and my frustration and in name of the love i made any disaster for to the end clash with the sad reality of which like that it doest not go of having known that i was your blue prince i had to go out to kill dragoons for you and to eliminate until the day in which i knew any recollection to feel or previous experience and in name of the love i made any disaster for to the end clash with the sad reality of which like that it does not go for that i repeat my mistake? always the same sentence accustomed to looking for the self-esteem externally in the obsession of the jealousies did you take the control with whom you talk? these where? for what not come? to where you go? that thoughts? who i call you? and in name of the love i decided to allow and to start yourself walking without fear of the truth along my freedom!
55. the truth
cristian ,   arg   (06.28.10)
if i was only a toy left in a corner destined for the caprices and the whims of the heap they let me for the air like that only me they would take me one to one every extremity then to end left in a landfill if everything was leaving to the free will at the mercy of your ambition my virtues my valued sheens all my faith and my conviction today not serious more that i leave one of emotion and emaciated defenseless body and without doomed value and without love a spoliation the god´s good one without right without decision to shout that the show must not continue if it was appealing to your empathy and sense of location if he was trusting in every person and was submitting to his reason they would have used and rejected me in any occasion that defrauds the illusion of every whom and his pretension without right without decision to shout that the show must not continue i am not a toy already not more! the show must not continue
56. #49 Pacross is and will always be a baptist priest.
Keren ,   IL-BR   (06.28.10)
a fundamentalist follower of yeshu. Jews *do not believe* nor are interested in restore nothing related to that stuff. Only this nut called Pacross is. Go away satan,you nasty being.Get out you cheating being! You are going to be kicked out of Israel,sooner or later. ps-do not compare yourself to our religious intellectuals.You are an idiot,no less than a cheater ,unclever,mentally ill idiot. paqid eh?(me believe you need to be in a house for lunatics!)
57. confused
Lewis Brinin ,   St Petersburg Florid   (06.28.10)
bs'd Please don't take this as offensive. What is an ashkenazi brain? what makes it different than a sephardi brain. Why should anyone preach intolerance within the jewish world? Aren't we fragmented enough as it is? Is this Rabbi wanting to start an intra Jewish civil war? He has written other articles pointed against ashkenazim. Are we really so bad? I am not trying to wage war here just trying to understand the facts involved so if someone can explain this all to me I would appreciate it. Does this rabbi have an email address so I can ask him for clarification on some of his positions? thanks
58. be proud of who you are
yoheved ,   north miami beach, f   (06.28.10)
i agree whole heartedly with #31 and #42 - my great-grandfather on my father's side was Sephardic... who ended up in Poland, of all things... because Poland was mostly Ashkenazi, Jews from Italy, Turkey and Spain couldn't hold on to their special heritage over the centuries and many eventually assimilated and married out Sephardic side ended up becoming Hasidic ... but never lost the knowledge that they were originally Sephardic .... just knowing you were once something is not enough ... the Sephardim have unique teachings that they should be so proud of ... the RamBam, Yosef Caro, the Chazon Ish ... some of the most remarkable literature and poetry is from the Sephardim .... how can we, as a Jewish people, afford to lose this magnificent history ... not only for the Sephardim, but for all of us .... they should be carefully preserved and rediscovered ... and taught to everyone .... particularly the Sephardim .... how is it 'racist' or 'separatist' to want to learn about who you are? or to learn about the history of Sephardim throughout the centuries in Sephardic, and sometimes Ashkenazi, lands?
59. #9, to Nour of "palestine"
DS ,   KA, ISRAEL   (06.28.10)
Yes, dear Nour, you arabs love one another so much, like when Hamas blows the knee caps of Fatah, or shoots a whole wedding party of Fatah in Gaza, or Fatah kills Hamas.... such a peace-loving, non-racist society. You know what, YES, YOU keep it up too, I can' t wait.
60. 47 Orthodox docs DO prove we are Jews!
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.27.10)
And no Orthodox rabbi on earth gives a rip whether you like or accept it or not. I don't care whether you like it or accept it or not either. You're a Xn, not in our Orthodox Jewish community. Now I'll bet Charles will read this as "7 Orthodox docs..." and want to know what the 7 Orthodox docs are to go with the 27 rabbis... ROFL You guys are Larry and Curly and Keren from Brazil (?) makes Mo. Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Torah-reverer (Teimani, Baladi, Dor Daim, Orthodox Jew) Advocate for Logic as Hermeneutic Halakhic Authority Welcoming All Torah-reverers (Jews & non-Jew geirim)
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