Jewish Scene
Rabbi Yosef: Don't attend Ashkenazi schools
Kobi Nahshoni
Published: 27.06.10, 09:03
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61. To Nour
Yossef ,   Rehovot, Israel   (06.28.10)
Yes these Haredim Ashkenazim are racist. The minhag pretext is just a pretext, they cannot stand Sephardim, and Yes, they regard Sephardim like arabs, which is an insult in their eyes. It doesn't bother me because as a Sephardi, mixed with Berber Jew from Algeria and Morocco, I regard myself as an Arab Jew. My grand parents spoke arabic, some of them also spanish. I don't regard arabs as inferior to anyones, neither superior. We are cousins and unfortunately for you and me we look alike, and more the time is going and more we will look alike (it will be a chance for you, take it :-) BTW I always thought that a solution for the israelo-palestinian conflict would be that you convert, all the so-called palestinians, to judaism. Isn't it a great idea ? Well, a last word. Yes there are racists in my jewish people but not more than in your arab people, may be even less. You have to be honest Nour, you Arabs are very racist, much more than we are, we Jews.
62. 49 - it's not my opinion, but what real jews themselves say
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (06.28.10)
you may be anti-christian, but that in NO WAY means you are jewish. again, how can one be "orthodox jewish" and yet hold completely unorthodox beliefs? this is what comes from the jewish worldview - just see the talkbackers of all jewish persuasions, from secular to religious, who say this. listen to them, they should know more than you or i. (by the way, if you really believe i was serious when i sarcastically claimed to be a nutzarim, you are dumber than i thought.)
63. to #50 this situation was stopped
ghostq   (06.28.10)
2300 years ago, what is your point?
64. some of europeen jews r not ashkenazim
ghostq   (06.28.10)
it just show how many of you really knows your own history.
65. Rabbi Yosef is seeking a peaceful route in the interim.
Ernest ,   USA   (06.28.10)
Rabbi Yosef would rather the claims, being a matter of Torah, be addressed in a rabbinic court. The proceeding would need to be precided. In as much as there is resentment, there still is a deep amount of gratitude from the Siphardic towards the Ashkenazi. And that's fine. Just because someone helped you in a time of need, it doesn't give them the right to offend you unrightously or assume that you will follow vain ways. You may have had to succumb and resort during troublesome times. The implications resulting from a hearing in this case could have far reaching effects. Here, the city is divided into districts. If you live in a certain district, you go to a certain school. A transfer to another school is possible if so desired due to certain conditions and availablity in that school. The boundries of these districts can be changed to accomodate students into the schools. Private schools are an option. You may have to pay to go to that school or a student may be able to receive a scholarship to attend the school. There are dress codes. There was forced segregation at one time. A school across the street from your house could not be attended, you were bused several miles away to another school. That didn't last long. If it's possible to tailor schools to meet specific requirements, that's wonderful.
66. 62 Wrong, only what Orthodox beit din&rabbis decided matters
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.28.10)
and that's documented fact. As you've been told repeatedly, Orthodox documentation is available in our website. Not what anonymous ignorant seculars, atheists & homosexuals--much less Xn goyim--say. Orthodox rabbis and beit din don't poll anonymous, secular, atheist or homosexuals--and certainly not Xn goyim--to make their decisions. Further, their decisions, documented, are not subject to review by anonymous, secular, atheist or homosexuals--and certainly not Xn goyim. All of you will have to obtain the documentation offered in our website, go through the proper Orthodox authorities or remain frustrated and obsessed. Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Torah-reverer (Teimani, Baladi, Dor Daim, Orthodox Jew) Advocate for Logic as Hermeneutic Halakhic Authority Welcoming All Torah-reverers (Jews & non-Jew geirim)
67. To paqid .No TRUE Orthodox Jew
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.28.10)
will even talk about this paqid's ribi yueshua . NO ONE . Only this self proclaimed "Orthodox Jew" and paqid do it . I have NEVER heard one TRUE Jew talk about "ribi yeshua" . But deceiving people and liars as this paqid is , they do . And announcing : accepting Jews and Non Jews , is alsao not very Jewish .
68. Your Doc's ? the same as your Heading
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.28.10)
or those "blessings" . No TRUE Orthodox Rabbi or Rabbanut will acknowledge your "teachings" as being Jewish . PS : This ATHEIST is contrary to you , a 100 % Jew . And i have a TRUE certificate of being Jewish [ needed to make Alyah ] issued by a Charidi Rabbanut in my home town .
69. 67 Atheist contradicted by, inter alia, Orthodox Rav Skobac
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.28.10)
See Orthodox Rav Michael Skobac's chapter "The Genesis of Christianity" in his book: "The DaVinci Code." By your self-proclaimed definition, he's not a "TRUE Jew." But, of course, you, the atheist, think you are based on race because of your birth and DNA. Interesting that ynet regularly delays, defers or simply refuses to post my replies. But they post slander as fast as they can get it online. This is about my 5th attempt to get this posted. ynet keeps trying to help you promote their "unreligious" agenda. You admit certification is required for aliyah. How do you think my wife and I made aliyah? How do you think our daughter graduated, after 12 years, from an Orthodox school (Amit)? She was even president of the student body her senior year and featured in Amit magazine. Orthodox and Israeli gov't documentation has been available on our website for decades. It's impossible to communicate HOW two entities differ, or how following each differs, when the ignorant audience--ahem, that's you and your dullard comrades--is still under the false impression the two opposite characters are one and the same person. Historians know better. Some of the forward-looking rabbis also know better and understand that this spells the shattering of the Christian models of prophecy built around a falsified Roman image and the resulting victory of Torah. The rabbis going one step at a time (as I had to do too, at first). First, demonstrating the difference and oppositeness of the first-century historical Jew from the 3rd-4th and subsequent centuries Roman goyim Hellenist-fabricated perversion based on their Zeus. When the oppositeness of the two has been established more firmly among the ignorant masses--like you--then they can begin to define the first century historical and human Pharisee Ribi from the Hellenist 3rd and subsequent centuries Christian "Christ" image--precisely as I'm doing now. I'm simply pioneering a few decades ahead of that curve and some of you are too myopic and tunnel-visioned to comprehend what the Netzarim represent in terms of demonstrating that Bible prophecies and Ribi Yehoshua concurred that the Mashiakh represents Christian goyim converting to Torah IN DIRECT CONTRADICTION TO Torah Jews converting to their Christian christ-idol. But some rabbis realized it decades ago and others continue to recognize the victory over Christian prophecy models that we Netzarim represent in personifying the Torah (in contradiction to Christian) teachings of Ribi Yehoshua. That the Netzarim, in contradiction to Christianity and the Church, are the sole legitimate advocates of the Torah-teachings of Ribi Yehoshua is, in this sense, a restoration--resurrection, second coming--of the spirit of Ribi Yehoshua. It has already come and no one noticed, exactly as Ribi Yehoshua predicted; and--suprise!--goyim Christians are converting to Torah, NOT the reverse. Game over. It's Christians who are "Left Behind"! Check-mate! But some Jews who have strayed from Torah are--as all Orthodox Jews recite every Shabbat--ish baar and k'sil, incapable of understanding and recognizing final victory of Torah over the Christian "prophecies" of massive conversion to "christ" they so dread. Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Torah-reverer (Teimani, Baladi, Dor Daim, Orthodox Jew) Advocate for Logic as Hermeneutic Halakhic Authority Welcoming All Torah-reverers (Jews & non-Jew geirim)
70. 64 , ghostq . Ignorant again
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.28.10)
As Always . It's not some of European Jews , it are many . And even my family , 20 generations in Poland , originated from Turkey [ maybe coming from Spain ]
71. Yoheved , 58 . I agree
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.28.10)
No tradition should be lost . The Sefaradim have their's , the Asdhkenazim and Mizrachi'im also . Their languages have to be preserved , they have great authors . It's racist when you think that "your" views and traditions are superior to others . It's racist when you reject others because of their origin .
72. Rav Ovadia is a very wise man
David Olesker ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (06.28.10)
One of the major problems that faced Sefardi Jews in the early years of the state were the shortage of quality religious institutions that catered for their traditions and culture. It prompted many pious Sefardim to to send their sons to Ashkanazi Yeshivot since, as one Rabbi put it, he would "rather his sons learn Torah in Yiddish that how to swear in Arabic". The reason that all the elite institutions were Ashkanazi was simple; due to the Haskalah Ashkanazim had gone through a sort of religious Darwinism -- "survival of the frumest". All but the most observant had assimilated or become secular. Only amongst the Sefardim was there a complete spectrum of religious observance. To his credit, Rav Ovadia has not only complained about the issue, he has worked to solve it and built a whole network of educational institutions that cater to Sefardim and preserve their culture and traditions. He will have finally succeeded when he has to start turning Ashkanazim away from his schools in order to maintain their character.
73. 60/66 - umm, that's like what we've been saying and stuff
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (06.28.10)
no orthodox rabbi cares what we say, nor cares what you say either. which is why we want to hear from THEM about you, especially because your word is worthless. i have a friend who, like you, converted and has the docs saying he's orthodox. his are a couple of decades more recent even, but he's still a christian. documents are official but they are wrong and meaningless. read my #62 - how can you be "orthodox" when you openly believe things that are not/have never been orthodox? your docs are possibly obtained under false pretense or you have deviated from what you converted to. the only solution is to get the rabbis to rule TODAY on that which you obfuscate. we've been asking for years and you still can't prove us wrong. you may have fooled the rabbis, but we see through your scam.
74. 66 - they converted my friend and he's not orthodox
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (06.28.10)
my friend has all of the paperwork and the beit din certified it as a legal conversion. my friend is not orthodox or lives as a jew, but is the same practicing christian he always was before. if my friend had to state his beliefs before the beit din, his conversion would be annuled. THAT'S MY POINT - it doesn't matter what was said a long time ago. what matters is NOW. you profess openly you believe things not orthodox. get rabbis today to approve it as orthodox. otherwise your conversion is invalid as my friend's.
75. 74 I'm public. Make your friend public.
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.28.10)
See which of us lasts. I wrote a letter to the Chief Rabbi when I arrived, apprising him of everything. In reply, I received his blessing, which is published in my books. The rabbis have, several times, reviewed my website, and occasionally asked about certain points, which I either clarified or explained to their satisfaction. They know. They are not ignorant. You are the one who is ignorant. I'm up-front and public. And you think they don't know? Then let's make your friend public and see what happens! Put up or shut up!
76. 69 , what about your Heading and blessings ?
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.28.10)
When will you give the names of your "Orthodox Rabbanim" . I received my Alyah certificate WITHOUT having to pay one cent . How much Thousands of US$ did you need ? You may believe in what you want , but stay honest , don't deceive TRUE Jews with your lies . I have nothing against your belief in this ribi [ No TRUE Orthodox Jew will even talk about him ] But don't tell that you're an Orthodox Jew . That's a lie . But , yes , trying to deceive people , that's you ,Mr Van ....
77. 75 , AGAIN your LIE . No BLESSINGS
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.28.10)
Only a polite formula from the chief Rabbi's secretary . He wrote that the Rabbinate had received your letter , andf that this letter will be forwarded to be handled .
78. 75 - unlike you my friend is not pretending
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (06.28.10)
the wedding was called off, so he went his own way and let it go. but, like you, he has all the documentation you trumpet day and night for no purpose. he is officially converted and has never been revoked. see what i'm saying? if you are telling the truth about the rabbis having no problem with your teachings, why won't you say who they are? if they have no problem, they should be comfortable standing by you. WHY ARE YOU SO SECRETIVE ABOUT THE TRUTH? people who are secretive have something to hide. so, to stop being hypocritical for once, put up or shut up, as you yourself say (since i'm the one that's been asking you for years now).
79. #69 Pachrist,you are an idiot!
Keren ,   IL-BR   (06.29.10)
I am not currently in Israel,but I beg to somebody also interested in kick the ass of this idiot from Israel,to report these aberrations he writes to Religious Court encharged with these matters. This cheater didn´t understand during his conversion that our route is based in our 22 Books ,we call Torah and *nothing else*! If he does not agree,his conversion must be considered without effect because in reality it does not have effect. This baptist priest is poluting Israel and we are not supposed to stand with such an aberration in our midst,specially because this cheater cheated those who in good will converted him. This mad(he is a mad fore and foremost)can not let be free to preach his aberrations. It goes against ourselves. He and his likes must be forbidden to act. And this Pacross still makes a living out of his aberrations in our land,profiting the status of Jew that was STOLEN!. Kick him out!!!!
80. #69 Rabbi Michael Skobac is part of Jews for Judaism.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (06.28.10)
That's an anti-missionary organization whose main, if not sole, purpose, is to actively counter the efforts of the deceitful missionary organization Jews for Jesus. So yes, *his* path is to answer the missionaries who pretend to be Jewish while actually being Christian *using their own language and terminology*. Things that they'd understand and relate to. This does not, in any way, make a belief in the rabbinic authority of Jesus or his Jerusalem church to be a valid Jewish Orthodox belief - it merely means that you're using the discourse of an anti-missionary to justify a very, very off-base set of beliefs you call Jewish.
81. #74 And an excellent point its.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (06.28.10)
A piece of paper that says one's Jewish is just that - a piece of paper. It's what one actually believes here and now that matters, and in the case of converts Judaism expects them to actually continue holding the beliefs they professed to hold when they got said certificate in the first place. And Paqid's doesn't at all look like something that would hold to close scrutiny at a Beit Din here and now.
82. #58 Yoheved
Keren ,   IL-BR   (06.29.10)
I´ve never thought about RamBam, Yosef Caro, the Chazon being Sepharadim.For me, they are Sages;Jewish Sages. Every Jew has a different and interesting background.We have been spreaded in virtually the whole world.Everyone of us has a precious contribution to our people as a whole. Any separation among us is inauspicious,even a separation between religious and not. The religious community should work to make Israel united in Torah,teach Torah to all Jews.That should be their job. As long as they fail in that,we will not achieve peace among ourselves. A Jew is naturally thirsty of Torah.Religious are obliged to provide that to all Jews. Torah was given for us all,even to all humanity,indirectly.How can a Jew fulfill his/her role if they do not know their Torah?? The religious community must change!It is imperative that they change!For the good of us all!
83. 75 - see?
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (06.29.10)
84. 81 Just a piece of paper?
Eliyahu Konn ,   Yrushalayim   (06.29.10)
Might I remind you that the paper represents witnesses that affirm, in the case of conversion, that a heretofore non born Jew has been taught Torah, WHICH IS ANOTHER HANDWRITTEN DOCUMENT, and acknowledges that the convert has been circumcised and gone to the mikveh. You think that your racism trumps the decision of an orthodox Beit Din? I am sure you are wiser than the Rambam who based his reasoning that a born Jew is always a Jew on the fact that a convert never becomes a non-Jew after coming out of the mikveh and having been circumcised. It is clear that all of you self appointed judges have a hatred for documentation. It invariably proves you wrong.
85. 81 I happen to be on public record at time of conversion
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.29.10)
Letters to the editor of the Orlando Sentinel BEFORE our 1983 conversions and BEFORE I even met the Orthodox rabbis who converted me, CLEARLY arguing all of these positions, PROVE my position--then and now. I was WELL known in the Central Florida Jewish community, to the head of the Jewish Community Center, then Paul Jeser (later Campaign Director for the Jewish National Fund) and to the leading Conservative rabbi in Central Florida. My positions were the same then as now. All of you are non-Orthodox or Christian goyim who defy Orthodox rabbis (or you'd be dealing with them instead of arrogantly presuming your own pretend-authority). I'll never subject these rabbis to your satanic meat grinder. The Orthodox authorities here have copies of all of the pertinent documents and know who they are. It was required for aliyah. By contrast, the identity of those rabbis is none of any of your misojudaic--goyim--businesses. Concerning Mike's friend: what makes Mike think the conversion was not revoked? And if it was not, and he is not pretending as Mike claims, then let him come out in the public arena and in the light where I am and see what happens. I've been here more than 2 decades. If he's no different, as Mike claims, then let's see how long he lasts. Mike is complicit in continuing to conceal his friend's deception and lies to the rabbis. Yet, myopic and self-defeating Jews agree with him! You are each useful Christian dupes who are out of your mind! While I'm trying to expose him and expose MIke's insidious agenda and complicity in concealing him, his ignorant and myopic Jewish "useful dupes" find themselves--based ENTIRELY on unfounded lies and slander you know nothing about, for which you cannot cite any basis and refuse to check, verify and go through the proper authorities--allied in agreement with Christian duplicity and deviousness in having admittedly lied and deceived the rabbis. Each of you who do so are defying the proper authority of Orthodox rabbis through whom you should be verifying facts BEFORE spewing diarrhea of your keyboard, and no different from the bootlicking kapos of yesteryear. Just because you think something "must" be and don't understand doesn't make your lies and slanders true. It does make you arrogant and defiant of the documented decisions of Orthodox rabbis. None of you are Orthodox Jews because Orthodox Jews consult the Orthodox rabbis and rely on them; and that's the end of it. Any of you who think you are good Jews need to make teshuvah to Torah and leave such matters to the Orthodox rabbis. As I do--not putting such things in your self-proclaimed court of ignorant, misojudaic opinions in defiance of the rabbis' jurisdiction and authority. What any of you think changes nothing. Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Torah-reverer (Teimani, Baladi, Dor Daim, Orthodox Jew) Advocate for Logic as Hermeneutic Halakhic Authority Welcoming All Torah-reverers (Jews & non-Jew geirim)
86. 84 - what is it with you nutzarim? you claim to be smart
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (06.29.10)
you always gotta find some obscure point nobody cares about and drone on about it instead of facing the subject at hand. is this a conscious strategy you all have when you can't deal with an issue? seems so because you all do it. usually at this point when you start to avoid the subject per usual is when i have again won the argument by showing everyone you have no answer and/or refuse to answer (people aren't stupid and they can see something fishy a mile away). and by following my predictable script you nutzarim play the part for me perfectly. or, of course, you could produce some hard facts to refute us and shut us up. no worries, the longer this goes on, the more credibility you lose in the eyes of more people. kind of a win-win situation.
87. 85 - THANK YOU!! for illuminating my point for me
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (06.29.10)
my friend's conversion happened as a result of bribes paid by prominent and influential people to the rabbinate so a wedding could happen. in other words, there was a lot of corruption involved and a lot of money changing hands to get a conversion and make it official. do you really think that they'd cancel the conversion and give the money back? do you not think that a private battle going public basically exposing the fraud wouldn't be devastating? it hasn't been cancelled or revoked yet, fyi. teh pakeed acts like the conversion process is holy and the rabbis are holy and their word is irrefutable. WELL IT AIN'T. sure, if my friend was checked today his conversion would be shown invalid. and so would teh pakeed's.
88. Davening
isiaiah   (06.29.10)
One of the great aspects of the seventy paths to heaven are the liturgies songs and foods of the tribes of israel
89. 87 So Let's have the ID of your accomplice deceiver
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.29.10)
90. paqid @ 85 . All this certainly full of fake
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.29.10)
papers . You never answered why you used a deceiving heading . You always continue with you lie about this "blessing" you want us to believe you received . I have seen this letter on your website . Then it was possible to zoom it in , and to read what was written . It were NOT blessings of the Chief Rabbi . When a guy is a deceiving LIAR , we can't believe ANYTHING he writes .
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