The Jew and the shiksa
Yisrael Wolman
Published: 06.08.10, 00:03
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Shikses are for fun ...don't marry them (I know ,a horrible thing to say but tongue-in-cheek)
2. Rabbi was reform , not orthodox
shlomo ,   us   (08.06.10)
3. american jews can never shock me,afer all tey voted for obam
mira ,   israel   (08.06.10)
4. Such tolerance!
kelly ,   toronto   (08.06.10)
Referring to Chelsea Clinton as a "shiksa" says more about you than it does about her. You could have easily used a less offensive term. So don't be surprised when the world rolls its eyes next time you cry anti-semitism.
5. Clinton Wedding
David ,   Plainfield USA   (08.06.10)
I think this is a private matter. There are far more important issues. We have no idea as to the understandings that exist between them. It is personal
6. Using the word "shiksa"
Sagi   (08.06.10)
is one of our problems. "We" are different from "them". "We" permit ourselves to call "them" by derogatory names and terms. In certain circles when one of "us" marries one of "them" they say he/she is gone to "hesmed", destruction. It would behoove us to act normally and start to think of ourselves as human beings and not as super human beings, to stop calling others by stupid names. I find this very disrespectful and serves no purpose other than to generate hatred towrds us. American Jews will continue to marry into other religions and ethnicities just as the Italians and Greeks and Hispanos etc. do. This happens because it is America, the Great Melting Pot. I am not ashamed of this nor does it bother me in the slightest.
7. How many of you are aware of what the word
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv   (08.06.10)
"shiksah" actually means? Anyone used a word like that for a Jewish woman, and the whining of antisemitism would be heard loud and clear!
8. To #3 (you would've voted for him too!)
M   (08.06.10)
It makes me laugh how Israeli Jews (& Aussie, and others) can't understand why Jew would vote for Obama! America needed health care, financial regulation and many other things that have nothing to do with Israel. Before Obama I was completely denied health insurance; get it?! I love Israel and am not happy with Obama approach, but get you head out of the sand and learn to love your fellow Jew !
9. To Kelly, #4
Californian ,   San DIego, CA USA   (08.06.10)
The word "shiksa" these days is not pejorative or derogatory, especially when used in an English-speaking environment. Many decades ago, when used by Yiddish speakers in Eastern Europe, the word "shiksa" was mildly pejorative but certainly not outright derogatory. I hope you've been educated.
10. The future is Jewish children
Joshua Safer ,   United States   (08.06.10)
As Jews assimilate in the world, the community can only survive if it freely competes and succeeds. The couple should be encouraged to raise their children as Jews. The Jewish community should do its best to liberally accept the children and then focus on educating them as practicing Jews. Forget the fight over formal conversion. Many of us 'born Jews' have non-Jewish ancestors too.
11. Political Correctness=Cultural Genocide for All
iObserver and News ,   US/Israel   (08.06.10)
Democrazy creates many hidden catastrophies such as the one in this article. All cultures in the US and for any culture that moves into another country will be faced with this scenario. For those cultures that stive to preserve their heritage: raising a child in a foreign land will lead to more headaches and heartbrek than you will see happiness in all of your days. For those who don't care? Who cares about them!? Let them do whatever it is they want to. When we left Mitzriim, 80% stayed behind and the majority of us Jews complained like spoiled children for the rest of our lives in the Sinai. What's so different here? As painful as it is, this predicament speaks volumes about such individuals as well as their parenting. It's as if they fired live rounds at themselves, their children and potential grandchildren. If the child has lazy, selfish, self-serving libtards az parents, they're doomed to an empty life pursuing "personal" satisfaction which ALWAYS fails; even for the loony "rationalizers". This is what too much liberalism does to us: turns us into permenant 5 year olds in a candy store, with or without the money to pay: if we don't have it, we drool and hate those that do. What does it take to preserve a culture? The same thing it takes to be successful and live a meaningful, satisfying and happy existence: discipline, intelligence and sophistication. The 3 indredients I mentioned: a Meaningful, Satisfying and Happy life are the key. Our "meaning" is our religion, which has THE most intelligent & sophisticated ethics platform known to humanity Without Judaism, regardless of how whacky our liberalism is, will subtract our meaning, leaving us empty. I don't know how a Jew can think a life of chaos and self indulgence is an option. I wish Jews would just take 5 minutes to look at how beautiful our religion, culture and heritage are. If they did, it's highly doubtful they would take the SHALLOW, EMPTY, SELFISH road. It's not open minded: quite the contrary: Liberalism is a pollution-catcher: and U wind up with more garbage than good. Judaism is the MIDDLE WAY: "if you stand too close to the fire, you'll be burned. If you stand too far from it: you'll freeze. So stand in the middle and be warmed". Judaism is our preservation. Without it, we're not special: we're just the same as the 'joe' next to us.
12. Respect (Ynet, be fair and dont't block my post)
Dave ,   Bs.Aires_Argentina   (08.06.10)
As a Jew living in the Diaspora, I don't agree with the Inter-Faith marriages. I think they put in danger the continuity of our Jewishness in the future. BUT, BUT I think also that calling the bride a "Shiksha" is totally disrespectful. -Do you know the origin of that word ? Well let's see : It derives from the idish "Shikse", and the root-word is from the Hebrew "sheqes" "a detested thing" . . . Come on ! ! - It makes no sense the use of that adjective to this girl. Please, Mr. Woldman, take care with the words that you are using in your articles, because not only we, jewish people, read them, people of other faiths read them too. And we cry when somebody call us "racists" and "apartheid" . . Shame on you both, Ynet and Woldman for your inappropriate vocabulary.
13. Chelsea and Mark non Jewish wedding
jacob ,   nyc/usa   (08.06.10)
Don't be surprised welcome to American and what has happened to the jewish communities in America because of assimilation over the years. wonder why 70% of Jews voted for obama look at the wedding you have the answer TALLIS ON SHABBAT UNDER A KUPPAH ? this is no jewish wedding my friends by the way marks father was in jail doing 9 years and his uncle the college professor is anti zionist meaning anti jew .
14. insulting title and dumb article---
pinchas ,   boston   (08.06.10)
the author, and the American editor of ynetnews.com, are to blame for the lowbrow sensationalist "shiksa" reference. As Kelly from Toronto noted, this kind of smug putdown of Chelsea, or any Gentile girl who has obvious virtues, is disgusting and is a direct cause of antisemitism.
15. David from Plainfield
What a tolerance. what a philosopher u are. people like you have helped the goyim extinguish the jewish soul
16. 2nd Holocaust through assimilation
Yaniv ,   Israel   (08.06.10)
17. #4 Kelly
E ,   Al Khobar, KSA   (08.06.10)
Although I am not Jewish, I am dead against Jews marrying outside their faith. The Bible repeatedly warns against it and that is good enough for me! But, I guess, you know better.
18. #4 WELL PUT
The jews are very quick to scream blue murder and accuse others of antisemitism .I was honestly taken back and offended by the s word .Ynet should be ashamed.
19. To #4 and #5
Adam   (08.06.10)
#4: It is ridiculous to equate the term shiksa with anti-semitism. #5: And while their relationship is a personal matter for them, the author points to the larger trend of intermarriage. The survival of the Jewish people is a communal matter, not a personal matter.
........DACON9   (08.06.10)
21. To #1 :-)
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (08.06.10)
Girlfriend, go ahead and marry that Hebe! His weird ideas will be a laugh a minute for the rest of your life. Tongue-in-cheek, of course :-)
22. Kelly #4
Steve   (08.06.10)
I agree with you, it was a poor choice of words to describe Chelsea in this (pejorative) manner. As #2 pointed out, the (officiating?) Rabbi was not an Orthodox rabbi. I believe he is correct. Notwithstanding, there were some important points made in this piece; not to mention Jewish survival as well as the future of American Jews.
23. chelsea intermarries
moron ,   galut   (08.06.10)
'shiksas'as you call them are very nice and she was a lovely bride--all the criticism is the jewish man who shuns his religious duty especially to his children and some jewish social climbers of both sexes who hate the requirements of judaism
24. I married one, but then she converted
MooZ   (08.06.10)
Sometimes it happens. If you want to reduce intermarriage, then the Jewish community needs to do much, much, much more to actively involve young single men and women and to be relevant to these young singles. You can, of course, say that it is up to the young singles to do the reaching out and the getting involved, but if you punt the problem to someone else, then you have no right to kvetch about the poor results later on. The problem is that the younger singles AREN'T getting involved, and American Jews need to do more, proactively, to INVOLVE THEM. Also, it would help if dues for Jewish institutions were lower for young singles. Young families too.
25. clinton
jim ,   ny   (08.06.10)
you are idiotic.
26. I feel sorry for Marc
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (08.06.10)
Hillary is his mother-in-law. Nuff said!
27. The Beauty and the beast
Smithy ,   USA   (08.06.10)
d'oh! LOL
28. This headline is offensive
A Jewish woman ,   U.S.A.   (08.06.10)
This headline is taking potshots at a young couple just starting out in life who fortunately don't report to the chief rabbinate of Israel . Where are Jews commanded to call non-Jewish women shiksa's? It is as offensive as any anti-semitic phrase and being used in a major newspaper is unforgiveable. please clean up your act YNet.
29. Obnoxious Ignoramus
Michael ,   Boston, MA   (08.06.10)
Your ignorance of American Jewish realities is exceeded only by the absurdness of your factual mistakes. Rabbi Ponet is a Reform Rabbi of great depth and learning. His coofficiant is a Minister not a Priest. The "unease" is most predominant amongst secular Israelis whose non-religion is Orthodox. Instead of justifying your grief in the studies of Barack-Fishman; why don't you look at the data from Boston which shows 60% of these families are raising their children as Jews. Of course not the kind of Jews which the Orthodox Rabbinate of Israel would recognize. Do follow them, in time you will have a country run by them and discarded by the rest of world Jewry.
30. This is a desecration of G-ds name.
BJL ,   usa   (08.06.10)
American Jewry is intermarrying itself out of existence. This mans children will not be Jewish! Unless they convert back at some future point. It is a futher sign of American Jewish morality in the toliet. His family makes it through 2000 years of exile to be destroyed not by Hitler but themselves.
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