On whose side is Obama?
Moshe Dann
Published: 25.08.10, 00:01
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31. #!, Like Obama, doesn't get it
Old Solly ,   New York, NY   (08.25.10)
The problem with your post and Obama is that the WTC mosque has NOTHING to do with Islam. Either by the builders, their undefined sponsors, or their well-defined imam. Rather, ti is all about respecting the wishes of the population. New Yorkers and Americans were hurt on 9/11, and unlike yourself, many of us haven't forgotten what was done to us. We never will. And lest you forget, we are the large majority in New York (and America too). There already is a mosque close by...how many Muslims live in proximately to this "center." It's all about setting up shop in a war zone, in a place where the ground is stained with our dead. Obama doesn't feel the pain many of us still feel. And many of us are either unhappy or angry with this "development." So you lefties and American haters out there, your day is ending. New Yorkers are a tough bunch, We can take a punch...but don't expect us to lay down and forget. Election day is coming!!!
32. In O'Bama's past, he was a community
Robert Haymond ,   Israel/Canada   (08.25.10)
organizer. With that background, one would think that he would be sensitive to the needs and fears of local people. But this is not the case. In this situation, he missed understanding his community, the American people. When he balked and appeared to retract much of what he originally put forward, he came off as indecisive and insincere. It seems that this whole "mosque fiasco" has created a window through which we can see O'Bama's lack of ability to relate with his constituency. This is because he is an ideologue who is moved primarily by his preconceived ideas of what is and what should be and has little empathy for the common American person.
33. We conquered St. Sophia Church and turned it into a Mosque
Tayfun_Turkey ,   Istanbul   (08.25.10)
Now we will do the same at Ground Zero. Allhllalahllahllah is victorious but what did Muslims get out of it? More Sharia and misery............
34. Moshe Dann is wrong
shlomo ,   San Jose, USA   (08.25.10)
Barak Obama's first priority is to defend the Constitution of the US. He takes that oath when he is sworn in on January 20th. The first article of the Constitution states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[" The establishment of this Islamic Center cannot be prohibited by law and if people don't like it then they can peacefully protest but that is the full extent of their rights. Besides, Muslims have been using it as a Mosque for two years! As long as they are peaceful and do not break any laws, they are totally within their rights as US citizens.
35. he is on the side of the people who gave him money
ghostq   (08.25.10)
for his election, hint very muslim source, other wise he wouldn't get enough funds to run to presidentcy, especially when he comes from partly immigrant familiy.
36. Mr Dann almost says what needs to be said
Schreiber   (08.25.10)
Like him, hundreds of columnists are at this very moment planning new columns or actually writing them to address the issue of the Ground Zero mosque or Obama's sympathies with Islam. But I'm quite sure that none of them will say what needs to be said. Even those with their own blogs will censor themselves. Even the leaders of the opposition to the mosque always rush to defend Muslms' right to come to America and worship as they see fit. This is America after all, this is the land of the free. The fact is that nobody is addressing the main issue which is whether Muslim immigration to the West should continue as long as there is no clarity over whether it is compatible with the principles on which we have built our society. The main issue is not the mosque near Ground Zero - a mere symbol. It is not Mr. Obama's real religion. The real issue is Muslim immigration to the west. It's got nothing to do with racism or intolerance, although there is Islamophobia involved, and we should not recoil at this word, because it means "fear of Islam". Phobos is the Greek word for Fear. Yes, we are afraid and we are concerned because the west refuses to address the underlying antagonism between Islam and capitalism, Islam and Christianity, Islam and Judaism, Islam and atheism, Islam and the many ways of life that have flourished in the west. Unless the west has the courage to confront those antagonisms, we'll continue to be in a state of permanent conflict with Muslims, with only surrender as its alternative, and surrender will certainly come in a couple of generations when Muslims have sufficient numbers to have real clout in America. Until those issues are resolved, America should issue an immediate moratorium on Muslim immigration. If our customs are so offensive to them, then they ought to find places that are more amenable, elsewhere. We want to share our freedoms and opportunities with immigrants but not at the cost of cultural suicide.
37. Be nice
Yehudi ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (08.25.10)
Damn it, why can't we all just live in peace?
38.  "Israel" owes every Palestinian an apology
Salma ,   Palestine   (08.25.10)
Mr. Moshe Dan, do you know that the Jews in Hebron praying inside the Ibrahimi Mosque, to this day, do you know what happened in this campus?! have you heard of the jewish terrorist massacre there?!Do you know who stands behind the settlers in Hebron and promote hateful ideology ?! People who live in glass houses should not throw stones
39. So, so many of us, Americans feel abandoned by
Gail ,   New York, NY   (08.25.10)
our own President. No matter who we are: Democrats or Republicans, men or women, African-Americans or Whites, rich or poor. The present President, in this and other actions, has caused us to feel that we are abandoned.
40. To Salma
Allan ,   Bat Yam, Israel   (08.25.10)
And did you know that the Jews were massacred in Hebron in the 1920's by Arabs? it is you who owe us an apology for the massacre, you carried out. And it is not the mosque, jews pray at, it is the cave of Abraham, that was there long before your ancestors conquered and stole the area and declared that Abraham was your prophet as well, so it is you who pray at a jewish site and worship the patriarch, and chose to corrupt the bible to suit your needs.
41. Salma, 23 April 1929, Hebron Massacre,
Robert Haymond ,   Israel/Canada   (08.25.10)
sixty-seven Jews murdered by their Palestinian neighbours, many of the dead dismembered, women raped, houses burned, in a panic the survivors move to Jerusalem. Hope this comment serves as an educational post for you, Salma.
42. I'm just curious Salma
Rachel   (08.25.10)
how much do you really know of your own history. I see you posting here regularly and I don't doub you are sincere. But are you well informed? To call the cave of Abraham a mosque is an outrage. That was a Jewish site thousands of years before your prophet coveted the land of Israel. It's a historical site. It's historical evidence. Are you an independent thinker, Salma, or are you just repeating what your leaders and television have told you? Do you ever try to find out the truth on your own? Did you even know that there had been a massacre of Jews in Hevron? Did you know that Hevron was once a Jewish city, the second most important one after Jerusalem? This Arab obsession to have what others have needs to stop.
43. Number 27
Anon ,   Johannesburg   (08.25.10)
You just angry cause you know its all true. Furthermore, the writer does not advertise his/her name becuse we know what Islam is capable of... and that freedom of speech comes with a death panalty
44. Number 38, Salma
Anon ,   Johannesburg   (08.25.10)
So why can you not stop throwing stones. no pun intended.
45. shtok kvar--this is an internal US affair....
arik ,   usa   (08.25.10)
...we don't care what you have to say about this--ya chutzpan
46. Salma # 38
Sagi   (08.25.10)
"There was no "Jewish terrorist massacre" in Hebron. This is a wrong decription designed to implant a warped and twisted impression of actual event. There are no organized "Jewish terrorists" as there are the various Muslim terror groups throughout the Arab world. What happened in Hebron was the act of a single person with a deranged mind. I might add that his condition was caused by religious fervor. I do not make excuses for him and his act, in fact I felt then as I do now deep shame and sorrow. I apologize for what happened, but it was not "terrorism". It could happen anywhere at anytime, and in fact it does happen regularly, only yesterday for example a deranged ex policeman murdered many people on a tourist bus.
47. #36 Schreiber, be patient!
Thomas ,   Dixieland USA   (08.25.10)
You go faster than History itself: the Muslim immigration and cultural onslaught have not reached the critical mass -yet. They will turn to terrorism when they pass 10%+. Currently the Marxist-Islamofascist alliance's Political Correctness rules and the peoples are intimidated to the point that are afraid even to say in English "schwartze"... Islamists create havoc everywhere so the revulsion against them shall occur in due course of time. Europeans started to fight back: Americans have more tolerance but they will burst into rage eventually.
48. Attacking Muslim Americans
Max Maier ,   Germany   (08.25.10)
The author of this piece intentionally ignores that most Muslims in the US are US citizens with the same rights as any Jewish American. He clearly insinuates that any Muslim who attends a Mosque in the US should have his loyalty questioned. How about Jewish Americans, Mr. Dann? Shall their loyalty also be questioned? Do they put the interests of Israel over those of the US? While questioning the loyalty of Jews in that manner is justly considered as being anti semitic, doing the same to Muslims is being re-branded as "standing up for your country", right?
49. 8 millions muslims in the US ??????
Trumpeldor   (08.25.10)
Obama's figures in his infamous Cairo speech were wrong ! At most 3 millions muslims live in the USA B.HSHEM !
50. #48 Max Meier - Jews have built America
Rachel   (08.25.10)
American education, business, music, literature, science, law, journalism, and just about every area of American civilization has been built with a disproportionate number of Jewish contributors. Jews have fought in world wars and given their lives for their country. American law and values themselves are generally based on Torah values. Herr Meier, by making Jews and Muslims equivalent when it comes to loyalty to America, you are being extremely offensive to Jews and our ancestors. Jews have built and loved America. They have not engaged in terror to destroy it. Your comparison is nothing less than obscene.
51. So tell us, Herr Max Maier of Germany,
rom ,   israel   (08.25.10)
Did you ever hear of a bunch of American Jews hijacking airliners, crashing them into American buildings thus murdering close to 4000 innocent American citizens? No, I thought not. But your "loyal" American Muslims did just that.
52. #42 Rachel ,Whether it is a mosque or a cave
Salma ,   Palestine   (08.25.10)
Does Abraham accept killing worshipers in his grave?!! this is the Q. Rachel, I don't like much controversy in religious matters, but I can't stand hypocrites such as Mr. Moshe Dann.
53. #46 Sagi , it was Jewish terrorist massacre
Salma ,   Palestine   (08.25.10)
any way I appreciate your apologize, but you must also understand if you feel ashamed of the crime of Baruch Goldstein,me too, and many Muslims feel ashamed of the crimes of Osama bin Laden . Sagi, "There are no organized Jewish terrorists" as you claimed, so what you call the three groups, the Irgun, the Hagannah, and the Stern Group?! DOVES OF PEACE ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
54. to Salma, Number 52
Allan ,   Bat Yam, Israel   (08.25.10)
When you accept that Abraham chose his son isaac, as the bible says, then you can discuss the ways of Abraham. The question you need to answer is why in Hebron, the place where the patriarchs are buried, that muslims chose to massacre jews there and build a huge mosque on top of the site, are they trying to hide that jews were there first i wonder.
55. Let us hope the liberal Jewish crowd realizes who
Eddie ,   NJ USA   (08.25.10)
it voted for the Presidency and correct its ways, for the sake of America, for the sake of humanity if not for the sake of the Jewish community and Israel.
56. # 53 Salma
Sagi   (08.25.10)
I said "are" and not "were". Two minutes after the declaration of statehood these organizations were banned and dismantled. Will the Pali leaders do the same, I doubt it. While I do not deny that these organizations existed and acted, two of them, Irgun and Lehi were not particularly favored by the majority of folks, condemned by many and regarded as a necessary evil by some. The Hagana was a defense force set up to counteract Arab terrorism, it can in no way be described as a "terror organization".
57. #50, #51 Oh, sure,
Max Maier ,   Germany   (08.25.10)
plenty of Jews with great accomplishments who contributed to the US, no one is denying that. That doesn't mean that "Jews built America". I have heard that there were plenty of English, Scottish, Irish, German, Chinese, African etc. folks who did their share as well. On the negative side there were Jewish goons as well, the likes of Meyer Lansky and Bernard Madoff. No lack of Jewish traitors either, the Rosenbergs and Pollard. That aside it is news to me that there are different classes of Americans. Does that mean that according to your strange opinion Jews are less American and should have fewer rights than those folks whose ancestors arrived with the Mayflower? #51, perhaps you should get some basic facts right. The 9/11 attackers were Saudis, not Americans. That probably doesn't bother the likes of you who see every Muslim as an enemy.
58. Max # 57
Sagi   (08.25.10)
You do not understand Islam. Let me explain. They have an agenda, an insidious takeover of the world. It will happen, not in my lifetime and not in yours, but it will happen. you are reading this thinking that I am a paranoid idiot and Arab hater who has been fed on hateful propoganda. I am far from this, much further than you can imagine. But I also have a very deep understanding of the world and its peoples, of history and what makes people tick, how their minds are controlled and manipulated and for what purposes. During the last century two isms almost sealed the fate of humanity, one in your country and one that your leaders tried to conquer. Millions of people died. Islam is at present one third of humaity and growing. The two world wars and the civilian casualties will look like a picnic compared to what is in store. Religion is to blame for this madness. Is it not madness in your opinion that one should have the right to kill another because their isms do not match each other. Are we not all sons of "God", the same "God", no matter what we call him/her/it. Why should Islam have the right to control others, why should anybody have the right to control others. Humanity is in a sad state and getting sadder by the minute, sadly the contribution of Islam to this situation is greater than that of others and growing by the minute.
59. he could have said ''Islam is a great religion ''
bob ,   NZ   (08.25.10)
but George W Bush already said that just after 9/11
60. Obama and his administration are a bunch of traitors!
Jason   (08.25.10)
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