US wants agreement now, peace later
Shimon Shiffer
Published: 27.08.10, 10:23
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91. 40
what do the Palestinians have to agree with?
92. Israeli / Pal. Peace
Simcha ,   So.Cal.USA   (08.27.10)
Gosh, isn't Obama a swell guy? He's got everything worked out .
93. misinterpretation
vitenberg ,   saint-mandé FRANCE   (08.27.10)
I wrote "It's time to move" and some lecturers read: "It's time to move for the settlers". It's a misinterpretation, the meaning is:" It's time to move i n political field, to begin political action based on the basic importance of the 242 242 has to be our red line for negotiation, and a red line is visible. Stop speaking with a feeble voice, or not speaking at all. 242 is not a precondition and I'm very astonished at this silence and shyness of the political team. You don't want this framework, you don't want any framework, But you will accept the Obama's framework, because there is no framework, it's impossible working without one, and the israeli delegation dare not putting the 242 on the table; Dare! Put it!, dont leave the place empty for lethal framework ! Is Bibi thinking the 242 is simply a "rag paper", un "chiffon de papier"? Is Bibi remember what he said about road 443: "I will never accept the road 443 out of israeli control" May be this is a rag paper. I hope I mistake
94. Post number 88 is for number 71
James ,   Portland   (08.27.10)
My post that wrote for 72 above should have been for 71 and all who replied to me about aid that we give to Israel. Never mind the aid, we have an Israeli lobby here that distorts foreign policy for likud. remember USS liberty.
95. Why does everyone waste time talking ...
Malone ,   Hfx   (08.27.10) Abbas? He does not represent all so called Pals,he has no power,any document he signs is worthless,as are anydocs. signed by arabs. Hamas is the one that has to be dealt with and I doubt dialogue will work,which leaves military force. Peace through superior fire power.
96. To: No. 94
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.27.10)
The USS LIBERTY was a "technical research" (i.e., spy) ship deliberately sent to eavesdrop on Israeli military communications while Israel was actively engaged in combat on two fronts. Those communications were translated and then promptly relayed to the Syrian and Jordanian High Commands. The incident occurred on June 8. Egypt was already defeated; Jordan was a mop-up operation and it was clear that Israel had the upper hand against Syria. Then-President Lyndon Johnson did not want the Arabs to lose too much face. So he decided to "help" the Arabs by sending the USS LIBERTY to eavesdrop and relay the content of Israeli military communications to its sworn foes. That is why the USS LIBERTY was blown out of the water. Any country in a similar situation would have done precisely the same thing. If you really want to remember something, I suggest you remember the USS PUEBLO, when the United States of America got smacked down by North Korea.
97. :: #87 - Largest recipient is NOT the Palestinians
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.27.10)
You really have to laugh!! During the 1990’s US foreign aid to the Palestinians averaged approximately $75 million per year since 2004 US assistance to the Palestinians has been averaging about $400 million a year. Israel gets approx $3 billion in aid each year. Can anyone tell me which is the higher amount $400 million or $3 billion? Usually Israel is the largest recipient of United States aid followed by Egypt (Aid to Israel and Egypt accounts for approx one-third of all US Aid), only over the last few years has Iraq been in the top of the chart because of a little ‘war’ that the US embarked upon. With a figure of $400 million a year the Palestinians aren’t even in the running for a place in the top ten!
98. Most Americans and Israelis want Obama gone.
Chaim ,   Israel   (08.27.10)
The Obama "peace plan" is clearly disastrous for Israel. It is a bid by a hugely unpopular U.S. president to claim an achievement, no matter the cost to Israel. Israel needs to clearly reject the monstrous Two State Final Solution and further Israeli retreat. Most Americans and Israelis want Obama gone. That is why Democrats are so worried about the upcoming midterm elections.
99. Beware of Obama's Obsession
marat ,   canada   (08.27.10)
There has been a HUGE outpouring of articles on Obama and his circle in major U.S. media. He is DESPERATE right now for some kind of perceived "success" because of the huge desertion of U.S. voters from the Democratic party in bi-elections. The momentum is with Republicans and it is IMPERATIVE that Israel RESIST the unbelievable pressure he will put upon Israel for his own personal agenda. Obama has shown in the past that he is ready to virtually throw Israel under the bus if necessary to his own egotistic agenda, ready to jeopardize NOT ONLY Israel's security but her very existence. It is more important NOT to hand Obama any victories now and to help ensure that his disastrous administration is replaced as soon as possible. This is a man who is simply NOT to be trusted with such critical issues. His promises have shown themselves again and again to be empty. In a flash he basically destroyed the alliance of Israel and the U.S. single handedly and has damaged relations with at least four other previous U.S. allies, while talking sweetly to Iran, N. Korea and Syria, emboldening all of them.
100. U.S. aid to Palestine
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.28.10) While the numbers include U.S. aid to UNRWA, alas, they do not include U.S. aid to other agencies of the United Nations, most of which are extremely predisposed to aiding the Palestinians. Moreover, the numbers do not include U.S. foodstuff (Conagra ships over $1.0 billion in grain, corn and soy annually, bankrolled courtesy of the taxpaying citizens of the United States). Other food-producing corporations send as least as much. Nor do the numbers include money which has poured from the Development Bank into the Palestine Authority. Let me tell you what happens to the food products. They are supposed to be distributed. All of the bales are clearly marked "A free gift of food from the People of the United States." Do they get distributed? Of course not! Why on EARTH would the PA distribute food if they can sell it on the black market? Which is what they do. Of course. The Palestine Authority is like a hole into which the United States throws money, with no visible evidence that it is being used as it is intended to be used. Of course, Abbas and some other members of the PA leadership have lovely second and third homes in Europe and VERY lavish private offshore bank accounts. Predictably enough. And now, everyone knows -- or should know -- why not ONE SINGLE PALESTINIAN ARAB LIVING IN ISRAEL (or anywhere else, for that matter) has thus far declined to emigrate to the Palestine Authority and help build a state. Well, we never expected them to act like the Jews who flocked to Israel in force to help build a successful, thriving state. Ben Gurion lived simply on a kibbutz. Abbas lives grandly in a huge villa in Ramallah, an even bigger villa in Monaco and a very lavish pied-a-terre in Paris. Therein the difference, folks. That says it all.
101. #88 keep drinking the koolaid
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (08.28.10)
and ignore the facts. The only time Iraq was a threat to Israel was with Osirak when the US was against Israel's defensive action. At the time Iraq was Saudi's first line of defense against Iran and the US supplied the Saddam Hussein with billions of dollars of weapons to kill Persians. Papa Bush attacked Iraq not when it was a threat to Israel, but only after Saddam invaded Kuwait on his way to Saudi Arabia. Bush's attack was a "warning". After the war Bush let Saddam wipe out Kurdish and Shi'ite freedom fighters as a sign that there were no hard feelings. Iraq wasn't threatening Israel either when the US attacked Iraq and deposed Saddam. Remember, Clinton (who is not a neocon) started that war in 1998 with the "Iraqi Liberation Act" and "Desert Fox" at the orders of the Saudis. Only when it turned out the Sunni Iraqi supported Saddam, did Baby Bush attack and eliminate Saddam.
102. intense negotiations meant to tie up israeli leadership....
bernard ross ,   st anns bay jamaica   (08.28.10) peace negotiations as a red herring distraction from Israels security.
103. More Concessions in the ME???
David ,   Darwin, Australia   (08.28.10)
Why are some people so unbelievably slow to learn the lessons of history? Israel has made concession after concession to Palestine, time and time and time again. Never, on any occasion what so ever, have the Palestinians responded with anything other than hatred and murder, trying to justify their ceaseless demands. This time will be no different. It is interesting to note: if Palestine is an Islamic state, in a predominantly Islamic region, why then, do none of the other Islamic nations offer any charity to them? And why is this fact never reported in the world news? Also, why do the Arabs allow none of the Palestinians to enter and settle in Saudi Arabia? Likewise with most of the other Middle Eastern states. Only Israel is targeted, yet it is one of the smallest states in the region, and not Islamic. Palestine does not want concessions, they want everything! This needs to be recognized for what it is - uncontrolled greed, accompanied by the horrible anti-semetic hatred that has been witnessed so many times throughout history, and continues to this day. There is only one way that there will ever be peace in that region: the Palestinian leaders and people must learn to understand and accept that the Jewish (and Christian) people not only have a right to exist, but to do so in peace and harmony with the rest of the world. Peace will never happen by offering concessions. Until this understanding comes to pass, there will never be peace in that region, and the Palestinian will continue on their utterly determined path to self-destruction; and as per usual, it will be the innocent; and particularly the Palestinian children, who will continue to suffer the most, at the hands of their leaders.
104. Translation: US wants Obama to show an "achievement", and
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (08.28.10)
peace later. Reason: Obama is loosing his popularity very, very rapidly and in order to attempt to stop the slide, Obama is willing to dismiss Israel's security needs for his personal political expediency.
105. :: #100 - US aid to Palestine is tiny compared...
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.28.10) the billions in US aid that Israel gets. The link to the PDF only shows that I am correct - the US gives ‘millions’ to the Palestinians in aid and gives *billion* to Israel thus utterly rubbishing the silly claim that: “the Palestine Authority is now the single largest recipient of United States aid”.
106. :: #96 - Utter Hogwash!
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.28.10)
Does Sarah BS have any proof of this? No, not a shred of evidence that the US was relaying intel regarding Israeli military movements. I guess some people will make up any cock and bull story to try and justify this cowardly attack on the USS Liberty by the Israeli army.
107. :: #62 - Behind the times again?
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.28.10)
Sarah BS must be referring to the original Fatah Charter as obviously she doesn’t know that this charter was revised and updated in 2009. To quote from “Nonetheless, *missing entirely* from the (2009) charter is the reported language of the 1966 version that called for Israel's destruction and in the 1989 version that implied Israel's replacement, albeit through peaceful means”. For educational purposes I include the following link:
108. If Mr. Obama wants to be successful, he should turn his
Rivkah   (08.28.10)
attention to the problems in America and stop pushing Israel into dividing Jerusalem and making other concessions to Palestinians because that will lead to war, not peace. Paul Craig Roberts wrote an excellent column this week and suggests the way for America out of its economic problems is to get out of foreign wars and stop meddling in other nations' internal affairs and wars. Outsouced jobs must be brought back to America. Forget about meddling in Israel's internal affairs.
109. Was Obama's Charm Offensive a tranquillizer so as to
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (08.28.10)
now cut into the living flesh of the nation-state of the Jewish people, Israel, and the heart and soul of the Jewish people worldwide and by so doing elevate Obama's predicament in his political decline in the United States...??!!
110. To: No. 106
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.28.10)
Stupid you. It wasn't cowardly, and it wasn't the Israeli army. It was the Israeli Air Force. Prove me wrong, why dont't you? You don't know my access to information, both in the United States and in Israel. (I have pretty good access, by the way.) Yours, on the other hand, appears to be every rejectionist Arab media outlet and every hard-core right wing neo-Nazi website on the Internet. Or possibly the late, lamented shade of Sandy Denny. Wow. Drunk falling down a staircase, and incurred a brain hemorrhage as a result. How impressive is that? Can't you do any better? No, of course not! Silly me for even asking!
111. To: No. 107
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.28.10)
The 2009 charter remains unratified. That means the original 1966 Fatah charter remains in full force and effect. Still doesn't account for Abbas' refusal to just COME OUT AND SAY IT. What part of that do you not understand? If you mean it, how hard can it be to say "The Palestinian people recognize irrevocably the right of the State of Israel to exist in its ancient homeland?" More importantly -- WHY hasn't he simply said it? It would go a long, long way, "Matty." A long, long way.
112. To: No. 105
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.28.10)
Alas, you do not know how to read numbers. Moreover, the report is five years old. Sorry I couldn't get anything more recent; the General Accounting Office hasn't produced anything more recent. Embarrassment, probably -- they don't want anyone to know just how much U.S. taxpayer money gets poured down the sewer. Contrast that -- if you will (actually, if you can) -- with the manifest benefit that has accrued to the United States and the world from the structured aid package to Israel. I sincerely hope that you or any one of your loved ones ever needs chemotherapy. Given your political bent, you'd almost have to reject any chemotherapy protocol developed in Rehovot (roughly half of what's in use in the world today, so good luck with that one). Oh -- of course it goes without saying that you have tossed out your mobile phone, right? That's also the product of a joint venture between Motorola and an Israeli tech company. Heaven forfend! Please name one contribution -- JUST ONE -- for which we can be grateful to the Palestinians. (Terrorism doesn't count.)
113. :: 110 - Thought so...
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.28.10)
Like I said Sarah BS cannot provide one iota of evidence to back up her silly claim that the US was supplying intel to the Syrian and Jordanian High Commands. Zero credibility...
114. # 19
Rose Carter ,   Muskogee,USA   (08.28.10)
I would not wish that on my worst enemy. Please, send them to an abandoned island somewhere..
115. # 40 - Designed to fail from get-go ,...
split ,   USA   (08.28.10)
Don't hold your breath - Israelis didn't build those setlements on stolen land to give back to Palis.
116. :: #105 - I’ll break it down for you
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.28.10)
It is quite simple so I’ll run through it again for you. 1) Israel gets approx $3 billion per year from the US. 2) The Palestinians now get approx $400 million (note “million” no “billion”) per year from the US. 3) Even allowing for the funds the US gives to UNRWA ($267.9 million) this still doesn’t come close to the whopping $3 BILLION Israel gets each year. 4) As of 2009 the largest recipients of US aid were (in this order) Iraq, Israel, Egypt. As I said Iraq has only been the largest recipient of US aid since 2004 before that it was ISRAEL which was the largest recipient of US aid from 1976 to 2004. See: Your claim that “the Palestine Authority is now the single largest recipient of United States aid” is clearly ridiculous to the extreme in light of clearly documented evidence (none of which backs up your silly claim).
117. Let "Palestinians" make "painful concessions".
Chaim ,   Israel   (08.28.10)
Israel has made far too many "painful concessions". With nothing good ever to show for them. Israel is the victor. It is time for "Palestinians" to make painful concessions. It is time for "Palestinians" to face the fact there will never be another "Palestine" state in Judea and Samaria. Israel can help them reach this realization by compensating them to leave our land forever.
118. Matty, she posted an out of date link
Danny   (08.28.10)
In the last two years the US has given in direct cash aid 2 billion to the PA. Unlike Israel this is not "credits" to be spent solely on US weapons manufactured in the US. This is cash aid given to a notoriously corrupt group with little or no oversight. That also excludes the 270 million a year the US gives to the UNWRA. Factor in that the PA is in charge of less than half of the number of Israelis and that works out at 1.3 billion per year or 375USD per Palestinian head as opposed to 416USD per Israeli head. Note that the PA is not an ally of the US, is not constrained on how to spend it, that the US dare not tell the PA how to behave - unlike the marching orders it gives Israel on a regular basis - and that the PA gets more aid on top from the EU and the UN as well as some of the Arabs - and Iran. Basically, you are moaning about helping an ally whilst ignoring the funding to an almost identical per capita degree to an enemy. You also seem unwilling to accept that the Palestinian economy mostly consists of sponging off the international community including what i assume are your taxes.
119. :: Danny - #118 - You miss the point entirely
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.28.10)
The only issue here is that Sarah BS stated: “the Palestine Authority is now the single largest recipient of United States aid”. This is either an example of gross ignorance or an outright lie; clearly she is incapable of backing up this erroneous statement with any factual information even though she was given ample opportunity. Anyone, and I do mean anyone, with a lick of sense knows that Iraq is currently the largest recipient of US aid, the US has spend over $21 billion since 2004 on reconstruction projects, job programmes, etc. Nowhere, and I do mean nowhere, will you find any authoritative source claiming that “the Palestine Authority is now the single largest recipient of United States aid” as such a claim is sheer rubbish.
120. Agreement??????
G-Jean ,   USA   (08.28.10)
"The intensive talks would be held in isolated sites, so as to allow the teams to calmly discuss the core issues of the permanent agreement: Jerusalem's future, the borders, the settlements and the refugees. " It sounds like both sides are going to be put into a blackout room and have lights shinned into their eyes!!! Good grief, the arrogance on this administration has NO bounds!! One can only imagine that this latest plan from the WH is going to be just as successful and Mr. Obama's jobs' initative here in the states!! Peace in the Middle East is WAY above his pay grade!!
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