US wants agreement now, peace later
Shimon Shiffer
Published: 27.08.10, 10:23
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61. Give them Um-Al-Fam
Igor ,   NYC USA   (08.27.10)
62. Concessions
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.27.10)
Six times victorious, Israel is not the one to be MAKING concessions, but rather to be DEMANDING them. For starters, how about a public statement acknowledging the right of the State of Israel to exist in its ancient homeland? How about a renunciation of the Fatah charter, which calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination and/or expulsion of the Jewish people? Absent those two minor concessions, why should Israel agree to anything? And why would any signed document have any meaning without them? I'll let you in on a little secret: Abbas cannot do that without throwing the already severely divided and fractious Palestinian community into complete and utter turmoil (pious words to the contrary notwithstanding, the Palestinians really want to destroy the State of Israel and exterminate and/or expel the Jewish people). So Israel will continue to toy with the Palestinians the way a cat toys with a mouse; when it gets to be too much of a waste of time, we'll kick them to Jordan, which is a Palestinian state to begin with.
63. Obamination at work again, now this, WOW !
AlbertoGA ,   St. George, USA   (08.27.10)
Obama is not able to fix anything in the US. And now he want the Jewish State to blead. Nice No ! ?
64. All things considered
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (08.27.10)
To date the Arabs have violated every single section of every single agreement that they have signed. Why don't we just wait until they do finally fulfill their previous obligations before even talking about anything else.
65. Painful concessions
Ezra ,   Florida   (08.27.10)
66. an agreement now peace later thats the obama legacy
zionist forever   (08.27.10)
I thought the whole point of the idea of creating a palestinian entity was about making peace. Now Obama wants us to give the palestinians a prize first and say look peace isn't really so important that can be a secondry issue. Obama isn't interested in Middle East peace he wants his legacy. Be remembered for something other than his huge spending sprees and taking the country deeper and deeper into debt and lobsession with muslim outreach. Obama needs something in writing before early 2012 because once he is out on the election trail he won't have time to dedicate his time to his legacy. Also unless he can create a palestinian state he risks losing the jewish vote as the US jews are more pro arab these days than Israel. This man is an not fit to be president let alone handling something as complex as the Israel / arab conflict. Lets see how easy life gets for him after the midterms once the Republicans take Congress. Obama almost makes you feel nostalgic for days of Jimmy Carter and Arafat.
blash ,   Jerusalem   (08.27.10)
Trading land for peace DID NOT work, it HAS NOT worked, and it WILL NEVER work!!! Einstein's definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. We withdrew from Gaza and got WORSE THAN NOTHING. Why would withdrawing from Judea and Samaria do anything different? Samaria reaches over 2/3rds the distance between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean in some areas. There is NOWHERE for urban centers like Tel Aviv to establish more suburbs to support population growth. People are settling not for ideological reasons but because they need an affordable place to live! And the idea that you can have peace with "painful concessions" is idiotic!! Peace and treaty come from FRIENDS working from positions of POWER, not sworn enemies! If Bibi signs ANYTHING with these MONSTERS, he'll be no-confidenced quicker than you can say "lehitra'ot".
68. Election now reality later
Christopher ,   Boston, MASS   (08.27.10)
The mantra of the BHO administration is to shuck and jive their way through issues, Their only concern is getting re-elected as they push the US to Socialism and Islamism. In that end, BHO and his House Jews will be putting significant pressure on both parties to make "painful concessions," namely, the Arabs will take great pains to demand dismantling Israel and Israel will be pressured to agree, To BHO and his House Jews, that by definition will be a diplomatic coup acceptable to the Islamists and Eurabia.
69. WHO do these 3 guys represent?
Marcella   (08.27.10)
OBAMA? He will be out of office soon. His popularity has plummeted. There are all kinds of questions about his presidency, his qualifications, and more. ABBAS? If there were elections in the PA today (which are overdue), he and Fatah would be defeated by Hamas. NETANYAHU? He has turned his back to the Likud platform, to his election promises to his voters, to Israeli and international law in what concerns the territories, and to all Jews by agreeing to collaborate in the partition of Israel. THOSE PEOPLE are deciding your destiny,. Israelis. And you're doing what? Asking Bibi to please be strong? Asking Bibi to cancel the Freeze? THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE FREEZE, for Pete's sake. This is about the partition of your land - to start with. There will be much more misery imposed on you as the years pass because once you surrender your land there is no limit to what they will demand of you. STOP THE PEACE PROCESS NOW. Go to the Likud MKs and strongly demand that THEY pressure Netanyahu to put the breaks on this process, order a moratorium, and come up with his own offer. STOP THE BULLYING PROCESS. Stop Netanyahu. Stop the road to partition.
70. Please Mr. Hussein Obama, be a good
Chris Rettenmoser ,   Bayerisch Gmain Germ   (08.27.10)
example to us all and go forward with a painfull concession: SHOW US YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE...!!!
71. #42 you need help
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (08.27.10)
First, we can't stop the money, it is an internal American issue. Please write Obama, your senator, whoever. We do not want the money which is just used to make American jobs and to buy Israeli politicians. But worse, you are proud of Iraq and Afghanistan? So the most powerful country in the world succeeded in murdering close to 1 million innocent Iraqis and Afghans just because Saudi Arabia asked? And you think your tough because the US with the support of the perpetrators of 9/11 can threaten a tiny country of 6 million people with genocide? You need help.
72. This is a plan?! The person who came up
Michael   (08.27.10)
with this insane idea could hardly be called rational. If this is their idea of a solution my question to my self is " Is there any one left in Governments around the world who posses over a 50 IQ in International Diplomacy?!
73. Obama cannot be trusted! HE is a backstabber!
Obama HUSSEIN ,   is a MUSLIM!   (08.27.10)
74. Obama incapable of securing the Straits or Hormuz!
Japanese Tanker   (08.27.10)
obama is a danger to the world
75. #70
the birth certificate is a red herring. It doesn't matter if he shows it or not, he is president for 2 more years. What matters is that 10% of Americans will remain unemployed.
76. First fix your own house
Ephraim ,   Jerusalem   (08.27.10)
America has enough problems, worse since the 1930's. Worry about your country first please before ruining ours. Believing Arab propaganda that some phantom peace will somehow help your country's national security is a joke. If you are naive enough to believe that, we all must pray that you are not re-elected. America's only national security priority in this region is to keep Israel strong against all the other countries that hate America as much as they hate us. Getting your name in the news so people forget your domestic incompetence at our expense is disgusting. We have children that we need to protect. When you decide to move your children to a border town here, then open your mouth. Until then, please shut up.
77. PM Sharon made a big mistake
Leah ,   israel   (08.27.10)
Now the heavens nor the earth want him. Bibi. Hashem gave this land to the Jewish nation, learn from all the previous mistakes.
78. obamas demands
ed ,   reno, america   (08.27.10)
for president that doesn't even have the support of the people of the country he supposedly leads, he sure thinks highly of himself if he thinks he has any right to make demands of any body. he doesn't even have the ability to protect his own country how does he think he can make guarranties of security. because neither side is going to accept any sort of agreement without guarranties of their security. i am ashamed to have this egotistical man as our president.
79. This was settled in 1920 San Remo Conference
BJL ,   usa   (08.27.10)
It was adopted by all parties and is LAW. Israel includes Judea and Samaria.
80. "Painful Concessions" means more pain for Jews
As if the Jewish people did not suffer enough in this world, they want to impose painful consessions on us. Listen Odumbo, the Arabs got a whole lotta land over there, if they wanted peace they would of resettled them decades ago. Go get some concessions at the concessions stand.
81. Obama putting all his eggs into the ME basket.
USA   (08.27.10)
Obama, you already have a freeze. The US economy is frozen, construction and manufacturing is basically frozen, jobs are frozen, lending money is frozen, stock market is frozen, Everything is frozen and you still want a freeze? Well, the winter is coming.
82. NO to Hussien's dictate
Brod ,   USA   (08.27.10)
Israel should say NO to Hussien's dictate. He thinks he can score a point at Israel's expense in enabling the Islamist-Jihadists to usurp Israel's liberated historic homeland of Judea and Samaria-Land of Israel. GOD has given and restored the Land of Israel to the Jews as a fulfillment of His Covernant of restoring Modern Israel in their Ancient Land of Israel. No mortals not even Hussien and the AntiSemite and Islamist-Jihadist world have the right to tamper with Divine Providence. Should the dark forces dare to undermine Israel's national security interests and existence, Israel should say NO to them. And there is nothing they can do about it. GOD is Israel's Rock, Fortress, Deliverer, GOD, Strength, Shield, Salvation and Stronghold. Psalm 18:2.
83. :: #62 - Just a ‘game’ to some people, eh?
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.27.10)
I’m sure the Israeli families who lost loved ones in this conflict do not consider this a ‘game’. In fact I think they would be appalled to think that the Palestinian terror attacks and the needless lost of innocent lives was a result of the Israeli Gov amusing itself with a ‘cat and mouse game’. Only those who have never experienced the horror and bloodshed of this Israel-Palestinian conflict would make light of the situation with such nonsense as talking about 'games'.
84. to Matty Groves
Gavriela ,   usa   (08.27.10)
The US has *no* right to dictate to Israel. If the US thinks it has bought that right, then it can take its money right back. I for one would love to hear Israel tell the US to keep its dirty money. Israel doesn't need it. Wow. You sure believe in democracy, don't you?
85. give up your wife, chidren & your home for peice?
Moshe ,   usa   (08.27.10)
They can't even be peaceful in states that are totally arub. So don't be so blindly optimistic. Moshe
86. Pay now, delivery in 10yrs. C'mon people it's a bargain.
Topsy Turvy ,   USA   (08.27.10)
Grab it today - never another offer like this because the muslim president will soon be gone.
87. To: No. 42
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.27.10)
Empty threats. Stupid ones, too. Clearly you have no idea of United States foreign aid to Israel is structured. 1. A small amount in the form of an interest-bearing cash loan. There are only two countries in the world with a perfect repayment record. Finland is one. Israel is the other. 2. A larger amount in the form of military credits, which must be spent in the United States and which carry back-end provisions requiring Israel to share with the American manufacturers all improvements Israel may make. These improvements have been legion, and they have always been shared. 3. By far and away the largest segment of aid takes the form of joint-venture investment capital. To date, these joint ventures have produced, inter alia, mobile phone technology, facial recognition software, mass spectrometry, magnetic resonance imaging and roughly one-half of the chemotherapy protocols in use throughout the world. As a point of information, the Palestine Authority is now the single largest recipient of United States aid. What have THEY done for the United States lately? (Or ever?) Russia, the former Soviet republics (with the exception of Azerbaijan), Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan Egypt and Jordan ALL receive far more aid than Israel does. What have any of those countries done for the United States lately? (Or ever?) Israel has done far more for the United States than most other countries. At a time when there was nothing in the NATO arsenal that could pierce the skin of the Soviet T-72 tank and it was the mainstay tank of the Warsaw Pact countries, who do you think gave the United States its first look at the T-72? Who do you think gave the United States its first look at the Soviet MIG-21? And the Soviet MIG-23? The answer to all of the above is "Israel." In 1981, Israel destroyed the Osirac reactor in Baghdad. Ten years later, Iraq invaded Kuwait, and the United States organized a coalition to end the invasion. Think of all the American servicemen and women who did NOT come home in body bags, thanks to Israel. It would have been quite a different war if the United States had to face a nuclear Iraq. Show a little gratitude. By the way -- you should not make foolish noises about the United States invading Israel. For one thing, the United States is not acquitting itself terribly well in Iraq, Afghanistan and Waziristan. For another, the full faith and credit of the United States military forces was humiliated by a handful of barefoot warlords carrying World War II vintage Garand rifles and a few old RPGs in Somalia. Israel is not Somalia. You would do well to keep that in mind.
88. PNAC, Wolfowitz, Perle, Neo Cons took us into iraq
James ,   Portland   (08.27.10)
No 72] iraq wasnt invaded for saudi arabia, the Neo cons, backed by the Rapture crowd evangelicals took us into iraq, check out PNAC, the evidence was fabricated thrugh Sharons office as the Guardian detailed, read haaretz article "without 15 jews iraq would nothave happened" now neocons want us to go in iran if israel can have nukes socan iran, thats fair to the others who replied to me, the aid we give we can give elsewhere, you can't have apartheid and clal yourself a democracy. We did right by giving indians and all equality, israel hasn't like i said, if we continue to be blamed for israels occupation we will invade and force a solution. stop your neocons from screwing up our foreign policy or we will invade take your pick
89. :: Gavriela - #84
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.27.10)
Yet it does. The US either gives Israel a ‘green light’ or not depending want suits US interests. For example it does not suit US interests for Israel to attack Iran at the moment so no ‘green light’. Likewise it didn’t suit the US for Israel to attack Lebanon after that minor border skirmish a few weeks ago so again no ‘green light’. The US also dictates to whom Israel can sell its military tech to. But why? It’s not in US interests to let Israel go. Yes it does and it also needs US support on an international level, without it Israel would not survive for very long.
90. To: No. 54
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.27.10)
No Palestinians were expelled. However, if you are so fond of them, I invite you to bring them all to Brazil to help populate Brazil's ever-increasing favellas. So much to worry about in Brazil, and you're fretting over Israel? P.S. Stop cutting down the rain forest, please. If you don't, you just may find that Brazil is the next country to be invaded -- by the rest of the world! Don't you realize that the Amazon rain forest is the "lungs" of the world? I guess to Brazilians, it's all about the money, eh?
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