Netanyahu: Willing to swap freeze for recognition
Roni Sofer
Published: 11.10.10, 19:34
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1. >"Israel maintains minority rights".
Salma ,   Palestine   (10.11.10)
Tell us another lie Bibi, then the heavy rain will come :))
2. Israel maintains what ?
mig ,   pori finland   (10.11.10)
Minority rights ? So called rights. Check ACRI ( Israel association for civil rights in Israel ).
3. To #1: Arab squatter
Frank ,   Canada   (10.11.10)
What are the rights of minorities in the territories controlled by the Fraudestinian Authority? Why are they leaving?
4. #1 Minorities have more rights in Israel
Israel ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (10.11.10)
than any other place in the Middle East. Just like in Saudi Arbia and Jordan a Jew can not even become a citizen. Arab israelis enjoy more rights in Israel than in any other Arab country. Why do you tihnk Arabs hate Lieberman so much for wanting them to live under the PLO. They want to leech of the state and hate it at the same time (Something that would get you excuted in Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Yeman, etc) So why don't you just shut your antisemetic mouth and look in the mirror.
5. "...will be Jewish in its function, purpose, and aim"
Shalom   (10.11.10)
"The state that will rise will be Jewish in its function, purpose, and aim." BALONEY! It doesn't look Jewish at all and momentarily its judges who run the state are anti-Torah and anti-Jewish. Unless you're refering to the future state that will rise when the self-hating Jews will leave.
6. Settlements and Minority Rights
Rudy Haugeneder ,   Canada   (10.11.10)
The occupied territories and its Palestinian people must become part of greater Israel and full citizenship given to all Palestinian people living within those borders. It is the only way to bring true peace, even though Jews fear this will eventually mean Israel will then eventually become a Muslim majority state, due to the high Palestinian birth rate. However, if Palestinians become prosperous, it is likely they will become like everybody else where prosperity is common, and their birth rate will quickly decline to below replacement level -- and the Jewish majority will be maintained. It is worth a try. Otherwise, war of one kind or another will continue until everybody is crushed.
7. So much for the freeze.
Noodles ,   Coney Island   (10.11.10)
8. Mirabile dictu!
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.11.10)
At long last .... the quid pro quo! Nicely done, Mr. Prime Minister. So reasonable a request .... and yet something to which Abbas will never agree. The international community will wonder why. The "Palestinians" have been beautifully endplayed.
9. 1 Salma how much are you paid per post?
10. Freeze for recognition ? Stupid
DT ,   TA Israel   (10.11.10)
The Palestininians will just then deny they ever said it. Wake and smell the coffee PM
11. Likud should replace Bibi. Enough betrayal!
Chaim ,   Israel   (10.11.10)
Bibi is governing Israel as a Labor or Meretz government would. Anti-Jewish building freezes are completely alien to Likud ideology and alien to what the vast majority of Israelis voted for. Likud should replace Bibi immediately. Enough betrayal!
12. To: No. 1
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.11.10)
Why is it so difficult for the "Palestinians" to recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist and to acknowledge its essence as a Jewish State? Can it be that the "Palestinians" have no interest in a two-state solution? Is that why the "Palestinians" refuse to repudiate their charters which call for the destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination and/or expulsion of the Jewish people? It would certainly explain why the "Palestinians" have on three occasions rejected the offer of a two-state solution -- including one which would have awarded them 90% of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a capital. We're actually pretty sick and tired of the "Palestinians" and their whining and ceaseless demands for concessions while refusing to make any concessions themselves. Next stop: annexation of Judea and Samaria and repatriation of the "Palestinians" to Jordan, country of their citizenship. Ta ta.
13. Salma
Jane   (10.11.10)
Please explain in what Arab country Jews have - or ever had - rights equivalent to what the Arabs have in Israel? You, Salma, are the liar, as are all of your Palestinian brothers and sisters. Not to mention inflexible, intolerant and violent.
14. there is no mandate for such an agreement
Steven ,   San Francisco   (10.11.10)
Netanyahu is showing contempt for the electorate and for his own party platform. He is merely a stooge of Obama.
15. #1 Salma
Natan   (10.11.10)
Israeli Arabs have more rights and freedom than any Arab in ANY Arab country!!! So just shut your mouth!!!
16. PM is right
Brod ,   USA   (10.11.10)
The PM is right to tell the world that Israel is a Jewish State. And the Islamist-Jihadist world is scared of it. Why? Because their ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel as clearly stipulated in their Charter, maps and school textbooks. It is time the Free World opens its eyes on the latent agenda of the dark forces that have been fooling and manipulating the world for too long.
17. To everyone who voted for Kadima in the past.
Chaim ,   Israel   (10.11.10)
Many Israelis voted for Kadima in the past because they believed it to be a centrist party. However, Kadima leader Livni has made it completely clear there is no difference in substance between Kadima's agenda and that of Labor or Meretz. Israelis are decimating these two far left parties, in elections, because their crazed ideology endangers Israel. To everyone who has voted for Kadima in the past: Please realize Kadima endangers Israel as much as Labor and Meretz. Kadima's agenda is every bit as crazed and destructive as those of Labor and Meretz. Please reconsider in time for the next election.
18. To: No. 6
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.11.10)
Oh, the West Bank will be annexed; that is a near certainty. But the "Palestinians" living in Judea and Samaria will be repatriated to Jordan, as they are Jordanian citizens (thanks to Jordan's Citizenship Law of 1954, which granted Jordanian citizenship to all Arab residents of the West Bank AND THEIR PROGENY). Sorry -- Israel is a Jewish state, and its Jewish identity must be preserved at all costs. Israel has had to fight six wars -- all of them started by the Arabs -- and has had to fend off nearly seventy years of unrelenting terror, courtesy of the "Palestinians." The charters of all the "Palestinian" organizations (there are some thirty of them) call for the destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination and/or expulsion of the Jewish people. The "Palestinians" refuse to repudiate their vile charters; they refuse to recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist in its ancient homeland and they refuse to recognize the fact that Israel is a Jewish state. They have left Israel with no choice. By the way, in case you are not aware, the "Palestinians" living in the West Bank enjoyed prosperity and a much improved standard of living between 1967 and the creation of the "Palestine" Authority. Everything has deteriorated in the areas of the West Bank controlled by the "Palestine" Authority since then, despite the billions of dollars and billions of euros that have flowed into the coffers of the "Palestine" Authority since its creation. On the other hand, the "Palestinian" so-called "leadership" maintain several homes in Europe and enjoy very hefty offshore bank accounts. Abbas jets around in a private Gulfstream. The "Palestinians" are simply incapable of self-government; not everyone can be a country, you know. Not everyone should.
19. Reason of palestinian rejection from palestinian perspective
muhannad ,   jerusalem palestine   (10.11.10)
1. this will affect the rights and freedom of the 1.5 million palestinian (arab israeli) in israel who make more than 22% of israels population. 2. what do you think about refugees? after hitler commited horrible crimes against jews, you gained your right of having your own state on other people's land, and spare me the jewish land speech, there are more than 6 million palestinian refugee in the world, what about those they cant have a home?!!! 3. it will increase racism and discrimination. 4. israel did not even recognize the state of palestine yet, and you want us palestinians to recognize your state identity!! recognize our right of having a free state and then we will think about it!! all you israelis want is take and take you should give from time to time. can call your state whatever you want, if you wanted to call it the best state in the world why would we have a problem with that? its not us who decide or give you the permission to name your state, its up to you and we don't have anything to do with that. **6. Opinion and freedom of beliefs are a big part of Democracy and basic human rights.
20. Bibi... first recognize the defined borders
seadog1946 ,   Shooters Island, NJ   (10.11.10)
of the Palestinian state and then maybe the Palestinians will discuss Israel's need for theocratic recognition.
21. referendum critics
alexi   (10.11.10)
Nachman shai and ehud barak criticized the bill because it places an obstacle in the PM's way from advancing peace. They are dead wrong and in barak's case, almost always wrong(paintball orders). The bill if it becomes law gives the israeli people a check on an irresponsible peace move. Take for example, barak's offer of swiss cheese offer in Jeruslame which was irresponsible. So with a referendum, the israeli public could reject barak's offer which they ultimately did by throwing him out of office. A second example is olmert's negotiation with abbas where he reportedly offered huge concessions and right of return to 50000 arabs. Well the public would have rejected this iniative. So a referendum bill allows the public to block peace moves that they deem to be irresponsible. And if peace never happens because of it, so be it. I am not like peres who frets about the dangers of no peace. Israelis should ask themselves the following: are you better off under bibi/yvette where few rockets are fired and terror is manageable or under rabin/peres/barak/olmert/livni where buses and cafes were being blown up and rockets fired by the tens daily?The answer is obvious. All of the concessions offered by olmert/livni/barak encouraged more arab terror and demeaned israel. Under yvette , arabs are careful and well they should be. If all out war happens, israelis will fight to the finish and take a whole lot of arabs with them and I mean a lot. Whereas barak and livni, crawl on their hands and knees with cup in hand waiving the white flag of surrender.
22. My political evolution thanks to Palestinian Arab behavior
GZLives   (10.11.10)
Pre Gaza withdrawal I was on the left believing the Palestinians genuinely wanted to reach a peace agreement with Israel. The results of Gaza made me believe the Arabs are still dreaming of obliterating Israel. Their refusal out of hand to reject recognizing Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people has convinced me the Arabs cannot accept a country of what they perceive as their Dhimmis. Upon their rejection of recognizing Israel as the home of the Jewish people, I now find myself completely on the right. I believe I am indicative of millions of Jews.
23. A losing bet.
gambino ,   ny   (10.11.10)
Pal, it's time to pack up and move. You tried, you lost now it's time to move on.
24. to 19
Igor ,   Ashkelon   (10.11.10)
1. Most of the world states are nation states, like European states for example, and it does not affect minorities rights . Just have the same right for self-determination as other people, including Palestinians. 2.Jews, as other nations, always rights to their state, without Hitler. The belief in Arab world that Jews have their state because of Holocaust is nonsense. Jews established their state here at least 2800 years ago, way before Hitler. And they did not established it on other people land, but in their native homeland. As for Palestinian refugees, establish your own Law of return, and absorb your own refuges just as Jews did. 3.why would it increase racism and discrimination 4. Israel recognized Palestinian right for a state way back in 1948, it was Arab decision to attack Israel instead of establishing Palestinian state. Palestine could celebrate its 62 birthday by now, and there would be no refugees, if not for this warmongering. 5.The problem is, that if Palestinians don't recognize Jewish right for self-determination, it would leave them excuse to start another conflict, even after the establishment of their state.Even know you say that Israel is "on other people's land", so what can stop in the future Palestine Hamas an election winning election, and renew the conflict with the aim expulsion of Jews and settling Arabs in their place, as they demand know? 6. Exactly, but so is the right for freedom and self determination. Palestinians can believe that they are entitled to Israeli land or that Jews are free because of Hitler, but if they attack Israel or its people because of it it is a problem. If you want your state recognized as Palestinian, why Jews can demand recognition for their state?
25. Salma, what rights did the Dolphinarian Children get?
26. @ 19
pini ,   usa   (10.11.10)
ok. your argument has no actual basis and is pretty illogical. Recognize what state? Anyway, go back and read Sarah B's posts and maybe your next argument can make a bit more sense for us to logically respond soundly.
27. #19 do you want peace with justice
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (10.11.10)
No one argues that the indigenous people of Israel deserve rights. However, the Arab position has nothing to do with indigenous people, but with giving "national rights" to illegal Muslim Arab immigrants who moved to Israel since 1920 and as recently as 1948 during the British occupation. A just peace is where all indigenous people have rights, but all Arab Muslim immigrants who moved from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Egypt since 1920 go back to their homelands. This is peace with justice because it makes no sense to allow foreigners to take land from the natives Do you agree to peace with justice?
28. #22 GZLives: Spot-on!
Daniel   (10.11.10)
And let me add: not only for Israeli Jews.
29. BIBI is done! Until someone real leads
Israeli 2   (10.11.10)
the government, this one is fried from now on. He is done. I close my book.
30. To @8 Well put.And>>>>
KATE ,   ISRAEL   (10.11.10)
And I joly well hope PM Netanyahu keeps his promises,gets rid of Barak,listens intently to Avigdor, And the rest will into place Sarah B And halleluyah here we come. Bu knowing the wileyness of Arab/Pals who tend to change with the wind,let us hope this latest will most certainly PULL THE BRAKES ONCE AND FOR ALL.
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