PA: Referendum law 'disregard of int'l law'
Ali Waked
Published: 23.11.10, 13:13
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31. erekat was ok when hamas said the same thing
izzie irgun ,   zion   (11.23.10)
Hamas has repeatedly said it would agree to any peace deal that is approved by the palestinians people .. now israel says the same thing and here comes another round of stupid remarks by anti semites like erekat who would never say anything good about Israel. Ask yourself, is there anything that Israel can do that isn't rebuked by the palestinians .. even internal Israeli law is now up for debate by the idiot palestinians as if they have right to say anything about Israel's internal policies. His problem is that the vote is a democratic idea and as we all know arabs hate democracy, they love tryanny and despots and that s why evry single arab country is run by one. In fact it is quite amusing to read the comments by idiots like Nour and Salama and the jokes in Lebanon who have no freedom of expression other than on Israeli websites. And they defend the palestinain and lebanese leadership groveling with appreciation for being abused for their own good. Arabs leaders don't trust their populations with democracy or freedom of expression ... and it is beyond belief that a billion arabs suck it up and live with it.. Reality is that the palestinians are no partners for peace or anything else. left alone they would create a society of hate for jews, womens rights, freedom of expression and on and on. Eventually there will be another big confronatation but hopefully this time it will serve to wipe out the terrorists and haters and leave those who want to live in peace with a clean slate.
32. Thomas Jefferson
Sidney ,   USA   (11.23.10)
that great innovations should not be forced on a slender majority
33. :: Andrew - #5 - Here is your answer...
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (11.23.10)
No 'international law' states this per se. I think you are confusing 'international laws' and 'international resolutions'. It is quite simple - 'international resolutions' are based on 'international laws' however 'international resolutions' are not enforceable except in certain circumstances and even then these 'international resolutions' are not 'international laws'. In the instance you mention the reality of the mater is as follows: 1) Israel's sovereignty over E Jerusalem is *not* recognized as Israel's actions violate 'international law' namely that the acquisition of territory by military conquest is illegal. This principle is enshrined in the UN Charter (2.4), the Hague Regulations IV (43 & 55) and the Geneva Conventions IV (47 & 54). 2) As a member of the UN *Israel is bound* by these international laws regardless if it has actually signed up to the individual Conventions etc. 3) It should also be mentioned that it is *not* up to Israel to 'interpret' these international laws to suit its own purposes, this authority, to define or clarify, is the remit of the ICJ/UNSC. In short Israeli sovereignty over E Jerusalem is not recognized by the rest of the world, Israeli is only recognized, under international law, as the military occupier of E Jerusalem. You ask "Where do the Palestinians come in (to this matter)?", this is very straight forward. The Palestinians claim E Jerusalem as their capital. The Palestinian claim to sovereignty over E Jerusalem is widely accepted by the world community, more so than the Israeli claim to sovereignty. Andrew the simple matter is that 'international laws' are totally dependant on international laws acceptance and recognition, if a individual country decides to ignore international laws this does not make international laws void, in fact any action or claim (ie: to sovereignty) is wholly dependant on 'international recognition'. For example if the world community does not recognize Israel's claim to sovereignty over E Jerusalem then such sovereignty simply does not exist and if the community does recognize the Palestinian's claim to sovereignty over E Jerusalem then such sovereignty exists. This is what is called 'consensus reality', sadly it is a reality that most Ynuts here cannot grasp.
34. #26 Who is the Palestinian ?!
Salma ,   Palestine   (11.23.10)
The Palestinians are those citizens who were living normally in Palestine up to 1947, whether they remained or were expelled..... Every child who was born to a Palestinian parent after this date whether in Palestine or outside is a Palestinian.
36. Matty Groves #33
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (11.23.10)
Where is the legal claim by the Arabs to any of the land? Got start there. Please show us one single international law that gives the Arabs any claim to the land.
37. to salma the refugee in lebanon #19
David ,   Haifa Israel   (11.23.10)
we kicked you arses so many times... how is your refugee camp this time of the year? getting chilly at night. you are nothing but a terrorist.. and should be ignored... but i love mocking your stupidity way too much. idiot.
38. barak and erekat
Alexi   (11.23.10)
barak is dead wrong in his comments as usual as he consistently curries favor with the US and the PLO. he doe this continually out of he says separation, anxiety and fear. The law is essential in protecting the people from a PM who went too far, wrecklessly, either and impractical dreamer or a crook trying to stay out of jail. Lots of israelis died because of barak and olmert's appeasement. Even with 2 states which eventually will occur but in a sobre way, not in an appeasement way, does not fully separate the arabs from israel because of geography. And to think the world will be off israel's back if this happens is nonsense and history only proves that more concessions bring more demands. By the way, PLO can shut the hell up on israeli internal decisions, western wall or referenda. They should mind their own business and shut up. Barak is wrong again, wrong about paintball guns, wrong about referenda, wrong about f35s, wrong about almost everything.
39. #35 Nour, Is that really you ?!!
Salma ,   Palestine   (11.23.10)
it's not your language, right ?!
40. #34 now I understand
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (11.23.10)
You are saying "Palestinians" are not the indigenous people of Israel who everyone agrees have rights, but rather includes Muslim Arab colonists who moved to Israel from their native lands as part of the British occupation. For example, you include in your definition a Lebanese or Egyptian who moved to Israel in 1946, and then moved back home in 1948 to escape the fighting.
RAYS ,   USA   (11.23.10)
If Barak and Erakat are against it ,this MUST be a good law.. The idiot and the enemy make a fine pair .
42. #40 You Don't Understand Anything
Salma ,   Palestine   (11.23.10)
Very clear that the definition of "Israeli identity "affects you ....As you know, there's no "Israeli" or Jewish people, they have been invented according to Shlomo Zand & many others, but with the assistance of British occupation the real & fake Jews in the world came to Palestine and invented the so -called "Israeli identity". Palestinians are the indigenous people and we have a greater right to the land than foreign settlers. Now do you understand? ummmm, doubt .
43. :: Gee - #36
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (11.23.10)
Gee if you don't know the answer to the question you ask then you have no justification/grounds of the existence of Israel!?! The Palestinians have the exact same legal claim via international law(s) as the Jews did when they declared the modern state of Israel. Primarily the Charter of the United Nations (article 1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which recognizes that *all peoples* have the right of self-determination. Also see: Article 1 of both the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The Palestinians are recognized as a separate 'people' in the same way as Jews are thus they have every right to self-determination. If the Palestinians were to claim independence within Gaza, the WB and E Jerusalem at the UN and if the UN accepts this claim and acknowledges a sovereign nation called Palestine within these 'lands' then the Palestinian claim becomes de jure (uti possidetis juris) in the same manner as Israeli independence and sovereignty over part of Mandate Palestine was accepted and ratified by the UN. Gee you really need to understand that the foundations of any new state (ie: a state of Palestine) is dependant on whether the Palestinians meet the international criterion for statehood (in short: a declared defined territory, permanent population and governmental structure(s)) but more so it is the universally international (UN) recognition which is the deciding factor for any new state not any one specific 'international law' which you allude to.
44. Salama, Israel's history in this land goes way back before U
move on shows over ,   God intraveined.   (11.23.10)
45. #42 If you say it Salma, it must be true.
46. The three stooges plus one more
David ,   USA/Israel/Egypt   (11.23.10)
Chief Palestinian negotiator Erekat, Dr Ghassan Khatib whatever..., Livni and Barak are all having a bad day. YUK, YUK,YUK.
47. Nour Al Aswad no35
JUDAH THE LION   (11.23.10)
Islam are pagan and Kufar because they prey to allah,god of the moon.One day will come thst we Jews will kick all the Kufar Islam out of our HOLY LAND JERSALEM & WEST BANK, and you can go to your land in Arabia andlive like dogs.
48. "Salma" is really a Latma writer
BH ,   Iowa   (11.23.10)
Had you all fooled!
49. Matty Groves #43 finally you answered the question
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (11.23.10)
There is no such claim. By the way that article you stated has no bearing whatsoever. Article 80 of the UN Charter gives us all the land. So much for involving the Geneva Convention - it doesn't apply since it is our land and our land alone. Our state does have those international laws that you claim don't exist. So does Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. They are called the San Remo Treaty, and the Covenant of the League of Nations. So shut the fuck up already. The Arabs are illegal squatters on our land and that is exactly what international laws state.
50. The law is not strong enough
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (11.23.10)
This should have the strength as a US Constitutional amendment. That would mean the Knesset would have to have 80 members to vote to cede any territory, and a 2/3rds vote by at least half the registered voters. That is next step.
51. # 49
Birdi ,   Israel   (11.23.10)
Music to my ears, Gee. Good post.
52. flip flopper
alexi   (11.23.10)
apparently barak originally supported the referendum;now he avoided it, no, did not vote against but was absent. vilnai, his colleague and a former top military man in charge of civil defense as barak's depute voted for the referendum. Barak seemed to be part of the paintball gun restriction order to naval commandos which led to them being hamstrung in protecting themselves. some of the m suffered serious injuries. Barak was against the syrian nuclear hit, feeling it was too provocative. He did nothing against hamas rockets, hitting empty buildings until cast lead which he wanted to stop early, he is almost a disaster for israel, the military equivalent of olmert. Need I say more.
53. Barak
Moshe ,   ny, USof?   (11.23.10)
showed what he was made of, no spine unless it is to hand over fragments of Israel contrary to the wishes of his countrymen in a fruitless search for the peace that only the palestinians love. BARAK, WHY DID YOU NOT VOTE EVEN AGAINST THE REFERENDUM???
54. 34
zionist forever   (11.23.10)
Poor Salma will you ever understand. A palestinian is an individual who lived in what was Palestine up until 1948 jew and arab. The people who call themselves palestinians today are called ARABS that is their race not palestinian and since there is no longer a region known as Palestine then you can't have a Palestinian can you? If at some point in future an arab state is created and its named Palestine then the people of that country would be palestinian citizens but even then they would not be a palestinian people they would still be arabs. If you called that state Mars you would be arabs who are citizens of Mars not palestinians. My race is Caucasian although I am an Israeli citizen because I live in Isael and took out citizenship. Refugee status is not something you can inherit either. The children, grandchidlren & great grandchildren of a refugee are not refugees in their own right and they don't have a right of return. Not even a rusty old house key makes you a refugee with right of return. My grandparents were refugees from Austria but I am not an Austrian and I don't have a right of return to their old home. Do you think that the children & grandchildren jews who were forced to leave Iraq and Syria in 1948/49 and now living in Israel are actually Iraqis & Syrians with a right to return to those countries? Your problem is you believe all this bullshit the PLO has bred into you. You ara an arab not a palestinian, your not a refugee unless you personally had to leave your home over 60 years ago and you don't have a right of return.
55. It's pretty obvious now that Barak is a
Robert Haymond ,   Israel/Canada   (11.23.10)
political misfit and should retire or be retired. He was a great warrior from a warrior family while a member of the IDF but as a politician he's become less and less credible. Incidentally, why is the left such as Labour and Kadima so against people making an educated choice about the direction of their own country?
56. To: No. 22
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.24.10)
Here's a news flash: "Palestinians" are Arabs.
57. USA must relinquish Texas, New Mexico,California claims
Ari Gold   (11.24.10)
Well, since it is "illegal" for Israel to annex land, then one would expect the Palestinians -- being the principled and courageous "nation" that it is-- to stand up to the United States of America and demand that she relinquish claims to "Mexican" lands, namely: Texas, New Mexico, southern California. After all, the United States won these during the Mexican War, and subsequently annexed them. And, bonus points, contrary to Israel's case, the United States had no historical connection to these lands. Oh, and after taking on the United States, I expect the Palestinians/Syria to hammer England for "annexing" Scotland, centuries ago. Oh, and who can forget KURDISTAN, whose land has been annexed into what now constitutes large parts of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. Come on Palestinians (and Syria) do not waste all of your time picking on little Israel, go after the big guys to, if you have the guts...
58. Labor's rivals are about 95% of Israel.
Chaim ,   Israel   (11.24.10)
Barak is worried the referendum law will be used by Labor's rivals. Barak is correct about this. Recent polls show Labor would be lucky to win 7 seats in an election today. Which means Labor's rivals compose about 95% of Israel.
59. Kadima proves it should be shunned like Labor & Meretz.
Chaim ,   Israel   (11.24.10)
Kadima's opposition to this highly meritorious law, giving Israeli citizens the right to determine their future, proves that it is anti-democratic. Kadima's opposition also proves that it is a far left abomination and should be shunned like Labor and Meretz. I urge everyone who has voted for Kadima in the past to reconsider.
60. Hisotry of Israel
Lion of Judah ,   Lisbon   (11.24.10)
Salma, youobviously don't know the History of the region you live in well. "Palestine" was the name given by the romans to what is now Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Gaza, Transjordan and a part of Jordan. Most of the of this regions is still under muslim control. Israel is only small part of it. Moreover, the israelites never ceased to reclaim their land back. We couldn't do it because we lost it in a war against the romans and sicne then, it became ruled by other invader, namely arabians, egyptians and the ottomans. On top of the most of the muslims and christians living in this regions are descendants of ancient israelites/canaanites who were converted during the roman, arabian and ottoman occupation periods. They gradually lost awareness of their ancient israelite cultural roots, jus tlike the anusim in Portugal and Spain. In other words, they are mizrahi israelites converted to Islam. As a zionist i think you also have a right to live here, but as long as people remain attached to religion (which i totally reject, whether its Judaism, Christianism or Islam) which is part of their cultural identity, then there will always be room for ignorance, segregation, prejudice and violence in the region. The best solution is for both sides to put their religion aside and focus on their common roots while adopting new doctrine based on the principles of Humanism, Rationalism, Secularism, Liberalism, Multiculturalism and Social Democracy. This would also enable a one state solution for both. Modern Zionism should be about including this people as well and working for a Middle East Union, as we israelites emerged as canaanite subculture and descend from different people who settled or occupied the region, namely egyptians, amalekites, moabites, nabateans, amonites, edomites, philistines, amorites, jebusites, phoenicians, midianites, hitites, hurrians, assyrians, persians and later on greeks, macedonians and romans. It's time to unite the israelite people under the principle si mentioned in order to develop a model for the entire Middle East and build the foundations for a Middle Eastern Union. Shalom aleichem
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