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Could US abandon Israel too?
Aviel Magnezi
Published: 01.02.11, 08:36
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31. pray for "salma' @ #1 and 23 . . .
JB ,   SoCal, USA   (02.01.11)
. . . the poor dear. Ever notice that she's almost always the first in line in the comments section. Why is that? Think about it -- Bit's because she LIVES here, that's why. Pathetic . . . but perhaps she deserves our pity, not our scorn. So sad . . .
32. re 13: not so clear cut
Bloodyscot ,   Dallas, Texas   (02.01.11)
Yes there is more US trade with Israel but US lost $9B dollars last year in the exchange, while US gained a $4B surplus last year from Egypt alone. Most Americans do support Israel but just less than half agree with Israel on the settlement issue. Many in US are also worry that Israel will transfer key military information to China or India, since in some cases Israeli companies get access to US trade secrets that limited US companies have access to, while in the past Israel made improvement and reshared with US. Nothing is every truly black and white just multiply shades of gray, where politics and money are concern.
33. Not distorting your words at all, Salma
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (02.01.11)
The Arabs and Muslims who live around Israel have tried many many times to beat us at war. What's there to be short-sighted about? We see the hatred and talk of war all the time. In fact, we saw it on tv again yesterday from the Muslim Brotherhood, who are starting to say that the next step after deposing Mubarak is to attack Israel! It is you Arabs and Muslims who need your vision checked, Salma. What are the Americans supposed to wake up to? The fact that they support Arab dictators buy buying so much oil from the Middle East? Maybe you're right - it's time for the Americans to wake up and buy their oil elsewhere, and sell their military hardware to other countries - not to the Arabs and Muslims. Maybe America should have let Saddam Hussein continue his rape of Kuwait, and continue into Saudi Arabia. Your wonderful leader Yasser Arafat seemed to think that Hussein was a great leader and good for your cause. And you all followed Arafat and supported Hussein. Wake up and get your eyes checked, Salma. We Israelis see the light in focus and keep telling you to come back to the negotiating table. Construction is a non-issue and a cheap excuse to stay away from reality. And if you insist that construction must stop, then we insist that the rockets and other attacks on our civilians must stop - and that would guarantee that there will never be peace. Get new glasses. Tell your leaders to go back to the peace talks.
34. Obama is out in 20 months but it might be 2late by then...
Obamba ,   Haifa   (02.01.11)
35. The US abandoned Israel 20th January 2009
zionist forever   (02.01.11)
OBAMAS INAGURATION DAY HIs first phone call as president was not to traditionally US allies but to Abbas. He turned on Gordon Brown former British PM because he didn't like him. The president who has been trying to spread democracy to dictatorships spent his first year in office trying to topple Israel'e elected PM because Bibi. Big bad Bibi wasn't left wing enough for his liking & he put Israel's interests first not muslim ones so Obama wanted him out and Livni in because she is more left wing and will do as she is told. He loves democracy only as long as the elected government adopts the kind of left wing policies he likes. Obama is an idealist idiot who thinks about whats the nice thing to do rather than whats in America's best interests or whats going to bring stability. That has been evident from both his domestic and foreign policies from the start. He canceled NASAS maned space program but he did make it one of its official policies to reach out to muslim states remind them about islams contribution to science and make these countries feel better about themselves. So US taxpayer fund NASA whose official aims are not space but to make muslims feel better about themseleves. He officially ordered the word islamic terrorist to be removed from US diplomatic language. Before he became president Obama said he was determined to have the Armenian genocide carried out by Turkey recognized as such. Since becoming president he refers to it as an unfortunate incident. His idealism & left wing liberal thinking is going to destabilize the world not make it a safer place. He appeases everybody because he wants to be loved and the only country he is willing to bully is Israel. The man is a threat to not just Israel but America & the entire world and the sooner he is gone the safer we will all be.
36. I've been saying for at least a decade...
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv   (02.01.11)
...that most Americans would be happy to see the entire Middle East blow itself up if it would save them $5 on their yearly income taxes. That's the American priority. Your Christian so-called friends just want a war here too, for their own religious goal. They don't love Israel, they see our children as cannon fodder for their Messiah.
37. Remember
Geoff ,   London (UK)   (02.01.11)
It's always worth remembering that nations don't have friends; they only have interests.
38. @31 "JB", he he he !
Salma ,   Palestine   (02.01.11)
save your pity for yourself, I'm almost always the first in line in the comments section....Why is that?! cuz I'm almost always ready and in the mood : ) so funny !
39. Nr 16.-Wery Good . !
Orao. ,   Srbia.   (02.01.11)
The religion of Democracy is even an Imperialistic One, they try to Force it upon others even with Military Might. This religion in the World of Today, originated in the Bourgeoise Class in France, and was the Force behind the French Revolution. The Motive was a Spirit of Trade and Comerse. So it is Today the Tool of Capitalistic Imperialism. Orao.Srbia.
40. Just more leftist professors scare mongering.
Jay3 ,   Israel   (02.01.11)
41. to 37
old woman   (02.01.11)
days taught me that circumstanses will be changed and also hearts will do
42. to39
sommetimes as if you walks the opposit of yourselfe / now i think you are right
43. We both need each other
Danny ,   Saarbrucken, Germany   (02.01.11)
One think Prof. Gilboa forgot to mention is that the Jewish community has always been one of the backbones of Obama's support, since his days in Chicago. The well-functioning of his administration crucially relies on their support, and he knows this better then anyone. Ditching Israel therefore has a high price-tag attached to it, which Obama doesn't seem any real motivation to pay.
44. To #35
Arul   (02.01.11)
Dear Zionist Forever, One more to add. Obama is the first US president to bow down before the Saudi King.
45. Clinton & Obama's Concerns
Robert Blum ,   New York USA   (02.01.11)
In Niger, two Frenchmen were murdered by their Islamic kidnappers. Saudi Arabia sentenced a 23 year old girl who was gang raped to a year in prison and 100 lashes. Iran arrested two dozen Christians for the crime of being well… Christians. Which of these awful things did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the EU’s Red Baroness Ashton forcefully condemn? The answer is none of them. Instead they forcefully and vigorously condemned the demolition of a hotel built by a Muslim Nazi collaborator and now owned by an American-Jewish businessman who bought it in order to build an apartment complex on the spot. An apartment complex for a mere 20 families that is somehow worse than all the aforementioned murders and atrocities. So much worse that they demanded the personal intervention of the highest diplomatic officials of the United States and the European Union. The last Nazi collaborator hotel in Jerusalem The Shepherd Hotel in Jerusalem is not the Plaza Hotel. It is a dilapidated neighborhood eyesore that has been abandoned since the 1980’s. No one lives in the Shepherd Hotel, a grim ugly fortress surrounded by barbed wire, that remains behind as a legacy of the Mufti of Jerusalem, who championed Hitler and helped recruit Muslims to serve in the SS. But with its demolition, people might actually begin to live on that spot. Children might actually play on ground that had been previously fenced off by barbed wire. And the worst thing of it all is that those people and their children will be Jews. Mohammad Amin al-Husayni, the Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammad Amin al-Husayni, the Mufti of Jerusalem, might have been displeased to look up from the netherworld and behold the demolition of his hotel, but to see the representatives of the United States and the EU taking up his work and treating the demolition of his hotel as the gravest issue of the day would surely have cheered him up. If he had ever been worried that his work would die with a bullet in Berlin or when his Holy War Army, even with the support of seven Arab countries and half the British officer corps failed to drive the Jews into the sea during the War of Independence, the statements of Hillary Clinton and the EUSSR’s Red Baroness Ashton testify once again that the evil that men and muftis do lives on after them. In her statement, Hillary Clinton said the United States is “very concerned” about the demolition of a Nazi collaborator’s abandoned hotel. In a world where North Korea and Iran are racing ahead to build nuclear weapons, Russia and China are racing to outstrip the United States in weapons development and the economy is on the brink—that is what the Obama Administration is “very concerned” about. That 20 Jewish families will be able to have homes in the capital of their own city.
46. Nr 42.
Orao. ,   Srbia.   (02.01.11)
The religion of Democracy is even an Imperialistic One, they try to Force it upon others even with Military Might. This religion in the World of Today, originated in the Bourgeoise Class in France, and was the Force behind the French Revolution. The Motive was a Spirit of Trade and Comerse. So it is Today the Tool of Capitalistic Imperialism. Orao.Srbia. ----- sommetimes as if you walks the opposit of yourselfe / now i think you are right (02.01.11) Comment - Dear old woman - Yes I think that is You, My Focus is in the Will of YEHOWAH. If it seems Wrong as if I walked Contrary to That, and it realy is Wrong, it does not come from YEHOWAH., but from Myself. It is written that One should love YEHOWAH with all Knowledge and insigt thus - Europe makes Cars and transports them over the Atlantic to be sold in the US. The Us does the same in the other Direction. This is called Free Trade,Comerse and Free Competition. However - this Waists the Resourses of the Earth in Meaninglessness, since we in Europe and The Us dont need Each others Cars. The Fleet of Trade is a Waist and the Polution of the North-Atlantic as well. YEHOWAH Hates this I Firmly Believe. There is no Doubt in this. My Political opinion is not Leftist thoug, but Rather Teocratic and Christocentric as according to Myself. GOD Bless. Orao.Srbia.
47. No reason to abandon
john   (02.01.11)
There would be no reason to abandon. Experts are wrong on this one.
48. Abondoning Israel
MB Aarons ,   Israel   (02.01.11)
Of course the U.S. could abandon Israel. Let the extreme right take over the government, no advance in peace with our Palestinian neighbors, curtailing basic human rights, confiscating more land, and still calling Israel a "Democracy". Oh, I forgot alienation of the jewish populace in the US.
49. #1 surrounded by muslims&arabs
Dan ,   hollywood   (02.01.11)
Yes, surrounded by a cultural and intellectual abyss whose contribution to world civilization is oil and violence. Why wouldn't our opinion be on their side?
50. "Obama is working tirelessly to spread democracy"
Raymond in DC ,   Washington, DC USA   (02.01.11)
Really? Then why was Obama working tirelessly to reinstall the former President of Honduras - ousted for acting contrary to the Constitution - in concert with Chavez and Castro? Why, when Iranians were marching in the streets was he aligning himself with the current leadership? One could as well ask why shortly before the 2008 election when Russia invaded Georgia was Obama urging restraint on both sides?
51. Abandon Israel?
John Baylor ,   Sunbury USA   (02.01.11)
NEVER! There are millions of Christians in the US who pray for the peace of Jerusalem on a daily basis. Why would we abandon the children of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob? After all you are G-d's children
52. US strongly supports Israel but not fully on settlements
Bloodyscot ,   Dallas, Texas   (02.01.11)
The biggest wedge issues between US and Israel is lack of a peace deal. The Status Quo simply can not continue and that is a political nightmare for Israel, since any change will likely break the coalition. There are 5 settlements that are the main block for a peace deal and likely Israel will lose 2 and keep the other 3 at some point. A token number of refugees will have to return and the rest paid off. The number will likely range from 1000 to 20,000 per year for 10-20yrs and the oldest first or those that still have families in Israel.
53. Israel still a spoiled kid but not for long
Sami ,   Ramallah   (02.01.11)
The US uses dictators and eventually abounding them with very cold shoulder. It’s Capitalism baby. When things start to unravel for the US, Israel will be sacrificed in a heartbeat. This has nothing to do with the US being good or bad. This is just the natural cycle of life and death of superpowers, Eventually all unravel and others take its place. It’s not if, it’s when. The US doesn’t have to explode; it has just to move down the scale from being a superpower. And based on the Bush doctrine and company of the new cons and pro-Israel, things are accelerating in that direction.
54. OBAMA abandoned Israel long ago, the USA has NOT
David P. ,   Capitola, CA   (02.01.11)
don't mistake this current administration with the rest of the USA, Obama reflects the worst of America
55. John Baylor 51
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (02.01.11)
That is probably true for now but Christians won't be here forever.
56. restoring the monarch??
citizen   (02.01.11)
'Obama is working tirelessly to spread democracy, and is leading the Egyptians toward a monarchy, claimed Prof. Gilboa'. What?? democracy and a monarch are being pushed onto the Egyptian people? guess what will win?
57. Yes, US will eventually abandon Israel.
Dug ,   Wales   (02.01.11)
Yes, the US will eventually abandon Israel, as will all the nations. But Israel, know that you are not alone. The Lord God of Israel has sworn to NEVER abandon you. When the nations gather against you the Lord God of Israel will stand by you and fight for you. Your regathering and redemption is drawing nigh, as is the judgment of the nations, The Old Testament Prophets Joel, Zechariah, Isaiah, Zephaniah, Ezekiel and Daniel, plus many others, declare as much in the written Word.
58. #53 Situation looked much worse in 1967
Raphael ,   Netanya   (02.01.11)
At that time, the oil&arab lobby were much stronger in Washington, the only "reliable" ally of Israel was France, which stabbed it in the back by embargoing all military supplies. Now, the arab armies do not enjoy any longer USSR support, and rely more on islamic fanaticism than weapon power. If they dare, for the 7th time try to erase Israel, accounts could be settled with the Palinodians.
59. #55 Salami, 63% of USA are with Israel
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (02.01.11)
so is Congress, assuring the arms necessary to take care of our lousy neighbors if they want to attack again I see you're writing from "Palestine", your Capitol is located where ? Your coins, what do they look like ? I gave you a host of questions, you still haven't come up with the answers
60. #22 Mark - Nobody cares if u disagree
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (02.01.11)
or agree You have proven that you're of little consequence If you wish, I'll be glad to re-hash your defects again
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