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Could US abandon Israel too?
Aviel Magnezi
Published: 01.02.11, 08:36
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61. #52 Bloodyscot, Bloody fool
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (02.01.11)
The settlements are there because there was no peace You're putting the cart before the horse When an Israeli coaltion breaks, another springs up to replace it, and it's all done without guns & bullets The Arabs don't want a Peace deal, they simple want Judenraus !
62. OBAMA can back stab anybody!
America stands with Israel, despite the wishful thinking of idiots like Salma.
63. #1 Who cares about what YOU think!
Not even your own gang does. How does it feel to be insignificant, eh Salma from "Balestine"?
64. Perhaps the US abandoning Israel would be for the best...
Mikesailor ,   Miami, FL   (02.01.11)
After all, Israel haas been nothing but an albatross around the neck of the US. Go make alliances with India and/or China. See how far you get with your insufferable arrogance. Please renounce all US aid and assistance. I, for one, will not be sorry.
65. do not fret Israel
courtney ,   usa   (02.01.11)
Obama will be gone in 2012
66. #16, explain democracy --> atheism
Ben ,   USA   (02.01.11)
Reuven, You said that you might say democracy is also a religion without G-d. Please explain this glorious leap of insight. I thought communism was the boogeyman that leads to or is sympathetic to atheism. How is rule by the direct or indirect vote of the population void of G-d? It is what it is - a mandate by a bunch of people to do something as a collective country. If that bunch of people believes in G-d, then it's a mandate to do something desired by a bunch of believers in G-d; if not, then its a mandate to do something desired by a bunch of people who don't believe in G-d. America is mostly Christian, so democracy in America is a series of mandates by people who are mostly Christian. Christians believe in God, and many of them state in polls that their religion enters into their voting (for better or for worse), so your argument needs more explanation. Heinlein, in his book Stranger in a Strange Land, says through one of his characters that democracy is far from perfect, but it's about 8 times better than the next best form of government that humanity has managed to put together. As long as we're making broad generalizations, let me have a turn. Your statement, sir, sounds like it belongs more to a Mullah theocrat than a member of a democratic Jewish state. One thing we keep hearing in the news is the people in Muslim states pushing for Iran-like theocracies have a deep dislike of democracy, claiming it is a heretic Western idea, incompatible with Muslim ideals. Sounds like you and them have much in common. I suppose I should not be surprised about zealous Jews sounding like Islamic Mullahs. Some people enjoy constantly reminding us how the Golden Age of Spain happened when Jews were under Muslim rule, and how Arabic is considered the Half-Holy Tongue because of its similarities to Hebrew. If you have such close historical ties with Islam, then why don't you get along with them famously? If in the future the US ever did abandon Israel, it might be because Israel turned into a Jewish Mullah state.
67. Egypt/US/Israel
Moshe ,   NYC, USA   (02.01.11)
Israeli academics and politicians apparently know as much about the US Administration's thinking, as well as the views of Congress and the American people, as I know about public opinion in Swaziland - namely, nothing whatsoever! Egypt was not "stabbed in the back" by the Obama Administration; Mubarak was. Mubarak is not Egypt. True, the Obama Administration has its arguments w/ the Bibi government, but the US-Israel relationship, at every level, is rock solid. Get a grip!
68. Israel cannot count on Obama
Brod ,   USA   (02.01.11)
Israel could not count on the man from nowhere who had been imbibing Jeremiah Wright's cesspool of Anti-America and AntiSemitism for 20 years, and whose formative years were soaked in Islam. But Israel can count on Judeo-Christian America that worships the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
69. Mike #64 - you do not represent America!
Semper Fi! ,   AZ, USA   (02.01.11)
You may be noisy and violent, but that does not make you right! America supports Israel whatever happens - it is the only island of reason and freedom in a mad Middle East. You on the other hand "Mike" sound awfully like an hateful impostor. You're not convincing anybody - not there and more importantly, not here!
70. america abandoning Israel
ed ,   reno, america   (02.01.11)
of course as long as we have people like obama and clinton in leadership the possibility of abbandonning Israel is strong. the leadership of america has no thought of what is right only power and prestige. Israel is everybodies whipping boy and america is top of the list when it comes to hypocrasy in dealing with their allies. only the grace of G-D has protected Israel and only by His power and faithfulness and not by the dependence on supposed allies will Israel is by G-D's hand Israel is and it will be by His hand that Israel remains.
71. #65 - israel too
eporue ,   europe   (02.01.11)
72. I Agree
Mike Caton ,   Vestal, NY USA   (02.01.11)
I completely agree. Israel must now do everything in its power to create new ties and strengthen existing ties to non-Muslim Asia and Africa, including Taiwan, South Korea, Ethiopia, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore,Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos,Thailand, and of course, India.
73. The reality is...
aaron ,   ny, ny   (02.01.11)
...that America is not in love with Israel as much as Israeli's think. There is a strong current from both the left and right to ditch Israel in favor of our own interests - friendly relations with arab countries and of course, oil. The current administration is slightly less pro-Israel than previous administrations, and this trend will continue. Peace with the Palestinians will help Israel but in terms of military protection, well, Israel must realize it always had and always will stand alone
74. Obama and Hillary are the problem! Go Go Go home!
75. israel is forever,its gods doing and its great
john ,   ireland   (02.01.11)
the day america or any other nation abandons israel is the day that country falls with a mighty bang never to rise again.theres 2 types of people in da world gods people and satans.there is no inbetween.ur on one side or the other.the devil and his forces have been trying to destroy israel since its creation thousands of years ago.the islamic empire is no different than the previous empires that failed to destroy to will surely fail.u can find that in ezekiel 38, my advise is choose gods side choose israels for israel is the apple of his eye.
76. Odumba administration - overachievers
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (02.01.11)
Heck Jimmy the Peanut took 3 years and only managed to abandon one country in the region to Islamic fascists. Odumba is going for a clean sweep of the entire region in two years. Tunisia and Lebanon went, Egypt a matter of days. Next Jordan, Yemen and Syria. Yes Odumba has abandoned us already. And we are doing fine. We did better than any other industrial country in the world when the US brought down the house. We can do even better without US Aid. Heck until 1974 - US Aid amounted to a grand total of zero dollars. Without it we will be forced to better develop our own equipment and of course sell it on the open market in direct competition to the US. They don't like the fact that we produce better gear than they do, like Phalcon, which can fry AWACS from over 100 km away. No - getting ready to stand totally on our own is a good thing. We have the technology, with our natural gas fields coming on line we will have the energy. Once Egypt shuts down the Suez we will be the only country again with ports on both sides of the canal. It's a win-win situation for us.
77. So What?
Harry ,   Toronto   (02.01.11)
If it does happen, and i repeat, IF the US abandons what? Both China and India purchase arms from Israel and have made massive investments in Israel. They are now being joined by Russia. The US gives Israel 3b a year of which by contract 2.5b is immediately spent in the US. Israel has foreign Currency reserves of 70b(Yes billion US) and a balance of payments surplus of 7b a year. In fact israel helps finance US budget deficit. Do any of you towelheads out there understand any of this? Probably not. Bottom line ... so what if US abandons Israel?
78. I would start talking immediately.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (02.01.11)
To China ...India...Russia.....whoever! This guy doesn't have anyones trust anymore. If we as United States citizens can't trust the can you? His whole objective might be to drive oil prices so high.....that the combustion engine becomes a thing of the past. He is an inept person who should never have been elected to this position in the first place. Hillary Clinton is just as inept. Democratic Chaos is no way to run foreign policy. Democracy is not the only way to run a country that prospers. No one gets anything done if everyone is constantly running their mouth and blocking the forward momentum of the country. Obama is good at verbal diarhea and bouncing a round ball into a round hoop on the weekends and weekdays. Other than that......he is a tele-prompters tool. You print it.....and he spouts the nasty stuff to anyone who will listen. Divorce our country and this pariah. He isn't worth my time or yours for that matter. When Obama fills his gas tank....he lights a match and smokes near the fumes coming off of the tank. Too much risk taking...always ends in failure. He might as well encourage Egyptians to cross the Red Sea and invade Saudi Arabia for their oil assets, to provide more than two dollars a day in wages. Lets spread democracy...and take other Arabs wealth. What's a border anyways. Obama doesn't protect ours.
79. Article
UFO2012 ,   New York, USA   (02.01.11)
Here is my comment for this article at this page :,7340,L-4022102,00.html You stole the land so that you bring DEMOCRACY. This is never accepted. First step is wrong that mean everything after will be wrong and there will never be PEACE !! Best to give back the land that was stolen. Thank you ! A.s.H
80. U.S. needs to look for its own interest not Israel
Harry Johnson ,   American   (02.01.11)
The United States has sacrificed its best interests in favor of Israel for far too long. The Israelis have exploited the United States leaving it drained and weakened for an Israeli partner who is abusive, continually taking and who has no concern for America. It is time for America to wake up and smell the coffee. Israel is no friend to America or Americans.
81. Experts. LOL
shlomo ,   USA   (02.01.11)
The same experts probably predicted the world would end in 2000 and they probably still believe that world is flat! If the self proclaimed "experts" would only do some real research instead of beating their chests and crying that "the sky is falling" the world would be better off.
82. What do these critics think the U.S. should have done?
Sidney ,   USA   (02.01.11)
Support Mubarak against his own people? He is old, are we supposed to support his son as successor? I am not an Obama fan but some of the criticism is ridiculous.
83. OK, let's see what happens without 3B Dollars
1. The 3B dollars are earmarked for weapons purchase from the US, not food for kids or money for Israeli citizens (many of them Arabs BTW) As you can surely see, that will hurt US JOBS! Nice done Dumbama! 2. 3B dollars are hardly 2% of Israel's security needs! Yep! Surprise! The rest of the equipment is bought with MY TAX MONEY, NOT with your pathetic welfare payments! So yes, THANK YOU to me for that, NOT to you! 3. The US Arab "allies" receive 10x more support combined, just to allow their media incite against the Great Satan and dance on roofs when +3000 US citizens get murdered by homicidal racists. Nice done Dumbama again! So to all these freaks claiming that Israel depends on US Aid - you got your minds warped - we DO NOT NEED YOUR MONEY! The only reason we are frieds is because we share a common system (democracy), we share common values (freedom, human rights and religion) and we have common enemies - Communism, Islam and dictatorships. So take your Dumbama talk and shove it. Many families in the US owe their jobs to the US Aid to Israel and each time you moan about this, you're shooting yourselves in the foot. But it is so typical of the crazed Liberals to be shooting themselves in the foot that I wonder how they can still be standing - maybe on the shoulders of their Muslim friends?
84. #80 "Harry Johnson"? You're so original! NOT!
It's so funny to see these pathetic impostors. I guess that Hezbollah and Hamas are spending extra to get "Name your Baby" books. Your post is particularly lame and has all the characteristcs of a non-American writer. Tell me - is THIS what they teach you at the mosque? Try Haaretz and AlJazeera - "Muhammad" is more popular there anyway, and they are not so concerned with grammar and spelling either.
85. iranian people
alexa ,   Israel   (02.01.11)
The big question is why didn't Obama and Clinton reacted the same way when Iranian people wanted thier freedom as well. Maybe they think that there is a democracy in Iran ?
86. Support for Israel
Bill ,   U.S.   (02.01.11)
There is no chance that 2/3 of the American public support Israel. That is bunk poll manipulation. I would say it is more like 30-40% and falling fast.....You just don't hear that many folks claiming to support Israel publicly. Even behind closed doors you don't hear folks blindly supporting Israel. Be careful what you with average Americans about Israel most could careless....
87. This administration....
Shalom ,   U.S.A.   (02.01.11)
has already abandoned Israel. The liberal jews, including Dershovitz and Tom Friedman, who voted for Obama, Shuman and Rothman, have abandoned the jewish state as well.
88. The US Ponzi scheme in the ME is finally collapsing
IRAN#!   (02.01.11)
I leave it as an exercise for the reader to extrapolate and see where Israel will be in the new scheme!
89. Harry Johnson # 80 and Mike Sailor
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (02.01.11)
The interests of Israel and America go hand in hand. God says he will bless those that bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. You can ignore that if you want to. It's your choice.
90. Bill # 86
Eaglebeak ,   LEft Coast, USA   (02.01.11)
I'm not hearing what you are hearing. Perhaps it who you hang out with. As far as Americans not carring less, to many Americans don't care about anything much as long as they are entertained. That is one reason why the United States is going down the toilet.
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