Iran: Riots sign of Islamic awakening
Dudi Cohen
Published: 04.02.11, 11:48
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73 Talkbacks for this article
61. Past Iranian riots on election
Pugetkid ,   Seattle, WA   (02.05.11)
Why did he squash his own riots if he likes riots?
62. William, cool...
Persian CAT   (02.05.11)
All the Israeli professionals, mainly techies, whom I have worked with are open minded and cool people. If you ever go to Iran, you'll find Jews, Christian and Zoroastrians work and live in the society in peace. In fact a lot of Iranian Moslems have Jewish employers and vice versa. I do guarantee you would not be attacked the minutes someone "saw" you. In fact Iranian Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians have a constitutional right to elect their representatives from among their coreligionists. I'd love to visit Israel but not until there's a fair peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians. In a way I make "trips" to Israel by reading the press and following Israeli politics closely. But until then, let's say I and the Zionista don't get a long.
63. Khamenie is going to wish...
Persian CAT   (02.05.11)
he had never uttered a word about freedom. He and his gang have been nothing but a filthy obstacle to freedom for the Iranian people. Sounds like he and his cronies are going to be eating crow real soon.
64. #53; IRAN#1; Really, why did you riot?
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (02.05.11)
After the rigged elections why did the people in Iran riot? Why were 8 protesters hung in January 2011? Why do you think Iran is doing better? Why did the protesters get violently attacked by the current government? After all, it was the Shah of Iran that modernized the country, not the Islamic Revolution. They took backwards in terms of freedoms. Women rghts, freedom of the press, and almost every other gauge of freedom it went backwards under Islamic law.
65. Mahmood in the UK
frankie ,   Hollywood,ca   (02.05.11)
Mahmood people like you keep driving people in the UK mad.I think soon they will rise up and beat your heads into the ground.If not,you can easily find enough people in the USA to do it for them.
66. William, Israel lost in Lebanon big time...
Persian CAT   (02.05.11)
Even an Israeli committee investigating that ill-fated barbaric attack by you guys on Lebanese of ALL faiths and creeds admitted it and openly criticized the regime for it. That was a victory for the Lebanese in general and the Hezb in particular because Israel did not achieve any military gains while exposed the vulnerabilities of its ballyhooed Markava tanks and SAAR 5 AEGIS class destroyers to simple weapons supplied by Iran. Notwithstanding those humiliating defeats the Zionistan regime and its IDF jackbooted attack dogs just kept committing war crimes after war crimes. Are you OK with that?! I thought so.
67. #53 Iran 30 years ahead of cavemen
Cynthia ,   USA   (02.05.11)
Iran has totally regressed since the revoluation. Iranians live like slaves behind closed doors with no freedom. The country is import dependent. They even import gasoline for domestic use. Khamenei salivates over the prospect of conquering Egypt and bringing Iranian style misery to Egypt.
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (02.05.11)
With a long talk-back which hardly makes any sense at all.The situation in Egypt gets worse for people like you.No more gas supplies,atleast for a while.Nothing is going to blow off on my face but I am certain your poor intelligence unit gathered nothing and now face a stupendous task.'Twisted political nonsense'?Really, your cartoons are somewhat more worried than you are.Of course,what does it matter to you?All you need is small supply of gas to ensure you don't run out of doughnuts.Carry on as I enjoy bugging you...............and rightly so.By the way,what happened to your fanciful ideas about shortage of gasolene in Iran?Ha!! Ha!!
69. FRANKIE.............................................#65
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (02.05.11)
You seem to have got up from the wrong side of the bed.A lot has happened since then,however.Learn to accept it.No more of power play in the region.Rest assured and crawl back into the hole you came out from,Frankie
Rene Guerra ,   United States   (02.05.11)
Come on, trust the Muslim Brotherhood when promising that it won't run for the Egyptian presidency once Mubarak leaves; the 'hood will just topple any government succeeding Mubarak's Voila!.
71. Egypt better than Iran or Israel
Esol Esek ,   Portland, USA   (02.05.11)
I don't think the young Egyptians are interested in being under psychotic sharia rule, like the moronic leaders of Iran are still pushing against their own disgusted population. Then again, Israel shouldn't take any comfort. Logic is going to rein in the mideast possibly, and Israel is not dealing in logic.
Rene Guerra ,   United States   (02.05.11)
Obama gloats and boasts bullying Mubarak with haughty demands of "immediate transition". Ah, how statesman-like The Dear Leader --yes, the very one who gives Chris Mathews a furrowing up his leg-- looks!! Ah, how re-electable he looks! Hey Barry, what about demanding "immediate transition" in China, N. Korea, Iran, Libya, Syria, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, and Zimbabwe? No in those gulags, of course, for they are already enemies of America. Ah, but since Mubarak, yes a dictator, is America's ally, and the Muslim Brotherhood would end up top dog if Mubarak resigns, "immediate transition" in Egypt, Barry demands. Mubarak should not leave until succeeded by the legitimate winner of the upcoming elections, lest the Brotherhood assaults power in the wake of an "immediate transition"; rather, Mubarak should send Obama to fly a kite and shove his patronizing demands. By the way, Barry, if you showed solidarity with the rioting masses that took to the streets in Cairo and Alexandria, what about showing at least respect for the peaceful and civic masses of American citizens of the Tea Party Movement that took and will keep taking to the street from sea to shining sea?
73. #68 Mahmood
Hal ,   Usa   (02.05.11)
Gee Mahmood, a little cranky are we? I'm sure your doctor told you to take the meds before you get on the computer, not after. I have to disagree with you o' mordant one. The situation in Egypt is getting worse by the hour for poor deluded dolts such as yourself that can't connect the dots leading to the overthow of the the illegal military putsch regime in Teheran by the very same Iranian youth that are watching what is happening in Egypt while you, apparently, can't begin to fathom the significance of it all. I suppose this has something to do with your exposure to flour dust at the pizza store. In most civilized countries, dust masks are provided by the employer. If you are the employer Mahmood, don't be cheap, by a dust mask and save your pshche, regardless how fragile it is. As far a your overall reply to my previous post, you are starting to exibit psychotic tendencies. This is probably the most disconnected bundle of ravings that you have posted at one time. A new high for you Mahmood. BTW , by your spelling [gasolene] there is none in Iran. I know that a lowly pizza mechanic such as yourself can afford to own an English dictionary. The GASOLINE supply in Iran will continue to be a problem of cost to a poor population and industrial factors beyond your simple skills to fully comprehend. Be that as it may Mahmood, do continue to be an angry clown worthy of my insults. :-)
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