The sinking US empire
Yaron London
Published: 21.02.11, 18:19
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1. Time for the US to cut off all foreign aid!
American Taxpayer   (02.21.11)
Bring down the deficit! No more money for Israel/Egypt/Jordan or anyone else!
2. Ron Paul for president! no more money for anyone except US!
American Taxpayer   (02.21.11)
3. "a wealthy, influential Jewish minority...": BINGO!
Flavio ,   Sao Paulo, Brazil   (02.21.11)
This is, most of all, the key issue that every Israeli and concerned Diaspora Jew must understand: no only is the US steadily losing its predominant status as 'the' only superpower, but Israel is also steadily losing her leverage in America, due to the inevitable shrinking of the American Jewry! Yes, their number is decreasing, due to assimilation and low birth rate - and those who remain (secular nonobservant Jews, from one side, and Orthodox, from the other) are increasingly losing interest and identification with Israel and Zionism, as many researches and polls have shown. I dare to say that in 20 to 40 years, there simply won't be a critical mass of Jews in America and, thus, both Israel lobby and finantial aid will cease to exist at their present form, regardless of the changes in America's standing in the global forum. Israel must find a way to release herself from her American dependency, there's simply no alternative whatsoever. The Palestinian issue should be dealt with, the way the majority of Israeli people see fit, and must be defused in time - as well as the Iranian threat. Sooner or later Israel will be out in the rain, without the large American umbrella, and will have only her own strenght and the support from us, concerning Diaspora Jews, to rely on. PLEASE DO SOMETHING WHILE THERE'S STILL TIME! THE EFFORT IS ALREADY OVERDUE, BUT HOPEFULLY IT IS NOT TOO LATE!
4. India isn't facing an Islamic threat?
Brian ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (02.21.11)
Brazil did recognize a Palestinian stae along with some of their neighbors but it is pretty much fuel independent, so it's one of the few nations not influrnced by Arab/Persian oil, Japan, hard to even speculate where they would stand, they have big problems of their own with North Korea, and China in their neighborhood, and there are many many Asian Muslims in their neighborhood too.
5. Not quite correct
Harry ,   Toronto   (02.21.11)
Yaron, as much as I respect your opinion, some of your facts and conclusions appear to be incorrect. 1.India has a large Muslim population with two muslim neighbours, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Israel also has Large military contracts with India. 2.Brazil has large military contracts with Israel. 3. Japan has little chance of being a member of The Security Council. 4. As for Russia, we know where they stand. All the members knew the US was going to use its veto right, therefore the so-called anti Israel vote was lip service. Two things are happening simultaneously. US influence in the middle east is declining and at the same time, the muslim world is self - destructing. They are unable to compete economically, as electricity slowly replaces oil as an energy means, and at least 50% of the population (women) unemployed. Israel has survived worse. A STRONG ISRAEL IS THE ACE UP OUR SLEEVES. harrybaby@rogers.com HARRYBABY
6. The Sinking US Empire
Boris Yasdnilkov ,   Fernandina Beach, US   (02.21.11)
There are a few of us in the United States that are "hold outs" for standing by Israel regardless of cost. It is not all about money. Instead, it is about freedom, about Israel's right to exist, about the continuance of civilization and about the fulfillment of prophecy. Yes, the United States may indeed be sinking. Who is bailing the so-called sinking empire? My guess is that it is the "hold outs" and we are rapidly becoming a minority. I don't see anyone volunteering to help bail out the sinking ship that is expected to protect the entire free world. Well, freedom is not free. Some nations would be well advised to start bailing themselves.
7. Grave Exaggerations
EZ ,   USA   (02.21.11)
Obama and the leftist camp in the us DO NOT represent the American people nor do the metropolitan areas. The next three presidents will NOT be leftists and the US re-asserting it's rights against existential threats and it's role as the lead "protector" of democracy will be firmly established. Read history: this isn't the first time the world said the US was in decline. It's just pathetic to think that the bumps in the road to globalization will destroy a nation who's will and means have never before been seen in history. People write us off as fat, greedy, dumb and lazy but look at the facts on the groud: extremists took down two American buildings: our responds: we took down two extremists countries with our lowest death toll to our soldiers in any war we've ever fought. And out newest technology, the NEW MOABS and intelligence is more shocking than what the world witnessed is the first Iraq war (where the head soviet general said the US was "50 years ahead of us militarily). In this writhing world, it IS all about security (military might) and deterrence. The US will be back stronger than ever and Israel will NOT flounder. You've no idea how hated Obama and Clinton are by their peers in washington. They won't be re-elected.
8. U believe it or not?
john ,   cardiff   (02.21.11)
The veto of USA was in fact a huge moral victory for the weakest element - i.e, the Palestinians. Sooner or later the signs will be visible for this victory of PA.
9. it was recorded
fad egypt   (02.21.11)
in the revelation in the bible that europe is going to control the world and will be israel ally instead of america against gog the king of the north , the king of the east and the king of the south the king of north is gog which is russia and its allies iran , turkey , the king of east is china and its communist allies , the king of south is the arab world led by egypt all these are going to fight israel which will enter alliance with the king of the west which is europe but the battle will be ended by the messiah in favor of israel and all these kings will be destroyed by the messiah but the US will ve no role
10. the US isnt a sinking ship its a submarine that sinks & rise
zionist forever   (02.21.11)
From this article anybody would think this is the first time the US had used its veto on an issue that was unpopular amongst the rest of the UN. This was a turning point for Obama not because he has spent two years trying to convince the islamic world he is on their side and his America was a new America that did not support Israel at the expense of muslims. Now he has been forced ( because he is going into election season ) to use the veto and that image he had built up has gone down the toilet. I see no evidence the US is now a sinking superpower. India, Japan and Brazil are not going to be overtaking the they are growing & becoming more developed in their own right not in competition with the US. American defense spending is as high at it is because the west wants it to be world policeman at its own expense. When the UN needs to deal with a problem like the Balkans, policing the Somali shipping lanes who are they gonna call ... Brazil, Japan or India? The role of world polceman is a level of political influence in itself which nobody else has. Sure the US has a huge debt which is going to take a generation to pay off but it the country is nearly 250 years old you don't think they have faced problems before and survived? There have been booms and busts before and there will be more of them in future but life goes on. China may well overtake the US economically in the short - medium term but long term the US will take the top spot again because China has a false economy based on sweat shops rather than innovation. In time communism will be replaced by democracy and when that happens people will demand rights like decent working conditions and minimum wage. When that happens China will loose its attractiveness The US on the other hand has spent 200 year innovating and doesn't have those issues China will have to deal with in future. This article is so shows no understanding of how the real world works and seems to be written just to condemn American support for Israel. If I didn't know better I would say it was written by Gideon Levy.
11. USA Currency Collapse
World Citizen ,   the world   (02.21.11)
If the Chinese decide they will no longer buy American debt then you could see a mass exit from US dollars as a mean of global exchange. If the Americans can't buy oil in dollars then they are in deep trouble. Yet the Americans continue to alienate the very people with oil to sell. The Arabs. And for what? For Israel. Israel may have been strategically important asset before the end of the Cold War but today it is a liability to the USA. Yet Israel gets its way with America because a rich Jewish minority is able to make campaign contributions to so many of its politicians. But the American people are like the Egyptians, Libyans, Yeminis etc. They know something is wrong and they are slowly figuring it out. When they do there will be hell to pay. Israelis think they will find other allies......where? The Chinese voted against you in the latest UN vote on the settlements. So did the British, French, and Russians. Think there will be another sucker like the USA that will give you money and then allow you to spit in its face every chance you get?
12. Actually .... not too sure about that
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (02.21.11)
1. China may be big and it may have a growing economy, but here's a news flash: a country that cannot feed itself is not a superpower. 2. India may be big and it may have a growing economy based on outsourcing business, but here, too -- a country that cannot feed itself is not a superpower. 3. Keep in mind that China insinuated itself onto the Security Council -- in their zeal to welcome China's emergence from the Cultural Revolution, the U.N. Security Council made China a member. They also kicked Taiwan out, but that's a story for another day. China does not really belong on the Security Council. 4. Neither India nor Japan will ever become a permanent member of the Security Council. Brazil has a chance, but it's still years and years away. Brazil is just as susceptible to internal unrest as any of the Arab and Moslem nations currently experiencing social turmoil. One percent of Brazil's population controls 99% of the wealth. Too many people living in disgraceful favellas. Brazilian society is a lot more precarious than people realize.
13. The DELIBERATE Destruction of America's Economic Might
Linda Rivera ,   New York, USA   (02.21.11)
The highly destructive Cap and Trade. An inferior health care plan that no one wants and CANNOT afford to pay. The threat to jail and/or fine those who don't purchase the government enforced plan. Massive spending as if there is no tomorrow. Fighting wars we have no money for. Massive borrowing. The Massive giving away of Billions of dollars every year to other countries, including the oil-wealthy Muslim Middle East, Hamas-controlled Gaza and the Palestinian Authority organization who fill their war chests, build mansions and laugh all the way to the bank with free infidel money. Whilst in America, homeless shelters are filled to capacity; tent cities have sprung up all over the U.S. filled with desperate, jobless, homeless, NEGLECTED Americans. Massive debt. The massive printing of paper money. There is no question that the total DESTRUCTION of America's economy is planned. The results will be horrifying. In the once wealthy and great nation of America, millions of Americans will become destitute, hungry and homeless with no money or resources to help them.
14. It may take awhile
Ron ,   OC, US   (02.21.11)
The US has the potential to be self sufficient in energy, so does Israel. That will buy some time especially if Israel exports gas to Europe. However, the basic premise of America's decline and the necessity to turn inward and deal with its own internal 3rd world, aging population and impotence in dealing with Islam, Africa and the ME will usher in a far more isolationist America. Not immediately, but it's comming. Israel may be the most stable and militarily strongest nation in the ME, but it will be alone, regardless of policy toward the Pals.
15. unfortunately I agree
Larry ,   Los Angeles   (02.21.11)
The writer is to be commended for his insight and honesty. This is indeed a problem that we in Israel will have to deal with. Perhaps only with G-d's help we will continue and that is the real reason.
LAWRENCE ,   SAFED ISRAEL   (02.21.11)
Began to undermine Israel ,namely its territorial rights and security ." I WILL BLESS THOSE WHO BLESS THEE ,AND CURSE THOSE WHO CURSE THEE " Is that so hard to understand ?
Ian ,   Newcastle upon Tyne   (02.21.11)
The fact remains that the USA is still the most powerful country on the planet by multiples and has to be reckoned with.The problem seems to be,that with Obama as president,it cannot be relied on. There's no getting away from the principle that in our times the President of the USA should be the leader of the free,western world...but Obama doesn't uphold western values.This is clear from his deplorable treatment of the Czech Republic and Britain in order to appease the Russian government,and of Israel in order to appease Arab League tyrants and dictators who are now falling like ten-pins because of popular protest. Obama made animosity of Israel seem respectable in the west,hence this UNSC vote,but now HE's falling because of popular protest in the US.If they know what's good for them,the other western governments are going to have to make a fast about-turn with Obama. "The grand old 'Duke' of (New) York, He had 10,000 men . He marched them up to the top of the hill," ........and he's going to have to have to march them down again. THREE CHEERS FOR ISRAEL!!!
18. Yes Pax Americana is over
IRAN#1   (02.21.11)
It had to happen and it was good for some while it lasted but now it's time for others to take their share of the world!
19. #1 and #2
Harry ,   Toronto   (02.21.11)
You are absolutely correct. Please let me help you to be more correct. 1.Israel receives $3 billion every year of which by agreement, $2.5 billion is spent in the US. 2.Israel has foreign currency reserves of $70 billion and therefore has no need of US aid. In fact Israel holds $50 billion of US Treasury bills and effectively is supporting the US deficit. So to be even more correct, The US owes more money to Israel than the opposite. 3.Israel has a balance of payments surplus of $7 billion per annum and within the year will be energy independent. 4.Israel is the only productive democracy in the middle east. You know those drones in Afganisthan and Pakistan, used by the US military? An Israeli invention supplied to the US. 5. I support Ron Paul, and the US needs to cut to the bone immediately. To be exact, $500 million dollars from Israel. US debt is $14 trillion. Good Luck harrybaby@rogers.com
20. @#10: WELL SAID!!!!
EZ ,   USA   (02.22.11)
Right on the money but I believe China Will hit it's economic ceiling well before they surpass the US economy. The US is playing it's cards in a much more magnificent way than could be imagined by most people. The fact is: they have been And ARE putting China in a pickle by pressuring their output so significantly: they simply will not be able to keep the pace just as the Russians couldn't outspend the US militarily which ultimately caused their demise. You hit the nail on the head about democracy in China however the US is readily aware that a dull scale civil war there will ultimately ensue, Balkanization will take place and a very different China(s) will emerge. It's a boiling pot but may take time to happen. And time is something the US always has. Well said though bro: a very sophisticated analysis but will be lost on most people who arrogantly cling to emotional perspectives rather than the fixed realities right in front of their eyes (which is why they keep smashing into walls! LOL!). Chai Yisrael!
21. #11, #13
solomon ,   bklyn   (02.21.11)
#11- Dream on. Israel has been described as the US's aircraft carrier in the ME. The cooperation for defense is incredible. As are the Israeli technological inventions that you, World Citizen, wouldn't dream of living without. #13- I am always amazed when someone uses the phrases "no one" or "everyone". Many Americans may not want Obama's health care plan. Many of us do. Many of us think it is a way to care about our fellow Americans. As far as the rest of your post, you write as if all of the US is now living in a 1984 nightmare. Look out your window; the apocalypse is not happening.
JESUSALEN ,   JESUSALEN   (02.22.11)
Shame of all nations what seeds do we plant in an infant mind? seeds of destruction and do not you trust their kind? this hate is deep-rooted get rid of the weed destroying the harvest of peace that we need prejudice shame of all nations we got to live in the same neighborhood when you take a man life it do not mean that you are good same blood runs through your veins your hate proves you are insane see a man face but you cannot see his heart do not even know him but you tear him apart them kind of things they are just killing off the earth madness mayhem we must desert prejudice shame of all nations breeding hate do not need no segregation if dirty people are all I can see then in their eyes the same dirt covers me take off the blindfold it is time to enlighten come out of the wickedness step out of the night one man agony is another man joy for self satisfaction we are prepared to destroy one man one earth and one destiny to kill satan and give the Lord the glory prejudice shame of a nation breeding hate do not cause annihilation for real can you hear the sound of an enormous door slamming in the depths of hell? the possibility of life destruction can you hear the cries of pain the mournful sound? the possibility of life destruction can you hear the sound of an enormous door slamming in the depths of hell? the possibility of life destruction
23. Republican Fith column & democrat Muslim bias
Martin ,   SA   (02.21.11)
The Americans and particularrly those of the Central West Americans have a big task. They need to bring to the for a leader who espouses their values is assertive strong-willed fears and love the A"mighty (not a bible puncher) and draws his lines green and red firmly planted on the side of justice and humanity. Republicans need to be vigilant weary of politicians being bought by Arab evil axis petro-dollars. For a glimpse of such people not far tolook carter clintons and HbO and the rest. It is not unheard of that Replicans have been drawn by money. As recent as the last Administation unfortunately. So its not an easy job. A wealthy magnate like trump whom wont bought and jump around like a puppet or the dog whom is directed by his master.The Reblicans and like minded democrats need to search within themselves. Why to re-establish the American Integrity for which it was admired was a source guidance and leadership not only to its own people but also the world. and as it was in the past. Apathy is some thing the proud citezen of America cannot afford. Failure woulure would be underfortunately an invitation to the growing muslim population whom either quietly or aggressively are out there gainig political posture. The weakness of the muslim is his temper and lack of trust of either heathens or even THEMSELVES. A strategy perhaps is needed to counter expose their weakness and their propensity to invest devise institutions like those run, it is common knowlege by aging carter. Funding of politicians tending to support muslim goals should be monitored. Such people should be allowed to be in positions of influence. A platform such as this is should not be allowed to develope. In short, America in fact needs to clean up its act. Yaron I have not verified your indication re muslim republian platform.Thanks for highlighting this unexpected trend. Do Republicans have the strenght and resolve to rid itself of such a cancer. Its also time for the democrats to do the same.
24. An interesting article, but...
esnuffnstl ,   USA   (02.21.11)
....none of us can predict when and how the UNSC will be reformed/expanded. It could end up with the expansion of four additional permanent members--but without the veto--most likely Japan, India, Brazil and Germany. It could end up only being expanded to include India and Japan, with additional rotating SC seats given to South America (2), and Africa (2). There also could be no expansion/reform for several decades. Or, any combination or sub-combination of the above could occur. Except there is little support for additional, veto-holding permanent members (most current proposals at the UN do not seek to give potential permanent members the veto--including the attempt 2 years ago by Japan, Germany, Brazil, and India.) I can't imagine this changing, but who knows? Nevertheless, the US debt WILL indeed serve to diminish the ability of the US to project its might overseas. Can't see any way around this. Currently Congress is debating the little things in order to save tens of billions. In the next decade it will have to debate the big things in order to save hundreds of billions (ie: Do we want to keep our social programs or cut the military?) Just a guess, but I imagine most Americans would rather have fewer air-craft carriers than see health and social benefits cut for their parents (and themselves.) Btw, there was an insightful comment above about how China will almost certainly experience a dramatic slowing of growth as more and more Chinese enter the middle-class. Very true. Once people get a taste for the good life, they're going to want an even better life for their children (or at least AS good.) This will cost China a fortune and, in my opinion, will be money well spent. So what should we do? Perhaps not make too many future predictions.
25. #1 Taxpayer ??
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (02.21.11)
Cut off all welfare, including your food stamps & Unemployment Checks
26. If the ship is sinking, Blame Obama
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (02.21.11)
he opened the petcocks that are scuttling the vessel
27. To: No. 18
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (02.21.11)
Dream on. There is no resurgent Caliphate in anyone's future. The only thing on Iran's horizon is being turned into a giant glowing cinder. You all have been sitting on huge oil reserves and playing games with production and pricing, driving most of the world's recessions and inflationary cycles. Time for the responsible countries of the world to resume management of valuable resources. You people are just too irresponsible and volatile.
28. To: No. 8
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (02.21.11)
Weakest element, yes, but don't forget corrupt, fractious and violent. This was a victory for those elements who do not believe that Israel -- victorious in six wars all of which were started by Arabs -- and survivor of seven decades of unrelenting Arab terror -- should be made to pay the price for ersatz "Palestinian" intransigence, threats of violence and poor decision-making. It's over, John. No second "Palestinian" state. Time for the ersatz "Palestinians" to move on. Their day of dominating the world stage has come .... and gone.
29. #1
Harold ,   USA   (02.21.11)
Well said. The US taxpayers have to aid its own people and not Israel, Egypt or others. We the US cannot even complete all the projects started few years ago because of short of money where as Israel is the number contruction state especially in the Palestinian occupied lands.
30. The Sinking Empire
Isaac Shladovsky ,   East Windsor, USA   (02.21.11)
Not so fast, Mr. London. Ideed, the US has its deficit and other problems but I guarantee you that it will outlive both os and continue to be the world leader it has been. This is not the place to dismiss the inaccuracies in your article other than to observe that to note that your pomposity got the better of your rationality. Relax.
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