Obama's draft speech to urge '67 borders, negate PA's state bid
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 17.05.11, 09:16
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61. Obama violates Constitution,Human Rts.& US Congress& Pres.
sam ,   USA   (05.17.11)
62. Obama! Abbas' vicious NYT Op-Ed proves PA wants Israel gone.
Dr. L. Brnd ,   San Diego, USA   (05.17.11)
Obama now has to recognize political suicide when he sees it. He can't help but recognize from Abbas' sickening NYT diatribe that Abbas and PLO support for "2-states", the so-called "1967 borders"and the "Oslo Peace Process" is nothing but an elaborate hoax to allow them to continue seeking the elimination of Israel at the UN (by "legal means"), the PA has no intention of recognizing the Jewish State and living alongside it in peace - and never did. Why Abbas and Arafat crashed the 2000 Clinton talks over idiotic "Right of Return", which they have no intention of abandoning for statehood. With this unambiguous presentation of PLO intentions in hand, Obama can no longer in good faith promote a PA state in ANY form, or his "2-states-for-2-peoples" gameplan with the PA (Abbas, BTW, has refused to sign on to Obama's trademark slogan, so Obama simply stopped using it rather than confront Abbas). If Obama's speechwriters don't revise his speech to centrally reflect Abbas' NYT revelation to the American people -(the REAL Abbas, not the State Dept. make-believe "peace-partner" Abbas)Obama can expect US voters to mark him as the incompetant and fraud that he is. ANY further Obama support for a PA state after Abbas' admission that the real goal is the stepwise destruction of Israel will turn the Obama reelection campaign into a train wreck waiting to happen - as the Republicans and the US Jewish community properly finger him as plotting Israel's elimination. Whether naively or maliciously matters not - just one more reason to oust this fool.
63. BEWARE! Obama is a Snake Oil salesman
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (05.17.11)
As the American Indian used to say about someone who lied "He speaks with forked tongue" Obama's interests are himself, first and foremost Why would Israel want to believe that the '67 lines, which were previously known as the "Rhodes Armistice”, Greenline, which never worked, would at this late date be effective It defies reason, the enemy attacked over that fictional line time and again, they didn't work then, and they won't work now, simply because the Arabs didn’t ever want them to work Obama should set the example for us to go by, return New Mexico to Mexico, Texas to Mexico, & ditto for California, As for the rest of the USA, give it back to the Indians who the white man slaughtered to get it
64. 67 borders and obama?
ed ,   reno, america   (05.17.11)
who does obama think he is? the question of Israeli borders does not depend on his ok or any other countries ok. they have been established by a greater authority, G-D! Israels responsability is to G-D and not to the demands of people whose only goal is the total elimination of the country of Israel and the jewish people. obama is an insult to the american people and is totaly anti Israel.
65. Defensible
Ashbrook ,   USA   (05.17.11)
People born in California are all legally citizens of the the US. Yoni, do you advocate that Israel grant citizenship to everyone born on the West Bank? If so, your position is defensible. If not, your position is "indefensible."
66. Rabin's, dubbed worldwide as the brave Prince of Peace,
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (05.17.11)
and Netanjahu's ideas are identical: 1) Jerusalem will remain united under Israel's sovereignty. 2) Major Jewish settlement blocs will be part of the sovereignty state of Israel. 3) The Jordan Valley will remain under Israel's control. 4) Future Palestinian state will be demilitarized and Israel will control its airspace and border passes. In addition: The leadership of Palestinian state must accept Israel's right to exist as the nation-state of the Jewish people. A peace agreement must be considered the "end of the conflict". A peace agreement must be the "end of all future demands". Rabin spoke at the Knesset in October 1995, while Natanjahu in May 2011. The former, the left wing Labor Chairman and Prime Minister. The latter, the right wing Likud Chairman and present Prime Minister. Both, men of peace who have been/are also Jewish/Israeli patriots eager to see a peace in our region but not at the expense of Israel national and security interests. P.S. Rabin's approach as well as that of Netanjahu's are based on UN Security Council Resolution, 242, which was designed to resolve the Arab Israeli conflict, has been accepted by ALL relevant parties to the conflict and has been the basis for all peace talks to date as well as actual agreements. Sadly, the Arabs, instead of allowing for the conflict to come to an end have chosen to "pocket" all that they have received up to now, e.g. autonomous region, "police" force, etc. but not reaching an accommodation of peaceful coexistence between Arab and Jew, between the Muslim-Arab world and the nation-state of the Jewish people, Israel.
67. @26, 28, 30 and all the other "No's"
joe ,   st louis usa   (05.17.11)
No need to say "no." Abbas will take care of that, just wait. You heard it here first. Here's why: -No mention of refugees - that's more important to PA than borders -No "expansion" of settlements means continued construction WITHIN settlements, Abbas won't accept that -No clarity on which points are preconditions and which talking points. In short, Obama hasn't actually said anything at all. Just diplo-speak with no meaning behind it. Nothing's changed.
68. OK, We have a problem here...
rob ,   orangevale USA   (05.17.11)
People, there must be 15 or so in today's TB equating the Israeli '67 borders' with the US borders at Mexico. (there are many entrances into the US from there) and all the hue and cry about "give Mexico back their state" if you think Israel should move back to the 'old' border'. The issue has been solved people. Thus the MAJOR difference. For those willing to use such stupid examples of "border return" stop it. It only makes you look stupid. The US and Mexico are allies in and on many fronts. Mexico doesn't want Cali and Texas (tho I personally would have no problem giving Texas back !) ; ) and we do a booming business and exchange educational, military and governmental expertise. The Americans don't kill Mexicans that infiltrate our borders, we incarcerate them and shoot them back across the border for another try. No mine fields, no unmanned machine guns. Yes, some Mexicans and south Americans do cause us problems, but the dynamics are entirely different. You WILL be forced to negotiate the peace you want/need so badly. Negotiations are painful when there is so much at stake. Just prepare yourself for total war as we in the US do, and speak softly. When threatened make preparations, when finally assaulted, destroy your enemy to the point he begs for mercy or as Israel seems so unwilling to do, finish them off forever. Live long and prosper. Shalom, Rob
69. The '67 BORDERS are still the same
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (05.17.11)
The borders in 1967 was the Jordan River to the Med, so we can accept that. As for anything else, only after the US returns the '46 borders - 1846.
70. Truth- 0 ; Lies- Won; God- Cries
Orrei ,   LA, USA   (05.17.11)
Dear Readers, It is clear after reading most of these post that three several issues are apparent: 1) No one cares about historical truths and that expediency wins out over facts, 2) Land for Peace doesn't work - look at Gaza and Egypt currently, 3) People are tired of this being the front page news daily (except news organizations that make money off it), 4) The world is not fair...The Pal's want what they want (all of Israel), the Israeli's want genuine security and a statement that Israel has a right to exist from groups that will lie and then stab you in the back (its a cultural thing not personal) So where does that leave us? a) Israel will be forced into a false peace that will end up in a war, b) the rest of the world will go on its merry way and say "it wasn't our fault" (even though EU money buys weapons), c) the UN will pretend it is useful, when in fact it is all about each countries own selfish needs, d) God will be crying for a creation that is so hateful and vile... Shame on the world for calling lies the truth and violence peace...Israel is a light among the nations because it is the only nation that speaks about the historical and present day realities... It is shunned because the world hates bad news and Israel is the conscience of the world in a world that is corrupt and hypocritical...YES I am biased towards real peace with truth and honesty...that is the only way peace will be achieved and the Useless Nations will never be a place that peace can become reality because it represents the very evil and hypocrisy I speak of...
71. #68
Orrei ,   LA, USA   (05.17.11)
Wrong on all counts...Don't know if you live in CA, but here we are part of Mexico and all the illegal immigrants know it...We have the drug war, urban decay, graffiti and crime... Yes, Israel is being asked to do something no other nation has ever done...give back territory that it won in a war it did not start...I don't expect historical truths to matter to most people but in this case it is the very core of the issue...
72. To: Orrei at No. 71
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.17.11)
Israel gave back the Sinai and Gaza. The return of the Sinai was crucial because it culled Egypt out of the Arab herd. The fact is that Israel will end up having to take back both Sinai and the Strip, but that depends very much on what happens in Egypt. Israel has every right to settle in Judea and Samaria, and the road is clear to annex it as well -- it is, after all, non-sovereign territory which was acquired by Israel in the course of fighting a defensive war against Jordan. The trickier part will be the repatriation of the Arabs in Judea and Samaria to Jordan, country of their citizenship, but in the long run it is the best possible solution. The majority of Jordan's population are ersatz "Palestinians;" they can build their "Palestinian" state there. The Sinai was a nice, big buffer, but it was never a strategic imperative. Judea and Samaria are essential to Israel's security, and must be annexed. Since no one wants to extend Israeli citizenship to 2.5 million hostile Arabs, they will have to leave -- repatriating them to Jordan is the obvious solution. Fix a lot of problems in one fell swoop.
73. To Defensible Person
Jeff ,   USA   (05.17.11)
All the Mexicans that were originally in Mexico were not suddenly granted citizenship on U.S. takeover. Millions of Mexicans in California STILL don't have citizenship. The Americans in California on its admittance to the Union were White Settlers. Period. So the same in the West Bank. Anyways, you think just because someone is granted citizenship, they will suddenly become loyal and won't cause problems. I suggest you read about the American Civil War. The entire South who were citizens went to war against the North.
74. #35 IT WONT WORK
Deutronomy 28 ,   World   (05.17.11)
The problem is the zionists will NOT recognize Palestine with the 67 borders or reject terrorism. So I don't see this going anywhere. Then you have the fictitious Jewish statehood? So really this deal is dead in the water. The Zionists are not true partners for peace. For them it's just a PR game.
75. Netanyahu The Problem
Creoleguy32 ,   Los Angeles,Ca   (05.17.11)
With or without Obama, Netanyahu was a HUGE issue for Israel being that he comes to the U.S. and works out nothing and has worked out nothing since Ariel Sharon and Bush. Netanyahu, for nearly a decade only uses Israel so that the U.S. and European bankers and oil companies can start these wars of greed. Israel is hardly a jewish state, due to Netanyahu, and is really nothing more than a neo nazi Russian dump also another thing that Netanyahu pushes as being good along with a spy grid.
GLENN ,   YUCAIPA,USA   (05.17.11)
77. When the land surrounding the White House
rivka ,   los angeles   (05.17.11)
Is proclaimed a State of the KKK, and the land around the Pentagon is declared the State of Russia, Israel will be delighted to accommodate the "umbrella factions (unlimited) of PA, Fatah, AlAqsa Brigade, Hamas, Hezbollah,AlQueida,PLO,IHH,Taliban,Islamic Jihad,Salafis,Muslim Brotherhood,Iran's Basji 'refugees' UNITED. Every Homeless, unemployed Arab in the region armed with Kalishnikovs & Turk weapons will claim "refugee" status, under the policy of a "Kill 10 Jews a day quota - escalating by the week" Obama> Kiss my Jewish ass. []zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz> you.
78. #25 Doug PROVES that Erekat...
CK Tan ,   SIngapore, Singapore   (05.17.11) a LIAR Doug asks, "How...Can Obama Demand the PA Recognize Israel..:? In other words, Doug is STATING the OBVIOUS - that the palis have NOT and still do NOT recognise Israel, and that's why this is demanded of them. Which BLOWS a big fat hole into Erekat's public CLAIM yesterday to an international audience that "We recognized Israel". P.S. Erekat's BARE-FACED claim also flies against recent CONTRADICTORY statements by OFFICIALS representing HALF of the unity govt.
79. Reply to Ale #9
Yaakov ,   Israel   (05.17.11)
You say, "as usual, israel fanatic world is the problem" so why are the Arabs and Muslims killing people all over the world far from Israel's borders? Which fanatics are terrorizing Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Afganistan, Iran, Baihran, and Egypt? You live in a different world than most people.
80. Show U.S. Congress a map of Two State Final Solution.
Chaim ,   Israel   (05.17.11)
I hope Bibi brings a map to the U.S. Congress when he addresses it in a few days. Show Congress, and the world, the lunacy of the Two State Final Solution, which would trim Israel's waist to a suicidal 8 miles (15 minute tank ride). Show Congress legal proof, which exists in abundance, that Judea and Samaria legally belong to Israel. It's time to stop playing games and claim what is rightfully ours: Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.
81. #75
sophie ,   nl   (05.17.11)
What a hateful response. The PA won't recognize Israel. They are corrupt and not trustworthy. Still you manage to blame everything on Netanyahu. Maybe you should take the time to look at the facts.
82. #9
sophie ,   nl   (05.17.11)
Who is the fanatic here, Ale? The PA keeps fuelling hatred towards Jews. They name streets after suicide bombers. The PA will never recognize Israel. Why? Because they want it all. They want Israel wiped of the map. The Arabs have always rejected the plans to divide the land and they will continue to do so. Now, that's fanatic.
83. All Bibi has to do is show a children textbook
bob96 ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (05.18.11)
Forget about 67 borders, historical rioghts, whatever... All Bibi needs to do is to show the American Congress a textbook (current) that Hamas and Fatah use to "educate" their children, and to cite sentences directly from it. THAT would be much more effective to demonstrate the impossibility of any "peace" with the palestinians. Since 1993, and in each and every accord Abbas has signed, he has commited to end the incitement to hate. And to this day, of course, he hasn't do it. If Bibi does that, I guarantee you he will get the message home, easily and even elegantly!
84. will he stab us in the back? place your bets!
ralph   (05.18.11)
85. I thought the East Jerusalem Arabs were considered Israeli
puzzled, as usual ,   usa   (05.18.11)
not Palestinian. Does anyone really think they will want to give up Israeli benefits in favor of paying their taxes to the corrupt PA and the terrorist entity Hamas?
86. No to dividing Jerusalem!
Gabriel ,   usa   (05.18.11)
There is no "East" and "West" Jerusalem. Jerusalem was and is the capital city of Israel. The capital of Palestine is Amman!
87. Orrei @71
rob ,   orangevale USA   (05.18.11)
I live in N. Calif. Don't whine to me about your poor 'urban decay, graffiti, (are you serious?) and the "drug war". Don't associate with druggies and you wont have to fight them. Urban decay? Pick up some trash along your filthy highways. Graffiti! Cmon. Its a matter of pride to keep your area free of drug fiends and trash. Nobody I know refers to California as Mexico. Don't you even know where you are? My point is and was, that there is no comparison to the different border acquisitions and ownership. Each has a very different dynamic and potential. Viva la Mexico!! (LA). Shalom, Rob
88. No thanks to Hussein O` (End).
89. #1 aim justifies means
observer ,   Egypt   (05.19.11)
I thought Israel fought in 67 for anything other than defensible borders.
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (05.19.11)
Don't think so much, you'lll strain your very limited thought capacity 1967 is 44 years ago, arms and arnmanents and their effecitivity have long since changed as have thier ranges of reach You know as much about warfare as you do about most things, less than nothing
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