Gaza’s Rafah Crossing opens
Elior Levy and AP
Published: 28.05.11, 15:14
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43 Talkbacks for this article
32. Cleanup needed
Hmm. ,   Chicago   (05.28.11)
Okay, these are the fruits of disengagement. Israel initiated the chain of events that led to this mess when it expelled productive, law-abiding Jewish residents from Gaza. Now the situation is a real mess, with the potential for worse to come.
33. No Hypocrisy!
David ,   USA   (05.28.11)
We also need international monitors at Israeli airports/ports to ensure that Israeli does not import arms with which it could (for sure, will!) threaten its neighbors and terrorize them. NO Hypocrisy!
34. Gaza and Kurds
Yakov   (05.28.11)
First on Gaza. Opening the border to Egypt may help to difuse things somewhat. The Europeans, or some other neutral body should be present to make sure that items which could prove dangerous to israeli security. I don't think it be a good idea to give it to Egypt, as it is still in a very shaky state of flux. That will have to wait and see. As for the Kurds, it's not a good idea to bring them to Gaza, especially if they are seeking freedom. What good can be done if they are brought and put into a virtual islamist prison? It's better they not participate in any flotilla. They should focus on their rights within Turkey. Anyhow, Israel won't allow a flotilla (again) to enter. Those doing the flotilla will just have to learn the lesson again-talk about thick headed.
35. #11 yuppi, don't place your money on UNIFIL
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (05.28.11)
The UN has never fulfilled their duties to prevent arms smuggling Look at Lebanon (INIFIL territory), Hezbollah managed to smuggle in vast supplies of arms despite UNIFIL or with their connivance Way back in 1956, when Nasser told the UN to remove it's troops from the Suez area, in anticipation of his war, the UN couldn't pack their bags fast enough to leave, which they did, with the trails between their legs
36. from where did they get the 500 shekels suitcases
question ,   ME   (05.28.11)
if they have never been to abroud and they don't have food???? and if they don't have enough money for food why are they buying so expensive bags that evenpart of israelies can't afford ??????
37. Hamas is gnashing it's teeth
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (05.28.11)
They're about to lose all that revenue they derived from smuggling goods through their tunnels On the other hand, it will benefit Egypt, an increase of Egyptian goods going through the Rafah carossing, ioncressed sales by Egyptian merhants and increased revenues for Egypt Win some, lose some
38. When the euphoria subsides and HAMAS makes the fatal mistake
Meir Elazar   (05.28.11)
HAMAS never imagined that kidnapping Shalit would cause 2 wars and a major blockade impacting the lives of everyone in Gaza. The whole MidEast political map is being redrawn. Mubarak may be gone but the lessons of 67 and 73 are not. Knowing that if Egypt engaged in another war against Israel, they would stand to permanently lose the Sinai. With the border open between Gaza and Egypt there is no justification of the Turkish flotilla. Israel has invested enormous effort to prepare for the next flottila attempt and the Turks don't have a clue as to what is waiting for them. With the borders open, Gazans are now leaving. How many will actually return is another question. We saw Gazan terrorist commit terrorist act in the Sinai. Should they commit more terrorist attacks against Egyptian just like they attacked FATAH, will be very interesting. USA took out Bin Laden and Obama blundered with the 67 borders and occupier rhetoric. This will cost him votes. Canada, France, and US Congress have come out strongly in favor of Israel. This in the long run is more important than lifting the blockade. US is going to fund more Iron Dome deployments against the Gaza terrorists and potentially invest lots in Israeli military technology which is proven against the Gaza terrorists. It is very likely that PALs will see this as a major victory without realizing what Israel's reaction will be. Most likely Israel is planning their next move in response to a missile attack, terrorist attack, or the next family or child being butchered. Thank G-d Olmert is gone and Livni is out of the picture. The next important step is getting rid of Barak. But the next terrorist attack will most likely initiate a reaction from Israel that the PALs could never have imagined.
39. Wow!
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.29.11)
Now Israel can stop supplying food, fresh water, electricity, medical care and the thousands of other goods and services which Israel provides and performs. Egypt can do it! And if a single solitary missile is fired into Israel from Gaza -- Egypt will be held accountable. TRULY a great day!
40. Gazams are now welcome in Egypt
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (05.29.11)
which is presently in the midst of their SECOND REVOLUTION, the first one didn't work out to the peoples satisfaction, they were still stuck with the old style corruption Try try again !!
41. #8 Hakim, some gift
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (05.29.11)
The people are still unhappy, they're now in the middle of a brand new revolution Old crooks have be replaced with new crooks, crooks anyway you want to call it
42. Now they'll learn how to work for a loan.
Ypip ,   Canada   (05.29.11)
43. #39: ???
jerusalem   (05.29.11)
Now, why would Israel do that? Yeah, sure they obstruct these materials from entering that part of the territory in various ways as it is. You seem to forget that 'israel' still controls the air, marine and land of that part of the country-why would Egypt accept part ownership? Tisk, tisk, always trying to looks for some 'easy way out' while you still have unsettled baggage, I hope you know that that doesnt work in the real world. Anyway, regarding the supplies which israel supposedly provides, the Gazans could well enough have my share of the taxes I pay to the israeli government. Its not like I see the effects of my hard earned cash being put back to upkeep the East Jerusalem side or atleast back into the schooling 'system' here. But then again, realistically with the israeli government, that wont happen. There ARE NO 'great days' in the politics of the ME!
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