Strike? Never say never
Giora Eiland
Published: 14.06.11, 12:24
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1. Interesting
Mike Carmel ,   Rishon le Zion   (06.14.11)
Interesting article. Basically it would be the most foolish thing any Israeli government ever did if there was a strike on Iran. Even when (not if) iran has nuclear weapons, so what? They won't use them. Israel and the West Bank are too close together. They only want them as an insurance policy and to throw their political weight around the region. And what about Israel's nuclear capability? Isn't it about time to come clean on that so that itself will be a deterrent? And Israel is not their only target. There is also Saudi Arabia and even Europe.
2. You never hear Iran talk about peace
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (06.14.11)
The Iranians are very clear - they want war. They want to destroy Israel. Their leaders have never, ever, talked about peace with Israel, or helping to broker a peace treaty between Israel and the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians Iran's goal has always been war. And now the evidence is clear to overwhelming that they want nuclear weapons. This from the country that supports the idea of suicide martyrdom. Iran must be prevented at all costs from going nuclear. Iran is the real threat to the peace.
3. Asking the wrong questions.
Terry ,   Eilat - Israel   (06.14.11)
First off, I take great exception to the idea that America has a veto over our defense, regardless of American interests. Ultimately, while American interests may be taken into consideration, the decision is ours alone. The real question to ask is will Iran use a nuclear weapon to attack us? Given the ideology of the Iranian regime, I think the answer is yes. Those who believe that Iran will fear retaliation are endulging in wishful thinking. The assumption that the Iranian regime is rational is just that, an assumption. Second, we have to calculate risk. A successful nuclear strike on Tel Aviv would essentially be the end of Israel. Is there any level of acceptable risk? Well, how do you feel about playing Russian roulette? Is a 20% risk acceptable? A 10% risk? I say there is no acceptable level of risk. Even a 1% chance of a successful strike is unacceptable. The Iranian regime openly advocates our destruction, our elimination. So does Hamas. So does Hezbollah. When people say they will kill you, they should be taken seriously. History tells us that such threats have been carried out, the last time only a short 70 years ago when European Jewry was almost completely exterminated. There is an unfortunate instability in dealing with a nuclear armed Iran - the advantage will always lie with the first strike.
4. No 3: a good analysis
Joe ,   Canada   (06.14.11)
Indeed, given the fanaticism of the Ayatollah's regime, one can fear that as time passes & its military power & political influence on Arabs increases the unthinkable could well happen of a horrible strike at Israel of a greater magnitude than 9/11 on the US. So the question is for Israeli military leaders to evaluate if a premptive strike would be effective & if home defenses can limit the losses of the retaliation to a level much lower than letting Iran able to "wipe off" Israel with nuclear weapons or missiles loaded with other weapons of mass destruction. And contrary to the belief of Giora Eiland I think in no case will Israel let its fate in such critical times in the hands of the leaders of any other country. History has taught Jews of the indifference of the world when they were threatened & then exterminated in Europe & every country (including the USA) denied them refugee status. (see the history of the July 1938 Evian conference). National interest (& personal ambitions)not brotherhood love drives politicians in their decision making. This is how in 1938 Czechoslovakia was sold to Hitler by France & the UK.
5. It's an obvious necessity to destroy Iran's nukes.
Chaim ,   Israel   (06.14.11)
Iran is building nuclear bombs, which it has threatened, many times, to use on Israel. It is an obvious necessity for Israel to destroy Iran's ability to make nuclear bombs. Of course such an attack involves risks. However, they pale in comparison to the risks of a nuclear armed Iran,
6. Some thoughts to your TBs #1, 2 & 3.
Yehuda ,   Yerushalayim   (06.14.11)
#3, Terry, you should learn the foreign policies of America as it pertains to the Jews and you will learn that America DOES have veto power over Israel in almost anything Israel does especially going to war. You might want to start learning Historical Investigative Research – hirhome dot com. #2, Brian, you’re right about Iran supporting suicide martyrdom; so, the closeness of exploding a nuclear bomb would not bother them. #1, Mike, some how I get the feeling that with an outlook as yours, you’re not from Israel for Israel has nothing that they need “to come clean” on but rather all of our neighbors are far and away from coming clean on almost everything that they say and do.
Inan ,   Germany   (06.14.11)
Why Israel is thinking about Iran, while the biggest danger is in the south?! Wahabi ruled Saudi Arabia is the ultimative supporter of terror worldwide, I guess Israelis know that fact, I wonder, why Israelis dont talk about the saudis. Iran is a danger, yes, but the Iranians know that any attak on Israel would be their end. So they will wait until they got attacked, I guess. Anyway, it is in my eyes much safer for the people of Israel when they make their own defnece policy wich isnt influenced by foreign powers like the US. Obama coulndt care less for Israels security, allthough he talked diffenent on AIPAC before the pres. elections. Now the weather has changed unfurtunatly. The jewish nation is facing again a danger, this time is more evident than ever. But this time the jewish nation is prepared, economically and in military stuff, Iraninas wouldnt dare to attack. Hopefully. Shalom from germany to Israel. We think of you these days and our prayers are with you.
8. Israeli hystera aside...
Chris.B ,   Australia   (06.14.11)
Iran will never attack Israel unless attacked.Also there is no mention of American air defence assets in the Middle East.How many countries would a shihab missile have to cross to hit Israel? A protracted war with Iran cannot be faught by Israel and the U.S hasn't the finances or the stomach for the Iranian retaliation.Talk of attacking is crazy even more so using nuclear weapons against Iran.
9. US President is NOT king of Israel
Brod ,   USA   (06.14.11)
Wrong conclusion. The US President is NOT king or god of Israel. When the Ayatollahs are going to nuke Israel, Israel cannot waste time seeking permission from the US President on how to and when to defend itself. Furthermore, Israel cannot depend on Obama the AntiSemite. The American people will support Israel through its Congress and NOT through Obama the closeted Islamist-Jihadist. As a sovereign nation, Israel has the right to defend itself from external attacks. It does not matter whether it is from Iran, Pakistan, France or Britain or anywhere.
10. Risk Reward
M.J. Eizen ,   Petah Tikvah, Israel   (06.14.11)
I agree that a nuclear armed Iran is unacceptable, under any circumstances. The issue is not just would they use a nuclear device. The mere threat of having one is enough to completely alter the geo-political calculus in the Middle East. The main issues involving a potential Israeli strike are correctly noted in the article. However, an issue not discussed is the impact on oil prices, worldwide. Iran has threatened to close the Persian Gulf, through which a huge amount of oil is transported daily. An Israeli strike and Iranian retaliation would drive the price of oil north of $250.00 per barrel, which would impact the global economy. That said, I believe that allowing Iran to acquire nuclear capability is the greater risk. The ayatollahs are fanatics, and don't care about their standing as much as we do. At such point as they are on the verge of acquiring such capability, Israel must take decisive action, and damn the consequences.
11. UAV's and Cruise missiles
Victor ,   Belgium   (06.14.11)
Why not use a fleet of UAV's and cruise missiles to knock out Iran's program for good?
12. To #1
Eric ,   New York   (06.14.11)
Do you really think Iran cares that Israel is too close to the West Bank? Has any Arab country shown an iota of sympathy to the Palestinians. That issue would be a non factor should Iran decide to strike.
13. Dead On #12
Ben ,   Chutzlaaretz   (06.14.11)
#1, Did you happen to notice how many of Iraq's Scuds landed in the west bank in '91? What makes you think the Iranians view of the Palestianian is any different. To them and to all the local Arab regimes, Jordan excepted, they are but a useful tool used to deflect internal policy critism. The Syrians and Iranians are willing to sacrifice as much "palistinian" blood as needed, even if it means elinating all of a future Palistinian state. When will people like you get it! The mideast's issues have never been about the Palistinians.
14. Are there still any fools
John Prophet ,   of Light   (06.14.11)
out there who cannot see what's happening right before their eyes? Unfortunately, the answer is an unequivocal yes! Lebanon is now fully run by Hezbollah, Egypt is being usurped by the Muslum Brotherhood and Hamas will soon digest Fatah, not to mention the Iranian bomb. As with Syria, Jordan will also be run over by Islamic fascists. All those who continue to hope against hope i.e. the White House, J Street and most Israeli media that the aforementioned events will usher in a new positive era of democracy and peace for Israel are blind fools.The noose that's being lowered around Israel's neck is made of razor wire and will if unfolding events are left unchallenged decapitate Israel.
15. TO# 10
K.O.   (06.14.11)
damn the consequences? Are you sure of your statement? if the consequences are a long war over several years involving the use of chemical weapons, bacteriological, and nuclear. do you think that Israel will survive? and you think the world will say thank you to israel, when oil at $ 250 will bring people to the streets in anger, because unable to pay the rent, gasoline to get to work (for those who still work ) and do you think brazil china india .. will say thank you? No, I think rather they you will give a good correction
16. TO# 9
K.O.   (06.14.11)
the united states pay each year 3billion dollards help and provide with the best equiment military at their disposal, and provide a seamless support to the UN. they obviously and rightly so, a right to a veto over Israeli adventures that put their interests at risk. john patreus was very clear! do you think Israel can survive and continue to enjoy impunity without the support of the United States? THE ANSWER IS BIG NO
17. to# 9
K.O.   (06.14.11)
MAKE NO MISTAKE , the American population has other concerns that Israeli Military adventures: unemployment, debt (almost bankrupt), the economy, health, pensions ...... past years several poll showed that only 21% to 24% would support an american involvement if Israel attacks Iran. What president can start a war to help a foreign country (and abuser) with a support as low?
18. #15,16,17 K.O. your opinions are about to get KO'd.
Bubbles   (06.14.11)
19. To # 10
AvnerA   (06.14.11)
The Ayatollas could be made to think again only if and when their religious holy places are at risk.
20. To # 10: Let's just hope it will never come to this.
AvnerA   (06.14.11)
21. K.O.#16
Brod ,   USA   (06.14.11)
The Judeo-Christian America through Congress will support Israel. But don't depend on Obama. The American loan to Israel is irrelevant. Israel pays for it in full by protecting America's national security interests in the region.
22. K.O. #17
Brod ,   USA   (06.14.11)
Your Poll is false. The fact is the American people support Israel in its defense against any aggressors hellbent on the destruction of Israel. Period.
23. #8 - based on what facts do you make your claims?
William ,   Israel   (06.14.11)
By the fact they haven't attacked Israel before? Wrong! They support two terrorist groups who act as Iranian proxies to carry out both war crimes against civilians and work towards the elimination of Israel - as all three have stated repeatedly. Because Iran doesn't attack unless attacked? Tell that to the hundreds of civilians killed in Buenos Aires thanks to Iranian terror - just one reason why past Iranian leaders are on the INTEPOL capture list. Tell that to NATO troops and Iraqis who see Iranian arms, training, and even IRG appears outside of Iran to support Shia / Taliban groups. Add to the mix a psychotic President who insists the 12th Mahdi is coming and the only way to bring him is through a massive death toll, mostly of Jews. The rest of your comment on Israel and the US not being able to handle the war is absolutely correct. Given the chance, I suspect some Sunni countries willing to take part in pacifying the Shiite monster next door.
24. #12, #13 - the title of "martyr" is both empty and cheap
William ,   Israel   (06.14.11)
and given to each unwilling Muslim killed as a result of Arab terrorism. Accidentally killed an Israeli Arab when trying to target Israeli civilians? Just give him the title of "Shahid", exclaim how their sacrifice will not be in vain, and send the family a fruit basket. Arafat did it, Hamas did it, Nasrallah did it, Saddam did it....it's cheap and easy to hand out to a willing crowd of lemmings. Iran would easily tell the Arab world how great they are by wiping out 1 million Jews and also exalting hundreds of thousands of "Palestinians" to "martyr" status. But what I wonder is - which one will other Arabs smile about? The death of Israel or those pain in the ass "Palestinians"? If nukes were used, probably neither - because now they're stuck with their own "Palestinians" who can be expelled to Israel because of the radiation level.
25. To: Inan at No. 7
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.14.11)
Israel doesn't talk about the Saudis because should the day come that Israel will need to exercise a military option, the kingdom is going to provide an air corridor and refueling services.
26. To KO: Israel can take care of herself.
Chaim ,   Israel   (06.14.11)
KO. America was not a major ally of Israel till Israel proved her valor in the Six Days War of 1967. Till than, France was Israel's major ally. If you were writing in 1966, you'd likely ask: "Can Israel survive without French support?" Israel can take care of herself. While nobody wants to see a war between Israel and Iran; if such a war was to occur; Israel would quickly win. This is not just my opinion. It is the opinon of virtually every military analyst. If the price of gas bumps upward; so what? The latest geological findings show that Israel herself has huge reserves of oil and gas.
27. The barks are getting tiresome now
IRAN#1   (06.14.11)
28. For this ex-general Israel is just the little dog of Obama.
29. To: No. 6
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.14.11)
Actually, if you recall, Israel did not inform the United States of its intent to invade Uganda to free the hostages in Entebbe, and Israel did not inform the United States before destroying the Osirac reactor in Baghdad. Existential matters are decisions that are made exclusively in Jerusalem. Perhaps a courtesy call to the White House after the fact, but we certainly neither seek nor require American approval on issues involving Israel's security or the safety and well-being of the Jewish people.
30. To: No. 17
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.14.11)
How much enthusiasm do you think the American people have for the United States' military adventures in Libya, Yemen and Waziristan? I can assure you that it is less than 20%. I can also assure you that the American people have not forgotten the invasion of the United States Embassy in Teheran, the taking of hostages and the brutal treatment of the corpses of the American servicemen who died in the hapless attempt to rescue the hostages. I am willing to bet that American support for U.S. involvement in an Israeli military strike against Iran would be far higher than you appear to suggest.
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