Poll: Obama still enjoys high approval rate among US Jews
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 05.07.11, 19:57
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31. Some Fools NEVER Learn
32. #4
LebanonPride ,   Canada   (07.05.11)
That's because they are AMERICAN Jews. Why would they vote for the good of Israel if it means bad for America when they live in America? And um, maybe you haven't noticed, but Israel isn't really helping the image of Judiasm at all.
33. Who will suffer
Bobh   (07.05.11)
I will vote Democratic in the next election. Many Israelis will vote for the radical right. While America and yes Israeli interests are not irreparably damaged by my vote, a continuation of the current governing coalition has existential implications for Israel and, for policy issues having nothing to do with Obama, the future relationship of Israel to world jewery.
34. to #7
Omer ,   Los Angeles   (07.05.11)
Your support for Obama doesn't make you a "disgraceful self-hating Jew", it just makes you an idiot. Look at the US economy. It has never been worse (stop blaming BUSH, stimulus was Obama's plan). Health care law on its face is unconstitutional (can't force Americans to purchase), Medicare has to be reduced and Soc. Sec. eliminated. For whatever reason, you libs/Dems just don't get it.
35. USA "Reform" Jews are Democrat
RayS ,   USA   (07.05.11)
Frozen in time. Liberal Jews still think "The Left" is pro-Jewish and "The Right" is anti-Jewish. They have learnt nothing . Saying "never again" they would vote for the most vicious anti-semite in USA power spot as long as he was a Democrat AND anti- military. Oh Yes, these are the same people who would Never Support a strtong military and certainly never have their sons and daughters enlist in the Army.
36. Ynet, WHY dont you tell it like it is? Why
Roy ,   Miami   (07.05.11)
Support for US president among American Jews at lowest point this year. Just 60%. This follows a general decline in support from Jewish Americans for Obama, having fallen from the 83 percent job approval he enjoyed at the beginning of his administration, Ynet, WHY dont you tell it like it is? Why?
37. who cares?
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (07.05.11)
The American Jews are an insignificant minority. They can donate as much of their money to the disciple of Reverend Wright as they want, Obama will win or lose on issues that Americans care about. Obama lost his hard core supporters with his illegal war on Libya, keeping Gitmo open, admitting that torture is a good thing, calling for murder of journalist Assange, and persecuting gay activist Bradley Manning. In those groups there is now talk of Obama working for Soros/Rotschild. Unemployment is on the rise, hitting another core constituency, Afro-Americans, the hardest. These two groups won't vote Republican, they simply won't vote. And there is the question of the price of oil. If oil prices rise (thanks to instability Obama brought) he will lose. If oil stays below $100, he has a chance. But if all else fails, Obama can increase his own popularity by staging an attempt on his own life.
38. You are too young to know
Tom ,   USA   (07.05.11)
During the '67 war I was still E. European and I can attest that the Jews overwhelmingly supported the Soviet Union - Arab (Nasser) war against Israel. The reasoning was like this: "Israel is the American imperialist's lackey, the are against the Arab people liberation from the capitalist oppression...Arab nations are against the Zionist bourgeois exploitation with the help of the glorious Soviet people..." A cruder version of the more polished N.Y. Times. I was there. I know them, you don't.
Steve M.   (07.05.11)
Support has gone down significantly-and because Democrats rely on very high support from Jews, ANY lessening is very significant. Poor reporting.
40. To be Dems is the true religion of the US Jewry
41. US Jews jeopardize the israeli jewish lives
Fred   (07.05.11)
42. What is not reported:
Dan ,   USA   (07.05.11)
That 88% of Jews voted for Obama in 2008. This represents a huge drop in support in what has been a rock hard Democratic constituency for decades. That this happened in two years is stunning. Let me assure my Israeli friends that many of us US Jews are actively working to defeat Obama in the next election and this poll shows that support is dropping fast...
43. to #7
StevieT ,   USA   (07.05.11)
You are not entirely correct, The rabid right is not alienating American Jews (not most anyway), they are, I'm sorry to say, alienating most of the other Americans.
44. no, we dont support him
45. #7-Anything Jewish alienates US Jews!
Meir ,   Toronto Canada   (07.05.11)
Jeff, as far as 'alienating American Jews' I just have to notice from across the border that almost every marriage that takes place in the US involving a Jew is a mixed marriage (outside of Orthodox). I just see it anecdotaly amongst friends and relatives. It is not just Israel it is anything Jewish that "alienates American Jews".
46. Obama
Michael Pielet ,   Boca, usa   (07.05.11)
Obama will receive in 2012, 35 to 50% of the true Jewish vote. His margin will depend on who the republicans niominate and how his Israeli policies evolve and are perceived. As I stated before he is not going to receive any Jewish religious votes. However amongst secular Jews in the US, there are those who do not care and those who do not know and a third group who both, do not care and do not know. Secular Jews are very assimilated and other issues, abortion, women's rights, appeasement of evil so called liberalism are far more important that the right of the Jews to have a state of their own. Zionism does not resonate with them. It is said that the Jews of American are a group of people who think they are humanitarians but are in reality a bunch of hypocrites. The fundamentalist Christian right particularly in the south are Israel's best friend and not the Jews.
47. I am very depressed by this news, stop Obama now
J1 ,   earth   (07.06.11)
48. LebanonPride / 32
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (07.06.11)
I wouldn't talk if I were you. You are not helping the image of Lebanon either.
49. Jewish voters
Michael Pielet ,   Boca, usa   (07.06.11)
As weak as the secular jews of America are in their support of Israel look at the Israelies. Remember Tsipi Livni, who has never accomplished anything in her life, who lost the Lebanon war received 30 votes in the knesset. Tsipi Livni and kadima who are making peace with non existent arab peace partners got 30 votes in the Knesset. Plus all the other extreme leftist voters. Israelies who necks are on the line who should be scared, vote left in significant numbers. No Israeli Jews and American Jewish voters have one thing in common they do not vote for their interests but their misperceived fears and their phoney selective humanitarianism.
50. Jewish Support for Obama....disgraceful.
Spencer ,   Israel   (07.06.11)
Those American Jews and also those American non Jews who support Barak HUSSEIN Obama are showing just how blind they are to the damage and potential damage that this man is doing to America...never mind Israel. He's destroying Americanand palling up to Americas enemies. He even reinstated diplomatic relations with a country on America's list of countirees sponsoring terrorism - Syria.
51. The poll is nonsense: his support dropped across the board!
EZ ,   USA   (07.06.11)
Especially among the Jews. I can guarantee that the only Jews polled were specific groups who are liberal fanatics: in the conservative, orthodox and traditional circles (where the money is) Obama has ZERO support. His ME policy is incoherent, late and dangerous. His 'please everyone' mentality still carries on: ignorance included but now he's FORCING his agenda, trampling the constitution and Breaking laws left and right. He will NOT be re elected as "sheik" says; he simply will not have the electorates period. However, I will be living in Israel by that time so I'm far more Interested in politics in Israel now than the us and the 'lost republic'. It's a pity.
52. "Obama still enjoys high approval rate among US Jews"
leo ,   usa   (07.06.11)
I think we all missed the keyword "still". Going from 88% to 68% is not much to write home about. How high are the odds that Obama will be able to stay at 68%? Do you expect it to go up any time soon?
53. No body asked me...
Golani ,   Vineland, USA/Israel   (07.06.11)
No body asked me and I don't know anyone who was asked. I hardly know anyone who still supports BO other than the few hardcore democrats that would vote for Mickey Mouse if he were running on the democratic ticket. Hopefully those that still support him will wake up...
54. Lebanon Pride you are wrong
Golani ,   Vineland, USA/Israel   (07.06.11)
I vote for whoever would be best for Israel because that is what is tops on my mind and the same goes for most of my community and Jews who I know all over the USA. What is good for Israel is good for the USA, That is the way it is. The USA and Israel are so close, you have no idea. We share the same goals and aspirations. Both nations are at war against terrorism, and don't you forget it. Ya habibi
55. #41 Fred, "Unexamined lives are not worth living" A.Einstein
Michael ,   California, USA   (07.06.11)
56.  Michael, Calif. #19
Steve Klein   (07.06.11)
Why do you say Israel is of secondary importance to you when it is of little, if any importance to you? Maybe Israel is 20th or 30th on the list of issues that are important to you, if that high on your list? Some 90% of Israel's Jews believe Barack Hussein Obama is with the Muslims and the Palestinian Muslims. Why not be honest? Why aren't you honest enough to admit, in your heart, you believe Israel is a racist country? It's not a minority in Israel who do not trust Mr. Obama. Why don't you call the vast majority of Israel's Jews racist as you believe they are?
57. This is media spin. Don't buy into this.
Ari ,   USA   (07.06.11)
Before everyone gets upset a few things must be very clearly understood: 1.) This is media spin and a skewed poll. Most people are seeing it as such, too. It is a fact, and one that is known by most, that Obama's people, Soros in particular have bought the US mainstream media. That is how Obama got elected in the first place. Most see that now. 2.) Netanyahu, on US TV, and before the US Congress, brilliantly and eloquently showed the world what a Jew hating, horse's ass Obama actually is. More and more US Jews now believe he is a Muslim. As more and more of us open our eyes, we will change how we vote. This is why Obama went into rages afterwards, screaming "What the F*** is this?" to his staff after the broadcast. He has been exposed. Obama has angered enough US Jews that they are NOT donating to his campaign, and they are NOT voting for him. So, before everyone panics, look at the facts, he has lost Jewish money. And, he will continue to. But even if he loved Jews, the economy alone, is enough reason he is losing. More and more Americans, in general, want him out. They are seeing what he has done to the US, and they do NOT like it. His campaign people are scared, and they are doing everything they can to try to reverse this, this "poll" is just another damage control device. 3.) You will see more of these claims as the election gets closer. Don't buy into it! Yes, most American Jews voted for him- most are Democrats. But now, there is a big change: US Jews are losing their jobs, their businesses, their houses, and everything they have worked for- including their children's future. They, like the rest of the nation, will never forgive him for that. Only those of the extreme left. They now see him pander to the arabs, that Sharia law is spreading, and anti-semitism is growing. They see that food and gas prices are hurting their families. And it is this that will change how the American Jew votes. It comes down to their selfishness. It now affects them.
58. Gallup's in bed w/ Obama, helping him get Jewish $$$
Sue ,   Los Angeles   (07.06.11)
In 2008, only 2% of the electorate were Jews, but a whopping 25% of Obama's campaign money came from Jews! This time, many have decided NOT to donate to his reelection. The Democrats are in desperation mode and have enlisted the help of Gallup, which has a financial stake in ObamaCare (see Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index) and can no longer be trusted. For this poll, Gallup probably sampled only ultra-liberal, non-religious Jews. Even so, others have put the Jewish vote on the east and west coasts a full ten points lower than Gallup. Read the comments here from Jewish Floridians. They are reflective of a poll that has Obama's Jewish support in Florida at only 30 percent. And I am laughing at "Gallup could not say whether Obama's controversial speech had an immediate impact" - as right after the speech, my kid who works in an ultra-liberal Reform Jewish community told me that many who previously voted for Obama were furious at his '67 borders statement and were organizing phone and email campaigns in protest. If you voted for Obama in '08 and are sorry, you need to be courageous enough to say so in your community and in online comments. The talkbacks are flooded with Obama trolls pretending to be Jews who say they want him reelected. He fooled our people once. Don't let him do it again!
59. 46, I quote
Mel ,   Chicago   (07.06.11)
It is said that the Jews of American are a group of people who think they are humanitarians but are in reality a bunch of hypocrites. Well said my friend.
60. Jews are the one group whose vote is guaranteed
zionist forever   (07.06.11)
The fact that he has been the most anti Israel president since Jimmy Carter he can still feel confident in the knowledge he has the jewish vote in his back pocket without even campaigning. He probably has more general support from the Jews than from the black and hispanics. Most the US Jews are die hard Democrats and a neo Nazi could stand for the presidency and still get a very large percentage of the jewish vote.
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