Social activists: The revolution is here
Naama Cohen-Friedman
Published: 30.07.11, 23:37
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83 Talkbacks for this article
31. People buy car,make trips,eat in restaurants.
ROSENVALD ,   BRASIL   (07.31.11)
And dont save money to bay some house in some place that is them reality.
32. I am sorry but when I lived in Israel
David ,   On this planet   (07.31.11)
Red flags used to belong to the Communist party . Enlighten me, are all those 150000 people Communist or they don't mind being taken over by the Communist party. And if so, I will feel sorry for you for your wish
33. So this all reduces down to a howl about the wealthy, #22?
Cameron ,   USA   (07.31.11)
Well, as you will.
34. First they ignore us
Avramele   (07.31.11)
Then they laugh at us Then they attack you Then we win
35. Posters do not understand the reality
Robert Haymond ,   Israel/Canada   (07.31.11)
in Israel. First of all, I reside in a Yishuv east of the Green Line (Territories). Land is exceedingly expensive and jobs are scarce. That's actually the case. Yes, we get subsidies for bus service. As to where the funding is going to come from, let me respond. First of all, land itself, the proceeds of which go to the government, is incomparably expensive. Second, there are fewer than two dozen families in the nation of Israel which control most of the finances. Posters want to know where the money is going to come from. I do not generally think like a socialist but it's apparent that there is a vast imbalance in terms of wealth in Israel and, besides the huge taxes used for security and defence, the average and lower class Israeli suffers as a result of this imbalance. Families, that basis upon which the social fabric of Israel is based, simply cannot afford the huge rents and the hopelessness of ever owning a home of their own. At last a movement encompasses both people on bothe the left and right side of the political spectrum. Why, because the cost of living affects us all, perhaps equally.
36. According to an current article in Maan
Robert Haymond ,   Israel/Canada   (07.31.11)
News, Israel ranked fifth out of thirty-four by the OECD in terms of unequal distribution of wealth. I, myself, have heard that as few as nineteen Israeli families control the preponderance of wealth. I think these facts should be brought to bear on the many misinformed comments on this Ynet Talkback.
37. Who is paying for all of these protests?
Dan ,   USA   (07.31.11)
Protests cost money. How is it that people who complain about the high cost of housing, food, education, and healthcare somehow have enough money to spend on extras such as camping tents, professionally-printed protest banners, and professional sound systems for protest rallies and rock concerts? Anyone who thinks that these protests are a spontaneous movement of college kids with Facebook and Twitter must be naive. Just like the so-called "Arab Spring," this "protest" is obviously a well-funded and well-coordinated effort by shadowy outside organizations with sinister motives.
38. The students started it, but it's about
R ,   Israel   (07.31.11)
all of us. The guy earning 30K is an exception, not the rule, and it's not just about the students. It's also the families making half of that and less that served their country, pay taxes and more taxes and more taxes that can't afford housing. The middle class can't afford to subsidize the poor AND the tycoons and be left without enough money to afford housing. I saved all my life to try to help my kids when the time comes and that money is now worth peanuts. How is a young family to buy a house when a small apartment almost an hour from Tel Aviv costs over $200,000? Power to the people!
39. Class division versus class rights RIGHT ???
M.S. ,   mpls america   (07.31.11)
I realize not all people live the same I visited Israel in 1968 69 long before division started to eat away at Israeli society I realized 40 42 years later this could happen it did I visioned it I have no simple formula cure but I did recognize the danger after all it is the middle east 2 + 2 = 4 even in Israel Lebanon Syria I still think the solution lies in a Syria Hezbollah Israel war I thought this in 68 69 I still think it can help solve cure the needs of all three 3 countrys rocked by division a medicial Triad other wise suicidial division may ruin the great pan Arab Jew pionier dreams visions of 1889 yes a Syria Hezbollah Israel war is needed the military age young men still stand out as the leading force for cures solutions 1973 helped some but 2011 will help a great deal more G D M a needed great deal more other wise even 1973 will fall short RIGHT I pray for all Arabs Jews in Israel Lebanon Syria both loyalists and so protesters that you may see why such a war between Hezbollah backed by Syria against Israel will solve the crisis civil war saved Russia civil war in 1917saved the U K in 1225 civil war that is a Syria Hezbollah Israel war could save you all from the general division you now face there is no other answer a S H I war there is no other answer other wise this division may doom you August 2011 needs a S H I war a kind of civil war because of the social divisions dividing all three 3 countrys of the NORTH as it is called 1973 was not of the NORTH I saw in 68 69 the need 42 years later for a war of the NORTH today it is at hand needed the only answer RIGHT ??? Thank You... M. S.
40. Sorry I will not march with you.
Mark ,   Maale Adumim   (07.31.11)
After seeing what you done to the banks, you spray painted the doors and the ATM so you can't use them. I will not come down to your level.
41. Wealth Drain
Gil ,   Tel aviv   (07.31.11)
If Israel starts taxing the rich to alleviate all these so called social injustices then the wealthy will simply transfer their assets abroad. Yes break their monopoly, expose and topple this wealth cartel but don't make it a crime to succeed in Israel.
42. Fair taxation
Rosie ,   Sederot Israel   (07.31.11)
Nobody says the middle classes shouldn't pay taxes but why do the ultra-rich pay so much less in taxation? If they paid just 5% more than they do today it would pay for all the social injustices of today - and they wouldn't feel it!!!
43. If you need a better doctor, why not just fly to Switzrland?
BillionaireBob ,   Raanana   (07.31.11)
There are doctors everywhere so what is the problem? We have just come back from a holiday in Montecarlo and they have a fine selection of specialists
44. Israel a light to the Nations?
Rinah   (07.31.11)
Democracy clearly doesn't work for us. We need Theocracy; the King reigns. We need King Mashiach (Messiah). let's work towards the Geulah (Redemption).
45. It reduces down to a simple fact
Benjamin ,   Tel Aviv   (07.31.11)
The wealthiest sector of Israeli society is getting rich off Israel's supposedly marvelous economy while everyone else is paying for it. The wealthy are the ones who want everything given to them on a silver platter and think it's their right rather than the crime that it is.
46. Gil # 41
R ,   Israel   (07.31.11)
It is no crime to succeed in Israel, as long as you succeed to the tune of millions or more. If you "succeed" by working hard and not asking for handouts, if your success is the fact that you served your country, pay your taxes and everyone else's, managed to earn a degree, work 10 hours a day, and earn a middle-class wage, then you have committed a crime and don't deserve to live in a house. We must save these houses for the ultra-rich because they are doing us such a huge favor by providing so many minimum-wage jobs. What would we do without their supermarkets? Those nasty small-business owners would actually have a chance to succeed and we can't have that, can we?
47. Read between the lines.
Susan ,   Kfar Saba   (07.31.11)
These people want more socialism. Socialism crippled Israel's economy until the 1990's. It is what is causing the housing shortage. The govt controls most of the land. A lot of this is Sharon's fault. In the 90's when Bibi was finance minister and Sharon was PM, Bibi wanted to loosen up the ILA, but Sharon controlled it and didn't let him. Now Sharon is in a coma and Bibi is paying the price politically. There are still powerful people with a vested interest in controlling the land. I have a relative who lives in public housing. You wouldn't want to live there. The buildings were poorly built in the 60s and are badly maintained and are now delapidated and dirty, in low class neighborhoods. I wouldn't live there for free. As for rent control, it will cause landlords not to invest in apartments for rent and cause worse shortages. At best, the buildings will not be maintained. Older people in big apts, whose children have grown up will not move out to smaller apts so that younger families can move in. It will cause imbalances in the market. If the govt spends so much money like these people want, we end up like Greece. Scary. The professors in the universities should teach real economicsbased on free markets and supply and demand, instead of the socialism they fill our young peoples heads with. I have several young relatives who study business and economics and don't even know who Milton Friedman is.
48. Symptom
Philip ,   Afula, Israel   (07.31.11)
Housing is only one symptom of the feeling of hopelessness that so many people are feeling.Unless these issues are treated thoroughly and with the long term view there will be no future here.Obviously it will take quite a long time to sort things out,but if its done correctly the wait will be worthwhile.
49. Effectively immediately should be
Angie ,   Tel Aviv   (07.31.11)
Any landlord who rents a 4 room apartment MUST pay tax on anything over 4,000. These greedy pigs think they can charge what they like - it's the greedy pigs among us that are causing the issues here.
50. 34 - You can't win because you're asking for the impossible.
michael redbourn ,   arad israel   (07.31.11)
"The State must regulate rent prices", and how could it do this? A person has a mortgage on a property that he rents out. Is the government meant to tell him that he must charge a rent that is less than his mortgage? Or tell him that he's not allowed to make a profit? I live in Arad because I can't afford to live in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. There's how things work in reality. If a student wants to study at the university of Tel Aviv then he can travel an hour twice a day. He/she doesn't have to live in Florentine.
51. 150,000 is 2% of the population
michael peterson ,   Tel Aviv   (07.31.11)
52. Where are the kipots ?
David ,   France   (07.31.11)
I don't see a single kipa. Religious people are by far poorer than those secular people. Why they don't protest too ?
53. 46 R.Israel,Right,but what happens ..
ORA ,   JERUSALEM   (07.31.11)
is not the right remedy.
54. There is no revolution.
Terry ,   Eilat - Israel   (07.31.11)
This is just plain stupid, a make-believe campaign by a few crazy leftists (and our leftist media) + a bunch of useful idiots & dupes to unseat the Netanyahu gov't. The issues are real but for these wackos, they're just a pretext. They have no solutions. The Left is dying. Their big issue, the BS peace movement, is dead as a doornail. No one believes in ''peace'' anymore, at least, not sane people. So, they're changing tactics, grabbing hold of some social issues like housing, hoping to get some traction. Much of this is instigated by groups funded by our ''friends'' at the New Israel Fund, an anti-Israel group no different ffom the J-Street crowd. For them, Netanyahu just isn't weak enough to give in to Palestinian demands & Obama's BS. They think we're stupid & won't catch on (well, some of us are.). Just listen to the crap these ''protesters'' are saying - total nonsense, idiot ideas like rent control, subsidies, all failed socialist ideas coupled with populist slogans. Thousands of people demonstrated - well, MILLIONS didn't. Socialism created most of these problems, that & the crony capitalism derived from the bureaucratic socialist state. All socialism has been able to create in it's sad history is poverty & loss of freedom.
55. "How do we pay for all these things?"
Debbie1 ,   Herzliah, Israel   (07.31.11)
What happened to "buildings for young couples"? Must everyone spend their life looking endlessly for "the best deal?" Unregulated capitalism has already shown itself to be a social -- as well as economic -- disaster in the US, and the same is true here. We are a nation - and that is more than a free-for-all. So how do we pay for all this? We stop the government (all governments) from spending fortunes under the table to coalition partners, for example.
56. Hundreds of cheap flats for rent are available
Vadim   (07.31.11)
Open and and you'll find hundreds if not thousands of affordable 3000- flats just out of Tel-Aviv even in Ramat-Gan. In Beer-sheva you can get 4 rooms for as least as 200 Sh. Can someone what is this fuzz about?
57. Israel in the 1950's
yaakov ,   TA   (07.31.11)
Yes, that's what the "protesters" want Cradle to Grave government support--of course no one had a car, and few even had refrigerators-there wasn't much capitalism because Israel wasn't a place anyone really wanted to invest in.
58. #1 & #5 & a big social INJUSTICE
Moshe ,   Beit Shemesh   (07.31.11)
The problem: the parasites (tax avoiders), Israeli law – not equal to all Examples: 1) Plenty Haredi & Arabs are running not registered businesses I know Haredi that earns about 140.000 NIS per year (after expenses) as KATAV STAM He pays no tax, applies for AVTAHAT AHNASA as if he had no income in order to get additional money for free Such person gets GANIM for about 100 NIS for each kid while I have to pay 2000 for each one while my real NET income is much smaller! In addition such person gets ARNONA 90% discount while I have to pay the full price In Jerusalem I had to pay about 500 NIS per month for 50 meters apartment while such person working on black pays 50 NIS per month! 2) The law in Israel is not equal for men & woman. Haredi woman that earns 9000 NIS per month & has a few kids does not pay any tax. If they have about four kids (most of them have) their income is about 11000 per month – including money from a KOLLEL. With this income they get again all the privileges: MAON, GAN almost for free, ARNONA 90% discount, AVTAHAT AHNASA etc. The injustice is that my income & my wife’s NET income is the same but we would never get any discounts because the authorities check the GROSS income and not the NET income. The point is that we do not enjoy our GROSS income but the parasites DO! The paradox is that we earn more GROSS but we have about 50% less NET money to spend. We work hard & we live like poor. Others work a little & live like rich. This is a big social INJUSTICE. 3) KUPOT HOLIM are getting lots of money from the country. Does it make the salaries of the low personnel better? NO. The money goes to the management pockets. Nobody cares how KUPOT HOLIM are spending our money. 4) AMUTOT. Privet schools, GANIM, MAONIM – their employees are getting the minimum salaries. Their management are enjoying houses, cars on the account of AMUTOT. In addition they are getting FAT salaries – always on time (just not like their employees). There is no control of this. Political parties related to the relevant AMUTOT take care to protect THEM. I’m a MODERN HAREDI (HARDAL) and I know what I’m talking about. PEOPLE GET UP AND OPEN YOUR EYES!
59. The paying of social services
Jewish IsraeliHaifa ,   Haifa   (07.31.11)
The rich, who run this country, who made their fortunes off the sweat of the working class, should pay for social services. They made sure they got theirs and the rest got nothing. While the rest of us are wondering where to live, how to feed our families, how to take care of our health, they are healthy, they have nice homes, they eat the best of food, they go on vacations, their children have everything they want. The rich have their wealth because they paid their workers, you the working class, poor or middle class, the bare minimum. I don't blame Israelis living abroad for not coming home. Why should they if they're not rich. the government doesn't give them any help, but gives the rich who want to return home or Jews or rich Jews who want to make aliya lots of benefits. But those who have no money can lay down and die. Just don't do it in the street. It will cost the government money to remove your body. the rich have ruled long enough. It's time for the people to rule. They know what's best for them, not the rich. I hope there will be at least a million people around the country protesting. Maybe then, the people will be heard.
60. I'm waiting for an Opinion piece in favour of this stupidity
Terry ,   Eilat - Israel   (07.31.11)
YNET, where is your obligatory Op-Ed supporting this phoney-baloney ''revolution'' ??? What will you title it? ''19th Century Solutions for the 21st Century.'' ???Or maybe, ''Marx & Social Justice.'' by The Marx Brothers.
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