Mideast Quartet alarmed by Israel settlement plans
Published: 16.08.11, 23:30
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59 Talkbacks for this article
31. Quartet.
David ,   America   (08.17.11)
The quartet is under a curse. Judgment is coming daily.
32. Judaism or Jews
Abe the babe ,   USA-ISRAEL   (08.17.11)
I wish for once people like you would worrying so much about Judaism and worry about Jews. Stop parrating the lies of our enemies and learn history. There is no document in the world that the Palestinians can produce that talks about a Palestinian Arab entity existing before Arafat invented it/ Judaism is based on the Torah and if you would bother to learn it you would see that in dozens of places G-D gave the land of Israel to the Jews and that KIng David founded Jerusalem THERE WAS NO east Jerusalem or west Jerusalem. The whole Jerusalem was Jewish and was the center of Jewish life until we were exiled from our land. For 2000 years we prayed to return to our land not someone elses land. Stop worrying about the Jews stealing what was always there and worry about the thousands of Jews who were murdered by Palestinkian terrorist.IIf you think judaism is supposed to be passive when people are trying to steal our land and murder us then you are in the wrong religion You shoul be a quaker or join ethical culture. If you want to know the truth instead of blathering the same old nazi lies I suggest you enroll in a Yeshivah learn Torah and find out what Judaism is all about
33. to no 9-off the track
Abe the babe ,   usa-israel   (08.17.11)
Engine engine no 9 running down Chicago line if the train goes off the track DO YOU WANT THE TRUTH BACK? 9 you are off the track. Every thing you say gpes against the Torah and Torah is what defines Judaism. You are comiting several severe sins against the Torah. 1. denying G-D and the Torah because G-d gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people thousands of y ears ago and thee is not one historical that Palestinian can produce saying the land is theirs 2.bearing false witness by believing the lies of the Jewish peoples enemies and repeating it. Endangering the lives of your fellow Jews which is very close to murder since every time a Jew gaves them the amnunition they go out and murder Jews. iIf you think the Jews are quakers you better change your brand of cereal.
34. Apparently the Quartet prefer Jews to be Homeless or Living
Linda Rivera ,   New York, USA   (08.17.11)
in tents. Many of the 10,000 Jews ethnically cleansed from Gaza for the sole reason they were not Muslims had to live in tents for a long time. Shame on the despicable Jew-hating Quartet leaders who would rather Jews are homeless on the streets or living in tents than live in homes in the tiny Jewish homeland of famous BIBLICAL Judea, Samaria and the eternal Jewish city of Jerusalem.
35. #7
Zorro ,   Far Away   (08.17.11)
Well said!
36. Let Palestinians from West Bank build in Israel
James ,   Canada   (08.17.11)
It is not about letting "Jews" live in the West Bank. If you all want to talk fairness...if Israelis can move to the West Bank and build homes there, then Palestinians must be able to cross the border and build inside of Israel. Of course this should be the result if there is a one-state solution--which is the way we are headed with the way Israel continues swallowing up the West Bank and prevent any chance of a viable Palestinian State from ever being formed.
37. Dumb
Mary Snow ,   USA   (08.17.11)
Why Are we falling all over ourselves to try and prevent an action that they are planning to do anyway. No more appeasement no more compromise if they precede with the UN option annex all of Area C ad B. But no more weakness.
nva ,   jerusalem   (08.17.11)
Ynet, why do you give erroneous impressions in your articles? You know as well as anyone that Har Homa is not in east Jerusalem. Har Homa is on land the govt purchased from private ownership - 80% of which was Jewish. ALL private owners were compensated financially. The issue is whether it is ok for the State to expropriate private land and nothing to do with Arabs, the PA or the issues stated. Once the land was purchased Har Homa became a legal Israeli community.
39. Herbert Grimm Milwaukee #1
macktheknife   (08.17.11)
Just look at their empty vacant look faces and you'll see what clowns of the "famous" Quartet really are! They are blowing their farts into the waiting winds.
40. #3 Marcel Florida
Moragh   (08.17.11)
Put them down to what they are: The QUARTET'S NINCOMPOOPS! Well, they have to say something for the salaries they collect every month. I think I'll join them. I need more money for the luxury life I enjoy, plus I need to buy some more properties.
41. 2nd try, amended
Gábor Fränkl   (08.17.11)
It's very hilarious, even enterteining how desperately Ynet tries to shield the abominable Ashton gal from justified well-deserved insults targeing "her" not-really-existing femininity by commenters. Well done you idiots! nothing is worse than people not having even a minimal amount of humor. Shield Ashton gal however much you wish.
42. What?
James ,   Tel Aviv   (08.17.11)
Your inaction concerning Syria are very disturbing Mr. Obama
43. String Quartets always playing the tune of Appeasement
Alan Smith ,   UK   (08.17.11)
Maybe the quartet needs to invent some new metaphors in their appeasement of Israeli illegality - they really are starting to sound rather boring with their monologue on restarting peace negotiations. Israel is only interested in the illegal acquisition of land, not negotiations, and only when the quartet implement sanctions against Israel will there be any change.
44. (Trans-)Jordan
Madeleine ,   Rehovot Israel   (08.17.11)
This is how and why Trans-Jordan (Trans = across in Latin) was created by the British - the very people who are so keen to condemn us for every home built across the 1967 'border'.: The Palis really do not have one legitimate claim to even one square inch west of the Jordan river.
Daniel ,   Rimoim   (08.17.11)
Israel needs to continue to build in all areas of Judea and Samaria, not just close to the "major" cities.
46. Middle East Quartet
Lynne ,   Washington, U.S.   (08.17.11)
Middle East Quartet? Since when do any of the four have anything to do with the middle east?
47. Which Narrative ?
Adam Neira ,   Melb, Australia   (08.17.11)
Which narrative will prevail ? What is the divine timetable ? Is it possible to get agreement on certain cornerstones of truth that all parties will agree on ? From these cornerstones is it possible to construct a divinely mandated worldview and plan for the next 38 years ? Is violence innate ? Is the universe stable, ordered, benevolent and expansive ? If the current people on the world political stage can't do the job is there someone alive that can ? The problem is that people don't quite trust each other in the region. No one there now has the spiritual gravitas to hold sway over proceedings. The danger is if courage, vision and trust building does not prevail soon that violence and chaos will erupt on the ground. Beware the vacuum !
48. settlement activities are illegal under international law
Zev ,   Israel   (08.17.11)
This statement is used all the time but I would like to know exactly what international law they are talking about and if it really applies to this situation.
49. The "Quartet" is playing the Funeral March for Israel!
Dsvid ,   Karmiel, Israel   (08.17.11)
The Quartet should shut up and look at the real "disturbing" situation in Syria where people are being massacred every day! If Russia is so keen on a Palestinian State why doesn't President Medvedev give Chechnya independence? Let's not forget why Russia did to Chechnya!
50. Of the Quartet 4
Moragh   (08.17.11)
namely Clinton; Blair and Ashton with an un-named 4th. they are a sight for sore eyes. Oh my G-d, what IS the world coming to and I refer namely to GB with a Blair and one equally as dumb looking Ashton followed by a Clinton of USA. The 4th doesn't want named and for the time being is just a standin to make it look good, of course. The 3 mentioned above must really be desperate for recognition and money. What the hell is the world coming to if that's the best they have on offer???
51. Take a Powder #9. Like you... no name
17. August 2011   (08.17.11)
Make it a strong one. The world has enough arab terrorists running around. you should shut up nd give up!
52. I guess the fearsome foursome is not so fearsome.
Noodles ,   Coney Island   (08.17.11)
53. #23, Sarah: Who is your role model?
expat ,   jerusalem   (08.17.11)
"How much "negotiations" did the Allies do with the Germans following World War II? Why should a different set of rules apply to Israel than that which applies to every other country in the world?" Allies and allies … The US and Britain gave the the people of occupied Germany their independence shortly after the war. For the East German population it took another 40+ years to gain independence. Who is your role model? US or the Soviets?
54. 48
zionist forever   (08.17.11)
Its true they are illegal under international law. Your not allowed to try and change the demographic balance in land captured in war .. basically your supposed to capture it and do nothing to it. Theoretically under international law the Golan should have been left as a Syrian minefield and Israelis have no right to live or set up businesses there. Legal or not though they are a reality and the world needs to deal with realities not quote international law. Its like telling Gaddafi to stop killing people because he is in breach of international law. The quartet can go to hell and Bibi needs to build in Ariel, Har Homa, all the settlement blocks, the Golan and of course all Jerusalem.
55. Didn't Quartet's Blair make a mess of the UK when he was PM?
Eliezer ,   Jerusalem   (08.17.11)
So why should we take any notice of what he says in relation to what we do as a SOVERIGN country. Aston is another corrupt stooge appointed to the EU by Blair whe he was PM - so its the same speak - or put it mildly spin. I haven't see any comment by Blair as to the recent riots and looting in the UK caused by his policies when UK Prime Minister. So lets tell this bunch of good doers kowtowing to the Arabs and kicking us Jews illustrates their double standards. For more on Blair see and tell him direct what you think!
56. #54
Zev ,   Israel   (08.17.11)
You are just repeating the same slogans. I would like to know the actual international law and if it actually applies in the case of Israel and Judea and Samaria.
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (08.17.11)
Why would the Quartet be alarmed? Israel is building in area's that would go to Israel anyway, in any and all peace deals that are being considered? So Israelis building on their land, it's not even disputed! Secondly just because the EU states that settlements are illegal, doesn't mean they are. In fact if you look at the legal aspect of the settlements, they are legal. Typically people or groups use the 4th Geneva convention to state their argument. But as International experts in Law have observed, that doesn't apply in this case. So like last year when Israeli critic's sought to incorrectly apply "the Law of the Sea" to the flotilla incident they were proved wrong. The same is true for the settlements. They are completely legal, why? Because the Law only applies to involuntary transfers of a population, but that isn't the case with the West Bank. All transfers are voluntary, therefore legal. They just keep repeating the same lie, so people think it's true, it's Pallywood.
58. to nr. 9.
sjoerd ruurd... ,   a more free world.   (08.17.11)
your talkback has a certain point. to make alyah is inspired by zionism, since the 19th. century. to go (back) to zion/sion, without a solution with the palestinian people, who lived/lives on the same territory. the quartet has a right to speak out their concern in this conflict/crisis. it is to be hoped that this quartet can advise/do something to mediate and (partially) solve it for the justice and benefit of this asianic world-region.
59. quartet
carter ,   puget sound usa   (08.18.11)
Well, I might listen if it were a quintet or a sextet so try again later.
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