Turkey: Gilo housing plan 'unacceptable'
Published: 29.09.11, 10:24
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61. construction
rita   (09.29.11)
never mind what the Turk says- it is extremely bad timing and bad taste to start this at this precarious moment. It could have waited another few weeks- Israel must be doing it to spite all international efforts. Now Palestine has another reason to not talk- Israel is acting like a spoiled brat- that makes two now... any chance in the past and now has been sabotaged by childish behavior either on the Pali or Israeli side. why don't you admit you are NOT interested in peace. Bibi looks like an idiot now with the speech he made at the UN. So does Abbas. And reading the TBs the Israeli public is not more grown up than the politicians either. Diplomacy seems to be a word every one forgot- or never knew in the case of Lieberman.
62. To: No. 61
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (09.29.11)
Israel is a sovereign state, and is not obligated to act upon any other country's timetable. Don't you find it in questionable taste that the ersatz "Palestinians" should have crafted their approach on Rosh Ha'Shana, or does that not offend your sensibilities? You are ill-equipped to offer advice to Israel.
63. China equals justice
Lim Kong Chang ,   Malaysia   (09.29.11)
China only punish criminals, if they are not punish there are no justice.
64. why Israel remains in denial about Armenian massacre
observer ,   Egypt   (09.29.11)
One wouldn't have attacked a commercial or passenger ship with armed Zodiac boats and armed commanders, without proper warning, and expect no resistance in self-defense. Turkey's report submitted to the UN panel that Israeli commandos used live fire before landing, leading to death and injury; the Israelis said they had not. That wasn't addressed the least by Palmer report, unless Palmer believes that Israel always tell the truth. have you forgotten the edited Israel's radio message which was withdrawn shortly after publication. In 2008, the Knesset declined to recognize the Armenian massacre how a country of great democracy like Israel failed to make the minimum required by the friendly Armenian people. Because Israel has been in constant fear that Turkey would divulge the no secret that the Young Turks were crypto-Jews. The same like the Ukrainian Holodomor. The US has issued a Congress' understanding recognizing the Armenian massacre. Turkey saved many Jewish lives during the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust than any country not involved in the conflict.
65. @ 64
sensible guy ,   tel aviv   (09.29.11)
"One wouldn't have attacked a commercial or passenger ship with armed Zodiac boats and armed commanders, without proper warning, and expect no resistance in self-defense. " i'm not sure what proganda you have been reading in egypt, but that above is just false. 5 out of 6 boats were boarded with no problem. the 6th boat was boarded (not attacked) by commando's armed with paintball guns. this is not disuputed, this is fact. the palmer report, which was requested by Erdogen (turkish PM) also details this. the report does say that israel used excessive force, but it also says that the boarding was legal. again, this was a boarding party, not a rambo shooting fest. live fire only occured after the situation descended into a life threatening one. after the report came out, Erdogen did not like the outcome, and started his Israel bashing.
66. Israel Survival
gary ,   NY USA   (09.29.11)
To 45, I'm not confused, I do have a question to you, how can Turkey justify fighting with security personnel inside the United Nations, on 9/28/2011. Of all the places UN a so called peace loving place, also having trouble with the Turks. That is sad that even the UN security has to phsically beat the Turks down. The Arabs always started a fight, then Israel would beat them down, they always cry cease fire and Israel gives them a break, one day Israel might not stop and finish them for good. Good Bless the USA ( George Bush)and may GOD Bless and protect Israel and IDF.
67. So, the arabs squatting on
macktheknife   (09.29.11)
Israeli land object to Israel building on their own land. Well... tough shit on you arabs!
68. #8 John of Herzlia, Israel
Moragh USA   (09.29.11)
That was just great John, you left me (even still) laughing myself sore. Let's have more of your Wit. And thanks for the laugh.
69. Israel Still Making Mistakes
Dave Lev ,   LosAngelesUSA   (09.29.11)
Lets face it fellow Zionists, israel hasmade many mistakes over the decades, starting with offering to return the Sinai, and returning it 3 times to Egypt. Think in 73 had the Arabs been able to position those divisions right up next to Israel, along Israel's borders (Negev). Every tjme Israel wins a war, and give back the territory, it has in effect lost. 25,000 Jews have died since 47..and perhaps 50 to 100,000 Arabs. 3m Israeii Jews..vs 300m Arabs..Jordans Hussein killed 25,000 Palestiniians when threatended. Syria urdered 25,000 Sunni Muslims in Hom, etc. When Arabs massacre fellow Arabs, its an internal problem (no Arab League involvement). When a Jew kils anArab inself-defense, its muder, a massacre ( a la the flotilla raid). Over 100,000 Egyptians were posed t attack 67, with Syrians invadeing the north. Israel struck with 300 planes..wiping their airforces out. (Replaced within 5 months by Rusia). In73 Russia moved troops to the Balkins..and was thought to have unloaded nukes in Egypt, to repel Israels nukes (6 -20). The US called a high alert, positioning 3 aircraft carriers in the Med. So while Russia armed and provoked the was ready to defend them also. Israel has 3 circles of enemies now, and variousw defenses, including use of F16s, artillery, troops ( sphere 1). 700 warplanes, missile boats, artillery, missiles...sphere 2. 500 nukes loaded on subs, in artillery shells, on cruise missiles attached to warplanes, Apache Gunships, suitcase nukes, BC warheads and the 10,000 range Jerichos. It also has space weapons..using lasers..AND LASER INDUCED HYDROGEN WARHEADS. Of course it has sub orbital and orbitl capabilities. Its army is 170,000 regulars, plus 1m reservists..many with fighting experience. But Israel is also timid, still with a ghetto mentality..appeasing the gentiles, hoping forr miracles,instead it gets Auschwitz, Sobibor, Treblinka. Israel's mistakes include: leaving the Strip and Lebanon before full victory..bringing them to their knees andbeggingformercy. It did not give Hamas 2 days to relese Shalit..5 years ago, or a full fledged carpetbombingcampaign. It commented on Goldstone, whose reversals meant nothing at the UN. It gave back the Sinai, now a haven for Al Qaeda. It did not bomb Cairo and Damascus to sand, when only 60 miles away, and in Kuneitra (which it gave back). Rather than tolerating naive types like Peace Now and other naive, gullibe delusional fringe groups, it should declare a partial marshal law and close them down..Rather than jailing terrorist murderes, giving them life sentences, it should purchae a few 12.00 hangmans nooses. When Israel rectifies the above, it just might send a message to wannabe Hitlers like Erdogan, Assad, Ahmad, Nasrallah, Erekat and Abbas. Oh one thing..I agree that Israel must annoucne future construction allocaton..this brings out the real HATRED for it..for all to see and think about. ( See Turkey,Egypt, Russia and the Obama administration).
70. About erdogen
Moragh   (09.29.11)
He's just a Turkey from Turkey!
71. #1 - Islam has been committing evil for 1400 years
William ,   Israel   (09.30.11)
and denying Jews the right to self-determination in their own historic capital which was divided, illegally annexed, and ethnically cleansed of Jews is just one. As Bibi pointed out, in every agreement in the past with "Palestinians" on future borders Gilo was ALWAYS including in Israel. Therefore, we have the right to build in it. If the demand is for Israel to not even build in its own capital until the borders are set, then so too shall the "Palestinans" refrain from any building on the disputed land. It can be said, too, that willful ignorance is also a form of evil, one that Muslims seem to be guilty of often.
72. China condemns planned building in Gilo...
William ,   Israel   (09.30.11)
but blocked sanctions on Syria where tens of thousands of civilians have been murdered or injured in a violent govt crackdown. I guess Syria is just closer to China's heart and character than Israel is.
73. #8 - Erdogan is quietly sending a frigate to Herzliya
William ,   Israel   (09.30.11)
to make claim to your new found "gas field".
74. #10 - neither China nor Russia give a crap about Israel...
William ,   Israel   (09.30.11)
they are simply playing to their new customers who are flush with hard currency.
75. #42 - Please. I've been to China and seen the oppression
William ,   Israel   (09.30.11)
not just of Tibetans but of many groups. Hans weren't even the majority in this new Kingdom but they did their best to attack, oppress, and subjugate millions of non-Hans. Tibet was never a part of ancient China. They ruled a kingdom stretching out to Chengdu, had a history of rulers, a flag, and a nation character that was very much NOT Chinese. You attack and illegally occupied them since the 1950s, and pushed them through a cultural genocide to wipe away their identity. Beijing even demanded THEY be the ones to choose the future Dali Lama. "The people are rich and prosperous" - Really? Then why has there been no national healthcare system which covered the elderly or people who lost their jobs, or retired? How come generations of farmers were forced to give up their livelihood and their family homes and learn fishing near the 3 Gorges dam? Why do I see many non-Hans, like Mongolians and Manchurians who Chinese despise begging on the street - destroyed from their proud and powerful past? And the Uighurs? How often have they been the target of ethnic cleansing under the guise "war on terrorism"? Had it not been for the 5% of global GDP of pure cheap crap being manufacturing around Guangzhou, no one would let you get away with the war crimes you commit each day.
76. #45 - Arabs don't seem very organized today
William ,   Israel   (09.30.11)
and we faced the same odds in past wars and still won. Israel's existence is what irks Arabs, not the policies of Jewish self-determination and pride. Arabs could have chosen peace with Israel several times since 1947 and each time chose war and terrorism. Nothing to do with Israel's policies. Arabs are hardly FOR "Palestinians". They're treated worse in Arab lands than in Israel (except for Jordan), promise monetary support which never comes, but are the first willing to sacrifice "Palestinians" in any war action against Israel. Israel too can wait out Turkey and other Arab regimes. The world moves quickly and too many people are invested in Israel to leave her to the rapid, illiterate dogs next door, especially once Israel begins delivering natural gas from its new fields.
77. #46 - 6 million Jews were killed by the Germans
William ,   Israel   (09.30.11)
deny it if you must but the proof is there, in black and white thanks to excellent German record keeping, which happened to include Arab efforts to wipe out Jews in the Middle East with Nazi help. Maybe Turkey will grow to a great economy. Problem is - its dependent on consumer economies, most of which are in a free fall at the moment. Don't worry about Israel existing in 2025 - worry about Europe.
78. #63 - That's why so many jails are filled to limits?
William ,   Israel   (09.30.11)
Because China arrests many people who get in the Communist Party's way. And those involved in adding chemicals to food products that end up killing Americans? If they have a connection to the party, they are free today. That's not justice, that's typical corruption in a sick society. But because it makes no good to mention such truths and offend the Chinese people's sensibilities, it never is. Everything for the good of the State, eh Chang?
79.  70
john Darren ,   cairns-Australia   (09.30.11)
Well, you can always eat him.
80. Arrest the criminals
Lim Kong Chang ,   Malaysia   (09.30.11)
Those who are arrested in Tibet and Uighur are criminals. But Israel oppressed the Palestinians without good reasons. William, Why do you hate Chinese? We Chinese never done any thing wrong. If Israel behave well we can hel it to prosper.
81. Turkey's treatment of the Kurds
Barak ,   Toronto, Canada   (10.20.12)
If Turkey wants to look at unacceptable, it need only look so far as its treatment of the Kurds. Or Syria's treatment of its own people. Or Iran's. Or Sudan's. Or Zimbabwe's. I guess actions are only unacceptable if they are perpetuated by the Jews.
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