America’s Iraq catastrophe
Orly Azoulay
Published: 19.12.11, 11:49
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61. #55 Ben
Brad ,   USA   (12.20.11)
I'm not a Muslim. I am a Christian and I do not regard anyone as my ''brother'' , neither the Muslims, the Jews or other Christians. Christianity is not a religion like Judaism or Islam where a special bond is said to exist between co-religionists. People are people and there are good and bad ones in all three groups. The guilty ones in Vietnam were Christian Americans.. Just because I'm a Christian does not mean I agree with everrything my country does or that Christians do. Also I can have a strong distaste for Islam as a religion without believing that this gives Christians a right to invade and spread death and destruction in Muslim countries.
62. #48
Brad ,   USA   (12.20.11)
because it gives me an opportunity to present people like you with a viewpoint which differs from the propaganda which is spoon fed to you by Fox News. If your attitude is ''my country, right or wrong'' then what sort of human being are you , seriously? What is the point of your existance if you are nothing more than a sheep?
63. Iraq was Israel's biggest mistake...
Edithann ,   USA   (12.20.11)
and because of it, there will be no attack on Iran ever!!! ..Israel's days are numbered...the US's days are numbered also thanks to Israel which means Israel's place in the world will be drastically reduced to a backwater... TATA TATA
64. #51 jews...
solomon ,   bklyn   (12.20.11)
Hated bankers, especially those at the very top, are not Jews. Neither is the US media owned by Jews. Get your facts straight before you show off your own hatred of Jews.
65. #56 brad
solomon ,   bklyn   (12.20.11)
And your point is.b..? Your post does not mention how many deaths were caused, nor does in mention deaths caused by other countries who have been at war. You only castigate the US while your post does not directly relate to my questions. Think again.
66. #65
Brad ,   USA   (12.20.11)
OK.. my anger about the chaos America has caused in Iraq by its unprovoked invasion led me to exaggerate. I retract the obviously untrue claim that America has caused more deaths since WW2 than Gernany did in WW2. However it is still my opinion that America's invasion of Iraq was based on lies , that it was unprovoked and that it was therefore a crime for which the instigators should be put on trial.
67. Iraq war "destroyed" the US
k ,   US   (12.20.11)
it sucked the life out of the country while crippling the US economically so what was the real reason for the war?
68. #67 look who planned the war then use yr imagination
The war was planned long before 9/11 and it was planned by neoconservatives who have a philosophy as shown below ( the text is copied from ''we have been neo conned , written in 2003 by Ron Paul) .................. ''They agree with Trotsky on permanent revolution, violent as well as intellectual. They are for redrawing the map of the Middle East and are willing to use force to do so. They believe in preemptive war to achieve desired ends. They accept the notion that the ends justify the means — that hard-ball politics is a moral necessity. They express no opposition to the welfare state. They are not bashful about an American empire; instead they strongly endorse it. They believe lying is necessary for the state to survive. They believe a powerful federal government is a benefit. They believe pertinent facts about how a society should be run should be held by the elite and withheld from those who do not have the courage to deal with it. They believe neutrality in foreign affairs is ill-advised. They hold Leo Strauss in high esteem. They believe imperialism, if progressive in nature, is appropriate. Using American might to force American ideals on others is acceptable. Force should not be limited to the defense of our country. 9-11 resulted from the lack of foreign entanglements, not from too many. They dislike and despise libertarians (therefore, the same applies to all strict constitutionalists). They endorse attacks on civil liberties, such as those found in the Patriot Act, as being necessary. They unconditionally support Israel and have a close alliance with the Likud Party.
69. #63 Ouch!! Is that the best you can come up with?
Noodles ,   Coney Island   (12.20.11)
Backwater is better than non-existent. And, by the way, you're wrong about Iran. Oh well.... can't win em all.
70. Ameican ARE not so nice after all
Kazim Ali ,   Kut , Iraq   (12.20.11)
the article covers the obvious .The American conduct in Iraq leaves the region with three after thougts : - A conspiracy thinking found a lease on life.given the contradctions by american policies. - The people in the region ( some speically ) those that benifted of american actions will be more inclied to Devine providence which would contribute to superficail thinking among more people . - The conduct could be part of american startegy that is gradually evoloving ( back to square one- conspiracy ) - Americans are smyopic and old plain empire going beserk .
71. They kill 3000 babies in abortion clinics in the USA.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (12.20.11)
But we lost 4000 troops???? My ...that was a travesty. Lincoln had a population of 30 million people......and killed 600,000 thousand to free the black slaves. We have 300 million people approximately as of today. Lincoln would have to have killed 6 million people to pull of the same feat today. 6 million deaths for the freedom of the slaves. Yet we lost a little over 4000 troops freeing Iraq from Saddam Hussein. Taking on Iran.......would have been accomplished from Iraq and Afghanistan. Have you ever thought that George Bush had plans for Iran also. Plans that were put on the back burner......when the war bogged down in Iraq???? This whole article is left wing propaganda. Saddam Hussein even said he lied about the WMD's to keep the Iranians out of his country. He felt the Iranians were more of a threat then the United States. The blunder that just happened....was you buddy Obama leaving Iraq....with no military bases left in the country. If Obama wasn't such a white flag carrying pacifist......we would still be in control of Iraq.....rather than your friends in Iran....that you just handed the country of Iraq over too. The United States has 15 Trillion dollars of on the book debt. It also has 116 Trillion dollars of off the book debt for Social Security...Medicare...and the Prescription Drug Plan. The extra 3 Trillion dollars you speak of....is just chicken feed to pay the interest on this debt. What's really funny about the war....is that more military servicemen were being killed on the highways of the United States in traffic accidents every year. 1000 a year. If all the servicemen had stayed home...we would have lost 8000 troops in traffic fatalities anyways. As far as suicides.....they were already committing suicide in the same numbers ...before the war. The left wingers just choose to talk about these numbers whenever there is a war. Otherwise ...they could give a crap about our military men and women.
72. #51 Half of the truth
Sidney ,   USA   (12.20.11)
These are the Senators who voted against the Iraq war. Note that 5 are Jewish, more than half in the Senate at the time. * Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii)  * Jeff Bingaman (D-New Mexico)  * Barbara Boxer (D-California)  * Robert Byrd (D-West Virginia)  * Lincoln Chaffee (R-Rhode Island)  * Kent Conrad (D-North Dakota)  * Jon Corzine (D-New Jersey)  * Mark Dayton (D-Minnesota)  * Dick Durbin (D-Illinois)  * Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin)  * Bob Graham (D-Florida)  * Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii)  * Jim Jeffords (I-Vermont)  * Ted Kennedy (D-Massachusetts)  * Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont)  * Carl Levin (D-Michigan)  * Barbara Mikulski (D-Maryland)  * Patty Murray (D-Washington)  * Jack Reed (D-Rhode Island)  * Paul Sarbanes (D-Maryland)  * Debbie Stabenow (D-Michigan)  * The late Paul Wellstone (D-Minnesota)  * Ron Wyden (D-Oregon In the vote to repeal Glass-Steagall, the greatest contributor to our financial mess, there were 8 against, 3 of them Jews. DEMOCRATS AGAINST(7): Boxer, Bryan, Dorgan, Feingold, Harkin, Mikulski and Wellstone. Among the greatest critics of the policies leading to the financial crisis, Jews were prominent, people like Joseph Stieglitz and Paul Krugman. But, don't let facts interfere with you bias.
73. #61 Brad - I don't care if your a Hottentot
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (12.20.11)
The factis that you're talking from a vast store on no experience In days of yore Christian's did their share of conquest and conversion by using the sword Nowadays it is the Muslims that are doing it, as illustrated in the link that I had supplied Taking all of your likes and dislikes into consideration, what have you personally done, other than post your opinions on the web, which are always negative when it comes to discussing Israel? Name one positive thing that you have done, all I see is negativity I can understand why you as a Christian dont "regard anyone as my brother", Christian's have done their share of killing their fellow Christians, even doing so when the went on the Crusades, when their fellow Christian's didn't appreciate their crossing their lands on the way to the Holy Land, we can add the slaughter perpetrated by Christian's against Christian's in Two World Wars
74. #67 K
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (12.20.11)
That's not true Iraq war strecthed out over a nine year time span, it didn't cripple the economy Goods had to be produced for the military, food had to be provided, which kept the factories going also supplying jobs to hundreds of thousands in the military The reason for the war was simple, it can be stated in one word "OIL", iraq had invaded Kuwait, its goal to grab the Kuwaiti oil fields USA feared that once Iraq latched onto the Kuwaiti fields, Saudi Arabia was the next target
75. Where is Sarah B? I would like to hear her opinion on this.
Aldo ,   Brooklyn   (12.20.11)
76. #63 edithann
solomon ,   bklyn   (12.20.11)
Israel had nothing to do with the attack on Iraq. As you have nothing to do with facts or truth. Your brilliance is reflected in your posts.
77. #2 - 'but do what the Saudis told them to do'
split ,   US   (12.20.11)
I don't see any Saudis among those signatures but I see your homies ,... http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraqclintonletter.htm http://www.newamericancentury.org/Bushletter.htm
78. Obama & his fans are not responsible adults.
Chaim ,   Israel   (12.20.11)
It is no wonder many Americans refer to Obama as the "man child president". Obama, and his fans, are not responsible adults. It is now three years into Obama's term. Obama has absolutely no record of accomplishment to campaign on. So Obama, and his fans, are still trying to blame Bush for all Obama's countless failures. A real adult takes responsibility. Bush made errrors. There is no question about that. Bush was not among America's best presidents. However, Bush's legacy looks extremely good in comparison with Obama. As for Iran; Obama's policy towards the Mad Mullahs, and all America's enemies, is total appeasement. Nothing else.
79. #68
solomon ,   bklyn   (12.20.11)
"neoconservatives who have a philosophy as shown below"- The text you quote is nothing more than a diatribe against people he calls neocons and Israel. Just because he wrote it doesn't mean it's true (actually the opposite is usually the truth). Expand your reading; you might learn something.
80. Brad / 62
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (12.20.11)
The USA has made mistakes and continues to make them but not to the degree that you imply. Fox news can probably back up most of what they put out but I don't believe you can back up your claims. If I wanted a liberal viewpoint I would read the New York Times or follow most any other main stream media here in the U.S.A. Or I could just go to Haaretz, yuck!
81. Sadaam's Iraq publicly supported terror against Israel
Besalel ,   Great Neck, NY   (12.21.11)
Have you forgotten that under Sadaam, Iraw held parties once a month in the WB and Gaza giving out checks to families of suicide bombers? Iraq flaunted its support of terrorism. Today, thanks to President Bush there is not a SINGLE country in the world that publicly supports terrorism the way Iraq did pre-war.
82. Saddam Rewards Suicide Bombers' Families
Besalel ,   Great Neck, NY   (12.21.11)
On the front steps of the tattered YMCA here, people walk on mock Israeli and American flags arranged as doormats. Inside, the stage is festooned with Iraqi and Palestinian flags. A large banner depicts the Al Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem, one of Islam's holiest sites, dripping in blood. In one corner, the larger-than-life faces of Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein smile side by side on a poster. After 50 minutes of fiery speeches praising Saddam and Arafat and vilifying President Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 25 Palestinians are called to the stage one by one. Each is handed a check — a gift from Saddam Hussein. Each recipient is the mother, father, wife or other close relative of either a suicide bomber or someone killed in a clash with Israeli soldiers or security guards at settlements in the Gaza Strip or West Bank. Today's donation: a total of $285,000 — a princely sum in the economically distressed Gaza Strip. One of the recipients is Nada Mahdi, a 22-year-old student, who arrived for the ceremony carrying her 3-month-old son, Ismail. Her husband, Mohammad, blew himself up last month trying to attack an Israeli military post in the Gaza Strip. There were no other injuries in the incident. "I am proud of him," she says in Arabic after collecting her $25,000 check. "May God reward him." Soliciting Murder? In the two years of the renewed Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Iraq has given Palestinian families more than $10 million, all according to a well-known scale. Families of suicide bombers get $25,000 each and families of those killed in confrontations with Israel get $10,000. Those who houses are destroyed by the Israeli military get $5,000 and those wounded by Israelis get $1,000. President Bush says the money rewards and solicits murder. An official of the charity that distributes the money says it symbolizes solidarity between Iraqis and Palestinians — both, he says, targets of American aggression. "The same weapons that are targeting Iraq are targeting Palestinians," says Abu Samir of the Arabic Liberation Front. "We are in the same bunker." The group also distributes food from Iraq, and uses Iraqi funds to run hospitals and provide scholarships to Iraqi schools. Saddam is very popular among many Palestinians because of his active support of the Palestinian cause and his missile attacks on Israel during the Gulf War. After the ceremony, Mahdi thanked the Iraqi leader. "He is the only one who understands our situation — he's suffering the same tragedy," she says. Mahdi's husband told her of his suicide mission only just before he left. She says she tried to talk him out of it — to no avail. "He was determined," she recalls. "I could not stop him — God and the homeland are more important than anything. Even his son." The money, she says, is for Ismail's future. But it was her husband's wish that — if the Palestinians' lot does not improve — little Ismail grow up to be a suicide bomber, too. His mother agrees.
83. Realapolitic
zivron   (12.21.11)
the united states and russia are the supreme nuclear powers forget economics look at north korea .The usa could obliterate the north koreans in one hr and take on china too. The grave mistake the usa made in iraq is that there are a million sadaam husseins there just as therewere millions of nazis in nazi germany and there are still a fair few there and everywhere . Therefore brutality atrocities were guarenteed when the mafia men with a love a blood lost powers. In the usa the sickness is money the american dream tho some like Gates show common decency in their philantropy .The arabs give to madrassis to keep up the sword of islam but are now realizing they need technological power . The usa needs to keep ahead and not relax the missile gap under obama is too wide . Its time for taxes for health welfare safety in the streets and global thermonuclear and all other military supremacy for the usa.
84. #77 Koolaid
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (12.21.11)
What makes more sense? A President starts a war because some petition of nobodies? Or because he is forced to because of his most important economic ally and critical national interests? Mr. Split comes to the logical conclusion: blame the Jews. Keep drinking the racist Koolaid, fool.
85. 84 - starts a war because some petition of nobodies?
split ,   US   (12.22.11)
I wish they were nobodies but with an idiot like Bush in the office and them around him they were an influential bunch of (AIPAC) Israel firsters junkyard dogs, not to mention that the Creator of the "chosen" ones spoke to him before invasion ,...
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