'Arabs should accept responsibility for Jewish refugees'
Nir Cohen
Published: 03.04.12, 22:26
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100 Talkbacks for this article
61. #4. Lies. Jews were fired from jobs and Expropriated
IraqiJew ,   London,UK   (04.04.12)
#4. Lies. Jews in Iraq were fired from jobs and Expropriated. We also had our citizenship revoked.
62. #13 Egyptian Government forced 80,000 Jews to flee
Samia ,   Geneva, Switzerland   (04.04.12)
#13. Liar. I am an Egyptian Jew. Our property was nationalised, our money stolen and my Egyptian citizenship revoked. Egyptians are racists.
63. #34.Nobody loves the Spanish children of Inquisitors
Laila ,   Montreal, Canada   (04.04.12)
#34.Nobody loves the Spanish children of Inquisitors. And now your country is BANKRUPT. Good rhyhms.
64. #42. Don't tell fibs.. Jews cannot return to Arab countries
Arlette ,   Paris, France   (04.04.12)
#42. Don't tell fibs.. Jews cannot return to Arab countries. And if they did they would be massacred.
65. daniela no 28.
AL QUDS ALYAHUDI   (04.04.12)
66. Yen,he is talking about Jordan
Anna M Sedda ,   Rome-Italy   (04.04.12)
And after Jordan takes all his Palestinians from Israel,all the Palestinians in Europe should have the right to' return and leave us alone for good.....
67. may iam against evryone
yasmin ,   beerzeet   (04.04.12)
but never against myselfe iam yasmin the palastinian girl iam 10 years old may i live in jordan or syria or lebanon i do not seek or creat a land as i have one . i do not blame myselfe but may are the jews the arabs the west i thnk all of them but sure i will not be against my identity
68. #42 As tolerated money spending tourists
Raphael ,   Netanya   (04.04.12)
Jews are forbidden to establish themselves in any arab country and denied property. They are allowed to make pilgrimages in their former cemeteries, under the protection of local government, with a military escort to protect them from the natives suspecting claims for stolen properties.
69. Right-of-Return?!
Jake Stone ,   USA   (04.04.12)
Yeah, right: send all A-rabs to their Muslim brothers in their respective lands; and all Jews return to their God-given land-Israel! There! That solves the problem of Right-of-Return. The solution is so simple that even a godless Muslim and a liberal beathen, like Thomad Friedman, can understand it! God bless, Israel; praying for the peace of Jerusalem!
70. To: No. 67
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (04.04.12)
Nicely composed incoherent fake. That's your identity, chica. A fake.
71. And Israel will do the same for Arab refugees. Sure.
Jon ,   Baltimore US   (04.04.12)
72. #23 - Observer forgets that Egypt absorbed many Nazis
William ,   Israel   (04.04.12)
After WWII, Egypt smuggled into the country many Nazis to help them build a weapons program and to launch an even more horrific war on Israel and its Jews.
73. #27 - Indeed, yet they are inherently different
William ,   Israel   (04.04.12)
Jews were attacked because they were Jews. The Jews in this article were attacked for something they had no involvement in, many miles away. "Palestinians" were not attacked but were part of the group attacking Jews, and lost. Just like in places like Hebron, Jerusalem, and Tzfat before the 1949 ethnic cleansing, Jews in Arab lands had a valid claim to land they were on, which were registered in their names, and they held legal documents of proof. Conversely, many "Palestinians" till this day cannot prove their ownership to land they claim - not a deed, not a line in the registry, just a rusty key and a story. Jews in Arab lands did not work against the Arab State nor their fellow citizens. Most were not interested in Zionism, and were loyal to the State. "Palestinians" however were involved in war. Two very different contexts. In the end, the criteria will be set for refugees on both sides. The $$$$ amount will be tallied up. And a payout will commence to all refugees with each deciding where they want to call home - Jews to Israel or elsewhere (this already happened), and "Palestinians" to where ever except Israel.
74. #30 - yeah, so it's ok
William ,   Israel   (04.04.12)
"only occasional massacres" Rifat justifies massacres by saying they really didn't happen all that much, so it's ok. That is - the attacking and killing of a few hundred Jews is OK. But Israel kills 10 Islamic Jihad terrorists and suddenly they describe it as "a massacre", "slow genocide", and "major human rights violations".
75. #34 - because Jews were an easy scapegoat for world ills
William ,   Israel   (04.04.12)
whether in the Middle Ages or today, Jews are still the world's whipping boy. Before the cleansing from Israel, Jews were looked down upon by other world powers because of their monotheism which contradicted the mighty Zeus and other gods of the day. After Jesus, new followers calling themselves Christians worked to demonize Jews and paint themselves as the new beneficiaries of G-d's good will. Nothing's change - back then, Jews were claimed to be workers for Satan, evil for not accepting this so-called Messiah, and spreading disease. Jews were considered illegitimate. Today, Jews are claimed to have started every war, of creating colonialism and spreading disease, and illegitimate. Jews were blamed for the Black plague in Europe because their ability to keep clean according to Talmudic Law kept them from getting sick. The hatred towards Jews really reflects your own lack of self-respect and confidence. Psychology 101 - those who hate are those who cannot love themselves.
76. #38 - Uh huh - so Syria's own admissions are, wrong?
William ,   Israel   (04.04.12)
Syria admitted they were shelling Galilee communities far inside Israel. They had hundreds of entrenched guns on the Golan and had been firing towards Israel since 1962. Syria also allowed the "Palestinian" Fayhadeen to train in the Golan and conduct night raids on farming communities, killing civilians as they sleep and stealing their equipment. I visit the exact valley where they trained in the Golan! The fact that Israel conducted shuttle diplomacy for months prior to the 1967 war to get Egypt and Syria to stop sabre rattling is well-documented. To Arabs, this was seen as a weakness and just emboldened them. Both Egypt and Syria broke previous cease-fire rules by lining the border with tanks and personnel. This too is well-documented. Only when Israel had nothing to lose did she act, while at the same time digging a mass grave in Tel Aviv's HaYarkon park with the expectation of a massive Arab onslaught which Nasser had been promising. We're all very aware of what happened in 1967 - Israel won a war in record time against a pending Arab onlsaught by nations who broke Intl law and previous agreements. The world was stunned and admiration for Israel skyrocketed (although not among the Arabs). Our State was born in violence because the Arabs deemed it so. We worked legal channels, we went through the UN, and we argued our point, and the world agreed (even King Faisal in 1919). It was the Arabs that said "Jewish blood will run through the streets like a river" - not the other way around. Your ilk still point to Deir Yassin as an example of terrorism yet the residents of the village themselves claimed the IDF did nothing of the kind. Despite their testimonies being available to the public, you choose to support lies. Ben - you have little credibility here.
77. #36 - Invaded? From where?
William ,   Israel   (04.04.12)
Did Jews represent another country and come with an army? No. Jews joined their fellow Jews who have been in the region for centuries, and purchased property since the 19th century. They farmed it, they built communities, and did so with the approval of the Ottoman Turks and considered a Jewish State which King Faisal accepted in 1919. If Jews expelled so many "Palestinians", why did hundreds of thousands still remain and became equal citizens of Israel? Plenty of facts to prove Arabs ran without seeing an IDF soldier because Arab leaders scared them to death with lies (like Deir Yassin). And there is plenty of proof that many Arabs claiming to be "Palestinians" were illegal immigrants from the 1930s (speaking 20 different languages collectively). The Brits, especially Churchill remarked on the unmanageable phenomenon quite a few times. You can believe what you want - but the facts don't lie, and eventually take precedent....just like when the ICC recently claimed "Palestine" is not a sovereign nation. No kidding!
78. #41 - the context of the issue begins in 1920
William ,   Israel   (04.04.12)
When there wasn't a big difference between Jewish and Arab populations West of the Jordan, and Arab nationalism grew out of Egypt as the Muslim Brotherhood that wanted a Jew-free Middle East. It was the massive illegal immigration of Arabs during the 1930s which upset the demographics and created a wider gap, per your citation. Even if the Arabs were in the minority they were in the opinion that any State should be an Arab one, that Jews have no ties or rights to the land (even that which they owned). In the end, the idea of Jewish refugees is one of justice and one of leverage. First, these Jews must be acknowledged as refugees which will act as a counter-balance to the "Palestinians" who claim to be the only refugees and deserving of rights that no one else enjoys. Second, seeing a massive amount of Jews who were ethnically cleansed (a war crime) and lost lots of wealth, it may do more for peace than you think. It will temper the outrageous Arab demands when they believed they had the upper hand. Regarding Israel as a Jewish State - it is imperative that Arabs recognize this. It first gives the high honor of a "Palestinian" State being built for them, around their character. It also ends any Arab demands for an influx of hostile Arabs into Israel because now it's a Jewish State, so go to the "Palestinian" State where you will be more at home. The demand by Israel is not as dumb as you think. You're just pragmatic to the point of myopia.
79. #42 - Jews can return anytime?
William ,   Israel   (04.04.12)
Says who? A Tunisian Jew who returned and started to fix up an abandoned Synagogue quickly became the target by local Islamists and had to run for his life. Local Jews are now being targeted for being "agents of Israel" and any visiting Israeli is deemed a spy and protested against. They will never return the wealth stolen from the Jews, and those Jews will never be safe there again - the Arabs promised that. Can "Palestinians" go back to Israel? They had the chance in 1949 to return and live as loyal Israeli citizens, and end the aggression once and for all. The Arabs refused so the deal was gone. As for "stolen land", unlike Jews in Arab lands, the "Palestinians" are not able to prove ownership of majority of land, especially since they claim public land as their own too. Ayalon uses pure facts and law, you use conjecture and sound-bites.
80. #71 - Israel already made that offer back in mid--1990s
William ,   Israel   (04.04.12)
but the Arabs refused to discuss (or even acknowledge) the Jewish refugee issue. At the end of the day, both sets of refugees will be paid some reparations. Jews will continue to live in Israel, and "Palestinian" refugees will continue to their own State or elsewhere (not Israel). Just because you only woke up now doesn't the world did too. When you go to sleep at night, the world continues without you. Always has.
81. Response to#78
John R ,   NYC USA   (04.04.12)
According to the British census of 1922, only about 11% of the population West of the Jordan River was Jewish and 89% was Arab. That was when the Palestine Mandate was ratified. By 1947 the Jewish population West of the Jordan River had grown to 33%. The bulk of that was unquestionably from immigration since the Arab birth rate per capita was higher. As for your comment on recognition as a Jewish state which Israel has never demanded from any of the 157 countries that recognize it, it is equally as ridiculous. None of those 157 countries even recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital because its annexation they deem illegal. How you made peace with Egypt and Jordan without requiring recognition as a Jewish state I can only speculate. Israel itself holds itself to be a secular democratic state. That is almost as big a joke as your post.
82. #35 tj
solomon ,   bklyn   (04.04.12)
Communism forced the Russian Jews to get out of Russia asap. They couldn’t trust the any ‘collapse’ of communism given the very long history of anti-semitism in Russia. That same anti-semitism forced Jews out of France and Poland. Argentina? Canada? Read some history, then post.
83. #38 ben
solomon ,   bklyn   (04.04.12)
You speak about a situation resulting from war between Israel and Syria and extrapolate it so you can ignore the arab attacks on Israel. The Revisionist is you.
84. #41 john - I wish you would acknowledge your mistakes
solomon ,   bklyn   (04.04.12)
According to the Partition Plan, areas with a majority of arabs were to be arab, areas with a majority of Jews were to be Jews. The bad blood was from the arabs. The Jews had dressed like arabs and many learned arabic to show they did not mean any harm by working the land they had BOUGHT (some of those details you overlook). The “Palestinians” (who at that time insisted they were not “Palestinians” but arabs) are responsible for what they had done; murder and terrorism beginning well before 1948. The Jews did not take their homes; they destroyed empty villages of the enemy (more of those details you overlook). The two requirements asked of Egypt and Jordan were 1. to stop shooting, and 2. to want to make peace. Both of these are sorely lacking in the “Palestinians”. Even more of those details you overlook. Israel withdrew from Gaza and SInai. How did the withdrawal from Gaza work out? And we still have to wait for the answer re: Sinai. Again; more of those details you overlook. And now you say Israel is at fault for contributing to the world and having a high per capita income? If you want to speak of excuses not to sit and talk peace, you should be talking to the arabs. As far as your post goes, it is garbage.
85. #49 yossef
solomon ,   bklyn   (04.04.12)
When I was in Morocco I met many Berbers. They were very welcoming, especially after knowing I was Jewish. They spoke about the time when Berbers and Jews united to fight the Moslem Conquest. You are a combination of two good peoples.
86. #71 jon
solomon ,   bklyn   (04.04.12)
Although Israel is not responsible for the arab ‘refugees’ (their own arab ‘brothers’ are), it has offered to pay some reparations. But if balanced against what is owed the Jews, it would either be a wash, or the arabs will owe the Jews the difference. But don’t ever research the facts; you won’t like them.
87. To: No. 81
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (04.04.12)
You conveniently neglect to mention that the Arab influx into then-Palestine began in 1918, following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I.
88. Response to#87
John R ,   NYC USA   (04.04.12)
Per Sergio Della Pergolas paper on the demography of Palestine, in !914 the Jewish population west of the Jordan River was 94,000 vs 525,000 Muslims. By 1922 the number of Jews dropped to 84,000 and the number of Muslims increased to 589,000. Why you are bring this up I have no idea. After the Mandate was ratified there was no legal restriction within the Mandate to Arab immigration.
89. Response to#84
John R ,   n   (04.04.12)
I have answered all your talkbacks. Apparently the editors didn't like my answers.
90. To: No. 88
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (04.04.12)
Perhaps you might wish to read Mark Twain's "Innocents Abroad," paying close attention to the chapter titled "Palestine Sits in Sackcloth and Ashes." Moreover, the numbers you quote, ostensibly from Della Pergola, bear absolutely no resemblance to Ottoman census records nor, for that matter, do they bear even passing resemblance to British census records during the Mandatory period. I suspect that Della Pergola padded his numbers by including Bedouins who used to transit freely across the Middle East. 525,000 Moslems necessarily had to include nomadic tribesmen who streamed back and forth across the Middle East. Typically, census reports include settled populations only, as transient populations do not pay taxes or own property. Della Pergola is being somewhat disingenuous.
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