Israel’s Sinai catastrophe
Hagai Segal
Published: 22.06.12, 16:26
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61. #34 Your argument is just too easy to demolish..
Eugene ,   Israel   (06.23.12)
Simply look at the consequences of the 6-day war. Israel annihilated numerous armies in 6 days without heavy losses, captured Sinai. Golan heights, the west bank and Gaza. What's a better deterrence than that ? And yet merely 6 years later we got ourselves another war and lost thousands of people. I hope that'll make you think a little.
62. # 36
Birdi ,   Israel   (06.23.12)
Of course Alexander, your proposals would be Israel's answer for eternal peace. I agree with you! Sadly it aint going to happen.
63. the choice
reem ,   bietlahim   (06.23.12)
once my mother said - i fear it was the wrong choice but i hope god will bless it ----- history is not a tight moments and wishfull restart -- it is continouse eventes
64. Take back the Sinai
Mark ,   Detroit USA   (06.23.12)
Does the fact that the land doesn't belong to us matter at all to these discussions? We took it in war and returned it in exchange for a peace treaty. Some of the comments in this forum sound like Nasser before '67. How many of you commenting are yourselves soldiers or have sons or daughters serving? You are all big talkers in favor of war but what risk do you really take with your big words? Let the decisions leading to war and peace, life and death, be made by those who have to live with the results.
65. Peace can not be bought.
Gabe ,   Canada   (06.23.12)
66. Come on, you know better
Harmen ,   Leiden, Netherlands   (06.23.12)
Dear Alexander, You know better than to advocate killing all the others. That is what losers do, people like the Nazis, Mao Ze Dong. And you know why? Because there is a good chance that you will lose the war, and then the others will want to wipe you out. And you surely don't want that to happen. And if you think God is on your side, well, Adolf Hitler thought that history and fate were on his side. Thankfully, he was dead wrong on that part.
67. 9 Alexander
Gregg ,   Haifa   (06.23.12)
Luckily people of your ilk are a minority here in Israel!!! Were you bullied as a child? Cause your soul is full of hatred, anger and frustration
68. Sinai
Floriane ,   Israel   (06.23.12)
Absolutetly right got rockets and illegals! And the world wants us to give up more no Way!
69. Sinai
Floriane ,   Israel   (06.23.12)
Alexander#9 may your wish come true! How did we give up Sinai our most historical holy place
70. Sinai
Floriane ,   Israel   (06.23.12)
Great comment Allexander you are impressive with your knowledge Yes we must reconquer Sinai
71. #61, wrong
Danny   (06.23.12)
Look at what 1967 achieved. Prior to 1967 the Arabs seriously thought they could eliminate Israel, in 1973 their goal was to capture a tiny strip of land and hold it. It is only since the mid-90s that Arabs have started to seriously think they can eliminate Israel again.
72. #60 utterly predictable
Danny   (06.23.12)
The only surprise was that the "peace treaty" held as long as it did. Egypt under Mubarak made zero effort to normalise and aggressively demonized Israel. What is happening now is always what was going to eventually. This is what happens when you mistake fake peace for real peace.
73. #51 and the Palestinians have autonomy
Danny   (06.23.12)
and they also had it in the 80s.
74. #48, utter utter nonsense
Danny   (06.23.12)
If Israel did not have the Sinai in 1973, it would have been major population centres getting shelled not isolated forts on the Bar Lev line. More Israelis have been killed since the withdrawal from South Lebanon than have been killed in the 12 years before the withdrawal and you would have to be clinically insane to say that the North is safer with an aggressive Hizbollah in charge of South Lebanon than what was the case prior to 2000. Similarly there is simply no serious argument that Israel is safer after pulling out from Gaza. As for Israel being "more secure" prior to 1967, you checked how many infiltrations there were?
75. #47, thanks to land for peace
Danny   (06.23.12)
All Israel is one big front line. You are less likely to be killed on active service than taking a bus in a major population centre.
76. And soon, "Israel" will find itself without Palestine
Marwan ,   Tel Aviv, Palestine   (06.23.12)
DANNY TAWIL ,   ENGLAND   (06.23.12)
78. sharm el sheik
DANNY TAWIL ,   ENGLAND   (06.23.12)
79. #3 You're wrong, buddy
Martin ,   New York   (06.23.12)
As LBJ said, grab them by the balls--their hearts and minds will follow
80. @Danny
Eugene ,   Israel   (06.23.12)
I almost started writing a serious reply to your posts but then i saw this: "More Israelis have been killed since the withdrawal from South Lebanon than have been killed in the 12 years before the withdrawal.." You seriously need to check your history books/wiki/whatever to be able to continue this discussion.
81. To nr 41 - You are far too generous PaulZion..
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.23.12)
..but it's your honor to be placed at Shalvata. Independently of what you seem or don't seem to think of me (I can assure you that my mental health is considerably better then most people - including yours, because I actually see the world for what it is - without ignoring it) you haven't provided a single proof for your statement about me and second you haven't provided a single suggestion on how to improve Israel's geopolitical situation/security situation on a permanent basis. Israel was reestablished in 1948. Israel has seen 64 years of war because of people of your ilk - always choosing to chicken out and running away like a scared jack rabbit. Has Israel's situation improved? Egypt, Hamas, Hezbollah, "Palestinians", Iran, Turkey, Al Qaida -the list just goes on. Sacrificing IDF soldiers in war after war because people like you are afraid to solve our problems once and for all is insanity. The problem is very simple: there is no other way for Israel to be safe other then destroying its enemies or alternatively, changing them from the inside out, and changing their societies, but rejecting my statement as being "mentally insane" either proves that you have nothing intelligent to say or you yourself project your mental problems on me or alternatively you yourself don't know how to solve Israel's problems. But going on with the "wait and see" attitude hasn't helped Israel much has it? I mean, the "wait and see" attitude resulted in Israeli withdrawal from Sinai, Gaza and Lebanon. What did we get in exchange for that? Every time Israel defeated the Arab states -Israel withdrew - and passively watched the Arabs rebuilding their strenght again, provoking Israel yet to another war, where Israel had to sacrifice additional Israeli men and women in IDF. It is not my suggestions that are insane: it is the insistence that status quo is "safe" that is deeply insane.
82. To nr 47 - Let me ask you a counter question
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.23.12)
Can Israel afford to live for all eternity with indefensible fragile Auschwitz borders with an 80% Jewish population, 20% Arab population, 15-20 km wide strip of land between Judea/Samaria and the Mediterranean and be surrounded by 22 hostile Arab states, a hostile Turkey a hostile Iran, waiting passively for all these countries to build up their military strenght and allowing passively Hezbollah to build up yet another arsenal of rockets and missiles in southern Lebanon? How safe do you think Israel will be? "Armchair patriot"? Most Israelis are patriots - whether sitting in the arm chair debating on the Internet or being on the street or being in a war with the Arabs. We live in a democratic society. Free speech should not be rejected because of your personal opinions about people like myself or people who happen to share my opinions - or any opinions for that matter. And where do you live may I ask? I would gladly join the IDF in recapturing Sinai. The skin and blood of our people will be sacrificed for sure if we don't do anything so the entire idea of rejecting "war mongers" like myself and my "calls" for action because it is not my "skin and blood" that will be sacrificed is utterly stupid. Had people supported your ideas - Israel or IDF wouldn't have fougth Egypt, Syria and Jordan in 1967 and those countries would have invaded Israel for sure and our countrymen would have died for sure. All my suggestions have thus far always been the same: action rather than inaction will save Israel and maximizing our strength, capabilities and resources and crippling the resources of the enemy will serve us well. And that includes safe borders, demographic majority, a strong economy, strong defense, alliances with other countries - Israel is already seeking new alliances in the Caucasus region and in the Balkans etc.
83. To nr 66 - Come on and lecture someone else
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.23.12)
Dear Harmen, "You know better than to advocate killing all the others." Why do I get the feeling that we don't understand each other? I never said that killing is "nice" or "preferable". And I never said a word about killing innocent people. If you compare me to Hitler you are either a very malign evil person or simply insane. What Hitler, the Nazis, the Communists, Stalin and Mao Tse Tung did were examples of pure racist genocides. They either aimed at killing another ethnic group of people or people belonging to the "wrong ideology" - not because those people were hostile - they were not - not because they were armed or dangerous - they were not -not because they posed any security threat or demographic threat - they didn't, and not because they had any racist or hostile ideas - they hadn't. They were killed precisely because of who they were. They were massacred in cold blood. The very minute Arabs, Turks and Iranians are off our backs and respect our political, demographic, legal,national, historical and territorial integrity/rights, safety, security, survival, independence, sovereignty and the sanctity of our lives - my hostility to them is gone. My hostility is entirely a response to their racism (yes my friend - extreme Jew hatred and extreme anti Jewish racism) and their common and broadly accepted intentions of destroying my people and my country. Wouldn't the Dutch do something if UK, Germany, the French and the Belgians reduced the Dutch to '"apes and pigs" or "members of an inferior race" or refused to accept your right to exist or violated your independence and sovereignty or give all kinds of ultimatums to you, or blackmail you, threaten you, write anti-Dutch articles every day in newspapers, seek to destroy your national identity, rewrite, steal or deny your historical rights, build up massive military capabilties to destroy you and have rockets and missiles pointing at Amsterdam, Leiden and Rotterdam? That's Israel's daily situation in the Middle East only Israel's neighbors are not Europeans but Arabs. We will win because we have no other choice - maybe you don't want us to win? I'm sure you would be very happy. No Arab state can match Israel's military strenght so far and I want to keep it that way. Israel's power ration vs the Arabs favors Israel today. It wasn't so in the past. If you compare me to Hitler you are completely insane and belong to a mental hospital. I don't support these things because of God, because I support Israel facing extreme hostility to Israel in our region. But God would surely support the rightheous and not those like you Leiden that erase the difference between right and wrong. I seek noone's destruction. I just want Israel's enemies off our backs and it's precisely their unwillingness to do so that will result in my response.
84. Retreat is the cause of almost all Israel's problems.
Chaim ,   Israel   (06.23.12)
The author is right on target. Once again, Israel faces disaster as a direct result of an Israeli retreat. Retreat is the cause of almost all Israel's problems. None of these problems would ever have even come up had we simply kept all the land we liberated in our defensive wars. We need to take back our abandoned lands and permanently end the lunatic policy of retreat.
85. #12. Israel would be infinitely better off with Sinai.
Chaim ,   Israel   (06.23.12)
#12 Barry. Your post reads like satire. Israel would be infinitely better off had we kept Sinai. We would almost certainly never face war with Egypt again, had we kept Sinai. If war did occur, we'd win it with ease. The Sinai would give Israel is an enormous strategic and military advantage, Secondly, Israel would be far richer due to massive oil and tourist wealth from the Sinai. Thirdly, keeping the SInai would PERMANENTLY change the balance of power in Israel's favor. Our enemies in Iran, and elsewhere, could not think of us as a "one bomb state". Fourthly, the SInai was rightfully our to keep. We won it in a defensive war.
86. #76. Palestine is forever fictional, like Oz, and Neverland.
Chaim ,   Israel   (06.23.12)
#76 Marwan. People like you never tire of deluding themselves. You waste your life away waiting for events that will never happen. Palestine is forever fictional; like Oz, Neverland and Atlantis.
87. #48. "Viable Israel" with a 9 mile waist!
Chaim ,   Israel   (06.23.12)
#48 Michael. Often when I read your posts, I wish you were joking. You write of a "viable Israel" with a 9 mile waist. Just too dumb to deserve comment. Your comment that Israel "did much better" before June 1967 is also moronic. Do you ever study anything related to what you post about?
88. alexander
Jonathan ,   MN/US   (06.23.12)
You are aware everything you say israel should do in your first comment is aganst international law right? namely the parts regarding conquering the Sinai and expelling the Egyptians living there. If Israel could legaly do that you would have done that to the Palestinians living in the west bank a long time ago. International law allows a country to keep territory gained in defensive wars but not offensive wars. And no, you can't forcibly expel peoplel iving in territory you gained through war, doing so would amount to ethnic cleansing.
89. To nr 76: Tel Aviv was built by Jews in 1907 and Yafo...
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.23.12)
...was an ancient Israelite city used by the Kingdom of Israel when it traded with Phoenicia, Egypt and Africa. Israel, Tel Aviv, Yafo and Jerusalem have no connections to Arabs/Moslems or "Palestinians". 1) Why is "Palestine" a Roman/Latin name? 2) Why is there no letter "p" in Arabic? 3) Nationalism is alien to Arabs who have, for 1400 years, lived as nomads and Beduins in multi-ethnic and multi-racial "Arab" empires whose majority population - locals, subjects, soldiers, mercenaries, scientists, mathematicians, physicians and merchants, kings/royals were no ethnic Arabs, merely Arab speaking Persians, Kurds, Turks, Jews, Berbers and Africans. Why is that? 4) There is no "Palestine" in the Bible or the Koran. Why? 5) The Bible and the Koran BOTH admit that Israel is the Jewish homeland. How come? 6) Jewish/Israelite history started 2000 B.C.E in Israel - 4000 years ago. Arab history of the original Arabians, started in the 7th century C.E. 1400 years ago, in the southwestern corner of the Arabian peninsula, hundreds of kilometers away from Israel, 2600 years AFTER the start of Jewish civilization. How can Arabs be the "natives" of Israel? 7) Most Arabs arrived in Israel as recently as the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. How is that ancient history and how does that make "Palestinians" the "natives"? 8) When and where exactly did a "Palestinian" state, republic, nation state, kingdom, city state, duchy, principality or empire exist in recorded history, what are the names of kings and dynasties, cities, towns, villages and currency and why is there not a single ancient civilization mentioning anywhere any "Palestinian" state, civilization, nation or people? Expecting a truthful answer from a "Palestinian" is maybe expecting too much.
90. #80, checked my figures
Danny   (06.23.12)
from 1982 to 2000, 346 dead Israelis. From 2000 to 2006, 188 dead Israelis. You need to strip out the 103 Israelis killed in two suicide bombings in the mid 80s and is debatable whether you should count 73 soldiers killed in an air collision so we are talking 170 12 years prior compared to 188 6 years after.
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