From now on we're just suckers
Yoav Kish
Published: 03.07.12, 18:10
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33 Talkbacks for this article
1. Why should HaShem be neglected?
Talmudic sage ,   TA   (07.03.12)
Just so haredem can be drafted into IDF? We already keep Israel safe by our prayers. We cannot do this sacred duty in the IDF. What selfish group the seculars are. For the service I do to HaShem and Israel I should get twice what the government gives me.
2. "neglected"?
ME ,   South Israel   (07.03.12)
Nobody told you not to pray, but if there are religious and Haredi soldiers who DO serve, why would not all of them do so? The praying saves Israel? Maybe, but people talking their place in the army helps much more. You as a soldier could save your brother in field if he's injured more than any prayer. HaShem will not hold it against you to serve in the IDF. But he will if you let your brothern go die for you while you sit back watching. Nobody told you to stop praying. People tell you to be there with your brothers for 3 years. That is not something that is to much to ask. The true heroes of Israel are those who take place in fight that shold be taken place in. Not those who sit back and watch.
3. #1 waht evidence have you that your prayers keep Israel safe
Chas. ,   Los Angeles   (07.03.12)
4. from now on we are suckers
Floriane ,   Israel   (07.03.12)
This captain is absolutly right the Haredi should serve in the army it is a national army. Idf protects them as well as all! Especially after all they did within a year to damage the Country: pedophilia, fraud,Yad Vashem graffiti, calling Israel a holocaust state. However I believe thé Arabs should only do national service. Thé army is incompatible with their beliefs
5. The high court of justice is not above the law
Chaim   (07.03.12)
The law being the law of the Jewish land of Israel, the Torah. The high court of justice cannot enact a law that goes against the "constitution", the Torah. Serving in the army is not against the Torah but serving under leaders or alongside those who desecrate the Torah or force the desecration of the Torah is against the Torah.
6. This a joke, right?
jay abouaf ,   Jaffa, Israel   (07.03.12)
7. Time for ALL Israeli males to become REAL JEWISH MEN....
Ezra ,   Israel   (07.03.12)
Torah in one hand - rifle in the other. THEN the world will respect Israel and HaShem will protect us as in the days of our Avot.
8. false pretense
david ,   new york   (07.03.12)
i do not believe that the push to draft haredim is rooted in a great need for "fairness" (as evidenced by the fact that there is no particular push to draft arabs, even into national service). the real reason is to try and destroy haredi culture. haredim are a common scapegoat for israelis on the left and right: someone they can all hate without problems (since they dont know any haredim personally). "fairness" is the excuse, the real reason is hatred.
9. Please, tell me: Where has the real Israel gone?!
Taz Man ,   USA   (07.03.12)
Israel needs real Zionist leaders' who aren't afraid to tell world opinion to get lost, and protect their land at all costs. Israel needs a real Zionist Army who would defy a corrupt government by not throwing their own people off the land; instead, defending those people and their land at all costs. In regards to those cowards' who do not do their fair share...throw the blood-sucking leaches' out of Israel; they have no right to enjoy what so many have sacrificed for. God'll judge them for the cowards' they are!!! Israel needs another King David: the warrior/Prophet/Psalmist. God bless, Israel and His Jerusalem! A Christian Zionist
10. It's pathetic! Bibi, wake up!
Yossef   (07.03.12)
11. The answer is simple: Survival!
David ,   Karmiel, Israel   (07.03.12)
Not the survival of Israel. Not the survival of the Jewish people. It is the survival of Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister of Israel! That is paramount in his book. Yesterday we heard from the mouth of Netanyahu the hypocrite about how Itzchak Shamir devoted his life to the Jewish people and Israel. It is a pity that Netanyahu doesn't take a page from Shamir's book! Now he is selling out the soldiers, the reservists, his "bought" coalition partners and the people of Israel!
Chaim   (07.03.12)
Those rockets fired into Israel are not feathers or snowballs like the UN or US want to believe. They're deadly and it's only because of the prayers and Torah learning and mitzvot we do that G-d performs miracles to save His Jewish children. If by chance any of these deadly weapons land among the terrorists, many of them get killed or maimed. What do you think? The credit goes to the IDF for bombing some empty fields and tunnels? How many people were killed or injured from those scud missiles 12 years ago? None, thanks to the prayers and Torah learning. The daily miracles in Israel are all thanks to the prayers and Torah learning and mitzvot from G-d fearing Jews. If all the Jews in Israel were religious and heed the Torah the way G-d commanded, the enemies would be destroyed by G-d. The seculars are the ones giving strength to the enemies and you expect haredim to fight them? YOU'VE MADE YOUR BED SO SLEEP IN IT!
13. #1 Conceited Sage of Onions, not Torah
Norbus ,   Jerusalem   (07.03.12)
You are as arrogant as you are ignorant. Moshe Rabbenu did not have a mobile yeshiva learning whist he, nor Yehushua went toi war. Your mumbo jumbo is just that. Yeshivot were meant to compensate for the loss, and now have been overpopulated by lasy chicken hearted dodgers. They were ment for a few thousand gifted students , notthe hoards of freeloaders.
14. Hashem Neglected?
Tambour ,   Eilat   (07.03.12)
Youy do that all the time' You wear jewish parafinalia as uniform. you learn Torah, not live it. Hashem does not need hypocrites to pray to him, Whole of heart you are not and a sage you mostdefinately are not. A Sage would be wiser and less haughty
15. In principle: Jews in IDF, Arabs to neighbouring countries.
Jerry ,   The Netherlands   (07.03.12)
16. How about this?
Shimon ,   Cincinnati USA   (07.03.12)
Only those having completed Army/National service have the right to vote, or have completed the equivalent in the country of origin. 3. Write and stick to a Constitution. Include in it the principle of no state support of any religious organization or any party. No appointments based on political orientation. Appointment to civil service by exam only. No appointment to high government office without Army service or the equivalent. 4. No religious party allowed of any denomination. No "Coalitions". Complete transparency of any agreements between parties.
17. @ #1: I wouldn't give you a pruta.
Shimon ,   Cincinnati USA   (07.03.12)
Work, parasite. Stop sponging off society. Shame on you and those like you.
18. Sovereign Country
Mikael ,   Finland   (07.03.12)
"A sovereign country should not be dependent on the good will of its citizens" A sovereign country exists because of its citizens. The citizens don't exist for the state, but the other way around.
19. the lie exposed
satop ,   the west   (07.03.12)
david not called to fight was sent by his father to visit his brothers in army under king saul and give them food. when david heard goliaths mockery and challenge what did he say ? o dear brothers i go home i will pray for you and you fight goliath ? NO! "And David said to Saul, Let no man's heart fail because of him; thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine." "David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine." quoted from the book of samuel prayers as an excuse to not perform you duty is a lie and your God is not pleased with it
20. The harideem are just a lazy bunch of parasites
Haim ,   TA   (07.04.12)
Cut off their funding that will soon change their tune. If they have time to riot on what now appears to be a weekly basis, then they have time and energy to serve in the IDF, and while their at it go get a real job because so called studying the Torah is not a job its just an exscuse to not work. Cut the fundinging to the Yeshivas now,
21. Reality
michael Pielet ,   israel   (07.04.12)
Anyone who terms soldiers, "suckers" is an uninformed fool. Serve and serve with pride. The left is using the haredi, service issue as a wedge issue to get back into power. Rabin and Peres were first in line to give the haredim exemptions, after running on a political platform of service for all.
22. Not sustainable
Sailor ,   USA   (07.04.12)
The Israeli societal model is flawed and is not sustainable. There is no way to reconcile he differences between the secular and he Haredim. Not sure what the solution is.
23. Yoav, You are not a sucker
Moshe ,   Jerusalem   (07.04.12)
Dear Yoav, You are not a sucker at all, merely a pragmatist. When you reached the age of the draft, you faced a choice. You could have joined the army, do your years of service, and then gone on with your life. Or, you could have joined a yeshivah full time, skipped out on army service, be denied the right to legally work, and resign yourself to a lifetime of being on the lower end of the socio-economic scale. You are not a sucker for choosing the army. This was a thought out decision based on either you do not want to join any yeshivah, or you want to get a nice job and joining the army is the only way to do so. Those who do join yeshivah full time are sacrificing alot to do so. They can not legally get a job, hence the higher poverty rates among those who study in yeshivot. The state doles out approximately 1000 shekels per month per student. No one is raking it in off that. The law is also not discriminatory. No specific sector alone (except the Arabs, who were not the focus of this article, so i will not discuss them) is entitled to skip army service. This option is open to any one who joins a yeshivah full time. This option was available to you too, but you rejected it. Those who do join yeshivot are not draft dodgers, as they have not violated any laws. Those who choose to become yeshivah students are neither lazy,nor making you support them. They will probably be poorer than you, and like anybody with a low income, pay less in taxes. Again, no discrimination here. As long as the option of full time yeshivah learning is open to anyone, and indeed it is, there is no discrimination.
24. to #32 Moshe
Bluegrass Picker ,   Afula   (07.04.12)
everything you say is true. What is also true is that Torah Judaism does not require that all be allowed to vote, or to receive State subsidies. So be careful of what you ask for.
25. standing in a rain of missiles...
moshe ,   Tivon, Israel   (07.04.12)
standing in the rain is a sure way to get wet. Prayers don't seem to make any difference...Why? perhaps G-d doesn't regard getting wet from the rain as a bad thing. standing in a rain of missiles is a sure way to get DEAD. Prayers don't seem to make any difference...Why? perhaps ... ( just " p e r h a p s " ) G-d expects us to rise earlier in the morning to kill that enemy ! moshe
26. #1 There are enough yeshiva boys.
Moshico ,   Jerusalem   (07.04.12)
While Haredim are serving in the army there will still be enough Haredim to be in yeshivas and pray on behalf of the country. Army service is only for 3 years from 18-22 or 5 years in the Hesder program where young Orthodox Jews do their service without any problem sharing learning in Yeshiva and fighting for its country. The Torah states that one does military service so why these Haredim get away by not doing what the Torah says is against Torah learning and I guess one can call them lazy.
27. #1
jay abouaf ,   Jaffa, Israel   (07.04.12)
I am referring to comment #1 The article by Mr. Kish is right on the money
28. Amen
jay abouaf ,   Jaffa, Israel   (07.04.12)
29. #1: go LEARN torah!
shloime ,   toronto, canada   (07.04.12)
the (real) torah commands you to join the army; the torah gives exemptions for building a new house, marrying a new bride, or planting a vineyard, but NOT for attending yeshiva. and it DOESN'T include study or prayer as alternatives to joining the army. moshe rabbeinu himself, over 80 years of age, went out to fight the amalekites - without his "lifting his hands", the children if israel couldn't win the battle. moshe didn't stay home and study or pray. so these "bochers" think they are more precious than moshe rabbeinu, or their prayers are more valuable?
30. Well put. THIS divide is our biggest existential treat.
Tova M. ,   Rehovot, Israel   (07.04.12)
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