Jewish Scene
Millions of Africans see themselves as Jews, researcher says
Rina Bassist
Published: 15.07.12, 07:35
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103 Talkbacks for this article
61. Identity bullying vs Know Thyself
Sam ,   Sydney, Australia   (07.15.12)
I'll be Jewish when I want to, and I'll be non-Jewish when I want to, and I don't need a Rabbi to approve of either, nor do I need to rely on the state of Israel to support my existence or protect me from perceived threats. I am not an animal to be branded as Jew or otherwise.
62. to # 25 Read the article they are being circumsized at the 8
Ar ,   Jerusalem   (07.15.12)
day. In any case not liars most of their tradition comes oral from father to son and they are being told they are Jews. Somewhere along the line there is some true. Besides most of them Igbos specially dont want to mek Alia, they just want a recognition of their Judaism, that is all.
63. To numebr 29 You are a very disrespecfull person
Ari ,   Jerusalem   (07.15.12)
You dont have the right to talk to number 17 in such a way, just because he said his parents and forefathers told him he is a Jew. Shame on You. Beside he ia not asking to make alia. If that is you fear. Probably you traet Ethiopian Jews with desdain and in a racial way
64. DNA tests
Sherlock Holmes ,   London England   (07.15.12)
In one African tribe claiming to be Jews, some of their religious leaders even had the Cohane gene. There clearly are some lost tribes making their way back. Each case must be looked at.
65. Number 11 Chinese Jews
Danny ,   London England   (07.15.12)
If the billions of Chinese discover they are Jews that will be a bonanza for the kosher food market. We can balance our trade with China. Mohelim will be at work 24/7.
66. Sincere Jews should be welcomed to settle Judea, Samaria.
Chaim ,   Israel   (07.15.12)
Sincere Jews, of all colors, should be welcomed to massively help settle Judea, Samaria and Golan. If Israel is forced into another defensive war, Sinai and Gaza too.
67. # 21
Roxy   (07.15.12)
Argentina is not a 3rd world country Africa is 3rd world in the tribal areas and Ethiopia,Zimbabwe, Mozambique,Malawi Yemen are 3rd world.
68. Sit down w family & friends
z ,   UpTown   (07.15.12)
Stop playing w your enemies in Judea & Samaria
69. #1 dan
solomon ,   bklyn   (07.15.12)
Facts would be appreciated; references, proofs, etc. Especially as concerns your very questionable statement “and telling them that they are Jews and encouraging them to believe that Israel is their home.”
70. #55 Alexander you are an,,,,,,
Glen ,   U S.   (07.15.12)
You are an idiot, Hebrews lived for over 400yrs in Africa/Egypt, thousands were born there, Hebrew prophets married African/Egyptian including Abraham. Yeshua grew up in Africa/Egypt, what are you seeking in this life because it certainly is not the truth. "but they don't belong to our tribe or ethnic group" you are so correct here,,,, this biblical narrative has nothing to do with you.
71. To #26
ALM ,   Chicago   (07.15.12)
What % of Russians brought to Israel "actually keep Shabbat and practice Judaism"? Probably similar numbers. And what percent of non-charedi Israelis keep Shabbat and are observant? Just as low.
72. #70 Alexander speaks the truth....
Mark ,   Lodz, Poland   (07.16.12)
It's your post that lacks substance, Glen You might not agree with what he says, however, Alexander is far, extremely far from being an idiot.
73. They should ask for autonomy as Jews in their OWN countries
Link   (07.16.12)
Proclaim certain areas of ea. country in Africa "Israel" and let them live in these autonomous areas. Most will then give up their false claims. Israel isn't THAT stupid to take in more of these non-Jews, or are they?
74. Mark of Lodz
Glen ,   U S.   (07.16.12)
Mark greetings, I gave only 4 historical facts, only 4, I challenge you to refute any of them.
75. Zealous
joao avraham roberto ,   Brazil   (07.16.12)
From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia (Africa) my zealous worshipers bring me sacrifices (mitzvot) ... Zephaniah 3:10
76. To nr 70 - Don't use such a foul language lady
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (07.16.12)
I think you are mixing up geography with ethnicity. Geography and ethnicity are not the same. Hebrews lived for centuries in Egypt as FOREIGNERS from Canaan. Abraham married Sarah who came with Abraham to Canaan from Mesopotamia. Abraham may have married an Egyptian but that doesn't mean she was Black or that Israelites are descendants of her. Also I want to remind you: Abraham was no Egyptian or African. Abraham came from Mesopotamia. The Children of Israel are based on the 12 tribes of Israel - meaning the 12 sons of Jacob/Israel. And his sons were not Black. And the hundreds of thousands of Jews in Egypt were not Black. Ancient Egyptians depicted the Hebrews as white skinned people of the Mid Eastern/Mediterranean type. And Egyptians were not Black Africans either. Yoshua or Joshua, the man who took over the leadership after Moses' death was born in Egypt - yes. And? In what sense was he Egyptian or African? Millions of Jews were born in Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, the Baltic states, central Europe, France, Austria, UK and they Jews neither had their ancestry in those lands nor did the Jews blend in despite their geopgraphical residence in those lands. The Biblical narrative has nothing to do with me? Really? Well how do you know that? Are you refering to me personally or all millions of white skinned Mid Eastern/Mediterranean looking Jews in Israel who are genetically related both to each other and other non Jewish peoples of modern Middle East?
77. To nr 70 Glen
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (07.16.12)
Yes I may answer your questions one by one but since you called me an idiot and suggested that I and the other 98-99% of the Jews in Israel "have nothing to do with the Biblical narrative" - then forget it. I will not answer your questions unless you apologize. But I will talk about this: History and genetics reveal that Jews come from Israel and the broader Middle East and 2) that Jews are genetically related to each other and other non Jewish Mid Eastern peoples and 3) historical records describe Jewish appearance in ancient times - and they were not African or Egyptian. You are mixing up geography with ethnicity. The fact that Jews lived geographically for hundreds of years in Egypt or Africa doesn't make them Egyptians or Africans - in the same way as Chinese people in Africa are not Africans and Africans in China or not Chinese. But maybe that's too difficult for an idiot like you to comprehend.
78. To Glen nr 70
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (07.16.12)
Yes I may answer your questions one by one but since you called me an idiot and suggested that I and the other 98-99% of the Jews in Israel "have nothing to do with the Biblical narrative" - then forget it. I will not answer your questions unless you apologize. But I will talk about this: History and genetics reveal that Jews come from Israel and the broader Middle East and 2) that Jews are genetically related to each other and other non Jewish Mid Eastern peoples and 3) historical records describe Jewish appearance in ancient times - and they were not African or Egyptian. You are mixing up geography with ethnicity. The fact that Jews lived geographically for hundreds of years in Egypt or Africa doesn't make them Egyptians or Africans - in the same way as Chinese people in Africa are not Africans and Africans in China or not Chinese. But maybe that's too difficult for an idiot like you to comprehend.
79. Fairy dust
---------- ,   -------   (07.17.12)
Just like fairy dust, spread your fantasies all over this internet and all you come in contact with,,,,, children believe in a lot of things that sometimes are not true, this is allowed because they are young, growing, the mind, the intellect, can't understand what truth is, but it is Ok, allowed. The only harm is that the truth permeates this universe and when one meets the truth it will hurt if one is not grounded in the truth. Jesus spoke of a people that the truth was not in them, so it is possible for one to be misguided. If one really seeks the truth he will find it and it won't be fairy dust.
80. A Better Idea
Ron ,   OC, US   (07.17.12)
If Christians and Moslems have umpteen states, perhaps there sould be another Jewish state in Africa.
81. #79
Menachem ,   Israel   (07.17.12)
Who are you talking about?
82. #1 dan
solomon ,   bklyn   (07.17.12)
Facts would be appreciated; references, proofs, etc. Especially as concerns your very questionable statement “and telling them that they are Jews and encouraging them to believe that Israel is their home.”
83. Really wish Israelis or Jews in general weren't so racist
Stefan ,   New York, USA   (07.17.12)
I love just about everything about Israel...but some people out there just say the most disgusting and racist things. I just can't understand why...coming from a group of people who have felt so much persecution. I am not jewish...and I have no desire to live in your country but please stop with your racist comments because you are defacing the integrity of all the people I know in Israel. When people read your comments they are only filled with continued hatred for Israel. Its best to keep your comments to a private venue with likeminded individuals...
84. #1 No, thank the Sephardic Chief Rabbi
Geena ,   tel aviv   (07.17.12)
who declared the Falash Mura, who similarly adopted certain practices and then claimed to be a lost tribe, as Jewish. Since then, the number of "Falash Mura" just keeps on increasing....
85. You can be Jewish without wanting to live in Israel
Ben ,   Canada   (07.17.12)
Most negative comments are based on the assumption that African Jews want to live in Israel. This is not necessarily the case. In the ancient world, Jews made pilgrimages to Zion, but a vast number lived elsewhere, including converts. The pilgrimage to Mecca is modeled on this Jewish paradigm. Not all Muslims live or want to live in Saudi Arabia, just as I, a Jew, don't want to live in Israel. And by all accounts neither do our Igbo/Lemba brothers. So get a grip.
86. anu ahia
naomi ,   america   (07.17.12)
go back to an english class please,we dont combine ivrit with english
87. Africans as Jews.
Rabbi Neitslog ,   USA   (07.17.12)
Who dosen't want to leave Africa to an Israel that provides lots of benefits to immigrants.
88. To nr 83 - Thank you for your support for Israel..
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (07.17.12)
...but if you don't like reading comments posted by Israelis/Jews I suggest that a non Jewish American such as yourself don't come here then. It is an Israeli newspaper primarily for Israelis/Jews. I don't know what you mean by "racism" but stating facts that this world consists of different ethnic groups is not racist but merely a fact. Are Japanese people racist if they reject you and me as genuine/real Japanese people? Of course not. In the same way, Africans are no racists when then reject Japanese people as Africans. If you are saying that it is racist to even admit or acknowledge the very existence of different ethnic groups that look differently and have different ancestry - that's very extreme Stefan. You can't label Jewish ethnicity as "racist". I feel offended. Since you are American Stefan I can maybe understand your confusion. USA, Canada, the Latin American republics, Australia and New Zealand have nationalities based solely on citizenship - not ancestry or ethnicity. Israel, Russia, Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan, and dozens of European states are naton states - meaning states/countries that were established by, established for, ruled by, demographically dominated by and ethnically, "racially", culturally and politically dominated by a distinct ethnic group of people. The purpose to the state, the flag, the official language, the constitution, the laws, the regulations, the state symbols, the anthem, the official state identity, reflects the national or ethnic identity of a specific ethnic group of people. Therefore, nation states tend to base their identity on ethnicity and ancestry - not only citizenship. And that means that since Israel, dozens of European states, Japan, China, Russia and other countries are nation states, it means naturally that these countries 1) give priority to their ethnic group (this is by no means unique to Israel) 2) they prefer to have their ethnic group within their borders. If you Stefan think that "anybody" can be Jewish/Israeli you have probably misunderstood what Jews are. We are no religion. We are an ethnic group of people just like Italians and Germans. We may be tolerant to our minorities, but we will never compromise about our Jewish identity. A part of being Jewish is definitely the ethnic part and outward appearance. No, Africans don't look like Jews and they are no Jews. I would say the same about Japanese or Scandinavian people. Africans may live as foreigners and citizens in Israel but they are no Jews just like Arabs in Israel are citizens but no ethnic Israelis/Jews.
89. Africans are Jews? Nonsense
Henrik Karlsson ,   Sweden, Stockholm   (07.17.12)
I don't understand why there are so many insincere people on this planet. Why are these African tribes so ashamed of being Africans? They are Africans and they should be proud of it. But why pretend that Africans and other non Jews are Jews? I just don't get it. In Sweden we have a similar problem. We speak of Swedish citizenship and Swedish ethnicity. The problem is that some extremely liberal people want to erase these differences on purpose. Immigrants in Sweden of Mid Eastern, African or Asian origins can easily without questions and without accusations of them being racist keep their traditions and still consider themselves to be Albanians, Arabs or Turks or whatever, and yet claim a "Swedish identity" merely because they live in Sweden and speak Swedish. What is funny is that when we Swedes say that we are an ethnic group too, we are "racists" and when we say that "you don't look Swedish" we are racists too. Not only are Swedes expected to allow foreigners to come to Sweden and enjoy democracy, we also have to deny our Swedish ethnicity and ancestry. Liberal forces try to persuade people into believing that Mid Eastern looking and African looking people can be Swedish too. However I don't understand how naive so many Jews can be. Of course Africans are no Jews. I'm blonde and blue eyed, I'm Nordic looking so to speak. Of course I'm not Jewish. It's strange that people of my kind can be rejected as Jews because we don't look like Jews - and that's ok, but it's complete hysteria if Africans are not considered to be Jews. And I think this is reversed racism - racism against Jews. If African ancestry should be respected then Jewish or Israeli ancestry should be respected too. I understand these problems because there is a quiet war in Sweden against the Swedish identity.
90. of course africans can be Jews
Victoria ,   Phoenix, USA   (07.18.12)
If the mother is a Jew and marries an AFrican, their child is a Jew, right? If their child is a girl who marries an african, the child of htat union is still a Jew, right? And if that child is a girl and she too marries an African, that child is a Jew, right? So under the belief that the child of a Jewish mother is a Jew, an african (by nationality and/or ethinicity, i.e. with black skin) indeed can be born a Jew, correct?
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