PM sides with haredim: No draft at age 18
Ynet reporters
Published: 15.07.12, 12:42
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61. 57
zionist forever   (07.15.12)
They need time to adjust. For the past 60 years nobody has been asking them to adjust to prepare for change have they? If your going to change the law and enlist all haredi you need to give them time to get used to the idea which you can't change overnight. An olleh chadash is given time to adjust to life in Israel before they join the army they are not just told at the airport your of army age we want you to report for duty next week. Same with the haredi they need time to adjust. The army also needs time to adjust to the drafting of thousands of haredi, units like Nahal Haredi currently have maybe about 1000 soldiers. If we are going to draft thousands of haredi the IDF needs time to prepare, The vast majority of haredi are ordinary law abiding citizens the ones wo spit at women etc are a small number of radicals but of course as they all wear the same clothes everybody gets bundled together. Also the seculars are no better and they provoke haredi intentionally sometimes. I remember reading one story a secular man on the Jerusalem light rail spat at a haredi girl and told her he knew where she lived. This girls crime was she was haredi so don't pretend the secular elite are all a bunch of angels and the haredi are all radical. You talk about preaching intolerance well I have heard plenty of that coming from the secular community. If the haredi want to dress in funny clothes and spend all their spare time studyingTorah rather than going to the movies what right do you have to judge them anymore than they have a right to judge your lifestyle? The most practical system is first to allow both the haredi communities time to phase in a haredi draft, rush it and your likely to botch it and then need to start all over. Let the haredi start their military service at 21, gives them time to go to yeshiva etc as long as they serve their time why should age of enlistment matter? Seculars traditionally go into the army at 18 stay till 21 when they go to university. Let haredi go to yashiva at 18 and then at 21 they serve their time all that is happening is one group studies before they go into the army and the other group studies after. Do you want to rush this through now because you think its unfair haredi don't serve or do you want the government to take their time and get it right from the start even if it takes longer ?
62. not right or left
peter ,   tel aviv   (07.15.12)
this is not about right or left or religious and anti religious. It is about an equal share under an equal law. I know there will be the calls of me left wing anti bla bla. But face it you can not only demand things for your own and not contribute to society and ;sorry I don't think just studying and praying is contributing to society.
63. PM sides with Haredi
Floriane ,   Israel   (07.15.12)
This PM seems to do everything possible to hurt Israel. Slow at getting migrants out of Israel bending backwards to thé world, Evicting Jewish Settlers and now pretending it is too soon to expect to draft Haredi now anything Good For Israel there???
64. # 61
Mark ,   KS, Israel   (07.15.12)
Fair enough, but understand it's not about giving time to adjust. This has been on the cards for years, but fine givew them time BUT, the bottom line is that they are not prepared or willing to serve and take, take, take. There is enough evidence supporting this fact, and that they are an unemployable bunch of national squatters, good for nothing! When they ALL start working and contributing fine. Until then, sorry!
65. Exam on Tulmud
Ronnie ,   Israel   (07.15.12)
If the gave the Haridim youngsters and external exam on Tulmud it could solve 2 problems. Firstly it would probe if tax payers money given to yeshivot is actually teaching them Tulmud or just being wasted. Secondly Heridi youngster who want to go into the army but are terrified of their rabbis just have to fail the exam.
66. To #54 How do you know?
Reuven ,   New York   (07.15.12)
Your comment is very funny, #54. How do you know that I didn't fulfill my IDF service requirements? It's nice of you to throw out insults instead of addressing the issue. That is usually the sign of a person with a losing argument.
67. Zionist forever
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.16.12)
Olim who came in the country in 1948 had no time to adjust , they were "trained" tchic tchac" and immediately sent to fight [ Both my brothers in law ZL ] Why can't charidi boys NOT begin theis Yeshiva "studies" at 21 ? Why differentiate between both groups ? Why not the Chilonim at 21 , and the "yeshiva students at 18 ? Those chilonim who serve in the IDF have to do it , wait three years . At the Univs students from abroad are the youngest ones , they don't serve in their country of origin , and come here aged 18 .
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