PM offers portfolios to Kadima MKs
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 23.07.12, 01:14
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41 Talkbacks for this article
31. Kadima rats fleeing their sinking ship.
Neil B. ,   Israel   (07.23.12)
32. our politicians
sue ,   jerusalem   (07.23.12)
are like clay. they can shape themselves the way they want to be at any moment. UNREAL. do not trust any of them.
33. Mofaz made a wrong calculation, he was going to use BIBI
Ari ,   Jerusalem   (07.23.12)
and Likud to gain political force. His party was already finished when HE ASKED BIBI TO ENTER THE COALITION. Kadima was going down the Drain If elections were to be held immediately they would have lost half of it's members. So Mofas risked it all. By exorting presure on BIBI to accept the Plesner's commitee conclutions he was calculating to gain political stature. Since BIBI couldn't accept all his demands he quit to make BIBI and the LIKUD appear as the bad guys of the picture. Again he miscalculated his political gains returning to the oposition. He shoot himself on the foot. He created a deeper fracture in Kadima and strength BIBI's position, now some members of Kadima are returning home. After all Kadima was made up of members of Likud and Labor to satisfy political ambitions. They were not loyal to their party. Like Sharon, Olmert, Tzipi, Mofaz and even Peres. BIBI stood by his principles again. Showing he is the master of politics. Most of theese talbacks have no clue as political analizers, they are to emotional, and in politics you have to be cool and patient. An this goes also fot Atila Somefavi, As a Journalist he is not Ojective, he is openly Anti BIBI
34. A bloated Government to save Bibi's job!
David ,   Karmiel, Israel   (07.23.12)
Anyone notice that not one of this bunch of no goods is prepared to taake on the most difficult job: Minister of Health! What a digusting group of slef-seeking creeps! As for the new law, well, if the Haredim go to to army at 26, then so does everyone else!. As for Hanegbi, well, he personified this Government. Was convcted of perjury and that says it all!
35. 30
zionist forever   (07.23.12)
The problem is the only people who can change the system are the politicians who benefit from it. Can you imagine Shas, Liberman, the nationalist parties or any other single issue party voting on a system like that which would result in the whole lot of them losing their seats. Even amongst the mainstream there would be opposition because some of them would lose their seats if we had fewer parties and were directly accountable to voters. Instead we get half measures like they toyed around with the idea of a directly elected PM and then went back on that pretty quick. They have talked about a percentage of the Knesset being directly elected ( SOME MKs we could get rid of others the party will give posts in the unelected seats so they are un touchable ). Now we are talking about raising the electoral threshold a couple of points and its already very low. Nobody wants major change which will result in a complete restructuring of the system for the better because nobody wants to lose their jobs. This system might have worked in the 50s when there were only a couple of parties and they needed to work together to develop a country but now the country needs a more mature system but I can't see us getting it anytime soon.
36. To no 15 Sharon you say? Sharon started all this political..
Ari ,   Jerusalem   (07.23.12)
prostitution he broke from Likud, he fracture Labor. People tren to loose their memories. Bibi stood by his principles. He did not accepted Gaza desingagement, and he was right. For what purpose did Sharon gave back land to Gaza, to receive thousands of rockets as gratitude. This is call paytime let's be clear , Bibi wants a strong coalition. What Yacimovitch, Lapid, Mofaz and all the others hate is BIBI's power. They envy him. But not only that he is not loosing adepts in the political arena, he is stronget than before.
37. Again Bibi wants a stable gov for the rest of its term
rebecca ,   Modiin   (07.23.12)
There is still work for this government to do. The tal law has to be replaced, and it needs to be replaced by something that all can live with, even if they dont like it. The Egypt border is falling apart and our gas and electricity supply is under siege. Iran continues to build it's bombs and defy the world and Syria is imploding right next to us, and we just have to wait and see there. Israel does not need elections and uncertainty now. We need someone who will hold the country together for another year, together as much as possible to ride out these storms. That is what Bibi is trying to achieve. While it will be difficult, he is the only one who might come close to achieving it. Bibi, Please keep trying, for Israel's sake.
38. #21 - very well said and very sad
ASHER ,   London   (07.23.12)
I feel pessimistic that lessons will be learnt. It seems to get worse and worse. The day Bibi became PM was in my opinion a day of mourning for the state - however I see the damage he causes, socially and morally, far worse than we could ever have imagined. Could it be that the situation has to get so bad before we wake up, so that real transformation can start to happen? Is this in fact the purpose of Bibi's 'reign'? We pray for the healing of the Jewish people.
39. :-) chutzpah!
J,Gedalov ,   Israel   (07.23.12)
Yahir Lapid will love to join the list of MKs without portfolios! cheers!
40. bibi is obviously a complete sellout
jack bauer   (07.23.12)
he is bought and paid for many times over. We need new leadership in likud to end this farce
41. to no 40 Hey dude! this is not what the polls say. Wake up
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