Haredim: 'No one will drag us into IDF'
Itamar Fleishman
Published: 26.07.12, 22:32
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61. Mi Yilad li Eleh ?.
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (07.27.12)
62.  52. Draft or jail ,...
split ,   US   (07.27.12)
How you're going to enforce it may I ask if you don't even know how many of them dwell in Israel - The most reliable source says 444,000–795,000 in Israel, for instance in Great Britain 22,800–36,400 in 2007 and 45,500 in 2008 - The don't participate in national census's and resort to fraud when pressured. That was the problem in Russia (Read A. Solzhenitsyn's 200 years together" where he dedicates a whole chapter to this subject) and the rest of Europe in the past and nothing has changed today.
63. the man is right
zionist forever   (07.27.12)
" People like to accuse the haredim of mocking the seculars and soldiers, but we respect them, they protect us. But our studies also have value. It all stems from ignorance and hatred for the ultra orthodox " Whatever your opinion on the value of their studies there is no denying that seculars hate haredi and this obsession with the idea of a haredi draft stems from that. The politicians don't care, its suited all politicians left, right and religious and non religious to leave things as they were for all these years. The IDF don't need them and actually do not want them especially in a time of budget cuts because the do not need the extra manpower but they are going to have to find the money to expand units like Nahal Haredi so its not an issue of national security the hared serve. The only people that give a damn are secular Jews and it largely stems from a hatred of the haredi. " Even if haredim are eventually recruited the authorities will quickly find that it is costing the state more, so I'm not concerned " The man is right 100%, the IDF do not want these people because its going to cost them millions. It is going to cost the army millions to draft all those haredi so how would that money have been better spent, drafting haredi the IDF nether want or need or buying equipment to fight wars? The really sad thing here is Bibi & Mofaz couldn't reach an agreement on this pathetic issue so Mofaz pulled out leaving Bibi with a majority of just 6 which is not enough to deal with legislation on big issues that Bibi & Mofaz were planning to address like electoral reform & some of the social justice issues. Pretty soon the government will probably fall non of the big issues like electoral reform will get addressed and its probably never will and its unlikely that with a majority of 6 Bibi will even get to deal with the hared draft.
64. self defense
leoblue ,   usa   (07.27.12)
Pull the IDF away from their settlements and let them defend themselves.
65. #64 Haredim don´t live in "settlements".
66. 63 ,...
split ,   U8S   (07.27.12)
They are the tribe of Dwek's and Rubashkin's they'll screw you up at the first chance they get and sell you out welcoming an enemies at your borders for a new arrangements and to save their asses. Like the yeshiva kid have or intended to say this a state of mind it has been implanted in them by their tribe/spiritual leaders and revered throughout generations. They know they can't be expelled because no right minded nation will allow them in after centuries of an experience of co-existence and that pogrom is not an option so, soon by numbers on their side they will make you serve them not the other way around. Life is a bitch ;) ,...
67. This escape
sam ,   cairo   (07.28.12)
This escape from the national service at least learning the soldiers the Torah
68. Yeshiva soldiers...
Debora ,   New Port Richey, USA   (07.28.12)
Their are plenty of soldiers who study torah and pray. There is a large part of of the Israeli society and the IDF which is secular and also antagonistic toward the Haradim but it is because they don't just study torah they hide behind it to avoid 2 big things taxes and military service. The more Hareidim in the IDF will make the military more Dati and it will make the Datim more Israeli. The secular part of Israel has very good reason to resent citizens who expect everything from Israeli society when all they offer in return is prayer. They can pray and serve and pay taxes like other Israelis. It is only fare. why can't the religouse leaders see how stupid it is to call other Israeli anti-semitic when they have just cause for their resentment. Israelis resent any citizen who recieves benefites without paying the high Israeli tax rate and don't serve in the military. That is why they resnt olim hadashim.
69. secular soldiers will be lose most from haredi draft
zionist forver   (07.28.12)
The army do not want them because its going to cost them millions to absorb them all through major expansion of units like Nahal Haredi and the military budget is already being cut.. The secular soldiers in the combat units will suffer as a result because there will be less money around to buy them the latest hardware they need. At the end of the day the seculars will lose out because they were determined to draft to change a system because they hate haredi and don't like the fact the law allows them not to serve same way it allows arabs not to serve.
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