Eilat hotel shooting leaves 2 dead
Meir Ohayon
Published: 05.10.12, 20:15
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95 Talkbacks for this article
91. Give us a break 90
John K. ,   Boston, Mass.   (10.06.12)
We just tired of you Sarah B.
92. Did you not read?
Michael ,   Haifa, Israel   (10.06.12)
a security person tried to break up his argument and Mr. Hershkovitz grabbed the security person's gun and started shooting.
93. To: No. 91
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.06.12)
So what? Go take a nap on a different website.
94. To: Chris at No. 82
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.06.12)
I live in New York City, and I do not blame the rest of the country. By the way, New York is not as violent as Flint or Detroit, or Oakland, or even Houston in the great State of Texas. Guns proliferate in this country, but gun ownership is not illegal. The Supreme Court has ruled on that. The fact is that all the gun control legislation in the world will stop a criminal from obtaining a weapon -- he doesn't care about the background check and the paperwork, because he's not interested in acquiring a gun legally -- he can't. But that doesn't mean that we should tie the hands of the law-abiding citizens who wish to acquire a gun to protect their homes and their families -- and that is really all that gun control legislation achieves. If you want to be effective -- no more slaps on the wrist for children found to be in possession of a gun. Hard time -- the first time. Put a 14 year old punk in prison for 15 years, and he will emerge a lot less interested in being a gang banger. Second offense -- 20 years. Third offense? Lock him up for good. He's unteachable and unrehabilitable.
95. Sarah, 94
Chris ,   Dallas, America   (10.06.12)
By no means am I beating on NYC mercilessly. I've seen some attitudes on one or two other talkboards which I've described, but, yes, it's wrong to place those over the entire town. And I went there for the second time in June of 012 and had one swinging time. NYC always delivers. I lived, I learned, and I loved every second of that wild apple. My personal belief is similar to yours, as I read it. When one picks up a gun, especially in adulthood, in order to use it as an expression of personal dissatisfaction, one dives into very troubled waters. One goes from childhood into cynical reality very quickly. I do agree with some of the sentiment that it is very sad this wasn't resolved via the courts or in some other fashion. But that is for another series of folks and another day. Nothing personal on any level. May those two young men rest in peace. And Blessings to their families.
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