Through Obama's eyes
Alon Pinkas
Published: 22.03.13, 12:53
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61. To: No. 50
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.25.13)
Bertram, the majority of Israelis do not trust the ersatz "Palestinians" and believe that enough territorial concessions have been made, with nothing to show for it except ramped up ersatz "Palestinian" hostility. Do you presume to suggest that you, in merrie olde England, have a better sense of Israel's security requirements than Israelis who live right there? Quite pompous and arrogant on your part, I must say.
62. To: No. 54
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.25.13)
Judge, I am surprised at you. Treaties between or among sovereign states are largely dependent upon one or another party to the treaty. Morsi has already abrogated the treaty with Israel on several occasions, and has failed to police the Sinai. Jordan doesn't want a treaty with Israel -- it's just that the road to United States aid led straight through Jerusalem. Abdullah II is NOT a friend of Israel. Moral force is very good -- Israel has that, in spades -- but it doesn't help much when your enemy attacks you with more concrete weapons. Really, Judge, yours was rather a silly comment. Happy Easter.
63. To No. 57
Bertram ,   London, UK   (03.25.13)
"Most people don't have the faintest idea about political philosophy, its history and its current direction. " Clearly, this must include you. What a muddle-headed person you are. Your description of 'cultural Marxism' and its 'Western acceptance' suggest not only your complete ignorance of Marxism but also your complete ignorance of the 'West'. You are evidently confused about the difference between critical analysis - and conforming to some dogmatic political line whether 'left' or 'right'. You seem to be one of a band of people for whom any kind of alternative thinking is a threat to your very being. Fortunately, not my problem.
64. So Turkey isaweak country deserving sympathy according to Ob
ab   (03.25.13)
ama ? He supported her outrageous demans on "flotilla" and twisted Bibi's arm on it. Doesn't tally with Pinchas' "explanations"
65. To Chaim & Sarah B
Bertram ,   London, UK   (03.25.13)
Unlike both of you I make no claims to speak on behalf of anyone other than myself. I don't expect anyone to agree with my comments which, unlike your comments, are not paraded as self-evident truths or derived from dubious assumptions, of which there are too many to document here. However, let's take just one example. As one of your 'leftists' I have, since childhood, been a supporter of Israel - as an expression of Jewish national self-determination. But this had to be fought and argued for, not least among the Jewish people themselves. To dismiss those who are critical of Israel as fools and traitors simply betrays your authoritarianism.
66. To: No. 65
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.25.13)
Then why do you presume that you know what is best for the State of Israel? You dismiss competing opinions out of hand as irrelevant. Quite authoritarian, don't you think? Or do you consider yourself to be in some way magically exempt from your pronouncements? That, too, simply betrays your authoritarianism. Getting closer and closer to Beijing all the time, Bertie. Keep digging.
67. To No.66
Bertram ,   London, UK   (03.25.13)
What IS the matter with you? Is this willful misunderstanding on your part or just plain thickness? Read carefully. I have an opinion. I argue against other opinions but I also listen to others. If I think there is substance to their arguments - whether they are uttered by the 'left', 'right', 'centre', religious, secular, Jew or Arab I am not afraid to modify my own arguments. Believe it or not there has even been the odd occasion when I have agreed with you! If that is authoritarianism then so is democracy. The point is I do not claim to speak on behalf others, especially others whom I do not know personally - but you do. Unlike you, I do not claim to be in possession of the ultimate truth on Middle Eastern politics. Unlike you, I do not label individuals on the basis of their ethnic, cultural or religious origins. Unlike you, I do not have the temerity to dismiss a people's claim to a particular national identity through the constant, boring use of the insulting adjective 'ersatz'. If I have misrepresented you, Sarah, please correct me.
68. #63 Bertram: Are you lecturing Easterners?
Tom W ,   USA   (03.25.13)
Cultural Marxism was invented by Eastern Eu/German "Frankfurt School" Marxist Philosophers, all of them of Jewish ethnicity. Read, Lukacs, Marcuse, Adorno etc. Its implementation started in the '60-es in the U.S. called "New Left", and culminated in Europe during the Cohn-Bendit led student uprising around '68. Today that '60-es generation leads the West: EU president Barroso is an ex-Maoist Communist.... Obama was tutored by Saul Alinsky, a Jewish communist revolutionary, his mother was an ardent pro-"minority" communist activist too. During your comrades' reign in E. Eu we were subjected to Marxist indoctrination from childhood and now we can see the same in the U.S. by the leftist crowd, including pro-Islamist, self hating Commie Jews. You'd better learn about the Roman general Fabius Cunctator - "Fabian socialism" doesn't ring a bell?
69. To No. 68 Tom W
Bertram ,   London, UK   (03.25.13)
Thank you for confirming my view of the simplistic, confused nature of your thinking. The 'Frankfurt School' was indeed disproportionately Jewish (relevance?) but was decidedly antagonistic to east European / Chinese Communism. However, that was not my central point. It was the fact that you identified 'cultural Marxism' with 'identity politics, multicultism (sic), secularism, anti-nationalism and hatred of Judeo-Christian heritage'. I am not a Marxist but I think you would be leapt upon for making such a banal statement! Finally, quite a significant number of the '60s 'leftist' crowd became leading neo-cons in later years rather than revolutionary leaders. Unfortunately, you appear to typify an American redkneck parochialism (your use of the term 'Commie' provides the clue) which tends to view any political position to the left of Genghis Khan as extreme socialist.
70. #20 Sarah
Makina ,   New York, NY   (03.25.13)
You time and again advocate to "expel" the Palestinian Arabs out of the West Bank areas. Here's an idea: Why don't you contact Germany, and see if they have any of those cattle-car trains left? I'm sure you are familiar with them ,and their connection to the Jewish people. That is why it is so offensive to EVERYONE that you keep harping on this pipe dream of yours of "expelling". Enough! Israel needs to stop asking the U.S. Taxpayer for $27 Million PER DAY and pay it's own way for what it wants, like everyone else! No more be a Schnoorer Nation. Enough already!
71. To: No. 70
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.26.13)
There is a difference between expulsion and repatriation. The United States repatriates illegal aliens on a daily basis. That is a right which accrues to all sovereign states, and when Israel annexes Judea and Samaria, all its Jordanian citizens will be repatriated to Jordan. And your allusion to cattle cars is absurd. We will not be transporting them to death camps, we will be sending them home. There is a world of difference, just as different as the Arab and Moslem nations that summarily expelled nearly one million Jews -- CITIZENS -- from their homes with little more than the clothes on their backs. But I don't suppose you're intelligent enough to appreciate the difference. You are also -- clearly -- completely ignorant of how United States foreign aid to Israel is structured. The United States derives a great deal of benefit from foreign aid to Israel, the overwhelming majority of which takes the form of joint venture investment capital. Those joint ventures have resulted in remarkable advancements in technology, medicine and a whole host of other areas. What benefit has the United States received from the trillions of dollars it has dumped into the Arab and Moslem world? Name one thing, please. The United States pours three billion dollars a year of cash aid into Pakistan, and vast amounts of military equipment besides. And how did Pakistan thank the United States? By shielding bin Laden for a decade? The United States spends trillions of dollars a year keeping the United States Fifth Fleet anchored off the coast of Saudi Arabia, protecting the Saudis. How does Saudi Arabia thank the United States? Why, by raising the price of Arabian light crude at every opportunity and cutting production. Some gratitude, eh? You're an idiot. I suggest you acquire an education -- your rabid hatred of Israel and of the Jewish people is showing. It has thoroughly blinded you to the truth.
72. Sarah B.
Pat ,   New Jersey   (03.26.13)
One question: who do you think you are to lecture all the people all the time?? We are really sick and tired with your comments. A second question: You don't like the States, take on the Israeli citizenship, return the American one and go, gezunter eyt, live in Israel and do your lectures overthere. Also, why are you talking about your husband??? Your first husband kicked you out, didn't he ???
73. #39 Logically, doesn’t that make you illiterate?
On the Balcony ,   NY, Kyiv, Akko   (03.26.13)
It is obvious to someone of my age, education and experience that the continued occupation of Judea and Samaria exposes Israel to greater, not fewer, risks. Perhaps you are just young, uneducated and inexperienced? You keep repeating the idiocy that “legal ownership of Judea and Samaria has been incontrovertibly proven by countless international law experts.” Once again, international law is formed by customs and agreements between Nations, not from the convoluted opinions of individual “experts.” The nations of the world have unanimously agreed that the settlements are a violation of international law. So too has the International Court of Justice. And Israel itself calls Judea and Samaria “disputed” territories” and does not recognize them as part of Israel proper. Obviously, something that is “incontrovertibly proven” cannot be “disputed”. It’s also telling that the government of Israel apparently doesn’t agree with you –nor does the “vast sane Israeli majority” --assuming there is one. :)
74. Reply #58 Sarah B, do you use Preparation H or…
On the Balcony ,   Akko   (03.26.13)
are you a perfect. _______ ? Please provide cites to the "black-letter international law" which states that the occupied territories belong to Israel and classifies the Palestinian Arabs living in the occupied territories as "aliens." It doesn’t exist. Are we expected to believe that the entire world is ignorant of the laws you refer to or that there is a massive conspiracy or that the International Court of Justice ignored "black letter international law" in its advisory opinion concerning the security fence? Do your paranoid delusions reflect a failure to take your medications or have you been sniffing something other than coffee? You are free to spout your irrational racist fanatical opinions but you should increase your medication before using expressions you clearly do not understand to create "fact" that do not exist. Frankly, I think that it will be easier for the majority of Israelis to make peace with the majority of Palestinians than for either side to make peace with people like you. I don't just smell the coffe I drink it. Although I fully support a peace based on a TSS that does not mean that I will throw away my gun or completely turn my back any time soon ---on either the Palestinians OR on nuts like you.
75. To No. 71
Bertram ,   London, UK   (03.26.13)
So, the 3 billion dollars in US military aid (Foreign Military Financing - FMF) given to Israel in 2012 is 'joint venture investment capital'. Yes?
76. As forewarned
John Prophet   (03.26.13)
Israel the Barbarians are at the gates and you’re surrounded by those who want you dead. They will not wake up one morning with peace in their hearts and love you. They wake up each morning with the same hate and more and greater weapons they plan to use on you. Those who preach peace with evil are fools; they will be the first to turn and walk away if you are destroyed and forget you ever existed. Shun them for they are blinded by the same evil that has you in it’s sights. It is written!
77. Pat # 72
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (03.26.13)
I appreciate Sarah B's intelligent comments. She is not silly enough to say she has one question and then proceed to ask three.
78. # 74 Drinking Coffee
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (03.26.13)
Considering where your head is you must have to use a very long straw.
79. #74. Sarah is a treasure. You are a far left kook.
Chaim ,   Israel   (03.26.13)
#74 Reall, Jump Off The Balcony. Sarah's posts are factual, well reasoned and imbued with love of Israel. Yours, on the other hand, are puerile far left nonsense. Your understanding of international law is nonexistant. Or do you consider yourself a better lawyer than Eugene Rostow, author of U.N. Resolution 242, or David M. Phillips, Northeastern University School of law? Sarah is a treasure. You are another leftist kook who'd love the box Jews into a nine mile wide death camp.
80. #73. Lunatic leftist argues for 9 mile wide Israel.
Chaim ,   Israel   (03.26.13)
#73 Jump Off The Balcony. It is obvious that you are either a fool, completely immune to common sense or both. You mount a lunatic argument for a 9 mile wide Israel. And you claim this makes Israel safer!!! How dumb does one have to be to believe this?? Is that why Jews left the concentration camps? To let lunatic leftists box them into a 9 mile wide concentation camp??? You insult the intelligence and dignity of the Jewish people and humanity in general.
81. #80. Ideology overrides common sense
Tom W ,   USA   (03.26.13)
Leftist believers of Utopian "New World" never gave up their convoluted ideas, not even in the gulags. I was a living witness of it, once... Stalin killed millions, leftists ruined every nation they set foot in- examples are abound - yet for some reason they keep on clinging to their disastrous ideas with blind devotion no matter what. As a pathological case study let's spend an afternoon at Haaretz, ...it's like walking into the wretched netherworld of lost minds in an asylum.
82. To Chaim
Bertram ,   London, UK   (03.26.13)
Any chance of a reply to my post at 41?
83. Kofiko
Dror ,   Emeq Izrael, Israel   (03.27.13)
Kofiko is our friend for now, what happens when the Dollar and the economy in Kofikoland collapses?? Kofiko becomes beligerent. Kofiko needs Israel as a scapegoat for the collapse of the American economy. Israel's attack on Iran will be the perfect excuse and distraction for the collapse.
84. reply #78 When screeching fails, try insults?
On the Balcony ,   Akko   (03.28.13)
Contra your buddies, the “incontrovertible fact” is that the international community and the International Court of Justice have already concluded that the settlements are currently illegal under international law. The ICC will doubtlessly conclude the same when asked. There exist no higher legal authorities thisl world. It only remains to be seen how many of the settlements Palestine might cede to us by Treaty but certainly not all of them. Israel merely pretends to be losing something, but in reality every settlement Palestine concedes to us is a gain. Since there are no facts with which you can argue against these statements, you are welcome to reveal your impotence by resorting to amusing attempts at insult. I don’t mind, after all, eagles don't chase flies, even those with “eaglebeaks.” :)
85. r#79 etseq: Sarah a treasure? Some treasures need burying.
On the Balcony ,   Akko   (03.28.13)
It seems that parroting birds (and beaks) of a feather here flock together –which makes you all the more vulnerable to a shotgun blast of truth. Your collective posts are neither factual nor well reasoned. I provide specific quotes, cites and references where my statements may be verified. (I do not cite Wikipedia as a legal authority, per se, but as a source for further research.) In contrast, you provide bald assertions and misrepresentations of untested or discredited arguments and opinions. Eugene Rostow was not "the" author of SCR242 -numerous countries and, in particular, the five permanent members of the Security Counsel were directly involved in the delicate wording of 242. Of these, France and Russia openly disagree with Rostow’s account, China is silent as far as I can tell, but, most important, ALL of the countries involved in drafting and passing SCR242 have held that the settlements violated international law from the start So much for Rostow. As for Phillips, he acknowledges that the international community and most legal authorities consider the settlements illegal and then argues that they MIGHT be wrong. Phillip’s argument, like Rostow’s, is severely undercut by the UN’s recent exercise of its “residual mandate authority” over the “residual” territory by formally recognizing the State of Palestine thereon. Calling me a left-wing radical, kook, lunatic, stupid, etc, reveals your lack of maturity, the shallowness of your positions and, with the exception of Eaglebeak,’s wit, extremely limited imagination. Sarah apparently loves Israel like pedophiles love little children –until they grow up. (You, Chaim, are still a little boy --so be careful.) Israel is growing up. Let’s see what Sarah has to say when we begin negotiating away the settlements. Fo now, enough ad hominem twerp --tweet us a cite to that "incontrovertible proof" that the occupied territories belong to Israel under international law that you are incessantly handwringing and crying about.
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