Ashdod: Haredi man spits on 15-year-old girl
Neri Brenner
Published: 30.07.13, 09:09
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71 Talkbacks for this article
31. #16 There should be a dress code law.
Rabbi Aviner has a dress code that could be incorporated into the law with a few modifications.
32. 12 Dror,purity is one of the main...
ORA ,   JERUSALEM   (07.30.13)
Tora laws.
33. No.27
Jew1 ,   Ashdod   (07.30.13)
Did you read the article properly? The 15 years girl taking her kinder-garden sister home!!!! The brave rat decided to show his muscles on them. Even the girl wanted to fight; she won't take into consideration her little sister's safety. The brave idealistic hareidi was no where to be found when the police came. Wow! You are brainwashed lady! May be religion has turned you in a nutcase who supports Jewish terrorism.
34. I do not see a problem
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (07.30.13)
Spit back. Or walk around with a spray bottle containing lye. That'll work.
35. I've got the answer
Scarborough1414 ,   Scarborough, ON, CA   (07.30.13)
How to stop these kind of attacks: Beat the stuffing out of any Hareidi who walks in a "secular" area on the charge of having a beard. Call secular areas a "no beard zone" and enforce it with beatings. Say if women can be spat on or assaulted, then Hareidim can be assaulted (severely) for having beards in a no beard zone. If they say that's silly, we can say silly is as silly does. When enough Hareidim have broken noses and dislocated shoulders, they'll behave. (Ynet will not print this as it makes too much sense. Here's what will really happen: The police will never find the guy. If they do, he'll be charged with a misdemeanor and set free because the frummies will threaten to riot if he isn't set free. We're too afraid of the bastards. Hey, their noses can break just like anybody else's. Stop being afraid of the Hareidim. Kill the motherfuckers if necessary. Now Ynet will never print this).
36. Each and every one of us
Sagi   (07.30.13)
is first and foremost a product of the education received at school and at home plus the influences of the environment in which one grows up and spends their formative years. Having said that this young man and others cannot be blamed individually for their behaviour, what they do, spitting, demanding segregation etc. are completely normal and natural acts in the context of how their minds function. My point is that they are not to blame, this does not mean that they must escape with impunity, they must be caught, charged with GBH and given an appropriate punishment. More important than this is to get to the root of the matter and solve the problem. Three causes, Rabbis inciting or condoning, lack of police intervention leading to prosecution and public indifference. Three solutions, The Chief Rabbis must issue an edict forbidding this, the police must be more aggressive and backed by The Justice Ministry, the public must demand a stop to this. If these conditions are not sought and implemented I personally fear that the public will start to set up vigilante groups in certain areas, which in turn will lead to civil strife. Problems must be tackled at the source, at the root, by ameliorating the symptoms one cannot cure the cause.
37. #27
simon marriott ,   haifa, Israel   (07.30.13)
I really couldn't agree more. This so called religious man should show respect to the teenager. The haridiim should also respect the people who live in secular areas where they have decided to build a yeshiva or want to live in. Yes, I know everyone has the right to live where they want in Israel, but in reality it is just not true. Try , as a secular, going to live in a religious area. They will throw stones at you, spit on you, abuse your property and your family. These are disgusting people. Mind you anyone who would want to live with the haridiim would have to be mad. They have no morals, no pride and are basically "ocherii Israel". Someone should also introduce them to the delights of body soap and clothes washing detergent Ora it is almost impossible to respect someone who hates you so much that they will spit on you. When I first came to Israel I respected the religious and there are many good things about religion but when people act like this there is nothing to do but condem..
38. Maybe he was trying to baptise her with a sprinkle baptism
Rivkah   (07.30.13)
without her consent. It is all a matter of how one views this as to whether it was an insult or a compliment. True, the baptism water wasn't filtered or sterile. But then, neither is the water of the Jordan River and people get baptised there all the time, travelling great distances to get some of that holy water on them. What is holier than water from the mouth of someone studying Torah? Ymm. Try to aim toward the face, please, so the spit can be savored and licked off. Yummm.
39. What's wrong with mothers dressing daughters in tank tops
Rivkah   (07.30.13)
to provoke lust and get them raped? Put an opaque t-shirt on them at least, not a see through white or sheer t-shirt. Maybe that will protect their virtue and keep them from being spat upon by Haredim. It is shocking to be spat upon and when one realizes one should have spat back, it is usually too late. The Haredim mean well. But those in Satan's camp want to dress like sluts and get away with it.
40. shame on those who blame the women!
Ron ,   Netherlands   (07.30.13)
What business do these fake-charedim have with even looking upon women? He should have looked at the ground like the proud jew he pretends to be. Only would-be rapists would lay the blame on others than themselves. How can spitting, or insulting immodest women EVER be justified by thora law. If it is clear that she would not suddenly change up her dress after being called out for being immodest it has become lashon hara. The chofetz chaim makes clear that she could have been perceived as someone who violates thora unwittingly. She has been degraded to a rebellious sinners thanks to this charedi. And how does this charedi show that G'ds path are gentle and peaceful (derachecha darchei noam, wechol hanivoteha shalom)? There is no peace in thora that degrades women by having them spit on, and blaming them for it. Thora is our instruction in elevating all our daily doings with holiness. There was no holiness there; just shameful chillul hashem by a talibani-charedi, who has shamed all us religious jews with his contemptuous behavior. If the women are to enticing to look at: stare at the ground! Cowards
41. To: No. 27
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (07.30.13)
Ora, I respect your uber-religious beliefs, but I can assure you that anyone who spits on me will live to regret his action. In prison. Blind for the balance of his days. I carry pepper spray at all times, and I know how to use it. To very good effect. Except my pepper spray contains lye. Do you understand? Look on the bright side -- there are Braille Torahs. Garden hose? GARDEN HOSE? Oh, hell, no. There are better things.
42. Women could show more modesty...
JewishHeart ,   Israel   (07.30.13)
But..... first of all this is a 99% secular neighborhood. The Orthodox should have thought twice before building a yeshiva there. If they have a problem with immodest dress, don't built a yeshiva in a 99% secular neighborhood! Seculars in secular neighborhoods shouldn't have to cater their dress to a minute minority of crazy Orthodox who build a yeshiva in the midst of a secular neighborhood. If this continues...maybe seculars should protest against lone yeshivas in the midst of secular neighborhoods. Maybe we should organize a protest against this yeshiva for having the hutzpa to build in the midst of a secular neighborhood! How dare they build here! And also to protest secular dress.....they should walk gently with seculars seeing they are the lone orthodox their and are guests. Guests can't tell hosts what to do.
43. I'd like to see him try that in my neighborhood
Joseph ,   London, UK   (07.30.13)
We'd see about what would happen to him and anyone who came to his defense.
44. Culture War has been declared!
nadav ,   tlv   (07.30.13)
It's time that the non Haredi population strike back. THese louts, fake Jews, need to be re-educated. Their chidlren should be forced to learn the State secular curriculum in COED schools. If they disagree, jail them or expel them from the country. There is NO room for this type of behaviour in the country - the same goes for radical muslims!
45.  Sigmund we need you ....
ky   (07.30.13)
This is an issue of repressed sexuality. This is what I suggest . Hire a football stadium Fill it with couches and force Haredim to attend en masse. A voice from a loudspeaker with then proceed to explain the malaise affecting them whether they like it or not
46. Whip him!
Gan-Chan ,   Berlin, Germany   (07.30.13)
Every male who spit on a Woman or harass a Woman should be lashed and punished! There is no place for misogynists!
47. 41The man and the girl are both...
ORA ,   JERUSALEM   (07.30.13)
equally wrong.For not showing respect for one another. The man would feel less aggravated by being spat on,than by the view of [in his eyes] a half naked woman.Women should know that by now. I blame the spitter far more than this foolish girl, because his behaviour causes hatred against the whole Haredi society.
48. This is the natiest, most disrespectful thing any human can
Linda ,   New Haven, Conn.   (07.30.13)
This is the most inhumane, nastiest, disrespecfulest acts that any human could perpetrate on another human being, these FAKE JEWS(no pun), Matrix's "Mr.Smiths", these peoples need to be put out the Holy Land. White Crackers(no pun) used to spit on black Americans as a sign of their hatred, lack of respect in demeaning a people and their self worth. This b-stard needs to be locked up, made an example of. How many times does this ingrained behavior has to occur to hurt, harm, traumatize one of G-ds creatures. this is sickening, most cultures to spit on someone means like you should be dead,,, put these peoples out of Israel, they will/are bringing the wrath of HaShem upon this state.
49. Use teargas or learn Karate! Kick in family jewels.
Yanky Pipchick ,   Baltimore   (07.30.13)
This always helps. Defend yourself. I noticed that frummies love to hurt others in a cheap back-stabbing kind of ways. Attacking the vulnerable and weak. -- When it comes to being a man, they wont join the IDF because it requires being a real man! -- In Baltimore , at a Yeshiva, 7 of them gave me dirty looks one day. They didnt have the guts to do anything. That would have been a BIG mistake. I am a male and not harredi.
50. derech eretz
Mordechai ,   Manchester, UK   (07.30.13)
It is the Holy Land and there is much more disrespect to it in the acts of this self-appointed defendant, who is apparently judges people by their outward appearance. How does he ever expect this young lady to honour the Torah, if he behaves so disgracefully in its name?
51. So he tries to scolar her morally
Stephan ,   Munich, Germany   (07.30.13)
My acting immoral himself? He is making himself guilty by spitting on her. He should focus on himself and question his own motives, that would be the right thing to do. He won't be asked by God about what this girl does but what he himself does. Everybody is responsible for his own deeds not the ones of others. If he wants to teach her, he should do that in a polite and nice way, with spitting on her he never makes her changing her habits, he achieves the opposite.
52. 29 Ora The Bne Akiba youth belongs...
robert ,   antwerp belgium   (07.30.13)
to the national religious camp, not the ultra orthodox who may have prayed or not but only few participated in the founding of the state;
53. Recollections of another time
Sagi   (07.30.13)
There is a definate parallel between what is happening in Israel today with the Haredim and the behaviour and ideology of the white ruling population of the Southern States from the time of the emancipation and up to the late 1950's and early 60's. As was the case then, these people are trying, through aggressive methods, to maintain and sustain the old order of things, thuggery and violence was used then and is used now in this case. In 1958 it was countermanded by Executive Order, for those who don't understand, it means that The President ordered the Military (101st Airborne) and The National Guard to intervene and enforce the law and the Constitution. I would welcome a similar process in our case, not only must the law be upheld, but human dignity also must be upheld, it is essential in a society that respects itself. We are losing our way and we are in urgent need of a compass.
54. Muslims are not the only intolerent ones
Rami of Nazareth ,   Israel   (07.30.13)
55. As always...
JDE ,   Boston   (07.30.13)
... the comments posted here by Haredim display the utter futility of any attempt to reason with them. Secular Israelis, why do you continue to allow these abominations to occur year after year? Rise up and take back your country - the country your secular parents and grandparents suffered and died to create, while these cavemen hunkered down in their yeshivot and did nothing. Why do you allow them to continue to dictate terms to you and to abuse you and your children in this manner?
56. Is Israel really a free country?
iselin ,   Oslo, Norway   (07.30.13)
Doesn't sound like it. Certainly not with equality for all. If a religious nut dressed in black, who hasn't bathed since the previous Friday, sweats his way down a secular street, emanating his BO as he walks, nobody reacts. If a teenager, who probably took a shower that morning and uses deodorant daily, wants to dress for the climate (and the 21st century) walks down the street and has to worry about being spat upon, who has more freedom? What amazes me is that so many Talkbackers feel that she is in the wrong. Until the religious contribute to the society, serve in the army (both sexes) and get off the dole, they have nothing to say. And to the crazy woman who said "umm" to being spat upon in the mouth, is that the kind of kinky behavior religious people like? No wonder people on the outside think that Jews are weird.
57. The girl was 100 % right !
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.30.13)
She may wear what she likes , and certainly the way she did in this weather . There is no reason telling that she is wrong , it's HER country too , and not only from this charedi . Again , where are the charedi rabbanim to condemn such acts ? Not condemning = agreeing !
58. Haredi man: Ashdod
Alice ,   Israel/Canada   (07.30.13)
Ora, I agree 1005 with you. Besides, men (women) are created in G-d's image.
59. Ultra orthodox opposed the creation
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.30.13)
Of Israel . They even opposed the entry to Jerusalem to a Palmach unit that had fought her way to the Capital to bring them food and water . it vwas Shabbat .[ told me by one of those brave men ]
60. Priorities
Racheal ,   Rehovot   (07.30.13)
At this time - 56 talkbacks condemning the crazy haredi man who spits on a girl (disgusting behavior - and he should be fined or whatever the law allows) 4 talkbacks condemning the non-haredi man (i figured YNET would let us know - they are so very good at that) who beat his pregnant wife. Where is all the righteous outrage? And don't give me this is another example of the Taliban-like way this country is going. Get real. The people who actually condone this behavior are a very small minority who get their kicks with all the publicity their stunts create.
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