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US limbo for Nazi suspects ordered out
Associated Press
Published: 31.07.13, 08:11
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9 Talkbacks for this article
1. isn't there a "covert" way to deal
Barney ,   USA   (07.31.13)
with these criminals. couldn't they disappear?
2. To: Barney at No. 1
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (07.31.13)
There is. There are many, many mysterious deaths of Nazi war criminals in every country they have sought -- and found -- refuge, except the United States. Perhaps it is time for Israel to stop cutting the United States so much slack. Rabid dogs deserve to die like rabid dogs. Truth be told, if someone is a murderous animal, I really don't care about his fragile health. I would do what Yugoslavia did with one war criminal deported there before Yugoslavia fell apart. I'd wheel him to the gallows in his wheelchair, and make sure that the trap was large enough to accommodate the wheelchair, if necessary. In his case -- it wasn't -- but he was hanged at the ripe old age of 85. For what? Killing a handful of Yugoslav partisans. The only person who ever went to the gallows for murdering Jews was Adolf Eichmann, may his name be cursed throughout eternity. Gee. I wonder how THAT happened! It seems that only Jews care about real justice. We need to abandon our natural delicacy towards seeing justice happen on American soil. The Americans for the most part do not care. We have very long memories. And I really do not care how old these Nazis and Nazi collaborators are. I need for them to know why they are meeting an inglorious end. They deserve that much. I have been reliably informed (although cannot prove) that the Nazi war criminals that have systematically been removed from this earth as the vermin they are have been told precisely why they are about to account for their lives by the people sent to administer the only justice these war criminals deserve. Happened in a lot of countries; never the United States. Time to forget about delicacy and get the job done. My husband once read the medical report on a prospective patient, and saw the medical report which described a tattoo which had been inexpertly removed from the left armpit. He knew what that meant. He simply refused to perform the surgery, which would have involved skin grafts to the face of a badly burned man. Never lost a moment's sleep over it, either. Reduced the morphine drip, too. Never lost a moment's sleep over that, either. The criminal Nazi patient would have died in agony. Good. That's justice.
3. Not sure about laws and 47%... but blacks were next to Jewis
Miron ,   USA   (07.31.13)
Jewish people in same barraks in Western Europe.
4. talkback #2
["The only person who ever went to the gallows for murdering Jews was Adolf Eichmann, may his name be cursed throughout eternity."] Eichmann was not the only one, Sarah. I'm a bit surprised, you really should know better. Rudolf Hoess (commandant of Auschwitz) was hanged in 1947. Amon Goeth (Plaszow), hanged in 1946. Josef Kramer (Bergen-Belsen), hanged in 1945. Arthur Liebehenschel (Majdanek), hanged in 1948. Fritz Suhren (Ravensbrueck), hanged in 1950 ...
5. @5 yeah... Kravchenko had your whakos on a short rope.
Miron ,   USA   (07.31.13)
6. Disgusting...
ProudZionist ,   USA   (07.31.13)
Ill be happy to join the Mossad in doing anything covert. Send these boys to gitmoooooo!
7.  US limbo for Nazi suspects ordered out
Nili ,   Lake Worth, FL. US   (07.31.13)
Send them to Israel. The Israelis will know what to do with them.
8. #2 Sarah
Bob Cassidy   (08.01.13)
You really are a funny person, and your imagination runs rife. You said before that your alleged husband was a facial surgeon? What does a removed tattoo under the armpit have to do with him? And you make him sound as sadistic and inhumane as you are. If true, he took a hypocritical oath and cares as less as humanity as you do.
9. Congratulations
Bob Cassidy   (08.01.13)
Congratulations to all those senior citizens who have survived the zionest kangaroo courts.
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