Netanyahu: Those who boycott Israel are anti-Semites
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Published: 17.02.14, 22:06
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66 Talkbacks for this article
61. #26 Birdi
Darren Ben John ,   Townsville Australia   (02.18.14)
You make me laugh now. BDS mate!
62. I am an anti-semite
Darren Ben John ,   Townsville Australia   (02.18.14)
There! So Sara B get your Overhead Happening or whatever they are called to run me out of my country where it is not a crime to be an anti-semite. BDS baby!
63. Lol Sarah you're a poor but funny soul
Non Jewish immigrant ,   Italy/Israel   (02.18.14)
First I already gave my full name at many occasions. You should have been more careful of when I wrote it down. Second, please remind me: who are you??? Oh right just a nobody. An empty soul and person who uses threats as her sole weapon for defense. I really don't believe in your poor threats Sarah.
64. To nr 7 - The boycotts are ideologically motivated
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (02.19.14)
The BDS movement opposes Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state - not just the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. "Boycotts are not against peoples but against what people do". Wrong! BDS and private organizations around the world target Israel because Israel is the national homeland of the Jewish people - which means they target the Jewish/Israeli people. If you study international law (the San Remo treaty and the Anglo-American treaty - two legally binding treaties recognized by international law) and 4000 years of Jewish history, it's painfully obvious that Israel - all of it, does in fact belong to the Jews and that no "Palestinian" people has ever existed in recorded history. You can't accuse Israel of a genocide that doesn't exist, since the Arab population has increased by 1000%. Genocide means the population diminishes - not that it increases by 1000%. There is no "occupation" in any valid legal terms, no "Palestinian" state has ever existed in recorded history and Jews haven't "stolen" anyone's land. It's OUR historical homeland! So the statement that Israel is targetted by BDS because of "land theft", "genocide" and "occupation" is clearly FALSE since there is NO genocide, land theft or occupation. The ONLY land theft that currently goes on is the Arab presence in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Israel is being targetted because it is the Jewish state and not because of what Israel "does" - that is existing and living in its historical homeland. BDS never targets Sudan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Cuba, Venezuela, China, Russia, North Korea, Belarus or Zimbabwe.
65. A question for Darren Ben John
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (02.19.14)
Isn't it a bit pathetic to hate people because of their ethnicity and religion? Do you Think people will cease to exist because you hate them? Do you Think people will cease to be who they are because you hate them? Hating Jews for being Jews is like hating the sky for being blue. Isn't it utterly pathetic to hate people who have done you absolutely nothing? Isn't it pathetic to use a modern computer containing Israeli technology to write talkbacks at Ynet - an ISRAELI NEWSPAPER, in order to tell the Jews/Israelis how much you hate them? It means you want the attention of the Jews - right? You use Israeli technology - the modern computer, to write talkbacks at Ynet to tell Israelis/Jews how much you hate them and you say you support BDS while the very computer you use IS Israeli technology! I mean, you really are pathetic, illogical and unreasonable. Want to boycott Israel? Throw away your computer and your cell phone and shut down the entire modern society of the 21st Century! Get yourself a brain baby!
66. israel boycott
Jeff ,   New York City, USA   (03.06.14)
Now that recent studies have shown that European Jews (as reported by nbcnews) are less semite than an average Italian, and with the charges of genocide by Israel against the semitic Palestinians, wouldn't it follow that Israel is the real anti-semite?
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