'A diplomatic storm is coming in January'
Itamar Eichner
Published: 19.10.14, 10:30
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23 Talkbacks for this article
1. Demilitirized Palestinian State Impossible
Zechariah   (10.19.14)
Just like Gaza and Hamas Fatah in Judae and Samaria will Militirize and who is going to Monitor Demilitirization and for how long .The USA still has Presidential elections in 2016 and there are huge threats from UltraBelligerant Islam .
2. Israel must then go it alone, starve off fatah and hamass
JEWBIE ,   ATLANTA USA   (10.19.14)
Jewish Doctor ,   ATLANTA GA USA   (10.19.14)
IT IS JEWRUSALEM , jew jew jew-rusalem and no arab revisionist, arab militant terrorist, abbass 'moronic threats', theivery, and over the top anti-semitism (remember his part in Black September massacre?) and his four faces.(arab street face, world condemnation of Israel face, phoney faced negotiator who doesn't/won't way or the highway face PLUS how in the world did abbass BECOME A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE when arabs all around him are destitute (except for the 1500 new arab millionaires gotten rich off off the skimming of int'l monies poured (squandered) into the opaque black holes called gaza and fatah...
4. Everyone tells me...
roxanne ,   usA/Israel   (10.19.14)
... You can't kill them all. :(
5. Netanyahu's mistake
Netanyahu could have strengthened Israel's hold on Judea and Samaria, while gradually letting Hamas take over and eventually killing the terrorist Abbas. He played along with Obama, making endless concessions and kept Abbas alive in order to buy Obama's help against Iran's nukes, and under the assumption that Obama and Europe are not interested in Israel's destruction. During the last war, Netanyahu's failure became evident when Obama and Europe squarely supported Hamas destruction of Israel and genocide of the Jews. As for the UN, does anyone seriously think that Obama will save Israel with a veto while he is busy with covering up his failure at handling the Ebola crisis?
6. midterms gurantees veto use
zionist forever   (10.19.14)
The US has midterms in November so the US veto is guaranteed. Right now though Obama has his hands full with ISIS so no time to focus on the pals. Abbas will go to the ICC its always been his plan anyway he was just waiting for the right moment. Israel is not signed up to the ICC so its people cannot be prosecuted the threat will be what they are none with individual countries deciding to arrest Israelis so ICC membership won't change that, What we need to do is delegitimise Abbas and his unilateral plan in western eyes.
7. @Solomon Balas
anya ,   berlin, germany   (10.19.14)
Do you even know how India voted on Palestine at the UN? For all three questions: Recognition, UNESCO membership, UN observer state there was a clear YES, FOR, FOR and "We look forward to welcoming Palestine as an equal member of the United Nations." Your comment only contributed to the assumption that you know nothing about depth and details - just find silly satisfaction in bashing the UN even with unsubstantial bias. But anyway! Why are you so obsessed about Indias representation at the UN? Because of Nethanyhoo smiling in the last photo op with Modi? Get a life!
8. UN bodes ill for Israel - not news esp with a Muslim US pres
Danny   (10.19.14)
Israel will have to finally get their head out of the sand and openly admit it.
9. West is going to Hell and you're worrying about the pishers
from Fakestina?! Really, that's what is keeping you awake at night....?When the crap hits the fan (in near future) I'd rather be here than anywhere else. The UN is a diseased "body", so one more virus (in form of another Arab, terrorist entity) won't do it any additional harm. It's dead anyhow.
10. Israel will reap what it sewed
Dan   (10.19.14)
We can't be surprised that the UN will turn against us. The world has turned against us. Why? Because two prime ministers have spent all their energies, with our blessing, grabbing land that isn't ours and doing everything possible to prevent the peace process moving forward. All we had to do was abandon the insane settlers and we could have had peace. Instead we made them our rulers. I have no sympathy for us. We deserve to lose our state.
11. USA and its allies
k   (10.19.14)
The S stands for selfish. Would you expect anything else from a nation that has a history of not standing by its "allies". Britain stood alone against the Nazis from 1939-41 and would never had entered the war had it not been for Pearl Harbor. Even then at the end of the war Roosevelt betrayed Churchill to appease Stalin. Israel needs to seek support everywhere, and not just rely on one" friend" by electing a leader that appeals to the man ( and woman) in the street, like they did with Golda and Moshe .
12. Only one thing to do
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.19.14)
Annex Judea and Samaria, and deport all illegal Arab squatters therein to Gaza. That's the ersatz "palestinian" state. They can take it or leave it. Perhaps their "friends" in the Security Council can offer them a part of their country to have a state. But Israel will not give up a single hectare. The United Nations does not focus on anything of importance in the world -- they have done nothing to stem the rising tide of violence in Africa. They have nothing to stop the incredible violence in Syria which has claimed a quarter of a million lives. They are flailing uselessly in the face of Ebola and, at the time the World Health Organization supposedly took charge, Ebola has spread its wings and come to distant shores, raising the risk to unknowing civilians in a great many countries. But the ersatz "palestinians" get front and center stage. Why? Because the United Nations can manufacture reasons to fault Israel. F**k the United Nations. As useless an entity as exists. THREE HUNDRED MILLION refugees on the African continent alone, and the United Nations cannot be bothered. The ersatz "palestinians," on the other hand, throw money into that bottomless well of pretended need and corruption, despite the fact that the UNRWA has proven itself to be war criminals and guilty of crimes against humanity. I'll tell you this much. Israel can exist quite nicely without the international community. We do not have to offer our brilliant chemotherapy protocols to anyone except the Jewish people -- and watch tens of millions of people drop like flies, because the international community has milked Israeli brilliance for far too long. The same holds true for Israeli owned patents in any number of areas. The world wants to crush us? Well, we can crush back. We can withdraw our licensing agreements to Israeli-owned and patented technology, and send you all to using ancient telexes and TDX machines. You want to invoke some sort of stupid BDS? Well, fine. We'll invoke back, and immediately activate all the self-destruct quiet malware embedded in every single piece of hardware and software Israel has ever sold to anyone. Hey -- no problem, right? Two tin cans and a long piece of string are fun! Does the international community believe that the Israelis have not taken steps to ensure our viability? That would have been a stupid thing. We're Jews. We know better than to trust the goyim. We've taken steps. Challenge us at your peril. 'Cause you really have no idea, do you? Think STUXNET. Think DUQU. Think FLAME. There's more. Much, MUCH, more. Don't try our patience. You won't like the results and -- when the dust settles -- Israel will be here. Not too sure about anyone else.
13. What Israel should do
Isaac Storm   (10.19.14)
Israel needs to start working on having at least seven nations vote no, abstain, or absent themselves from the vote; otherwise, with a US veto, Abbas could go to the UNGA under the uniting for peace resolution, which in all probability would pass. It is not binding but it has bite and would hurt Israel. From Abbas's talk, he appears to be wanting to bring the resolution to the UNSC after the US 2016 Presidential elections. Abbas is probably counting on Obama to vent his anger against Israel without any political backlash. Israel's best course of action is to mend fences with the Obama administration and keen in on its diplomacy skills. I am not saying that Israel is wrong - but right and wrong do not matter in these situations. Might makes right. Diplomacy is the ability to step on a fellow's shoe without messing up the shine or the art of telling someone where to go and having that someone ask directions. Israel needs to master this art of diplomacy and very quickly.
14. #10 dan
solomon ,   bklyn   (10.19.14)
Read some history, then post. Israel has been willing to compromise, the arabs aren’t. They also want all of Israel. Hamas is still bent on destroying Israel and killing all the Jews. It is worth listening to your enemies as they are explicit in their goals. Thy know better that you what they want. You ignore them at your own peril.
15. One point NOT covered in the article:
solomon ,   bklyn   (10.19.14)
The symbolic move involved only about 200 members. Parliament has 650 members, most of whom didn't vote as a protest.
16. We know sotero is a sunni..
Beary White ,   Norway   (10.19.14)
..and now his intentions are fully revealed, and he will vote accordingly. Don't be surprised..
17. If the US does not veto it will destroy the UN
Mordechai   (10.19.14)
Let me explain US politics. If the democrats lose the majority in the Senate and Obama supports the PLO's anti Israel moves, the Republicans House and Senate supported by the majority of the remaining democrats will vote to defund the United Nations. No one in the world will be impressed because dictatorships like Malaysia hate Israel and if Obama wishes to join them then he will just destroy his own Presidency. Indeed its quite likely a impeachment motion will succeed and NE democrats face the choice of being defeated in 2016 or removing Obama from office.
18. #12 Israel owes the UN its existence
Ben Alofs ,   Bangor, UK   (10.19.14)
What a laughable rant against the organisation that voted the immigrant settler State of Israel into existence! The Palestinians are going nowhere. They are the indigenous people of Palestine staying steadfast in their home land. The big question for the future will be, how the two groups, Jews and Arabs, will live together in the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean in what to all extent and purposes is a bi-national state. Will it be in the apartheid state of Israel or will it be in a country, that belongs to all of its citizens, irrespective of their backgrounds?
19. Europeans have not thought this through
CJK   (10.19.14)
the arab palestinians do not have a territory that could become a state. gaza and the territory of the west bank will remain separate and there is nothing that anyone can do about it. nor can anyone force the sovereign democratic jewish state to withdraw from any territory under her authority. nor can any foreign entity determine unilaterally the borders of sovereign states, including israel. the obsession with the arab palestinians is counterproductive. the europeans have adopted without examination the arab muslim narrative and their grievances. the europeans and now obama are willing to cater to the arab muslim claim that their own self inflicted wounds are the result of white colonialism. the west has been blackmailed by the rich arab states for decades and it has been unable and unwilling to take measures that would put an end to this blackmail. it is much easier to blame the jews.
20. #18 ben - wrong on all counts
solomon ,   bklyn   (10.20.14)
1. The Jews brought Israel into (re)existence. Israel was accepted as a member of the UN after it was recreated. 2. The arabs came in the Muslim Conquest of 670’s AD (!). They decided to call themselves “Palestinians” in the 1960’s. Until then they insisted they were Egyptians, Syrians, etc, depending where their individual homeland was. 3. The arabs have shown that it cannot be a bi-national state. Hamas insists it will kill all the Jews and wipe out Israel; the PA insists “no Jews allowed”. 4. Israeli arabs vote, are in government, sit on the Supreme Court, and go to the same hospitals as Jews to be treated by the same Jewish and arab doctors. The arabs of the surrounding countries insist on keeping their “brother Palestinians” in camps. The Muslim arabs are trying to get rid of the Christian arabs. Apartheid? Yes! But it is the arabs practicing apartheid, not the Jews. 5. Keep your eyes and ears tightly shut. I wouldn’t want you to see the truth; you couldn’t take it.
21. 18
yonatan Allon ,   adelaide/Israel   (10.20.14)
The Palestinians are Arabs-so how can they be the indigenous people of Israel.Guess where Arabs come from?Don't know?Arabia-fool.Even "Allah"says in the Koran that Israel is the land for Jews.Even Arafatt said that there is no such thing as a Palestinian-it's a new invention.Palestine originally was Israel.
22. #12 - impractical Sarah
spyguy ,   seattle usa   (10.20.14)
While Israel could certainly annex the west bank as Sarah advocates, in the REAL WORLD, Israel can NOT do any of the other things Sarah advocates. For starters, there is no practical way that Israel can simply "round up the usual suspects" and send them all to some other part of the earth. If Israel tried that, it would start a massive war it can not win. It would get thousands to hundreds of thousands of Israelis killed. As for attempting to blackmail the earth by withdrawing technology, the world will simply steal what they need from Israel and Israel will suffer massive economic damage. As for any sabotage in Israeli products, there is none and even if there was, there are plenty of very smart people around the world that can easily remove it. The SIMPLE REALITY is Israel is actually a pretty powerless small country that will eventually have its ego bruised and will have to learn to live in the real world. Any attempt by Israel to retaliate against the world will be met with fierce and deadly reactions. In the end the will of the 7 BILLION will prevail over the ego of the 7 million.
23. Play the game and fear nothing
US citizen ,   Atlanta, US   (10.20.14)
the Almighty has Israel's back though the whole world opposes.
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