Obama warns Netanyahu: Don't sour Iran talks with Congress speech
Yitzhak Benhorin, Gilad Morag
Published: 09.02.15, 20:29
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48 Talkbacks for this article
31. How the Jews trusted Roosevelt
Zechariah   (02.10.15)
For the Jews Roosevelt was fantastic .They ignored the Harsh quotas he applied on Jewish Escape from Nazioccupied Europe except for a Few .Roosevelt said Palestine the Britishoffered Rhodesia but the Colonial Whites were Radically against.Turkey refused entry probably the greatest Disgrace ofall for an Islamic Land .Expected they Genocided the Armenians in a Death March with shootings and Starvation.And now Israel gives the Africans a Hard time .Human Race in a relatively bad state .Still lucky the USA is the Military SuperPower and maybe the Russians also.For Now .
32. Criminal Trials, not negotiations, with Iran's regimes.
BUTSeriously ,   Sydney   (02.10.15)
33. Should Bibi speak in front of Congress
igal ,   Los Angeles, USA   (02.10.15)
I believe it is the Duty of BiBi to speak in front of the US congress and speak the truth and inform the United States Congress, the US citizens and the world of what the real threats Iran poses on the world and especially the Country of Israel. I don’t believe he should be encouraged to stop his appearance by people like Tsipora or Israac Herzog or, by the US president or vice president . We actually should praise Boehner for his bravery in inviting Netanyu and allowing him to speak the truth and bring to light what truly is being negotiated behind closed doors and how it will backfire and be harmful for the well being of the USA, Israel and the world. . In addition, I believe that Bibi should not only address the US congress but also deliver a riveting speech as did Dr. Martin Luther king in front of the Washington monument and ask the American Jewish community, Jewish supporters and the rest of the world to stand behind him and defeat the brokering of a dangerous deal with Iran and save us from a nuclear terrorist country.
34. Putin's Vote
Mark ben Josef ,   USA   (02.10.15)
It escapes me how Netanyahu thinks he can change the vote of Putin of China or London, France or Germany with a speech to Congress two weeks before the deadline for Iran to agree to a framework. Iran is negotiating with 6 NPT countries. For one NPT country to change all the basis of negotiations at the last second is irrational. The rest of the NPT would ignore the US, and rightly so. Let Netanyahu talk and call for whatever he likes. Obama can always veto anything or fail to veto anything at his will. Netanyahu has placed personal gain about the value of the US relationship to Israel, especially trying to demonstrate that he can bend an American President to his will.
35. Go us from Obama & his Israeli minions, Tehran..
Scott ,   Haifa   (02.10.15)
and Obama's top election aide Jeremy Bird here in Israel working to defeat Bibi with the challenged left...We don't believe the nonsense that media is pumping out, Israel is not that stupid and it is going to backfire on Pharoah Obama. Love the way Obama says he doesn't want to meet Bibi when he's in America because he doesn't want to interfere with Israeli politics and he's busy working overtime to replace Bibi with Jeremy Bird...haha. Typical of this administration with Kerry, Clinton, Obama and all the lies.
36. obama please shut the hell up.
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (02.10.15)
If you refuse to meet with Bibi, stay silent and remain a fool. ( opening your mouth dispels all doubt.) By barking orders sideways at Bibi you know he's going to make obama look even more foolish ( is that possible?) obama walked into a pile of camel poo and can't get his foot out... Fitting as obama believes that "Global warming" AKA cow farts are the only vital issue of the day. OY!!! KEEPING BUSY BUILDING BABY !!!
37. # 6 BINGO! You just won the brass ring.
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (02.10.15)
But, as most democrats are idiots, ( look at who they elected twice) chances are slim.... KEEP BUILDING !!! obama's term is coming to an end.. Thank G-d!
38. # 10 Bob Yes to that !!!
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (02.10.15)
Not only congressmen, senators, the American People and, the world. obama's no intellectual match for brilliant Bibi. I almost ( not really ) feel sorry for obama, when Bibi's speech is over, so is obama. MORE BUILDING MEANS MORE VICTORY AND MORE LIVE JEWS !!
39. # 14 Drugs or alcohol?
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (02.10.15)
either way, your delusional. Bibi just won a war that obama walked away from in Iraq leaving it wide open for ISIS who he seems to prefer over Israel. So, since ISIS has threatened to fly their flag on top of the WH has obama also helped them measure the drapes for their colors? ALWAYS BUILDING ALWAYS WINNING !!! and obama can do neither
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (02.10.15)
thanks to you and your mouth that can't close, you've made Bibi's speech a 'must see' for everyone over the age of 17. LOL now, the jokes on obama and his few powerless democrats who've sold America for a loser and highly hated obama. MORE BUILDING !!!
41. obama is terrified of Bibi
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (02.10.15)
Bibi speaks truth to obamas lies. obama has become a pariah and now seen more clearly as the enemy of not only Israel and our allies but, America herself. NO WORRIES LONG AFTER obama IS BUT A BAD MEMORY ISRAEL WILL STILL BE GROWING AND STILL WINNING !!!
42. Bibi the politician
Fred Willis ,   Chicago USA   (02.10.15)
The truth is that Iran is likely far enough along that they could put a bad bomb together now. A bad bomb would be a highly inefficient one which would had to be delivered by truck or ship. What this deal, if the outlines of it that we read about are correct, will do is prevent Iran from building a good bomb. What I hold against Netanyahu is that he showed that he is not willing to do what it takes to get rid of the tunnels UNDER GAZA which is precisely where all the Hamas infrastructure is and he has been totally dishonest about admitting that taking out the Iranian facilities which are also underground would require a ground operation and the truth is that he prefers the US spend the lives to do it rather than Israel. As an American this makes me furious.
43. Translation: Don't interfere with my
DT ,   TA Israel   (02.10.15)
plans and that of the EU to ensure Israel's destruction. Munich '39 is Munich 2015
44. "Sour": as in opposite of a "sweet" deal for the mullahs?!
45. #1 Obama is not contradicting...
Adler J   (02.10.15)
all iranians are as difficult as they are rare. Same is Bibi, but essentialy stubborn, so is not absurd what says Obama. The deal depends on the political will of Iran. Everybody knows Bibi is not the kind of politician that haves the polite ability to say things nice, and how to talk nice against Iranians nuclear programs? they support terrorism?... So Obama dont want to take the chance, what if they get mad and dont sign the deal because Bibi speech...?
46. Confidence in yourself
Mathilde   (02.10.15)
Vote for Eli Yishai or Bibi Netanyahu! Say No to Wars!
47. To nr 17 Yes Iran can be denied nuclear technology
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (02.10.15)
We defy anyone we like, becasue we just lke you are created in the image of God. We are no slaves and America is no slave master. So we will continue to "defy" America. We could also say that America defies Israel by placing Israel in mortal danger with this deal. Unlike Iran, Israel is not threatening anyone. Israel has nukes and poses no threat to you or anyone else. If Iran gets the bomb you can bet every cent that Iran will use them on Israel, the Arabs, the EU and the US. USA had no business and still has no business telling Israel back in the 60s, that Israel cannot have nukes. If nukes are unacceptable then they shouldn't be in your arsenal either. The non-proliferation treaty is simply an arbitrarily made decision. Who says that nations should be allowed to possess nukes only because they acquired them prior to a particular year and date? China and Russia - both dictatorships, have nukes and they acquired them prior to the deadline date - that's why they are "official nuclear nations". Claiming that USA can have nukes but Israel cannot is sheer American hypocrisy and American power play. Yes Israel "deceived" America and I'm glad Israel did - Israel protected its independence and sovereignty from a predatory and imperialist America under Kennedy's leadership. Israel's insistence on having nukes makes both Israel and the world safer - it makes the Arabs less likely to attack Israel. Most large scale wars (involving states only) in the Middle East have lately involved USA - not Israel. Israeli nukes actually make America safer in case you haven't understood it yet. Yes countries are allowed to possess nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. The problem is that Iran is not a peaceful country and civilian nuclear technology can in just a matter of a few months be converted into nuclear weapons. Who is to stop Iran then? Or maybe should an Iranian nuke be detonated on US soil to make the point sufficiently clear to you? How to solve this? Attack Iran and preferably destroy every square inch of Iran. You don't like it Bill? Honestly who cares? Regarding the possession of civilian nuclear technology: Change the regulations - only western democracies should be allowed to possess civilian nuclear technology. Laws and regulations are made by man. Stop playing dumb.
48. bibi's effect on negotiations
dee ,   Massachusetts   (02.11.15)
The Israeli election should be held first. What if he isn't re-elected? Israel law prohibits campaign speeches being aired sixty days before an election. Bibi is attempting to change this, because the 'Israeli people have a right to hear.' The United States in NOT his public relations firm. Invite the winner after the election has been decided.
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