Jewish Scene
UK Jewish group causes furor with women drivers ban
Published: 29.05.15, 21:03
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11 Talkbacks for this article
1. Look: either you permit "freedom of worship" or you don't!
2. The women in these sects
The women in these sects have huge numbers of kids. Within a couple of generations their numbers in London will explode. If they're at loggerheads with the wider society already it is nothing compared to what the future suggests. Add in the Muslims whose traditions are also in conflict with the English way of life and it's not a pretty picture.
3. The Haredim have become Taliban Bananas
Al   (05.29.15)
They are indeed insane. Don't they know you can never stop a Jewish women. Women wake up and rid yourself of these buggers. They impregnate you, leave you in poverty and in their free time which is all the time they visit the titi bars in baseball caps.
4. The truth behind the cause
Onas   (05.30.15)
I don't mean to sound wrong or vulgar but I have lived in bork park for few years and ultra orthodox ladies are very "loving" and "polite" They have many children with many men and take lovers discreetly. Couples get married but they both indulge in illegal relations with almost anyone who is their neighbor. I know this because I was part of it. They thought I was Jewish because of my Caucasian features but after a while they were ok with me being Muslim. I didn't like that lifestyle but i do have respect for those neighbors and Bork park in general due to their kindness and respectful behavior. In general, women shouldn't drive.
5. the ban is outrageous
CJK   (05.29.15)
modesty has nothing to do with driving a car. punishing children because their mothers drive is illegal since the prohibition on driving is not part of jewish religious laws.
6. 4
CJK   (05.30.15)
it is impossible to infiltrate the haredi communities by non-jews. so your entire spiel is a huge lie.
7. #6
Onas   (05.30.15)
It's not about infiltration. They aren't modest at all but they are ok people. they are religious but not so much as I first thought they would be. Its more complex, traditional Yiddish thrown in with some converts, especially women who provide ..
8. Truancy is punishable by law in UK
And mothers go to jail because of their children truancy. So mothers are so particular and happy about school runs. And that's what educational minister will be looking at to support women take their children to school. Until then,,,,,,lets keep watching this space.
9. Hassidisch wives
robert ,   antwerp   (05.31.15)
Those hassidic women I know do not seem at all unhappy with their fate. They have been brought up to function as a help to their husbands and are mostly happy. On the other hand, the fact that more and more restrictions are being put on women in the guise of modesty smells wrong. Some of the hassidic husbands do cheat on their wives, mostly with non jewish women (it's not being seen as cheating). So it makes more sense to put restrictions on the husbands than the wives.
10. Stop the Lashon Harah about Chassidim!
Koose E Mack ,   NY USA   (06.01.15)
But allow me one story re: a Brothel in Boro Park. A newly married Chassid visited a local brothel in Boro Park. After finishing his dirty business, he realized that he left his Tallit Kattan at the Brothel. He hurried back and the Madame greeted him at the door. The Chassid nervously said,"I left my Tallit Kattan here." The Madame, said, "Wait one minute." She came back with a carton full of Tallesim and said,"Do you know which one is yours?"
11. Make Alyah!
Ex-oleh chadash   (06.03.15)
a Third world country is suitable for people like that.
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