PM 'changing policy' with new measures against J'lem rioters
Itamar Eichner, Roi Kais
Published: 16.09.15, 12:54
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11 Talkbacks for this article
1. Yahoo hasn't sold Golans to IGIL, yet, hasn't he?
Miron ,   USA   (09.16.15)
Chris Rettenmoser ,   Bayerisch Gmain Germ   (09.16.15)
3. herzogian and livni policies have killed israelis
jay   (09.16.15)
bibi using herzog and livni policies have strained to please eu and obama in having pacifist rules on police response to arab stonnings and molotovs etc actually producing the opposite results-causing more stonings and now death and injuries. Arabs only understand a hard hand- that is what they were raised with. Gne yaalon has got to get away from the bibi methodology of weakness concessions and then response. bibi should be movedd out by likud because he is weak like herzog livni and lapid. At the same time, it is more important to tell obama to shut up with his interventions about jerusalem since it is none of his buisess. Bibi cannot do this cause he lacks gutls as his father cllearly pointed out.
4. weinstein-get off your ass
hy   (09.16.15)
weinstein-your olmert and livni permissive polices have gotten israelis killled. Get off your bloody ass and do your damn job. Enact some legislations that sends stone throwers to jail for minimum 5 years and life for those causing injury and or death You have been acting in concert with that loser livni who now flip flops wants tougher penalites atfer criticizing erdan for pressing judges to enact tough sentences as their permissive rulings are gettting israelis killed and injured. That israelis can elect people like livni lapid herzog bibi is a greater danger to israeli sovereignty than all of israeli's enemies. It must elect people who believe insoevereign israel, not a bunch of USS asskissers who run to obama or kerry at the first sign of trouble and ask US to pass on every israeli decision. Bashar assad has acted more as a soverign lately than alll of israeli leaders as he has been under enormous pressure and yet has not thrown in the towel. Bibi and livn would have offered concessions, withdrawan from the golan and the west bank in return for a peace agreement wiht isil. Now we see why jews have had so much trouble over the years. They fail to act as an independent sovereign. And they act weak especially the haredi whose rabbinic leaders need a boot up the ass with their overreliance on spriitual study to the exclusion of developing the body, defense and vocational skills. Weinstein- get off your peacenik ass and enact smart but tough legislation.
5. israelis-enough is enough
shimon   (09.16.15)
get shatterproof windshield your cars. Both the driver and passenger/s should be armed with guns after training and obtaining them legally. Draw your guns and shoot rock throwers, all of them until they stop or until you can get away. When enough israelis arm themsleves, they can take care of arab rock throwers. Shoot them dead if necessary since they intend to kill you. Forget about Israeli police who are sitting there with their arms tied behind their backs by peacenik policies.
6. bibi could do one good thing
morty   (09.16.15)
bla bla bla and bla. Bibi is full of air as is the o pposition. 2points- in the last campaign against hamas in , gaza, you recall biibi ran short of ammo which husseinobama withheld as a form of pressure- you recall that. Well bibi and idf had to anticipate a shortfall and h ad to plan a resupply of their own via stockpiling months earlier. This the dumbbell did not do as olmert and livni did not acquire fire fighting aircraft leaving bibi and israel high and dry in the carmel fire. This shows theignorance and lack of ability of israeli leaders. As leader I would ensure resupply by stockpiling missiles, planes, tanks, apc and ammos to resupply and make israel independent of pressures. As for the home front as shapira pointed out, israel is not ready, whether shelters, emergence/gas masks, etc, israeli is slow. So bibi is a failure in this area as were most of isreli leaders=- they haven't a clue. And yaalon sits behing bibi, yaalon a good general who is becoming a bs artist like bibi- calm for calm bullshit. Bibi should do the right thing and announce he is stepping down and appointing bennett to be interim pm. Note that abbas calls jews filthy for descretating arab monumnetss. He didn't talk so big when yvet was around as he was scared of him. No one is scared of bibi who runs around cryng and begging. What the helll kind of p erson did bentzion raise??
7. The King of Jordan is such a tool.
David ,   Hartford USA   (09.16.15)
He's losing his own country to murdering Islamo-psychopaths and all he can do is to point his finger at Israel for trying to protect Israelis at the wall being bombarded by rocks and bottles by Muslim goons on top of it. The junior king will soon lose his kingdom and probably be beheaded for his trouble. Bibi should either put police on the Temple Mount so Muslim thugs can't cause trouble or should set up a sniper nest that can 'remove' rock throwers before they act. The proper move is to put police on the Temple Mount and ignore what the King has to say. He's kissing up to the Arab street for brownie points, but that won't save him or his kingdom. I won't be surprised when the King and his wife, in an American-made F-16, land in Israel as they run away from their zombie-infested country.
8. jews just codifying reality in apartheid israel
James USA   (09.16.15)
families to be punished for acts committed by a relative, that real talmudic justice. It is a continuation of israel to be goyim free and promote jewish supremacy
9. "...decided to consider changes.." Hmmm
Johannes ,   Norway   (09.16.15)
10. Goliath is metastasized
US citizen ,   US   (09.17.15)
it is the Lord of hosts, Himself, that will needs deliver that any human, Jew or Goyim, survives.
11. Israel and the Muslim world
Larry ,   LA (formerly)   (09.17.15)
If this happened in the Muslim world, the Muslim police would have leveled the mosque with the rioter inside and the world would have kept quiet. But since this happens in Israel, the Israeli police are afraid to do anything (except beat up Jewish settlers) and the world makes a big stink against us. Next time level the mosque with the rioters inside and to hell with the world.
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