Trump postpones Israel visit to 'after I become president'
Published: 10.12.15, 14:33
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1. Trump is best for jews
Heshy ,   New York   (12.10.15)
As an orthodox jewish american I and most Orthodox Jews will vote for a Trump. It is true that the vast majority of american Jews who are not religious will vote for Hillary. Just as in last two election 80 per cent of the secular Jews voted for Obama. The average american Jew does not care much about israel because their causes are abortions and gays. Among Orthodox Jews Trump is their man. Trump is doing a smart move by not wasting his time going to israel. He will not get votes from american Jews anyway so why waste your time when he needs to campaign here in America. Trump has been very pro jewish and has been the grand marshal in the NYC israeli day parade back in 2004. His daughter became an Orthodox Jew and I have seen her in kosher restaurants eating out. When Trump will visit Boro park Brooklyn there will be tens of thousands of Jews greeting him. He is an American hero and speaks what we as Americans think. Hillary would be worse for israel than Obama was.
2. Baruch sh-patarno Good Riddance!
miki ,   tampa   (12.10.15)
3. trump too sensitive
jay   (12.10.15)
while trump is more can do than the other professional politicians, he is far too sensitive to any criticimss. he cancelled the bibi meet because bibi rejected trump's proposal for a moratorium on moslem immigraiton. and bibi was correct on this one. US should redesign the vetting process because he wife shooter was not asked any jihad quesitons and not pushed after a quiet start. the blood of 31 victimes is on the head of the consular jackass who failed to any questions on jihad activiies. what a shmuck! Israel knows how to ask such questions. Moslems are human beings before being part of a religion most often handed down from parents. They are needed to deal with their wayward kids. and where the parents are in cahoots, they have to be severely punished. But to paint with a broad brush is not the best idea and gives another recruiting argument. Trump cannot take any criticism. aslo he writes his own playbook and it is not always thebest or most transparent or most honoroable. He is a fighter and he is unprdictable which are good qualities but his sensitivity to look in mirror and say to himself-quit the bs is a personality problem possible because he never got a boot up the ass when he was excessive as a kid.
4. Trump stay home please
alex   (12.10.15)
How about people in Israel do not want an extremist closed minded man like Trump to become president or even visit Israel? stay home trump your even a disgrace for America.
5. Smart move
BUILD BABY BUILD !!!   (12.10.15)
he knows it puts undue pressure on Bibi and Israel. I just watched him on FOX News, he well may be America's next President, couldn't be worse than obama who's made the 'bottom of the barrel award' for being the worst President ever. He's right, after he's elected, they both can celebrate together. BUILD MORE SAVE MORE !!
6. How come nobody goes crazy when Saudi Arabia denies Jews?
David ,   Hartford USA   (12.10.15)
How many Jews and Christians have immigrated to Saudi Arabia? None. They don't give citizenship to non-Muslims. Where's the outrage? All Trump has said is that the USA needs to step back for a few months to figure out how to properly investigate all the Muslim refugees since many have proven to be homicidal sociopaths. That's not really too much to ask for. How come nobody screams at the Saudis for not taking in A SINGLE REFUGEE? Why aren't the gulf states 'looking after their own?' People forget that the USA barred Jews from immigrating during WWII- and those Jews didn't believe in a sociopathic 'holy' book and tend to murder innocent people at concerts, sporting events, and Christmas parties! There are 20+ Arab countries that can be taking in these people, 20+ Arab countries that should be able to put a stop to Assad's regime. This is not a responsibility of the west. Trump is saying what needs to be said. Within the Muslim flood of refugees is a minority of honest-to-G-d psychopaths- something that no other refugee group entering America has EVER exhibited. Something must be done.
7. Trump is best for jews
Heshy ,   New York   (12.10.15)
As an orthodox jewish american I and most Orthodox Jews will vote for a Trump. It is true that the vast majority of american Jews who are not religious will vote for Hillary. Just as in last two election 80 per cent of the secular Jews voted for Obama. The average american Jew does not care much about israel because their causes are abortions and gays. Among Orthodox Jews Trump is their man. Trump is doing a smart move by not wasting his time going to israel. He will not get votes from american Jews anyway so why waste your time when he needs to campaign here in America. Trump has been very pro jewish and has been the grand marshal in the NYC israeli day parade back in 2004. His daughter became an Orthodox Jew and I have seen her in kosher restaurants eating out. When Trump will visit Boro park Brooklyn there will be tens of thousands of Jews greeting him. He is an American hero and speaks what we as Americans think. Hillary would be worse for israel than Obama was.
8. #6
Does Saudi Arabia masquerade as a democracy like the United States?
9. To No. 1.
Bertram ,   London, UK.   (12.10.15)
Yes - and quite a number of Italian Jews supported Mussolini. It seems that many Jews are increasingly afflicted by a kind of collective Stockholm syndrome i.e. identifying with people who oppress or would oppress them. Trump has now become the biggest recruiter for IS/Daesh. They must be rubbing their hands with glee at the antics of a man who more than reinforces the the view that the West is in freefall.
10. all politiciansUS & Israel should stay away from Temple Mt
Rafi ,   US   (12.10.15)
Do you seriously want to pore more gasoline on the fire? Have you ever considered who pays the price for this demagoguery - starting with Ariel Sharon's "walk" in 2001? It's first & foremost the poor slobs who have to serve in the Police, Borders Guards, IDF... who are the targets of the rocks, bottles, knives, bombs & worse. Security forces should be saved only for critical matters of survival - and not to pay the cost of political theatre.
11. Trump - will not be president
Tova ,   Canada   (12.10.15)
because the world is afraid of Islam. Should Trump become president it would very very very dangerous for Israel. Jews are already under threat. Trump is not a racist. The United State is finished no matter who is president. Obama made sure that Israel would be defeated and in return Obama has made the United States suffer.
12. Muslims are the New Jews.
Murray the K ,   Brooklyn, NY   (12.10.15)
Muslims are now demonized like the Jews, before the Holocaust showed the world what vile horrors irrational unsubstantiated hate brings. There is no evidence for the recent acts attributed to muslims. Pictures and video and narrative are very very weak forms of evidence and without corroboration is not evidence at all. If Trump believes what he says then he does deserve to be a POTUS.
13. Muslim hate is based on myth.
Murray the K ,   Brooklyn, NY   (12.10.15)
In these recent celebrated attacks Mr. Trump start by proving even one dead body. And sorry pictures and story is just not real evidence.
Yo , like a dog with a bone ,Trump 's just been on da telephone , he wishes to postpone , he feels all alone ,likes to moan , Trump gives many people the hump , on him they like to dump , they are in a bind ,cause Trump always speaks his mind ,or so I find , but he can also be generous and kind , so his critics can go pound sand ,cause with Donald Trump ar least you know where you stand....
16. ;) ,...
split   (12.10.15)
17. Read between the lines, pinheads ,...
split ,...   (12.10.15)
18. Yahshua the Jewish Messiah did not go where Hewas not wanted
Rivkah   (12.10.15)
until he was ready to perish. Donald Trump is following the noble example of his Saviour. Too bad he wasn't made to feel more welcome.
19. Why should islamic cult memebers complain??
Beary White ,   Norway   (12.10.15)
Many Islamic countries denies jews visitations. Many evil Islamic countries has in an apartheid manner cleansed their countries for people with non-muslims religions. So, actually , mr Trump is right. He say what should be said by the scandinavians politicians.. Sweden has now the next high rape-victims statistics in the World, only one African country has a higher rate. Even, it is nine times higher than in Denmark.... So, clearly, Islamic cult followers have NO respect for women from non-Islamic cultures, while running around with open zip'ers in their trousers..... Come on mr Trump, you are politically correct. !!
20. Trump has his brains in his pocket and foolishly believes
Israel   (12.10.15)
that people are stupid enough to vote for an idiot again. Hey .... with liberal Jews everything's possible, even Hilarious Clinton.
21. To nr 4 Speaking of extremism
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (12.10.15)
How many Jews, Christians and non Muslims are allowed to immigrate to Muslim countries, and become citizens of Muslim countries? Jordan controls 80% of our Jewish homeland and the Arabs want the remaining 20%, the Muslims have a mosque on the ruins of our two Jewish temples, the foreigners and the intruders ARE ALLOWED to worship on OUR Temple Mount but we Jews AREN'T ALLOWED, and Jordan doesn't allow Jews to practice Judaism in their country, Jordan and most Arab states have apartheid laws banning Jews from becoming ciitzens and owning real estates. Trump and every decent person on this planet should wage a war against Islam and free Israel, the Middle East, Europe, USA and the rest from the world from Islam. So do me a favor: shut up and let people with higher IQs deal with world affairs. I happen to feel disgusted by Bibi's and other politicians' rejections of Trump's statements. Trump is spot on. Israel and the West are in the clutches of poitical correctness, left wing liberals and traitors. Israel should ban Islam completely and expel Islam and Arabs from our homeland. YOU don't speak for me or Israel. I support Trump's anti-Muslim statements 100%. Bibi and the political establishment in Israel are a bunch of traitors and cowards. YOU are the problem - NOT Trump.
22. #9 And you suffer from denial
Benji ,   US   (12.11.15)
Perhaps you're one of these UK types calling for Trump to be banned from entering the UK. Same ilk that boycotts Israeli academics. Silence anyone you don't agree with and label them. Be an elitist and pull the cover over your eyes. You sure sound threatened by Trump.
23. To Murray: Calling Muslims "new Jews" is repulsive.
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (12.10.15)
Jews are and have always been a tiny nation fighting for its very right to exist. All we wanted are just basic human rights and for that we were massacred in millions over centuries. There are roughly 13-15 million Jews world wide. Muslims amount to well over 1.5 billion people in more than 50 nations, and the Muslims threaten Europe demographically. Muslims have declared a war on non Muslims for the past 1400 years. Millions of people have been killed across the world in the name of Islam. Comparing Muslims to Jews is repulsive. It's like comparing Nazism and Hitler to Jews. Islam is a religion. Jews are a nation. Islam rejects every notion of a liberal western democracy. Islam is an anti-Semitic racist genocidal political ideology hellbent on World domination, indicated by the Koran. Just like Nazism, Fascism and Communism, Islam must be outlawed. Every year, 6 million Muslims in Black Africa convert to Christianity because Islam cannot answer people's most fundamental spiritual needs. Islam teach hatred and war - not love and peace. Islam and democracy cannot coexist and there isn't a single Muslim democracy in this world. Muslims are perpetrators and not victims. The West is under attack by Islam and Western leaders are afraid of calling a spade a spade. Islam is no better than Nazism, Fascism and Communism. I suggest you study Islam and the Koran and this study will be an eye opener. No sane normal person can possibly accept Islam and its teachings.
24. To nr 9: Trump recruits IS? And the Earth is flat I guess?
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (12.11.15)
One of us is raving lunatic but it's certainly not me. So outlawing Islam and keeping Muslims out of the USA is the same as endorsing Islam and recruting new IS terrorists? Your counter response must be that Trump's statement would encourage Muslims to join IS - right? But Muslims have joined IS in the thousands long before Mr Trump made his statements. Muslims have attacked Jews, Israelis, Europeans, Russians, Americans, Westerners and non Muslims for decades - well in fact for centuries, long before Mr Trump made his statements. The young fledgling American republic's fleet of commercial ships were already under attack by Muslims in the Middle East in the 18th and 19th Century. Probably because of Mr Trump's statements no doubt. The West is in freefall because of people of your ilk. The West is declining spiritually, demographically, economically and militarily - Western and Eastern Europe in particular. The West has lost its spirit, its essence, its identity, its purpose and its reason de etre. The West has lost its will to live, to fight back, to preserve its unique Western character and identity, the West demonizes itself, glorifies and protects people who are hostile to the West and its liberal Western democratic system (which you personally abuse Bertram). Letting in Muslims in the millions will demographically overwhelm the West. USA still has a chance to survive since Muslims still constitute a very small minority. Europe on the other hand is doomed and will become a Muslim Arab continent if the Muslim immigration to Europe isn't reversed and if the current residing Muslims of Europe aren't deported back to their homelands. USA needs to fight back against Islam and USA had better to it as quickly as possible. I personally prefer Republican candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio for their very pro-Israel stance. Trump is not my favorite candidate, but I prefer him over Clinton and the Democracts any day.
25. To nr 10 Israel is a sovereign and independent Jewish state!
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (12.11.15)
And we Jews walk wherever we wish and we pray wherever we wish - in Jerusalem and on the Temple Mount in particular. Ariel Sharon was a Jew walking in his own homeland. That's not provocative. What's provocative is for non-Jews and Muslims preventing Jews from moving where ever they wish in Israel - that's truly provocative, racist and discriminatory. PLO/Fatah planned their terror attacks way before Mr Sharon paid a visit to the Temple Mount. His visit to the Temple Mount was merely an excuse to start another intifada and kill Jews in the thousands. The Muslims are attacking Israel's Jewish character and the Muslims use threats, Blackmail and violence in order to silence the Jews into submission. The only people that pore gasoline on the fire are the Muslims who are attacking Jews in their Jewish homeland and their Jewish capital of Israel. The Israeli declaration of independence declares Israel as a Jewish, free and democratic country with democratic rights for all and the freedom to practice religion. Banning Jews from their very own Temple Mount in the very heart of their capital while allowing Muslims to worship on the ruins of our two temples is as anti-Semitic and discriminatory as it gets. The ones who should stay away from the Temple Mount are the Arabs and the Muslims - not the Jews and not the IDF and not the State of Israel. It's precisely because Arabs attack Israel's Jewish and democratic character and resort to violence, blackmail and threats when they can't get what they want, that Arabs need to be expelled from Israel, Jerusalem, Golan, Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Do me a favor Rafi and shut up. You are the problem and not the solution.
26. To Tova in Canada:Canada is finished as well
ASTRONAUT ,   USA   (12.11.15)
as your bubeleh PM Trudeau embraces thousands of muslim "immigrants' who, within a decade, will out-populate even the Canadian moose.
27. ey Trump, do me a favor
Adler J   (12.11.15)
Last november Michele Bachmann, Republican Congress member while palestinians were attacking & stabbing israelis, Bachmann called to convert Jews to Christianity. Stupid republican lady, tell your Vatican Pope to try to proselytize In Berlin, Cologne, Franckfurt or Stuttgart calling thousands of muslims & refugees there to convert to Christianity! ahhh, you know why you wont do it? because you are afraid muslims could assassinate your Pope as a muslim tried to killed Pope Karol Wohtila in 1981. Go evangelize and proselytize your ass! there in the U.S. you have more than two thousands mosques to convince muslims to convert, or try to convert the 30% of black muslims or africans muslims like your Obama to became christians, but dont fuck with us, Israel is a State for jews, and we will continue been jews, good.
28. Trump tells the truth and people are in an uprorar
C   (12.11.15)
trump tells the truth, but he is not diplomatic. the foolish hypocratical elite classes believe that he will close the doors to all muslims till the end of times. what trump is saying is that many muslims pose a terror risk to the us and the west, including with biological and chemical weapons. there is no doubt that the visa and immigration systems must be totally overhauled. obama has spent his presidency apologising for muslim slaughter, terror, rape and torture. it is time to elect an american president whose major concern will be to defend america and western values. western values do not include lashings, stoning, rape, torture and child marriage.
29. reply to #21
Adler J   (12.11.15)
hi there, Jews are not interested to immigrate to Arab League Muslims countries that were british & french entities during and after WWII. in fact, many jewish communities who were living in arab muslims countries came to live in Israel before & after 1948. Even though, in perspective, doesnt matter who could became U.S. President, the proposal itself and the significance to ban Muslims entering United States as tourists or refugees it is not a good idea, specially because it creates a precedence, and since so many judgments and decisions are based on what came before, imagine what if other countries are willing to do the same? What if other democracies or less moderate countries decided to ban not specifically another religion but a nationality? or a language? can you imagine anyone voting for Carson if he mocks "although skin color is a sign of racial identity, i dont like yellow journalism"... just kidding lol Believe it or not, Morocco (then a french colony but muslims ..)was the first country to recognize the independence of the United states? - "let people with higher IQs deal with world affairs".I completely agree with you.
Nicki Adar ,   USA NYC   (12.11.15)
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