Opinion  Yoaz Hendel
Encouraging IDF service through carrots rather than sticks
Yoaz Hendel
Published: 09.03.18, 10:03
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11 Talkbacks for this article
1. Good article, but...
Mordechai ,   san francisco   (03.09.18)
This is a very good article but it misses 3 points:

1) The heart of the debate is the fact that Haredim who do not serve get welfare benefits. How lazy does a person have to be to refuse National Service like working in a hospital (isn't that a mitzvah?) or serving in the police?

These are not rhetorical questions. We have a segment of the population that will even disown their OWN CHILDREN who choose to serve in the IDF. So, I went to yeshiva. I know what morals are. The Torah is full of that. And these people who claim to fear God behave like this? People like the ones protesting have no morals. Torah means nothing to them. They get to wear a suit and hat, belong to a gang of sorts.

These people do not in ANY WAY resemble the Haredim from Europe. What they have evolved into is an Israel phenomenon that may be beyond a solution.

Cutting them off from benefits with some warnings is more than fair.

They are even too lazy to show up to the draft office for a deferment.

2) How do you Israelize an Arab who feels strongly from his upbringing that he is Palestinian and NOT Israeli? I do not know the answer. The author clearly does not know either. If it would be an easy one then it would have been solved by now.

3) Haredim who disobey their own Rabbis to instead protest and wear the Yellow Star of all things have no place in any civil society. If we saw Poles in Poland or Hungarians in Hungary mocking the Yellow Star then there would be a lot more about it than the coverage for this topic, believe me.
The solution is obvious, instead of yound soldiers in tanks and patrolling borders with guns ,while simultaneously their haredi compatriots are sitting in yeshivas , we need young men sitting in yeshivas with guns and tanks, and young haredi men patrolling the borders carrying the Talmud and the Shulchan Aruch.
3. Just stop tranferring our money to them: problem solved
Vered, Israel   (03.09.18)
Even if they don't go directly to the army, if we just stop the intergenerational welfare payments nature WILL take its course. They will become less fanatical and more practical.
4. Sensible Realpolitik
Netanel Jeneverbes ,   Hevel Modiin   (03.09.18)
Intelligent and thoughtful article full of sensible Realpolitik. The exact facts do not matter so much: the approach is positive and practical.
6. True Democracy in all of Palestine is only solution
7. "Israel doesn’t need more soldiers"
Moshe   (03.10.18)
The author is wrong. IDF seeks to enlist more girls and incorporate them into combat units in order to free more reserve soldiers from routine security tasks and so not disrupt their civil work or study.
8. missing the point
zionist forever   (03.12.18)
The IDF doesn't need the haredi, they are trying to slim down the army as it is use more technology, most the haredi will end up job nicks not doing a job the IDF needs doing.
The only reason for the haredi draft obsession is because the secular middle classes hate the haredi and if the haredi do not want to go into the army so those seculars want them there because its what the haredi do not want to do.

If they wanted to serve those secular middle classes would be saying the haredi have a bad influence on the army and they belong in their yeshivas rather than the army.
This was also all started by Lapid because its a populist idea and for all his talk about sharing the burden he was a journalist in the IDF which is hardly sharing the burden, what we need is a civilian national service for haredi, arabs because they will gain an education and contribute to society in the IDF they wont.
9. So you agree Bennett is right
Mordechai   (03.13.18)
Strange how you attack Bayit Yehudi and then agree with the party's position of carrots not sticks.

Forcing an unwilling community into the army would be a security risk. They would run when faced with any battle. But simply giving benefits to those that serve will give their youth a powerful incentive to do so.

Nachal Haredi is succeeding. That's why the extremists in the haredi community are so angry. Let it succeed
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