TEL AVIV - The artist and writer who are collaborating on “The Golem” for Ynetnews bring a wealth of experience and wide recognition in Israel to their new task – a daily comic strip featuring Israel’s first nanotechnology-powered superhero.
Artist Uri Fink started his comics career in 1978, when he created the superhero series, “Sabraman,” for the Jewish American market. His big success came with the comic book, “Zbeng,” which is for and about Israeli teenagers. “Zbeng” has even been made into a television program in Israel.
Fink has created many additional titles, such as, “Super Schlumper,” the daily political strip “Shabtay,” “Jungle Book,” “Profile 107,” and “Fink!”, an English-language comic book about the Middle East situation published in the U.S.
Writer Eli Eshed (site in Hebrew) is a journalist, author, researcher and culture aficionado who explores the Bible, popular literature, comics, and local and global mysticism.
'The Golem' first appeared in a mock history
His published books include, “Tarzan in the Holy Land,” which was published in several expanded versions, “Welcome to Stalag 13,” and “From Tarzan to Zbeng - The History of Israeli Pulp Literature,”
for which Eshed received the Maariv newspaper’s “Author of the Year” award in 2002.
An English version of Eshed’s essay, “Hebrew Comics - A History,” can be found here.
Eshed and Fink first collaborated in 2003 on the book, “The Golem,” a mock history of the character’s path through Israeli comic books. Despite the lengthy volume's extensive artwork showing The Golem in a series of comics and styles from the 1940s through 1990s, the "history" evoked is fake; none of the comic books in which The Golem is said to have starred actually was published.
The strip the two are doing for Ynetnews is the first regular appearance of The Golem and his erstwhile partner-in-adventure, Lilith.
The series expects to explore the mysteries of the Golem's origin and to take Golem and Lilith on a wide-ranging series of adventures on behalf of the Jewish state. The stories will not ignore the heroes' true identities, and will address the challenges of being a superhero in the media-soaked environment of the 21st century.
- Send us your story ideas for the Golem and Lilith. Write to us via Red Email or to [email protected]
"The Golem" strip will run in two formats - a daily, four-panel strip familiar to those who read comics in newspapers, and an expanded, weekend strip that will offer a greater opportunity for extended storytelling and artwork. Both strips will be archived on ynetnews.com.