
Terms of Use

Dear reader, the following Terms of Use apply to the use of websites that are managed and operated by Yedioth Internet, a registered partnership, of 1 Noah Mozes St., Rishon Lezion (hereinafter: “Yedioth Internet”), including Ynet and Ynetnews (these sites shall be hereinafter referred to, for convenience, as “Ynet Sites” or “the Sites”). The use of Ynet Sites, their content and the various services operating thereon confirms that you accept these Terms of Use, so please read them carefully. Ynet Sites also include content, the use of which is subject, in addition to these general Terms of Use, to an online agreement that addresses them specifically.


These Terms of Use apply to the use of the Ynet Sites and the content included on them via any computer or other communication device (e.g. cellular telephones, all kinds of Personal Digital Assistants, etc.). They also apply to the use of the Sites, whether via the Internet or any communication network or other means of communication.


Hereinafter, the terms “Content” or “Contents” include any kind of information, including any verbal, visual, audio, audio-visual or any combination thereof, as well as the designing, processing, editing, distributing and displaying thereof, including (but not limited to): Any picture, photograph, illustration, animation, drawing, image, imaging, sample, clip, sound and music files; any software, file, computer code, application, format, protocol, database and interface and any note, sign, symbol and icon.


The Use of Ynet Sites

You are entitled to use the Content of Ynet Sites according to the rules set forth herein. The Content of Ynet Sites may not be used otherwise, without the prior, explicit and written permission of Yedioth Internet and will be subject to the conditions of such consent, if granted:


• The content of Ynet Sites is meant for private and personal use only. You may not copy and use, or permit others to use, in any other way, Content from Ynet Sites, including on other websites, electronic publications, printed publications etc., for any purpose, whether commercial or non-commercial, which is not for personal and private use.


• You may not run or permit the running of any computer application or any other tool, including Crawlers, Robots and similar software, in order to search, scan, copy or automatically retrieve content on Ynet Sites. You may not create or use such tools in order to create any compilation, collection or database containing content from Ynet Sites.


• You may not display any content from Ynet Sites in any visible or invisible frame.


• You may not display any Contents from Ynet Sites in any way—including by the use of any software, device, apparatus or communication protocol—which change their design on the site or remove any Contents therefrom, in particular advertisements and commercial contents.


• You may not link Ynet Sites from any website containing pornographic contents, contents which incite racism or discrimination or which are illegal or the publication of which is illegal or incites an illegal activity.


• Ynet Sites contents which are not posted as the Sites’ homepage (deep link) may not be linked, posted or published in any other way, unless said deep link links to a Ynet Sites page “As Is” and allows its view in an identical way to Ynet Sites. As such, Ynet Sites' content may not be linked independently from their location on the Sites (e.g., you may not create a direct link to a photo or to a graphic file on Ynet Sites, but only to the full page on which they are displayed). Furthermore, the exact URL address of the Ynet Sites’ Internet page must appear in its usual place designed for this purpose within the user interface—e.g., in the status bar of the user’s browser. You may not change, distort or hide this address nor replace it with any other address;


• Yedioth Internet is entitled to instruct you to cancel any such deep link, at its sole discretion. In this case, you shall immediately cancel the deep link and shall make no claim, demand or take any action against Yedioth Internet in this regard.


• The present provisions do not derogate from any other provision in the general Terms of Use and in the online agreements related to the services on the site.


• Yedioth Internet shall have no liability for any damage caused as a result of any link to Ynet Sites' Content and any display or publication of such Contents in any other way. You bear complete and sole responsibility for any link to or display and publication of the content which you created, and undertake to indemnify Yedioth Internet for any damage caused as a result thereof.


• Embedding videos—It is forbidden to embed videos from Ynet Sites without prior written approval from Yedioth Internet on any website, including on a website containing or hosting: Pornographic content, content which encourages racism or wrongful discrimination or content which is illegal or the posting of which is illegal or which encourages illegal activity, or websites in which the video embedding constitutes a violation of moral copyright of a third party, including the video’s creators and its copyright owners. Yedioth Internet reserves the right not to allow the embedding of videos and/or change the link to the video without having to notify you about it in advance, and you shall make no claim, demand or take any action against Yedioth Internet in respect of the implementation of such changes and/or failures occurring during the course thereof. Yedioth Internet is entitled to instruct you to cancel any such embedding, at its sole discretion. In this case, you shall immediately cancel the embedding and shall make no claim, demand or take any action against Yedioth Internet in this regard. Yedioth Internet shall have no liability for any damage caused as a result of embedding videos from the Ynet Sites. You bear complete and sole responsibility for any embedding performed by you, including dealing with copyright and paying the relevant copyright associations in accordance with any law, and undertake to indemnify Yedioth Internet for any damage caused as a result thereof.


Information Posted by Ynet Sites' Users

Content originating from the Sites' users is published on Ynet Sites. Such content is published in zones designated there for, such as discussion groups (forums), chats, talkbacks, blogs and other services which enable you to post your own content on the Sites—whether separately, in a zone exclusively designated for user content, or together with Yedioth Internet Content. Posting contents for publication on Ynet Sites does not grant you any right to demand that such contents be published or continue to be published.


Yedioth Internet encourages freedom of speech and the conduct of a productive dialogue on the Sites, with your and other users’ active participation. However, in order to enable a civil and responsible discussion and to prevent abuse of your possibilities for expressing yourself on the Websites, Yedioth Internet may review such contents prior to publication. Such reviews shall only be carried out in order to attempt to prevent the publication of hate speech, threats, vulgarity and contents which are prima facie illegal, with no need to use professional legal discretion.


Yedioth Internet shall bear no responsibility for such contents, and the exclusive responsibility there for and for any consequence resulting there from shall be borne by the user who posted such contents. Such contents do not express the opinion or position of Yedioth Internet and its publication provides no guarantee as to its validity, authenticity, accuracy or legality.


When submitting information and content for posting on Ynet Sites, you bear full and sole liability for any consequence deriving from the posting. You must ensure that such contents are lawful. Among other things and for the purpose of illustration only, publication of the following on Ynet Sites is forbidden:


• Any information you know to be false, misleading or fraudulent;


• Any information infringing or violating proprietary rights of other parties—including copyrights or trademarks;


• Any information of a pornographic or crude sexual nature;


• Any information concerning minors that identifies them, their personal details or their address and ways to contact them;


• Any computer software, computer code or application containing a computer virus, including hostile programs known as Trojan horses, worms, vandals, malicious applications, etc.;


• Passwords, user names and other details enabling the use of computer software, digital files, websites or services that require registration or payment, without such payment or registration;


• Any content constituting defamation of a person or violating his or her privacy or reputation;


• Any content which personally identifies other people, who did not give their consent to the publication of their identity;


• Any content of a harassing, insulting, hostile, intimidating or crude nature;


• Any content which exhibits or incites racism or wrongful discrimination based on race, ethnic or national origin, color, culture, religion, sex, occupation, sexual orientation, disease, physical or mental disability, belief, political view or socio-economic class;


• Any content encouraging the perpetration of a criminal offense or which could serve as a basis for a civil action or liability.


• Any content which might mislead a consumer;


• Any content of an advertising or commercial nature;


• Any content which contravenes accepted Internet code of practice or may cause damage or harm to Internet users in general and Ynetnews users in particular;


• Any content to which access is blocked by a password, etc. and which is not freely accessible to all Internet users.


Yedioth Internet may refuse to publish or immediately delete any content you posted, whenever it finds that you have violated these Terms of Use or that you committed an act or an omission which harm or may harm the services provided on Ynet Sites, its users, Yedioth Internet or anyone on its behalf. Moreover, Yedioth Internet shall be entitled in such a case to prevent you from posting further content on Ynet Sites. The provisions of this paragraph supplement the rights of Yedioth Internet according to any law.


If Yedioth Internet decides to publish any content that you posted on Ynet Sites—it may edit any such content, at its sole discretion, including by abridging the same.


The contents which you submit for posting on Ynet Sites will be exposed to all Internet users. Please exercise caution and common sense when submitting personal details (such as address or telephone number) and concerning responses and communications you may receive following the use of Ynet Sites or the posting of any of your details. Remember: When submitting information and receiving responses, you should demonstrate, at the very least, the same degree of caution as when making contact by any means other than the Internet.


Yedioth Internet recommends that you treat the contents published on the Internet, including the contents posted by Ynet Sites' users, cautiously and critically. Please treat such contents with precaution and prudence. Such contents are not posted on behalf of Yedioth Internet and it therefore bears no responsibility for the authenticity, reliability, accuracy or completeness thereof and shall have no liability for any consequence resulting from the use thereof or reliance thereupon. Please keep in mind at all times that such contents are no substitute for consulting with the proper professionals, such as lawyers, physicians, certified professionals etc., where necessary.


Services Requiring Registration

You will find services on Ynet Sites that require registration. You may enjoy any such service and use it after completing the registration process, providing the details required in the course of the registration and giving your consent to the online agreement pertaining to the service.


The use of some of the services that require registration is subject to payment of subscription fees. The instructions that apply to the payment of the subscription fees are also found in the online agreement pertaining to the service, which you shall be requested to confirm.


In the course of the registration for the service you will be asked to provide personal details such as: First name, surname, place of residence, your credit card details (in case of a service that is subject to a subscription fee) and your current e-mail address. You must provide only true, accurate and complete details and you hereby confirm that the details you provided are correct. Incorrect details may prevent you from using the service and being contacting when the need arises. You must inform Ynet of any updates or changes to your contact details by contacting the Customer Service Department or through the service site online.


The data that you provide in the course of the registration will be stored in a database owned by Yedioth Internet. You are not required by law to provide this information, but if you do not provide it, you will not be able to use the service you registered for. Yedioth Internet shall only use your details in accordance with Ynet Sites' Privacy Policy, which is located at,7340,L-3048313,00.html and constitutes an integral part of these Terms of Use.


In the course of registration for a service you will be requested to choose a user name and password which will identify you whenever you access the service. Yedioth Internet may determine and require, from time to time, additional or alternative methods of identification.


Keep your user name and password confidential in order to avoid any misuse. Remember to change your password as frequently as possible, at least once every six months.


Yedioth Internet may prevent you from using any service which requires registration, at its sole discretion. Without derogating from the aforesaid, Yedioth Internet may cancel your registration or block you from accessing any service, in any of the following cases:


• If you intentionally provided incorrect details while registering for a service;


• If you committed any act or omission, which harm or may harm Yedioth Internet or any third party, including other subscribers, and writers or suppliers of Yedioth Internet;


• If you used the services or the additional services provided on Ynet Sites to commit or to attempt to commit any illegal act according to the laws of the State of Israel, or an act which appears, on its face, to be illegal as aforesaid, or to enable, facilitate, assist or encourage the commission of such an act;


• If you violated these Terms of Use or the terms of use of any other Ynet Sites service;


• If you made no use of the service for longer than four consecutive months, even after receiving e-mail notification thereof;


• If you perform any action which will prevent others from subscribing to a service or from continuing to enjoy the service in any way;


• If you transferred the user name and password, which were allocated to you in the course of registration, for use by any third party;


• If your credit card was blocked or the use thereof was limited in any way (insofar as usage of the service is subject to a subscription fee);


• If you have any monetary debt to Yedioth Internet or to any corporation under its control and have failed to pay that debt, despite the lapse of the due date for payment thereof.


Links on Ynetnews

Ynet Sites provide links to various pages on the Internet. Such links may direct you to various contents on the Internet. Most of the contents are not published by Yedioth Internet or on its behalf, and Yedioth Internet does not control or supervise such contents. The fact that Ynet Sites contain links to such contents does not indicate that Yedioth Internet consents to such contents and does not provide any guarantee of their authenticity, correctness and lawfulness and the practices of the owners of such contents on privacy matters and in any other aspect related to their operation. You may find that such contents do not correspond to your needs or that you object to their content or consider them to be aggravating, annoying, improper, illegal or immoral. Yedioth Internet is not responsible for the contents to which the links lead and is not responsible for any consequence resulting from your use thereof or reliance thereon.


Yedioth Internet does not warrant that the links in Ynet Sites will function properly and lead you to an active website. Yedioth Internet may remove links from Ynet Sites or refrain from adding new links, at its sole discretion.


The Ynet online search engine is managed and operated by a third party, reflecting the personal discretion of its editors and/or the algorithm at the basis of its operation. Consequently, the search results and/or recommendations pertaining to the results according to the search values you enter should not be seen as legally binding and should not be considered objective as to an evaluation of the suitability of the search results to the values you entered and/or to your subjective goals, and the inclusion of such a search engine on Ynet is in no way a recommendation to rely on the search results one way or another. The order in which the search results are listed in the index is not indicative of their nature or importance, and Yedioth Internet has no control over the order of their appearance. The search engine algorithm, which determines the results’ order of appearance, may do so also on the basis of commercial considerations (but results so promoted will be identified appropriately). The contents and nature of websites often change. Therefore, the search results presented to you may be incomplete, inaccurate and/or not up-to-date.


Submitting Content through the Red Email

Without derogating from the aforesaid, and subject to the provisions hereof, I confirm that the details I have provided are true and accurate, that the intellectual property rights, including the copyright of the information I am submitting to Yedioth Internet through this form, are my exclusive property or the property of a party represented by me. I understand that sending the information to Yedioth Internet constitutes a free, worldwide and perpetual license to publish the information wherever and whenever Yedioth Internet sees fit, and I grant Yedioth Internet permission to use the information as it sees fit, including handing it over to third parties. I understand and agree I am not entitled to any compensation, financial or otherwise, for providing this information, and that Yedioth Internet is not obligated to publish my name as the source for the information (apart from giving credit for a photo or work of art). I confirm my agreement for investigation of the information, and I understand that the editorial staff is not obligated to publish it. I further confirm that I have given my consent to changes and to editing the information. If I sign on behalf of an organization, I declare that I am authorized to approve and commit on behalf of that organization.


Content That Does Not Substitute Professional Advice

Ynet Sites provide economic contents, including information pertaining to the stock market, quotes of securities traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and of Israeli shares traded abroad, accumulated data about public companies, information about foreign currency trade and other reports on legal, medical and other issues. Some of this Content originates from Yedioth Internet and some is provided, managed and operated by content providers.


Although efforts are made to coordinate and process such Contents, errors may occur in the process of reception, processing and posting thereof. If you wish to make use of such Contents, you must check and verify the same. The posting thereof constitutes no recommendation or opinion and must not be relied on as a substitute to professional advice. Therefore, you bear sole responsibility for any decision you make regarding the use of any Contents you find on Ynet Sites.


Privacy Policy

Yedioth Internet respects your privacy on Ynet Sites. The current privacy policy of Ynet Sites is located at,7340,L-3048313,00.html and constitutes an inseparable part of these Terms of Use. Given that the privacy policy may change from time to time, Yedioth Internet recommends that you read it periodically.


Commercial Contents

Ynet Sites include commercial contents, such as advertisements, that are posted on behalf of various advertisers or users, who seek to offer goods or services for sale. Such contents may be expressed by texts, images or sounds.


Yedioth Internet shall bear no responsibility for commercial contents posted on Ynet Sites. Yedioth Internet does not write, check, verify or edit the content or the correctness of such advertisements. The advertisers bear sole responsibility for any commercial content and for any consequence resulting from the use of such contents or from reliance upon them. The posting of commercial contents on Ynet Sites does not constitute a recommendation or an encouragement to purchase the services, the goods or the products offered for sale.


Any transaction made further to commercial contents posted on Ynet Sites shall be negotiated directly between yourself and the relevant advertiser. Yedioth Internet shall not be a party to any such transaction and it shall bear no responsibility for the goods and services offered in or purchased based on the commercial contents on Ynet Sites


Your subscription to services which demand registration and/or the submission of personal information upon the purchase of a product or service through Ynet Sites or their sub-websites (Ynetshops, WinWin, Ynettours, etc.) will serve as your authorization to be included on the mailing list of various commercial bodies, including the relevant website, via email, SMS, etc. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, upon receiving any advertisement, you may announce your refusal to continue receiving such ads. Until you do so, you will continue to receive the said ads.


Intellectual Property

Any copyrights and intellectual property on Ynet Sites, in the services offered thereon and in any Content contained therein (except for contents posted by you and by other users of the site) are the exclusive property of Yedioth Internet and/or Yedioth Ahronoth, or a third party which authorized Yedioth Internet to make use thereof. You may not copy, distribute, display in public, perform in public, make available to the public, change, arrange, create derivative works, sell or lease any of the aforesaid, whether by yourself or through or jointly with any third party, by any means or device, whether electronic, mechanical or optic, photographic or recording, or in any other way, without the prior written consent of Yedioth Internet or the other right-holders, as applicable and subject to the conditions of such consent (to the extent given). This provision shall also apply to any arrangement, editing or translation made by Yedioth Internet in relation to any content that you have entered into or submitted to the Sites.


If and to the extent that such consent has been given, you shall not remove, delete or distort any intellectual property notice or sign—e.g. the copyright sign © or the trademark sign ®—affixed to the contents you will use.


Trademarks and advertisements of advertisers on the site are the exclusive property of these advertisers. You may not make any use of any such trademarks and advertisements either without the prior written consent of the relevant advertiser.


Yedioth Internet does not claim title to contents you post on Ynet Sites. However, by providing contents for publication on Ynet Sites you confirm that you hold all the rights to the contents and that you are entitled to post them. If you are not the author or the right-holder of the contents you provide for publication, then you represent that you are duly authorized by the right-holder to post the contents on Ynet Sites and to grant rights of use as specified below.


By providing contents for publication you grant Yedioth Internet a free, worldwide and perpetual license to copy, duplicate, distribute, market, make available to the public, arrange, edit, translate and otherwise use such contents, at its discretion, on Ynet Sites, in printed material, including newspapers, magazines, periodicals, books etc., on digital media, including other websites, in digital archives and in services provided on telecommunication networks, including wired, wireless, cellular, cable and satellite communications.


Yedioth Internet’s Responsibility

The Contents on Ynet Sites are offered for use “As Is.” They cannot be customized to fulfill the needs of each and every user. You shall have no claim, suit or demand against Yedioth Internet due to the features of the Contents, their capabilities, limitations, compliance with your needs or responses resulting (if any) from the publication of Contents on Ynet Sites.


Use of Ynet Sites is, therefore, performed at your full and sole responsibility.


Yedioth Internet does not guarantee that you will receive responses to contents which you post on Ynet Sites. Yedioth Internet has no way of knowing what responses (if any) you will receive subsequent to your posting or who may respond to the contents you post. Therefore, Yedioth Internet bears no responsibility whatsoever to you (or anyone on your behalf) for such responses, for the identity of the persons addressing you or for any result deriving from the posting. Furthermore, Yedioth Internet will bear no responsibility for any use made by any third party of contents that you post.


You bear full and sole responsibility for any decision you may take in relation to contents posted on Ynet Sites. Yedioth Internet does not guarantee that contents and services of third parties, including content and service providers, as well as users, posted on Ynet Sites, are complete, correct, lawful or accurate or that they comply with your expectations and requirements. Therefore, Yedioth Internet has no liability whatsoever for any consequence resulting from the above or from the use of or reliance upon them.


We reiterate that correct professional advice depends on the exact circumstances of each and every case. The Contents on Ynet Sites are not a substitute for such advice. This is true especially and in particular in regards to Contents posted in communities and discussion groups (forums), including contents posted by the administrators of the communities and discussion groups. Such Contents are not a substitute for professional counsel, when needed (e.g. a response posted by a medical specialist to a question raised in the framework of a discussion group is not a substitute for seeking medical counsel or care, as the case may be). Such Contents may sometimes reflect a certain approach or personal opinion of the writer. Therefore, they should be treated with the necessary caution. If you decide to rely on Contents posted on Ynet Sites or to act upon them, you bear full and sole responsibility for your actions and for the resultant consequences.


Yedioth Internet does not undertake that Ynet Sites services shall operate without disruption or interruption or be provided regularly, function safely and without error, or be immune to unauthorized access to Yedioth Internet’s computers or to damage, malfunctions, failures and defects—in hardware, software, communication lines and systems, at Yedioth Internet or at any of its providers.



You undertake to indemnify Yedioth Internet, its employees, managers or anyone on its behalf, for any damage, loss, loss of profits, payment or expense they will incur—including legal fees and trial costs—due to the violation of these Terms of Use. Furthermore, you will indemnify Yedioth Internet, its employees and managers or anyone on its behalf, for any claim, suit and/or demand made against them by any third party as a result of contents you posted on Ynet Sites and of links you created to Ynet Sites.


Changes in the Website and Termination of Services

Yedioth Internet may, from time to time, change the structure, display and design of the Sites and the scope and availability of the services offered, charge payment for such contents and services at its discretion and change any other aspect related to the Sites—all without any need for prior notification. Such alterations shall be performed, among others things, while taking into account the dynamic nature of the Internet and the technological and other changes which may occur from time to time. By their very nature, such changes may entail malfunctions and/or may initially cause inconvenience, etc. You will have no claim, suit and/or demand against Yedioth Internet as a result of the execution of such changes and/or of malfunctions deriving from their execution.


Without derogating from the aforesaid, Yedioth Internet may terminate all or part of these services from time to time. Yedioth Internet shall give reasonable advance notice on the relevant website regarding termination of the services. Upon termination of the services, Yedioth Internet shall store the material contained on Ynet Sites for an additional reasonable period of time and shall then be permitted to delete it without saving any back-up thereof and with no further notice.


Arbitration and Jurisdiction

This agreement shall be governed solely by the laws of the State of Israel, without giving effect to any conflicts of law principles.


Any dispute which may arise between the parties, including disputes concerning usage of Ynet Sites and/or concerning these Terms of Use, as well as the specific online agreements relating to certain services on Ynet Sites, shall be brought before an arbitrator who is an attorney proficient in the field of electronic commerce and Internet, and whose identity shall be determined by the President of the Israel Bar Association at the request of any of the parties.


The arbitrator shall be entitled to grant provisional remedies and interim orders. The arbitration shall take place in the city of Tel Aviv. The arbitrator shall not be bound by the rules of civil procedure but shall be bound by the law of evidence and substantive law. The arbitrator shall give reasons for his decision.


Notwithstanding the aforesaid, should any of the parties to this agreement be sued by a third party, in any legal proceeding whatsoever, the defendant, notwithstanding the aforesaid, may include the other party to this agreement in such judicial process, and in such event this arbitration agreement shall not apply.


The competent court for purposes of the Arbitration Law, 5728-1968, shall be the courts located in the city of Tel Aviv.


This section constitutes an arbitration agreement between the parties for all intents and purposes.


Subject to and without derogating from the aforesaid, in any matter that does not fall within the jurisdiction of the arbitrator, or any matter in which this arbitration agreement does not apply, for any reason whatsoever, exclusive jurisdiction shall lie with the competent court in the Tel Aviv District and the Central District in Israel.


Contact Us

Yedioth Internet strictly obeys the provisions of the law and respects the right of users of the Sites and others to privacy and to a good reputation. If you think that any Content posted on the Sites injures you for any reason, please contact us according to the following details and we shall make efforts to handle your claim as soon as possible.


Customer Service Department

Yedioth Internet

1 Noah Mozes St,

Rishon Lezion


You may also contact us by fax: 972-3-6932466 (please write “Attention: Customer Service”) or by e-mail: [email protected].


פרסום ראשון: 02.20.05, 12:38