Tank in Gaza Strip -250 youngsters refuse to serve there
Photo: Reuters
TEL AVIV - A group of 250 highschoolers from across the country have signed a letter declaring they refuse to join the army because of their opposition to the occupation.
One of the youngsters, 18-year-old Eyal Barami, has been designated for combat service but says he does not intend to go ahead with the army’s plans.
“I am unwilling to serve the occupation and racism in the army, and I ask for an exemption,” he told Ynet.
“Every human being deserves basic rights - The right to life, equality, dignity, and freedom. Our moral and civilian obligation is to act for the protection of those rights, by refusing to take part in the occupation and oppression policy,” the student letter reads.
The youngsters, however, emphasize that they are interested in contributing to society in an alternative way, which does not entail hurting others.
‘Spend less on security'
Some of students have openly declared their refusal to serve before and are willing to face justice and even serve a prison term, 17-year-old Aviv Sela says.
The idea for the letter did not stem from a specific incident, he says, but rather, as are result of a process that has been going on for several years.
“The injustices caused by the IDF do not contribute much to our security,” he says.
“My parents don’t support my refusal to serve in the army, but they support me as their son and stand behind me,” Barami says. “I’m unwilling to try to change things within the system, because I believe the change won’t come from the inside. It’s an undemocratic system.”
If Israel wishes to be like countries that enjoy peace, the government must spend less money on security needs and direct more resources to education and welfare, he says.
“We’re in war for 40 years already, and they didn’t try to stop the occupation or end it somehow,” he says.