
Photo: AFP
Will France win?
Photo: AFP

Israeli to represent France

Israeli-born singer Ortal has been chosen as the French representative at upcoming Eurovision song contest

Israeli-born singer Ortal has been chosen to represent France in the upcoming Eurovision song contest in Kiev on the 21st of May.


The 26 year-old Ortal, who moved to France at a young age, has a cross-cultural musical style, which combines rhythm and pop. Her cheery “Chacun Pense à Soi” ("Everyone Thinks of Themselves") will provide France with its first upbeat entry in many years.


The singer has performed with various groups from the age of 16. By participating in the French national final of the Eurovision Song Contest selection, she hoped to reach a wider audience.


Britain's Jewish connection


In the United Kingdom, Javine has won the public’s vote. Her Jewish manager Jonathan Shalit said he was “absolutely thrilled, delighted and overwhelmed” by her victory.


However, he fears that Javine’s Eurovision dream could be dealt a serious blow by Great Britain’s unpopularity in the global community.


Shalit explained that if it were a question of quality, Javine would definitely win.


“But we (the British) have become a victim of the way politicians behave,” he said.


How will Israel do?


The opening of the Eurovision Song Contest will take place on May 16 in Kiev’s Mariinsky Palace. The official draw for the semifinal and final will be announced on March 22.


Israel, which has won the contest three times in the past, will be represented by youngster Shiri Maimon.


Notably, the country's previous victories have all coincided with advances in regional peace negotiations, first with Egypt and later with the Palestinians.


This year, it still remains to be seen whether renewed contacts between Israel and the Palestinians and a greater sense of optimism sweeping through the region would catapult Maimon into a respectable showing at the competition.


Published by arrangement with European Jewish Press , a pan-European news agency based in Belgium


-Yigal Walt also contributed to this report


פרסום ראשון: 03.21.05, 01:10
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