TEL AVIV- Jason Danino-Holt, who is just 18-years-old, is still trying to adjust to the idea that he will soon begin his new job as MTV Europe’s youngest ever host.
“I still can’t get used to the idea that I will become a host on MTV,” said Danino-Holt, who spent the weekend in Prague after winning the competition.
“I have already met senior officials from MTV, I was briefed on the work and I almost fainted. It’s like a dream,” he said.
Danino-Holt is the third Israeli representative to take up the prestigious post, following in the footsteps of Eden Harel and Beckie Griffin, who recently finished her stint. On his way to the top he beat another Israeli candidate, fashion model Etgar Boner, as well as candidates from Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and, Hungary.
Jason was born and raised in Tel Aviv, and is currently completing his studies at the Telma Yalin School of Arts in Tel Aviv. His English sounding name comes from his British born father (Martin Holt) and his Canadian born mother (Chantal Danino.)
On graduating high school in July he will move into his new apartment in London. According to Danino, he was exempted from compulsory military service due to health problems.
Wasn’t optimistic about winning
Danino says he was not very optimistic before the finals, which took place at the Israeli Ken Velo Fashion Center in Prague.
“The other contestants were good, but at least I knew my English would pass. It was a close contest,” he said. “I am supposed to host the magazine ‘Switch On’ once a week, which will focus on the cultural and night life in Europe.”
Danino also said he plans to speak to the former Israeli MTV host Eden Harel for some tips on what to expect.
“I am proud that Israel is sending an Israeli representative to MTV for the third consecutive time, and I am going to push the fact that I am Israeli,” he said.